[FM] His First Handjob

Hi everyone,

Forgive me if there are any formatting errors or common faux paus. This is my first time actually doing anything on the site and I’m on mobile because I don’t have a computer and this isn’t something I’m going to type at the school library. My roommate usually just reads me stories from here. Based on what she’s read to me in the past I’m pretty sure I just recently had an experience that would be worthy of being posted.

A little bit about myself: I just turned 20 and am a junior in college. I’ve been struggling recently in school and especially in math/statistics. Thankfully this semester I’ve been sitting next to Scott who has been able to do most of the homeworks for me :P

Scott is a nice kid but he is majorly awkward around girls. To be honest I never even asked him to do my homework, I just told him how much trouble I’ve been having and how I hate doing it and he just flat out offered. This helped me a bit but when it was time for the exams I knew I would have to figure something else out. Well, just before Thanksgiving break we had an exam scheduled and I told him that now I was really screwed. Scott told me to just copy off his paper. He said it won’t be his fault if I get caught but if I’m sneaky about it, he won’t say anything. So I did just that. I got through the whole test and used every one of his answers. As we’re leaving the room I tell him that if by some miracle I pass that exam I’ll owe him big time. He says that if I really want to make it up to him that I could let him take me out to a movie. I ask if he’s serious and he tells me that he ususally gets super nervous and anxious around girls, and that he wants to go on some “dates” with me so he can basically practice talking to an attractive girl. I tell him thats fair and shake on it.

Well yesterday we got the tests back and not only did I pass, I aced that fucker! Scott and I both scored in the 90’s but his was a bit better, probably because he showed more work. I ask him if he’s free later because I would love to see that movie. He tells me he has to work after class but asks if I want to just watch one in his dorm once he’s back. I tell him thats fine.

Later that night I make my way over to his dorm. His roommate is still gone for an extended weekend so its just the two of us. Let me be clear when I tell you all that at this point my intentions were perfectly innocent. I mean sure Scott is cute, but in a dorky, awkward, Michael Cera cute kinda way. He certainly isn’t sweeping anybody off their feet. I can tell that he isn’t trying to seduce me either, which actually is a nice change of pace. Anyway.. we sit up on his bed on top of the covers with our backs to the wall and start looking at movies. As we’re going through the lists I mention that I’ve never seen any of these new super hero movies that have been coming out lately and he tells me I HAVE to see the first Avengers. To be honest I could care less and really didn’t want to watch it but I obliged. The movie starts and I tell him I’m kind of cold and ask if its okay if I slip under the blanket. He says he doesn’t care so under the blanket I go, and just to be a good sport I throw it across his lap as well.

Now we’re both under the blanket watching this (stupid) movie and I start to get a bit bored. I’m trying to think of a way to make this more “dateish” so I skooch up next close to him and rest my head on his shoulder. I feel him kind of stiffen and I ask if he’s okay with that. He says it is, and I tell him I’m just trying to make him comfortable for when an actual date does this and he understands. A few minutes later I put my hand on his knee. I ask him if its alright and he says it is, he understands what I’m trying to do. A couple minutes later I move my had ever so slightly off his knee up his thigh. I ask again and before I can finish the sentence he quickly lets out a yes.

Again everyone, at this point my intentions are TOTALLY INNOCENT. I am just trying to get this guy used to a girl’s touch. But, as I head up this thigh slightly more, my innocence bleeds into curiosity. The next thing I feel is unquestionably a penis. His back goes stiff against the wall and I don’t say anything. I’m thinking that there is no possible way that is his penis semi-hard this far down his thigh, I mean I’m practically at his knee. Just to confirm I slide my hand back down to his knee and I don’t have to go far. I look at his and this time without even asking anything he tells me yes. I look him in the eyes and ask “Scott have you ever gotten a handjob?” No he says. I ask him “Scott would you like a handjob right now?” Yes he says. This is going to happen in real dates too I say. I tell him to lay all the way back and let his legs hang off the bed. I shimmy his sweatpants down to his ankles and reveal a serious trunk of a penis. I mean it looked like someone stuck an apple on top of a stack of coke cans.

As I was taking him out of his pants I let my mouth fill with spit. I wrap my hand around his base as far as I can and press my lips to the very tip of his penis and let my saliva roll down his shaft for lubrication. I take his head in my hand and work the drool around. It feels like I’m gripping a fucking baseball. I slowly give him a full stroke tip to base and back to tip. His body is literally shaking under what I’m guessing is a rush of adrenaline. I’m politely sitting next to him with my legs crossed. Three more long slow strokes down his entire length, rotating around his girth and his penis bucks like a bull trying to shake a rider. I look down at it and next thing I know a stream of warm cum hits my face and I feel it from the left corner of my mouth to my right eyebrow. I gotta say this was the first time I’ve been hit in the face by cum while fully clothed. Four more streams erupt out of him and I mange to dodge those.

He’s panting like a dog at this point and I ask if he has anything I can wipe my face with. He throws me a t-shirt (romantic) and I clean up. He pulls the sheets off the bed since they’re now covered in cum and throws them in the laundry basket. We now sat there on a bare mattress and watched the rest of the movie. We didn’t say much for the rest of the night but as I left I asked if he had fun. He says he did. I ask if he wants to go on another “date” sometime and he says he does. So we’ll see where this goes. He goes to shake my hand goodnight (seriously) and I pull him in for a hug and kiss his cheek. What a dork :P

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/a15cf6/fm_his_first_handjob


  1. Lol i feel the guy… I’m a 26 year old virgin nerdy guy to. So i can relate. Do you have any fantasy or thinks you wanna show him? Keep us updated.

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