Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 10)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

The next few days for Harry were miserable. Not quite sure where his outburst came from, he wished he could take it back. It was something he said in the heat of the moment, the dirtiest thought that came to him. It didn’t really mean anything… did it?

During those days, spent well away from Ms. Davies, Harry had plenty of time to think. And yet, after all that time deep in contemplation, the answer still wasn’t clear.

He told himself that theres no way he’d actually want to see that happen. Having already seen it, he hated Michael for it. However, there was also no denying that if his body hadn’t been petrified solid at the time, he probably would’ve had an erection. But is that maybe just because of Ms. Davies? He had spent so much time wondering what she looked like naked and he finally got to see it. Perhaps it had nothing to do with Michael? But perhaps it did. As confused as ever, the only thing Harry knew for certain is that he shouldn’t have said it.

Unable to avoid Ms. Davies completely, Defence classes were extremely uncomfortable. He sat as close to the back as he could, and the few times their eyes met he’d quickly look away. During those split seconds when their eyes connected, he didn’t see condemnation or disgust. Then again, he only looked for a second.

But could he salvage this? She made him happier than he’d ever felt before and he desperately wanted to get things back to how they were the previous week. He needed to make things right, and show her that what he said had meant nothing.

Its not possible, the voice in the back of his head piped up. You ruined it and theres nothing you can do. Short of stealing a time-turner, you’ve squandered your one chance.

And another, more sinister voice said that she was probably riding Michael in her spare time.

He quickly shook that last thought away.

Feeling completely and utterly defeated, Harry resigned himself to just sulking and wondering what could’ve been. He knew he’d get over her, but he also knew it wouldn’t be quick. It would be a long painful process, that he hopefully wouldn’t have to go through.

Five days after his moment of “honesty”, Harry was sitting in Defence class as close to the back as he could. He still had no clear answer as to whether he genuinely had this new fetish, or it was just a strange outburst, possibly caused by the little bit of Michael in his head. Not really caring about the answer, he stopped trying to find it. It wouldn’t make a difference.

He sat there, taking notes and avoiding eye contact with his professor, when finally class was over.

“Class dismissed.” Ms. Davies said cheerily. “Harry, can I have a word?”

Harry’s heart began pumping so hard and fast that he was sure it would tear out of his chest. Was she going to scold him? Officially end things between them? Or was she possibly going to forgive him and they’d move on?

He had no idea what to expect, thrown off by her cheery attitude, and warm smile. Was it just for show for the rest of the class?

Completely overthinking every possibility, Harry remained seated, until all of his classmates had left the classroom.

Ms. Davies walked towards him, and he seriously considered sprinting out the door. But the moment passed as she was now right in front of him, and he sadly saw her smile falter for a second.

“Harry.” She spoke slowly, choosing her words carefully. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and I want to make things right.”

Harrys heart continued to pound away, but now for a different reason.

“M-Me too, Professor!” Harry said, unable to hide his excitement.

She smiled widely.

“I’m glad. I’ve had a pretty miserable week.”

“Me too.” Harry repeated, ecstatic that it wasn’t just him.

“So, why don’t you come to my room tonight at eight?”

“Yeah, that sounds great! I’ll see you tonight, Professor.”

“Call me Hayley.” She said, making Harry’s heart soar.

No longer feeling the need to look away, their eyes were locked together. He saw the warmth and joy at their reconciliation, but he thought he also saw something else. Something like regret. But he brushed it aside, not wanting to ruin this wonderful moment.

“Alright. See you tonight, Hayley.” And with that, emboldened by the lion on his chest, he kissed her. And without hesitation, she kissed him back. Wanting to kiss her forever, he begrudgingly separated his lips from hers, and left her classroom practically skipping.

Harry found it impossible to concentrate on anything else all day. He knew fully well how horrible he did in charms and transfiguration, but he didn’t care. Neither Flitwicks quiet disapproval, nor McGonagals loud scolding could ruin his day. Harry even didn’t care about Snapes particularly nasty remarks about his potion. It didn’t matter, none of it did. The only thing that mattered was her.

7:50 came slowly and torturously, but finally it was time for him to make his way over to Hayleys room. He didn’t know what to expect, but he didn’t care. Whether they had sex or just made out, he’d be delighted with either. Hell, even just a conversation about that very uncomfortable thing he had said would be dramatically better than how he had spent his previous nights.

He arrived at her room at eight o’clock on the dot. He knocked on her door, unable to stop his joy emanating from his knuckles. Hayley opened the door, still wearing that same smile she left him with earlier. Joyous, but with a hint of something else. Again, Harry brushed it aside, nothing was going to squash his happiness. Nothing.

“Come in.” She said, and stood aside so he could enter.

Harry crossed the threshold, wearing a massive grin, but it was quickly wiped off of his face.

Maybe not nothing.

Harry stood there, frozen, and was staring Michael Corner in the eye.

“Evening, Potter.” Michael smiled wickedly, while sitting on one of Hayleys chairs. “Right on time. Perfect.”

Hayley closed the door and walked past Harry awkwardly, not looking him in the eye. She walked over to where Michael sat and stood beside him, turning to face Harry. She forced herself to look him in the eye.

“I-I know this is probably a bit of a surprise.” She said sheepishly. “If I’m being honest, its a surprise to me. But I thought a lot about what you said. About what you wanted and-and so I-“

“She told me everything.” Michael finished her sentence for her. “And I have to say that I’m completely onboard. When she told me I thought ‘I too want Potter to watch me fuck you.’”

Michael looked from Harry to Hayley, but neither of them said anything. Harry was still mentally petrified, and Hayley was blushing slightly.

“I guess last time we gave quite the performance.” Said Michael, revelling in the situation. “Good enough to get a return audience. I guess that just means we’ll need to put on a particularly good show this time. Something to really hold Potter over for a while. Any ideas, Ms. Davies?”

Hayley shook her head, her cheeks still pink.

“Well thats alright. I’ve got plenty. But first things first, I need to hear you say it. I need to hear you say you want me to fuck Ms. Davies.”

Harry’s fist clenched as he looked into Michaels smug face.

Harry had deliberately put off this question for a simple reason: he didn’t want to know the answer. Didn’t want to confront the reality as to whether or not he actually wanted it. Its often easier to set things aside instead of facing them head on. And as someone who often faced his problems head on, Harry felt he had a good reason to put this one off.

But now that he couldn’t avoid it, couldn’t put it off, he wasn’t happy with the answer. Because the answer was yes, seeing Michael with Hayley was hot. Devastating, but hot. And did the prospect of seeing it again, up close and personal, turn him on? Yes it did. And Michael already knew it. He just wanted to torture him.

“Yes.” Harry said quietly.

“Yes what?” Michael asked, grinning.

“I want to watch you… fuck Hayley.”

Harry looked at Hayley, saw her pink cheeks, and how timid she looked for such a strong confident woman. It was strange seeing her like that. It was almost as if a different person wore her skin.

“I’m sorry.” Said Harry, meaning it. “I like you much more than I want this. You don’t have to do this.”

Hayley, comforted by Harry’s words, seemed to perk up a bit. Still uncomfortable, the thought of having sex with Michael again both excited and disgusted her.

Hayley had never done anything crazy until she had met Michael. And while she partially regretted it, she also had always wanted to “sow some wild oats.” Just be wild and impulsive, and have meaningless sex with an attractive man. And she felt like she had accomplished that, all with one man. One perverted man, with an extremely great penis. So, while Michaels misogynistic ways repulsed her, they also made her wet.

“Its ok, Harry.” She said, meeting his eye and feeling stronger. “I want this too. I also like you much more than I want it, but why cant we have both?”

They smiled at each other assuringly, each completely understanding the other, and their current desires. There was no judgment in either’s eyes. Maybe traces of fear, but no judgment, and at least they were here together.

“So we’re all agreed?” Asked Michael.

“Yes.” Said Harry.

“We are.” Agreed Hayley.

“Good.” Said Michael. “Take off your clothes.”

Hayley looked from Harry to Michael. Then, slowly, she began unbuttoning her blouse, and removed it. She stood there wearing a black bra as she undid her pants and stepped out of them, revealing matching black underwear.

Harry stared at her barely covered body, still in awe of it. She was so beautiful, and had such an incredible body. Feeling his pants tighten, Harry watched as Michael stopped Hayley from undoing her bra, and stood up. Michael wanted to be the one to present his prize to himself and Harry.

Michael stood in front of her, reached behind, and undid the clasp of her bra. He pulled the black straps from her shoulders, and slid them off of her arms, before completely removing it and exposing her perfect breasts to himself and Harry.

“Damn, I never get tired of seeing these.” Michael said, and he grabbed one of her large breasts in his hand and squeezed it. “How about you, Potter? They put a smile on your face?”

Both Hayley and Michael looked at Harry. Harry watched as Michael groped her breast, rubbing her erect nipple with his thumb. Harry felt strange watching the lecherous asshole play with her breasts. A mixture of disgust and desire mingled together as Michaels perverted hands played with Harry’s lovers breasts. However, the desire overrode the disgust, and frankly the disgust increased the desire.

“Of course.” Said Harry, staring at Hayleys nipple, between Michaels thumb and forefinger. “They’re perfect.”

Hayley smiled at him, and Harry smiled back warmly.

“That they are.” Michael said, and he leaned down and took her nipple in his mouth.

Harry saw Hayley’s mouth drop open as Michael began sucking on her nipple. She looked Harry in the eye, cheeks bright pink, and was unable to suppress a light moan from escaping her lips. She looked at him almost apologetically, but this is what he wanted. What they both wanted. And certainly what Michael wanted.

Having come to terms with the fact that this is what he wanted, Harry felt his cock get fully hard as he watched Michael feast on Hayleys amazing nipple. And Hayley clearly enjoyed it as well, as more moans came from her lovely lips. But no one enjoyed this more than Michael, as his pink tongue lapped at her pink nipple.

Michael, having gotten a good taste of Hayleys nipple, popped it out of his mouth with a loud wet suction sound. It sounded slightly sadistic to Harry’s ears, and made Hayleys cheeks temporarily go from pink to red. Michael clearly wanted them both to hear how much he was enjoying her body.

Harry stared at Hayleys wet, stiff nipple, completely hard, and hoping Michael sucked on the other. Hoping that he made more disgusting sounds on her angelic body.

“Fuck your tits are delicious.” Michael said, grabbing her wet breast in his hand and swirling his thumb around her nipple. Then he looked her in the eye, smiling in that way he does. “You like me sucking on your big titties?”

Hayley glanced at Harry, then back at Michael.

“Yes.” She said, quietly, wishing he could somehow suck on them both simultaneously.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I like when you suck on my tits.” Said admitted, her face bright red.

“Hold up the other one for me.” Michael grinned even wider.

Hayley complied, cupping her right breast and holding it up for Michael, with only a split seconds hesitation. Something as small as that made her feel even dirtier.

It didn’t make it much easier for Michael to suck on, he just liked watching her obey him. He was determined to milk this situation for all its worth, happy to watch his professor degrade herself for him; and especially happy that Potter was there to witness it.

Leaning down once again, Michaels lips wrapped around her other nipple, making loud, slightly gross sounds as he suckled on her breast.

Hayley gasped slightly as Michael playfully bit her nipple. He did this a couple more times, each eliciting a cry from the busty professor, but they were cries of pleasure as much as pain.

Harry felt precum leak out of his stiff cock into his underwear, as he watched Michael start to lick all over Hayleys breast. They began to shine in the dim light of the room, as they were being coated in Michaels saliva.

Knowing that Michael was savouring every lick, and licking every part of her wonderful breasts, gave Harry another mixture of disgust and desire. Watching the creep lick her globes all over, Harry knew that desire was winning out yet again.

Michael took the next few minutes to lick every inch of her perfect breasts, confident that this was his last chance. And so he savoured them, delighting in licking all over his teachers breasts, knowing that he’d never forget how they taste. And hoping that whenever she’d see him in class, shed feel his mouth on her breasts.

Finally finished his oral attack on her breasts, he took a step back to admire them in all their shining glory.

And so did Harry, his eyes glued to Hayleys wet breasts. Knowing exactly who did that to them, he felt his cock throb in his pants. He was a little disgusted by how much he was enjoying this. But that was the point.

“Now that you’ve been sucked on, I think its my turn.” Said Michael, removing his shirt, and undoing his pants. “Its time to show Harry just how good that mouth is with a serious piece of meat.” And with that, Michael dropped his pants and underwear simultaneously, and his large cock sprung out.

Pointing directly at Hayley, she couldn’t take her eyes off of it, having previously forgotten how nice Michaels cock was. And now she was drinking in its length, girth, and how big his balls were.

Seeing the look of lust in her eyes, Michael turned to Harry.

“She look at you like that the first time you took your meat out?” Michael asked Harry, while lightly stroking his fat cock.

Harry frowned back, wishing he didn’t love the slutty look on Hayleys face as she stared, transfixed, at Michaels member. Again he felt that she looked like a different person, standing there with her shining breasts and sultry look on her face.

“Well,” Continued Michael. “If that upsets you, you’re not gonna want to see how her face looks when its inside her.”

Michael bobbed his cock up and down, and Hayley refrained from touching herself, despite the tingling in her cooch.

“See, she missed my cock as much as I missed her tits and twat.” Said Michael, sensing Hayleys desire. “Now, drop to your knees and suck on my meat.”

Hayley, furious at herself for feeling so eager, dropped to her knees at Michaels feet and looked up at him past his thick cock, which dangled overhead as she slumped down on her knees.

“Professor, you look so good on your knees.” Said Michael, and grabbing his cock, he began to bob it onto Hayleys forehead. “Doesn’t she look cute Potter?”

Harry fought the urge to punch the smirk off of Michaels face, and looked down at Michaels meat dangling on her forehead. Harry had to admit, she looked pretty fucking hot, and extremely slutty with her students cock on her head.

“Yeah, she does.” Said Harry, and Hayley looked over at him and smiled, with Michaels balls now on her cheek.

“Damn, I must’ve really broke you, Potter.” Said Michael, proud of his accomplishments from the last few weeks. “Why don’t you suck on my balls, beautiful? I’m sure Potter would love to see that.”

Hayley gave Harry one last little smile before turning towards Michael, feeling his balls drag across her face. Tilting her head to look up at Michael, with his testicle forcing her one eye shut, she slipped her hand between her legs. Feeling her wetness through her underwear, Hayley grabbed Michaels cock, and started to slowly lick his huge balls.

Licking them all over, her tongue lapping at his hairless testicles, she found the taste somewhat pleasant. She looked up at Michael, while opening her mouth wide and gently taking one of his testicles in her mouth. Her eyes met his, and he stared down at her gleefully.

Michael didn’t say a word for multiple minutes. He just watched as his professor licked and sucked on his balls, while rubbing herself through her panties. This is what he wanted from the beginning. Ms. Davies on her knees pleasing him, knowing fully what an asshole he is, but doing it anyway. Pleasing him regardless of how filthy it made her feel. This was his payoff.

Having Potter there was just a bonus. The cherry on top of the already perfect sundae. And he was going to take his time enjoying it. And he was going to rub it in the stunning teachers face, literally and figuratively.

“What was it you said to me last week?” Michael asked, as Hayley struggled to get both of his large testicles into her warm mouth at once. Her eyes narrowed and did the talking for her overstuffed mouth. “Something about my forked tongue never coming anywhere near your body again? Huh, your glistening tits say otherwise.”

Michael let those words sink in, and was overjoyed when she popped his balls out of her mouth. She looked like she was going to scold him for a second. A professor reprimanding her student. But she knew it would give him more satisfaction and began licking his shaft instead. Her eyes were fixed on his.

“Not even a full week and here you are.” Said Michael, hoping Harry could focus on the words coming from his mouth over the slurping sounds coming from Hayleys. “On your knees, your tits wet from my forked tongue, and the taste of my sweaty balls in your mouth. Its funny, you spent the entire year teaching us defence against the darks arts, and yet I’ve made you submit to mine. I’m not delusional, I know I’m fucked in the head. My fetish’s are dark, and yet you fell to them with very little resistance. You, the one person who should know better than anybody. And here you are, licking my dick, on your knees. My busty little cock slut, savouring my taste. Now tell me honestly, how does that make you feel?”

Hayley stopped licking Michaels bulbous head, and considered ending things there. His smug demeanour was almost too much. She considered yelling at Harry for putting her back in this situation, and ending things with him as well. But she couldn’t, because she knew it was neither of their fault, less so Harry’s. It was her fault. She allowed Michael to get ahold of her, manipulate her, and use her. And she allowed this moment to happen. Why? Because she fucking loved it. Because it made her feel incredible. True, it made her feel disgusting, but out of that disgust flowed multiple good feelings.

“How does that make you feel?” Michael repeated, grinning down lecherously.

Hayley debated for a moment longer, before being honest.

“Wet.” She said simply, and she took his fat cock head in her warm, wet mouth and started to suck his cock.

“Good girl.” Michael said, and his words elicited a moan from buxom brunette.

There was no point pretending. Hayley was all in and ready to let Michael use and degrade her in any way he wanted. He could belittle her with any words he liked, it didn’t matter. As long as she came, he could say whatever he wanted. It made no real difference. It didn’t really mean anything at all. At the end of the day, she still had the power to decide his future. So what if he had the power right now?

Maybe thats what was so hot about it? The fact that this little pervert, who had no real power over her, was still in control. The only powerful thing he had was between his legs, and funnily enough, it controlled him as much as it controlled her.

Smiling, with his cock halfway in her mouth, she started to deep-throat him, taking as much of his sweaty meat as she could.

“Fuck!” Michael groaned, as his balls hit his professors chin. Michael grabbed her hair and held her there. “How’s she look Potter?”

Harry stared at Hayley, her eyes watering from having Michael so deep in her throat. Her mascara was running slightly, and she looked unbelievably sexy with something so large in her mouth.

Michael pulled his cock out, allowing her to breath easy, then slowly slid it back in, filling her up again. She made no objections as Michael continued to do this, slowly facefucking her.

His fist wrapped around her silky hair, Michael grunted as he continually felt his cock hit the back of her throat, and his balls slap her chin.

Harry was mesmerized, never thinking he’d hear such a slutty gargling sound coming from such a respectable, well put together teacher. And yet, here he was watching tears stream down her cheeks as Michael fucked her mouth like it was her pussy. It was a strange, wonderful sight.

The tears may as well have been tears of joy, as Hayleys eyes rolled into the back of her head, delighting in her degradation. She was fully embracing it. After tonight, her wild oats would be sown, and it would be just her and Harry. And maybe shed ask him to facefuck her as well.

Nearing his orgasm, but yet not wanting to cum, Michael slid his cock out of her mouth completely.

Hayley gasped for air, as multiple strands of her spit draped out of her mouth and stuck to Michaels cock, with a bit of her saliva dripping onto her breasts. Her saliva mixed with his on her magnificent chest.

“How was that?” Michael asked, looking down at Hayley, his hand still holding her hair.

“Amazing.” She said, looking up at him devilishly.

So this is how angels become demons, thought Michael, as he slapped his spit covered cock onto Hayleys face.

She closed her eyes and giggled as his warm wet meat smacked against her cheeks and lips. Again, she needed to be all in, so that this can be done once and for all. Sticking out out her tongue, she licked Michaels cock as it tapped against her lips.

“Doesn’t she make a good slut?” Michael asked Harry, rubbing his cock against her lips.

Hayley looked at Harry, Michaels fat cock rubbing against her cheek. She smiled at him before kissing the large shaft before her.

“Yes, she does.” Said Harry, admiring Hayleys slutty behaviour. Watching her kiss his cock, while smiling so warmly and affectionately at him, was really hot. He was seeing something lovely and filthy all at once.

“Well, we’re just getting started.” Said Michael. “Turn around.”

Hayley kissed his cock once more and turned around, getting on all fours. Harry and Michael admired her stunning ass, which pointed up at the latter. Wiggling her ass slightly, she enjoyed teasing the two of them.

Michael walked close to her and and spanked her ass. Hayley let out a shriek, followed by a little giggle, and she wiggled her ass some more.

Pulling her underwear to the side, Michael ran his finger along her wet slit, dipping his finger inside slightly. Moaning lightly under Michaels touch, Hayley pressed her ass into him, urging him to go deeper, but he just continued to shallowly rub her folds. Then Michael completely removed his teachers panties, tossing them over at his clothes, making a mental note to pocket them later.

“Gorgeous all over.” Said Michael and he slapped her voluptuous cheek again, this time making her groan.

Michaels finger found her anus and rubbed her juices around it, pressing in. Hayley let out a sharp breath, remembering the last time Michael licked and fingered her ass. She was very inexperienced back there, but had a suspicion that that would not be the case after tonight.

“You like that?” Michael asked, his finger slipping further into her ass.

“Mmmm yes.” She cooed, enjoying the sensation.

“Once I’ve had my fill of your pussy, I’ll see to your ass.”

Michael removed his finger and spanked her again, harder than the other two, but it just made her hornier. And Harry as well, who was finally completely comfortable watching Michael degrade and use her.

“Fuck me, Michael!” She groaned. “Stuff me with your huge cock!”

“You want that too, Potter?” Michael asked, turning to Harry.

Harry watched as Michael rubbed his meat against Hayleys pussy, and heard the delightful sounds he was drawing out of her. She was in heat, and needed to be fucked stupid. And Michael was the perfect man to do it. The perfect pervert to fulfill all three of their perverted fantasies.

Rubbing his incredibly stiff cock through his pants, Harry nodded.

“Fuck her hard.” Harry heard himself say, lost in the situation.

“I wouldn’t do it any other way.” Smiled Michael, and he slid half his length inside her.

Hayley moaned as Michael began fucking her at a steady pace, his cock stretching out her pussy. Something she thought he’d never do again, something she herself told him was never going to happen. And yet, here she was, grinning as he gave her pleasure, and took pleasure for himself. He was using her body and she loved it.

His cock pistoned in and out of her forbidden pussy, coating himself in her juices and scent. He listened to the sweet sounds emanating from her lips, but he didn’t want to hear sweet sounds: he wanted to hear a filthy whore being taken.

Michael slapped her ass again, as he picked up the pace and now the sounds weren’t so sweet.

Grunting and screaming as he continuously fucked her and spanked her, Hayley was in heaven. She felt her tight cooch stretch each time Michael entered her, and the sting of his hand slapping her jiggling ass. Moaning like a whore, this is what she needed. A dirty man fucking her brains out. Using her in front of her sweet, caring lover.

“Spank me harder!” She cried as his hand slapped her ass harder than before. The stinging, complimented by the intense pleasure of Michael stretching out her cunt, felt incredible and she looked back at him.

Their eyes met, and his grin made her feel even filthier as she watched her student spank her again, the slapping sound filling the room.

Harry watched as the sounds, sight, and smell of the room was nearly enough to make him cum. By now Michael was fucking Hayley like a ragdoll, and her ass was bright red from his hand. Her entire body moved vigorously under Michaels pounding, and Harry watched her eyes roll into the back of her head as she came, screaming like a banshee, in a way he never thought she could. She came on his fat cock, her juices spilling out of her stretched pussy.

Michael spanked her again, and kept up the pace. Then he grabbed her hips with both hands and fucked her like never before, not giving her a chance to come down from her orgasm.

“Fuck!” Was the only word she could say as Michael used her hole, roughly entering her over and over. “Fuck!”

Finally, Michael was about to cum, and he desperately wanted Potter to see his enemies cum leaking out of his lovers pussy.

“God, shes a tight slut, Potter.” Michael said, and he held his cock deep inside her, and felt himself shoot multiple thick streams of cum into her hungry twat.

Breathing heavily, and chuckling at the sexy look Hayley was giving him, Michael continued to hold his cock deep inside her. His hands rubbed her red ass, and her mouth dropped open as he gave her another light slap on her tender cheek.

Still staring back at him, she looked sexier and filthier than either Harry or Michael could’ve thought possible. Michael finally removed his cock from Hayleys well fucked pussy. As he removed it his cum began leaking out, and the sexy look on her face subsided a little. It was as if she felt empty, now that he wasn’t inside her.

Seeing that look made Harry groan in pleasure. It was a look that said that she needed more, and that she was his.

“How was that?” Asked Michael, spreading her cheeks so Harry could watch his cum leak out. And sure enough, Harry’s eyes were glued to her perfect pussy, and the thick white cream dripping out.

“Mmm great.” Hayley smiled wickedly back at him, looking satisfied. “But I believe you promised me you’d fuck my ass.”

Again, she was all in. And that meant giving Michael all three holes.

Michael smirked at her as she bit her tongue. She was his. His horny little fuck toy. Even if it was just for tonight, he’d always remember that look on her face, and she’d always remember making it.

Michael grabbed his wand and tapped it against Hayleys asshole. She tensed a bit, feeling the affects of the spell.

“It’ll make it easier, and more comfortable for you.” Said Michael. “I want you to like this as much as me. Well, nearly as much as me.”

Michael scooped up some of the cum leaking out of Hayleys pussy, and rubbed it against her asshole. Not that he needed it for lubricant, the spell would help with that, he just love seeing his cum on her little puckered hole.

Michael pressed the tip of his wet cock against her button, and started to slowly press in. His cock head slipped inside Hayleys warm, tight asshole, and he felt her trying to relax. It didn’t really matter if she was or not, the spell would prevent her from feeling any pain, but he loved the feeling of her anus adjusting to something going in.

Hayley had never done anal before, and who better to try something she found repulsive and strange than Michael? Tense, but feeling surprisingly comfortable with his cock inside her, Hayley felt him fill her up. As his cock inched slowly inside her, her mouth dropped open, enjoying this new sensation. It was very different to being fucked in her pussy, but it certainly wasn’t unpleasant. At the very least, it made her pussy tingle, knowing that Michael was enjoying stretching out her ass.

Mesmerized, Harry had never dreamt of putting his cock in Hayleys ass. It wasn’t something that interested him, but seeing the look on her face as Michael slowly slid into her ‘back door’ had him reconsidering. Especially since magic made it safe and more pleasurable, he made a mental note to see if she wanted to do it again later.

But right now wasn’t about him and Hayley. Well, it was and it wasn’t. They made this decision together, but there no was no denying that Michael and Hayley were the main focal points. And, feeling his precum soak his underwear and through his pants, Harry was ecstatic that this terrible person was taking Hayleys anal virginity. Not just taking it. As Harry watched Michael fill her up, there was no denying that in that moment, Michael owned her ass. Harry felt his cock throb at the realization that thats how Michael sees it.

It wasn’t just about the pleasure to Michael, it was about the conquest. It was about the submission of his target, and turning them into his trophies.

The rare times Michael masturbated it was of thoughts of Ms. Davies in his room, in a large trophy case. Voluntarily of course. She’d be naked, and sweaty, and covered in his cum, and all too eager to show herself off to Michael and all his friends. And now he had a new thought to add: Ms. Davies showing off her gaping asshole, as his friends whoop and holler, incredulous at Michaels accomplishment.

As his cock started to slowly slip out of Hayleys asshole, Michael basked in his triumph.

His cock nearly completely out, he slowly pushed it back in, hearing her groan.

It had been quite the ride. And as sure of himself as he was, he never thought he’d be here, fucking her ass in front of Potter. And yet, here he was, feeling his professors ass constrict around his fat cock, the true genius. A wizards only as good as their wand, and Michaels was devious, and truly magical. Sure, Potter had been with Ms. Davies, but thats only because he drove her to his arms. And look how that wound up? He’s fucking her in front of him. There was no doubt about it, this was his crowning achievement.

“Oh fuck, Michael!” Hayley groaned, as Michael started to fuck her ass faster. The spell worked perfectly, ensuring he could fuck her hard and deep and remain continuously lubricated.

And so, fucking her ass like she was a pornstar, Michael wasn’t gentle. And Hayley loved him for it.

“Oh Merlin, yes!” She screamed, surprised by how good it had started to feel. “Fuck my ass! Stuff my tight virgin asshole!”

Harry was nearly ready to cum, and there was no way he was going to waste his load in his pants. Undoing and dropping his pants, Harry moved in front of Hayley, jerking his cock.

Hayley opened her eyes and saw Harry before him, watching as her tits flopped around, as Michael continuously bottomed out in her ass.

“He feels so good in my ass, Harry.” She groaned, bucking under Michaels pounding.

Michael grabbed her hair, and tugged, forcing her head up. She moaned under Michaels rough treatment, and smiled at Harry in a way he’d never seen.

“Cum on on her face, Potter.” Michael said, breathing heavily, beads of sweat covering his body. “Cum on her face and I’ll cum in her ass.”

Hearing Michaels words, Hayley opened her mouth, and stuck out her tongue. She stared up at Harry, pure pleasure on her face and Harry couldn’t hold off. Seeing her like that, with Michael pulling her hair and inside her ass, Harry felt his orgasm rise and he came.

“Mmmm.” Hayley groaned loudly, as Harry’s warm cum splashed across her face, and into her open mouth.

Looking up at him with one eye, the other covered in cum, she smiled at him. And this smile was like all her regular warm smiles she reserved for him, and it made it so much hotter seeing her smile like this while her face was glazed.

Michael yelled out loudly, and came deep in Hayleys ass. Once again he held himself there, trying to wiggle his cock inside her very tight colon.

All three of them were sweaty, breathing heavily, and filled with a mixture of disgust and desire.

Michael slowly took his cock out of Hayleys ass, holding her cheeks open to see her gaping hole.

“Fuck, I really opened you up.” Laughed Michael.

Hayleys asshole slowly started to close, Michaels cum seeping out.

“Done looking?” She asked, Harry’s cum still spread across her face.

“Yeah.” Said Michael, looking forward to reliving this later.

Hayley rolled onto her back, and winced a little as her red asscheek rubbed against the rug.

Michael looked down at her tits, rising and falling with her every breath. His eyes went from her cum soaked face, to her sweaty breasts, to her cream filled pussy. Having admired it all, and taken everything in, Michael started to get dressed.

Harry grabbed Hayleys hand in his and squeezed tightly. She looked up at him, wiped is cum out of her eye, and smiled.

“Lets never do this again.” She said, and they both laughed. Even after his amazing orgasm, Harry still couldn’t resist staring at her breasts, jiggling under her laughter.

Michael looked at the happy couple and strangely felt weirded out by it. He figured it would tear them apart, not bring them closer together. He put on his shirt, completely clothing himself, and started towards the door. He was nearly there when Hayley called to him, making him turn around.

“Any word of this to anyone Michael, and I’ll make sure you’re expelled.” Said Hayley, her face now cum free, having magically cleaned herself.

“I remember our agreement.” Nodded Michael. “And if you ever w-“

“I wont, Michael.” She said, sitting up beside Harry. “Never again. I mean it this time.”

There was no anger in her voice, no revulsion, no bitterness. It was just honesty.

“Well, I’ll never forget it.” Said Michael, leaving them with one last shit eating grin that somehow felt grosser than all the previous stuff that transpired. “And don’t worry, I’ll only put it in my little red diary.”

And then Michael was gone.

“Do you think he’ll keep his word?” Asked Harry, his arm around her now clean body.

“I’m not sure. Either way, we don’t need him anymore.” And she kissed Harry, who was delighted that she tasted like strawberries.

(Part 10 is apparently too long, so part 11 will come later today.)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/9z67dm/harry_potter_and_the_hogwarts_pervert_part_10