Harry Potter and the Hogwarts pervert (part 11)

(Warning: this is a netorare/cuckolding kind of story, and its definitely not for everyone. So if you’re reading this just because you like Harry Potter, you’re going to have a bad time. Probably.)

A few days later Hermione sat outside with Ginny, in the bright, warm sunshine. They were each doing their homework, and occasionally pausing to talk about this and that.

Since revealing her little secret, Hermione had been spending the majority of her time with her red-headed friend. No longer having any reason to avoid her, she was happy to have a friend that she could confide in.

As much as Hermione still missed Ron and Harry, she wasn’t willing to spend that much time around Lavender, and couldn’t bring herself to lie to Harry. And so she stayed away from them both, sticking with her one female friend instead.

It also was nice to be around someone so open and free. And the more time Hermione spent with Ginny, the more she realized just how adventurous Ginny was.

Not only had she been with Michael Corner, but she had also been with Dean Thomas, Ernie MacMillan, and, to Hermione’s great surprise, little Colin Creevey.

“It made a nice change from the other boys.” Ginny had said. “He was sweet.”

Sweet wasn’t exactly how she described the other three boys; saying one was clumsy, one was good but selfish, and the other was a sex god. She never specified which was which, and every time Hermione brought it up, Ginny would just smile and ask why she was so interested.

Hermione didn’t need to ask to figure out who the “sex god” was. She knew exactly which jerk that described.

The way Ginny spoke about Michael was strange. It was as if she saw him in a completely different light to Hermione, and anybody else who knew him. Often praising him, when he came up, Ginny would once again just smile as Hermione scoffed.

Ginny’s praise did not change Hermione’s mind on him. Michael was a creep, a delinquent, and didn’t deserve to walk these coveted halls. He deserved to be sent to an all boys school, where his “talents” would be useless, and the only company he’d have were each of his palms.

Hermione took every chance she could to belittle, and besmirch Michaels name, to the one person who seemed to praise him.

Ginny, like almost everything else her innocent friend did, found Hermione’s rants amusing. Often not engaging, and dismissing Hermione’s condemnation with a shrug and occasionally laughter. She clearly had a much higher opinion of Michael than anyone else at Hogwarts, and it shocked Hermione, who listened to Ginny defend his every offence.

“He tricked you into bed.”

“No, we had consensual sex.”

“He told everyone about sleeping with you.”

“No, he told his friends, just like I told you. His friends spread it around.”

“You can do so much better than him.”

“I know, but he’s who I choose to be with right now.”

Every point had a counter-point and there was seemingly no way to get to Ginny. No way to show her Michaels true evil.

“Or, are you the one who has a flawed view of Michael?” Ginny would always respond when Hermione voiced her concerns about Ginny’s stubbornness.

And sitting there, outside in the beautiful day, this was racing through Hermione’s head. She should be doing her homework, or enjoying the weather, or at least not giving that creep the attention he required, but she was.

Not wanting to start an argument, or rather a scolding met with indifference, Hermione tried to distract herself with other things.

“I think I’m going to go visit Hagrid later, care to join me?” Hermione asked Ginny.

“Sorry, I can’t.” Said Ginny, not looking up from her book. “I have plans tonight.”

“With who?” Hermione asked.

Ginny looked up from her book, smiled, and shrugged.

“Seriously?” Hermione asked, incredulous. “You’re seeing him?”

“Don’t say ‘him’ like he’s you know who.” Said Ginny. “He’s a horny boy, not some dark wizard.”

“Ginny, you need to be careful.”

“No, you need to be careful. I need to enjoy my life.”

“Just listen for-“

“No, Hermione, you listen.”

Hermione was quiet. Ginny was never stern with her, and hearing her like this was a little startling.

“How is it that I’m the one who keeps fucking Michael, and you’re the one who’s obsessed with him?” Said Ginny.

“I’m no-“ Hermione began.

“Yes, you are! And I’m tired of hearing about it, so either fuck him and see what the big deal is, or just keep it to yourself, because I’m done.”

And with that, Ginny got up and stormed off, having finally reached her limit.

Hermione sat there, watching Ginny go, feeling miserable. Ginny was her one friend at the moment, and she just chased her away. And the worst part was that it wasn’t from making a mistake, it was from simply being herself. Her overbearing self.

Only a few days ago Hermione told herself that she would make a change, be more understanding and adventurous. But what did that amount to so far? Nothing. Not a damn thing. Instead of enjoying a beautiful day with a friend, she was now simply seeing it out on her own.

Collecting her things and sighing heavily, Hermione trudged off in the direction Ginny left, determined to change. Promising herself.

It took her only a few minutes to find Ginny, spotting her sitting on a bench on her own, down a deserted corridor. She was by a window, the bright sun making her glow.

Hermione tentatively walked up to her. Ginny heard her coming and glanced up, before looking back at her book.

“I came here to get away from you.” Said Ginny.

“I know.” Said Hermione, sitting beside Ginny. “I’m sorry.”

Ginny set down her quill.

“You don’t need to apologize, just don’t be so judgemental, and don’t act like you know more about guys than I do. It makes you look stupid, and stupid doesn’t look good on you.”

“Ok. I’ll try to be more… openminded.”


“Um, I don’t know.” Said Hermione, not expecting that question. She was just figuring out how to be bold. She wasn’t expecting a quiz.

“I do.” Said Ginny, and Hermione looked at her, puzzled. “Come hang out with me and Michael tonight.”

“W-what?!” Blanched Hermione, not expecting that either.

“C’mon, it’ll be fun. You can see that he’s not some evil genius.”

“Aren’t you going to….?”

“Oh yes, but we’ll ditch you when that time comes.” Joked Ginny. “C’mon, it’ll be fun.”

Every fibre of Hermione’s being wanted to say no… but that wouldn’t be a good sign if she broke her promise 5 minutes in.

“Fine.” Said Hermione, taking baby steps toward her new resolution.

“Good.” Smiled Ginny. “I think you’ll have fun.”

That evening Hermione found herself following Ginny down the seventh floor corridor. Ginny had changed into a nice blue sundress, and Hermione was wearing the same outfit as earlier: a bright yellow t-shirt, with blue jeans.

Wondering where they were meeting Michael, but not wanting to come off as mistrustful, Hermione followed suit. However, Hermione found out soon enough, as they didn’t travel very far.

Their destination was on the seventh floor, outside the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. Hermione immediately recognized where they were.

“This is the entrance to the room of requirement.” She said, looking at the blank wall where the magically concealed door would appear.

“Yes, it is.” Said Ginny, and she walked past the wall three times, and suddenly the door was visible.

Seeing the inquisitive look on Hermione’s face, Ginny spoke. “I thought ‘I need some place to relax and hang out.’”

Hermione’s unspoken question answered, they entered.

Inside, the room was vast. There were comfortable looking chairs and couch’s littering the outside, and in the middle was a large steaming bath. The bath was huge, capable of easily fitting twenty people. However, it currently only had one occupant, who stood up to greet his company.

“Evening ladies.” Said Michael, standing up and moving towards them, water dripping off his body.

Hermione half expected him to be naked, but was grateful that he was wearing bottoms. However, it looked more like underwear than a bathing suit.

“Come on in, the waters great.” He said.

“Ginny!” Hermione said in a hushed tone. “You didn’t say anything about needing a bathing suit.”

“I didn’t know.” Said Ginny, smiling. “Thats part of the fun of the room. You think of something vague and it fills in the gaps. At least you’re wearing underwear.”

“W-you’re not wearing underwear?” Asked Hermione.

“Nope.” Said Ginny, removing her shoes.

“Are you keeping on you-whoa!”

Ginny removed her dress midway through Hermione’s question, revealing her b-cup breasts, and hairless mound.

“How do I look?” Joked Ginny, before waltzing past Hermione and into the warm water.

“I think you look great.” Said Michael, as Ginny reached him.

Hermione was a little disconcerted to see him lower into the water, his hands doing Merlin knows what.

Standing there, fighting a desire to flee, Hermione deliberated about what to do.

She was open to trying new things, but obviously Michael wanted this. He probably had the bath in mind when he first arrived, hoping to get the two girls in their underwear. It absolutely wasn’t left to chance, and by staying shed be playing into his hand. But that didn’t mean anything. At least it shouldn’t. She had more self control than that. So… what the hell.

Her face red, Hermione started to undress. As soon as she removed her shirt, Ginny whooped, cheering her on. And moments later, Hermione stood there, wearing a matching yellow bra and underwear.

Feeling Michaels eyes on her body, Hermione quickly shielded it from view by hopping in the water. The water was hot, but not unbearable. She sunk down to her shoulders, and kept her distance from the couple.

“He doesn’t bite.” Said Ginny.

“Unless you want me too.” Michael winked at Hermione, who rolled her eyes.

“Really?” Hermione said. “In front of Ginny?”

“Why not, we’re planning on-“

“Michael, shut up.” Ginny interrupted.

Watching the pair of them suspiciously, Hermione remembered something from the other day. Ginny had a kept a secret from her. Ginny, who had been open about everything she had done with Michael, was keeping a secret. What could be so wrong that she needed to keep Hermione in the dark?

Her mind drifting off, Hermione rose a little out of the water, the top of her cleavage shining in the dim light, for Michael to ogle. Catching his eyes on her chest, Hermione threw him a filthy look and slunk back down in the water.

The next twenty minutes went exactly how Hermione expected the night to go. They would talk, Ginny would playfully make fun of Hermione, and Michael would say something perverted. And of course, Michael ogled every inch of Hermione’s exposed skin, and so she tried her best to keep in concealed beneath the soothing water.

But as much as Hermione scolded him for his wandering eyes, she wasn’t in a place to judge. As soon as Ginny had gotten naked, Hermione was struggling to keep her own eyes to herself. Whenever Ginny looked away, Hermione stole glances at her friends light pink nipples, and tight ass. She didn’t mean anything by it, she just wasn’t used to this sort of thing. Even when Hermione shared Ginny’s room at the Burrow, se still hadn’t seen her nude, and Hermione was surprised by how mesmerized she was by her body.

Not in a sexual way, more in an admiration. Ginny had a great body, and Hermione was just appreciating it. At least, thats what she told herself.

Hermione once again was lost in Ginny’s nipple when she suddenly caught a piece of Ginny and Michaels hushed conversation.

“…Why not her?” Michael was asking quietly, seeming insistent.

“She’d never.” Laughed Ginny, struggling to be quiet.

“‘She’d never’ what?” Asked Hermione, her attention drawn from Ginny’s nipples. “What are you saying about me?”

“Nothing.” Said Ginny, wearing a wry smile.

Hermione continued to stare into Ginny’s eyes, hoping shed break under her gaze. But of course, Ginny didn’t.

“How about a game?” Suggested Michael.

“What did you have in mind?” Asked Ginny.

“Truth or dare?”

“I’d say that sounds boring, but with present company it could be pretty interesting.” Ginny smiled, looking at Hermione.

Michael turned to face Hermione. “Hermione?”

She thought for a few seconds.

“Ok, but there has to be some ground rules.” Said Hermione, immediately foreseeing a problem or two.

“Fine. Like?”

“You can’t dare me to remove my clothes, or do anything sexual.” Said Hermione.

“Well, that basically ruins the game, but fine.”

“Who’s first?” Asked Ginny, brightly.

“Just a sec, I have a few rules of my own.”

“Such as?” Asked Hermione, incredulous.

“Nothing violent, and you can’t dare me to leave.” Michael smirked, as though he had just shut down Hermione’s plan.

“Fine. I’ll go first.” Hermione said, surprising herself. “Truth.”

Ginny rolled her eyes, and Michael chuckled.

“What?” Asked Hermione.

“Nothing.” Said Michael. “Its just that of course you’d pick truth.”

“What, because I’m not as slutty as the two of you, I have to pick dare every time?”

“No need to get upset.” Said Ginny. “Just making an observation. Now…” Ginny stared at Hermione, thinking. Her smile widening, she clearly thought of a good question.
“Did you ever do anything with Krum?”

“With Victor?” Hermione asked, surprised the question wasn’t more vulgar. “We kissed and he-he touched my breasts.”

Ginny smirked at Michael, satisfied with the answer.

“It was over my shirt.” Hermione added, feeling it was important information.

“Hermione, you dirty girl.” Ginny teased. “I’ll go next. Dare.”

Hermione tried to think of a dare for Ginny to do, but was spared by Michael.

“Sit on the ledge with your legs spread open.”

Hermione tutted, as Ginny immediately obliged, hoisting herself out of the bath. Wiggling her toes, Ginny slowly spread her legs, giving the other two a show.

Hermione watched as Ginny spread her smooth, wet legs, exposing her womanhood. Catching a glimpse of her friends vagina for the first time, Hermione felt herself drifting forward. Realizing what she was doing, she stopped herself, and looked away from between Ginny’s legs.

“Like what you see, Hermione?” Michael asked, spotting what Hermione had just done.

“I-“ Hermione began, blushing bright red. She looked at Ginny, and their eyes met. Ginny was smiling slightly, her legs still spread. Unable to stop herself, Hermione’s eyes darted down to Ginnys vagina, and quickly back up, meeting Ginny’s eyes.

“See, Ginny?” Said Michael. “Shes eager.”

“No.” Said Ginny, her eyes still on Hermione.

Michael shrugged, and Hermione felt like she was missing something. But right now she couldn’t think completely straight. Her eyes kept darting down between Ginny’s lovely legs. Completely red, Hermione tried to avoid looking at Ginny altogether.

“My turn.” Said Michael. “Dare.”

Hermione immediately spoke up.

“I dare you to put on a shirt.”

Michael smirked, and went over and grabbed his shirt.

“Hermione, I don’t think you get this game.” Said Ginny, as Michael put his shirt on before hopping back in the water. “Anyways, its your turn.”

“Tr-“ Hermione hesitated. “Dare.”

“There you go.” Said Michael.

“Take off your bra.” Said Ginny.

“W-I said-“ Hermione began.

“You said Michael couldn’t get you to remove your clothes. I’m not Michael.”

Hermione and Ginny stared at each other. Hermione glared, but Ginny had a twinkle in her eye.

“You said you wanted to be more adventurous.” Said Ginny. “And lets be honest, Michaels seen much more private parts than your tits.”

Ginny let that sink in as Hermione blushed and looked at Michael. He was looking at her expectantly.

“Its true.” He winked.

Again feeling the need to flee, Hermione started to turn to leave. But she stopped. Standing there, midway between turning away from the other two, Hermione thought. And all of her thoughts told her to leave, to get out of there as soon as possible. She could think of a dozen reasons why she should end this, but she was tired of thinking. Nothing truly terrible would happen. Its just skin.

“Fuck it.” Said Hermione, causing both Ginny and Michaels eyebrows to raise. And she reached behind and undid her bra.

Removing the wet yellow bra, Hermione was still facing away from the pair of searching eyes. Taking a deep breath, Hermione turned to face the others.

As soon as she turned, both Michael and Ginny made no attempt to hide where they were looking. Both of them stared at Hermione’s perky low c-cup breasts, capped off with dark pink nipples.

“Satisfied?” Hermione asked, trying to sound more confident than she felt.

“For now.” Said Michael, staring hungrily at Hermione’s breasts.

Hermione averted her gaze from Michael, and looked at Ginny, whose eyes met hers.

“You’ve got amazing boobs, Hermione.” Said Ginny, smiling at her.

“Thanks.” Hermione said, feeling it was ok to look at Ginny’s slightly smaller breasts. “Yours are beautiful as well.”

“Can we ask her now?” Asked Michael.

“Michael!” Said Ginny, sounding unusually stern.

“Shes clearly into it.” Michael argued back.

“What’re you two talking about?” Hermione asked suspiciously.

“Well-“ Ginny began slowly, clearly trying to think of a lie, but Michael had other plans.

“Me and Ginny are looking for someone to have a threesome with.”

Michaels sentence hung in the air, and seemed to change the temperature of the room. Suddenly Hermione felt just how hot the water was.

“Um…” Was all Hermione could muster, but her brain was going a mile a minute.

A threesome? They wanted to have a threesome with her?! Was Ginny attracted to her? How long had she been interested in women? Is that why she always looked at her like that, with that smile? Was Ginny just curious or was she actually bisexual?

So many questions whirring through Hermione’s head, one suddenly stuck out against all the others: did Ginny say no? Reflecting on the night, Michael clearly asked about Hermione and Ginny said no. Did she chuckle as well? Did the thought of… being with her make Ginny laugh?

“Truth.” Said Ginny, seemingly trying to change the subject.

Ginny’s words brought Hermione down from the clouds and back to reality. Hermione had been asking herself all kinds of questions, questions that she didn’t have the answers to. However, Ginny did.

Seeing Michael open his mouth, Hermione yelled “Stop!”

Michael immediately closed his mouth and smirked in that smug way he does.

“Ginny.” Said Hermione, looking her friend in the eye. “Do you want to have sex with me?”

Ginny opened her mouth to answer, but didn’t, and amazingly, she blushed. Her cheeks red, Ginny seemed to struggle to look Hermione in the eye.

“Ginny?” Hermione asked again, softer this time. Ginny’s eyes met hers and now seemed unable to look away.

“Yes.” Ginny said, simply.

And now Hermione had more questions.

“Well, then why were you stopping Michael?” Hermione asked, unable to think of a reason.

“Hermione, its you.” Said Ginny. “If we asked, the answer would only be no.”

Hermione opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Ginny wasn’t wrong. Hermione knew she would’ve said no. But what she didn’t know was why did Ginny not coming to her sting so much?

“My turn?” Asked Michael. “Truth.”

Hermione waited for Ginny to ask a question, but she didn’t. Ginny’s eyes just kept darting between Hermione’s eyes and breasts. The red head was clearly distracted. And so Hermione took it upon herself to ask a question.

“Michael, why do you hate women?” Hermione asked scathingly.

“Hate women?!” Michael laughed. “Me?”

Hermione nodded.

“I fucking love women.” Laughed Michael.

“Then why do you act the way you do, and trick women into sleeping with you?”

“Trick women? Hermione, for someone so smart, you sure can be stupid.”

Michael watched as that little sentence clearly left a mark, as Hermione flinched.

“I don’t trick women.” Michael continued. “Every girl I’ve been with knew what I wanted, I don’t hide it. Sure, my approach is sometimes different, but I never lie about what I want. Well, maybe a little with Ms. Davies, but that was just a way to get to know her. To get close. Once I was close enough to seal the deal she knew who I was. And let me ask you, did I trick you into sucking my cock? Into showing me your gorgeous pussy? No, I didn’t. And I didn’t trick Ginny either. I’m not some evil villain. If I was I could’ve gotten you a lot easier. I could’ve just got you drunk, or used polyjuice potion to look like Weasley, or something. But I didn’t.”

Michael stared into Hermione’s eyes, seeing her brain working hard behind them.

“It might be easier for you to pretend I tricked you into our fun time at the Hogs Head, but I didn’t. You made a decision. One that left you cumming, by the way. So, you’re welcome.”

Hermione stared at him angrily. A little angry about him thinking she should be grateful, but mostly angry because he was right. And that meant that she was wrong. And Hermione hated being wrong.

“Ok.” She said. “You’re right. You’re not evil. However, you’re still a disgusting pervert.”

“No argument here.” Smiled Michael, who stared at Hermione’s breasts. “And for what its worth, my cock would have your hairy kitty purring.”

Hermione wore a look of mild disgust, but couldn’t help but remember Michaels cock. Remembering how it stretched out her mouth, her overactive brain imagined it splitting her lower lips. Thankful that her lower half was submerged in water, she felt a tingling between her legs.

Beginning to feel horny, Hermione also felt adventurous. She thought about Michael and Ginny’s proposal, surprisingly entertaining it. Thinking that she could explore it without necessarily going that far, Hermione was ready to throw caution to the wind.

“Dare.” Said Hermione.

“I dare you to kiss Ginny.” Said Michael.

“Michael, remember the rules.” Said Ginny.

“No, thats ok.” Said Hermione, led by the tingling between her legs. “We can forget the rules.”

Hermione’s eyes meeting Ginny’s, she started to drift towards her through the steaming water, her wet nipples now sticking out sharply. As she reached her, she noticed fully how beautiful Ginny really was.

Hermione stood there, in the bath, between Ginny’s spread legs. Her eyes slowly left Ginny’s and looked over her naked body, from her breasts, to her spread pussy.

Hermione had never thought about it before, but there was an undeniable beauty about women’s bodies. Her eyes on Ginny’s bald, spread pussy, there was a split second where she wished she was kissing her other lips. She tore her eyes away from between Ginny’s legs and back up to her eyes.

“You ok with this?” Asked Hermione.

“Am I?” Ginny chuckled, back to her cool confident self. “Is that supposed to be a joke?”

Ginny slowly slid off the ledge and into the water. Hermione had been so close that their bodies touched as the red head descended, their breasts rubbing against one another’s.

Hermione looked into Ginny’s eyes and giggled, before leaning forward.

The two friends lips met for the first time, as they tasted each other. Catching Hermione by surprise, Ginny’s tongue slipped between her lips and swirled around hers. Hermione’s tongue responded and their tongues swirled together. Feeling bold and forgetting the small parameters of the dare, Hermione’s hand touched Ginny’s hip and her fingers drifted around, lightly caressing the top of Ginny’s ass.

Feeling this, Ginny took it further and slipped her hand underneath Hermione’s underwear, grabbing a handful of Hermione’s soft full cheek. This caused Hermione to sigh into Ginny’s mouth, and she pulled Ginny closer, their breasts connecting as they kissed.

Finally finishing her dare and then some, Hermione’s lips left Ginny’s and they completely separated, and stood there looking at each other. They both started to giggle, and blush, Hermione much redder than Ginny.

“I’m gonna break the rules even further and skip right back to Hermione.” Said Michael. “Say truth.”

Hermione looked at Michael and wasn’t repulsed. Seeing him standing there, his cock clearly hard and pressing into his wet underwear, she felt excited. She felt impulsive.

“Truth.” Said Hermione.

“Do you want to have a threesome with us?” Asked Ginny, taking the question right out of Michaels mouth.

“Yes.” Said Hermione, not thinking, just acting.

“Told you.” Said Michael, looking at Ginny and walking towards the two girls. He reached Ginny and grabbed her ass, pulling her into him and kissing her.

Hermione watched as the pair of them kissed, Michaels lips replacing Hermione’s, tasting Ginny. As Michaels hand massaged Ginny’s ass, Hermione longed for a hand on hers. Not having to voice her opinion, Michael pulled his lips from Ginny’s and turned to Hermione. He looked at her in a way that asked if she was still into this, and she took a step towards him, albeit hesitating slightly. Her lips found his, and Michael managed his surprise well, kissing her back immediately.

Delighted, Michael had finally gotten his tongue between the book worms lips. At least the lips on her head. He had relived the memory of licking the lips between her legs over and over. It was quite the spectacle, and he couldn’t relive it without shooting plenty of cum, imagining it plastering Hermione’s gorgeous face. It seemed like he wouldn’t have to imagine it after tonight. He’d have his own memories to revisit, stored forever.

Michael grabbed Hermione’s ass over her underwear, and squeezed it firmly. Feeling Hermione breath into him in surprised delight, he ran his hand down her legs, rubbing the inside of her thigh.

Hermione’s tongue danced with Michaels, something she never thought would happen. And then something else happened: Hermione found her hand rubbing against Michaels crotch, feeling his length through his wet underwear. Her lips paused for a second, feeling the size of his member and suddenly that day in Hogsmeade flashed through her mind. She remembered the size, the weight, how warm it felt in her hand, and of course how it felt in her mouth, stretching her lips.

Hermione’s pussy quivered at the thought of him stretching her out and taking her virginity. Her lips still connected with his, Hermione’s hand slipped under his underwear and began caressing his soft, smooth balls. Her fingers gently rubbed the sensitive area, as Michaels fingers found their way into her underwear.

“You shaved.” Michael said, removing his lips from hers, but his fingers continued to run over her slick folds.

“I didn’t want to be caught off guard again.” Said Hermione, letting out a soft moan as Michaels fingers dipped into her honeypot.

“Well, I can’t wait to see it.” Said Michael, his digits slowly fucking Hermione’s twat.

“You and me both.” Said Ginny, and she gently shoved Michael out of the way, so she could kiss her friend some more.

Ginny’s lips on Hermione’s, Michael continued to finger Hermione with one hand, and started playing with her ass with the other. He’d already spent so much time playing with Ginny’s ass before, so he was going to take advantage of having access to Hermione’s. With his fingers expertly manipulating her body, Hermione moaned into Ginny’s mouth as they kissed, until she could no longer move her lips.

Ginny stopped kissing Hermione when she stopped, and started to kiss down her friends neck, to her chest. Soon, her lips found Hermione’s breast and kissed down to her nipple. Taking Hermione’s large dark pink nipple in her mouth, Ginny slowly sucked on it. It did the trick as Hermione pushed her chest towards Ginny, encouraging her.

“That feels so good.” Said Hermione referring to both the fingers in her pussy, and the mouth around her nipple. However, Hermione felt a little awkward standing and wished they had a bed.

Suddenly they all heard a loud strange sound, and looked around to see that a very large bed had seemingly dropped out of the ceiling.

Hermione chuckled, her body no longer being pleasured.

“Sorry, I just thought we needed something more comfortable.” Said Hermione.

“Great idea.” Said Michael, and the three of them walked over, removing their clothes as they did. Michael stared at Hermione as removed her underwear, and admired her clean shaven mound. “Fuck, you’re hot.”

Hermione couldn’t help but smile at the compliment, even if it came from Michael. She wasn’t deluded, she still knew who he was, but she had accepted it. She tried to look at it as her using him for pleasure, instead of the other way around.

“Lay on the bed, Hermione.” Said Ginny, standing there rubbing between her legs.

Hermione obeyed, crawling on the bed, giving the two of them a great view of her ass. Hermione laid down, holding herself up on her elbows. She saw the two pairs of eager eyes, and slowly opened her legs, blushing as she did. She was going to enjoy this.
(Would you believe it, its still too fucking long. I guess there’ll be part 12. I know its kinda mean to break here, but its really the only fitting spot I could.)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/9z9kf2/harry_potter_and_the_hogwarts_pervert_part_11

1 comment

  1. Really, a cliffhanger THERE? May you be cursed with the jelly-legs jinx until we get the next part :)

    Loving this story, thanks for all the work you’ve put into it!

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