An Eventful Walk in the Woods [mf][outdoors] *My first r/sexystories post, feedback encouraged

It was a warm afternoon, a cool breeze caused the needles in the trees above them to slowly sway back and forth, dancing to the songs of the birds perched within their branches. The sun’s rays cast long shadows down the path, highlighting the specks of dust being kicked up by their feet. She, a beautiful brown haired woman with eyes greener than the evergreen background behind them, walked slowly in front of him, silently taking in the vastness of everything around her. She knew as she walked, that he was watching her every step as he followed slowly behind. He was taking in the way her body moved, following the lines of her fit frame, studying her legs as they continued on down the path – she was so beautiful to him, that at times, he forgot to admire the beauty of the granite mountains sticking up above the trees to the east.

They had been hiking most of the afternoon, a slow comfortable pace, just the two of them alone in the large wilderness of the Southern Sierras. They had told stories and jokes along the way, many of which were inevitably followed by shameless laughter. But, for the most part, they just walked silently along, taking in the freedom that they had for this one weekend. Nobody could tell them what to do, where to be, what to worry about – because, nobody else was there. It was in this aloneness that they could just be themselves; An introverted, caring, ambitious girl from sunny Southern California set on loving everyone she met without inhibition, and a smart, extroverted, hopelessly romantic, college graduate from a San Francisco suburb ready to take on the world with his diploma in hand.

Every few miles, they would slow to a halt and take a water break, staying silent, listening to the sounds of the wilderness around them. It was during these times that he would stop and admire her, looking her in the eyes, telling her he loved her without saying a word. She would look back, half caught up in the beauty around her and half caught up in the magic of the moment, the freedom and escape from reality, an unplanned trip with the man she was slowly falling for.

Before they started back down the trail, he would be sure to kiss her – he was always one to kiss her at every chance he could, not wanting to waste a single opportunity. She, in return, would kiss him back, apparently unaware of sweat and dust that was slowly collecting in the corners of his beard. Nothing else mattered in the world, they were unashamed and free.

It wasn’t either of their first times in nature, but, for both of them, it was a new experience. For the first time the mountains no longer appeared to be a playground waiting to be explored, but they were instead a hideaway, an escape, a secret cove inviting them in. The mountain’s seemingly impassible granite peaks were a protective layer blocking them from the outside world, allowing them to explore not only the trails within its walls, but the secrets within each other – secrets that to their surprise, they were still uncovering daily.

As the sun hit the top of the mountains to the west, the trail widened, giving way to a large grassy meadow, the remnants of a world that had been shaped by flowing ice and shifting rocks for hundreds of thousands of years, all of it leading to the beauty of that very moment. Behind the rows of wildflowers that scattered the open grassy meadow lay a crystal lake, backdropped by the sharp, geometric corners of exposed granite.

“Just up ahead,” he whispered, afraid of disturbing the serene world they had just entered.

She looked back, and with a silent smile told him, okay.

He always was amazed at the way she could say things with only a smile. He silently added that to the list of things he loved about her as they continued on; him watching her from behind, the gentle breeze fanning her hair as she walked.

The campsite they walked up to was small, only a few feet of exposed soft dirt, trees and rocks in every direction.

“This is perfect,” he said.

“Yes.” she whispered, her eyes big as she took in everything around them. “a perfect place to set up camp”.

They didn’t need much space, they just had a small tent, hardly big enough for two people. Even then, as they would learn, it was more than enough space for the two of them to comfortably sleep; her back against his chest, cradled by his arm, legs intertwined and motionless throughout the night .

They slowly took off their packs, tired from a long afternoon of hiking. And, for the first time since setting out on the trail that morning, she had warmth well up inside of her as his pack fell from his shoulders to the soft dirt beneath their feet. She momentarily forgot the large trees and towering mountain around them, and was captivated by the shape of his arms and back. Everything about him was even more pronounced than normal, his arms and chest stuck out from the rest of his frame, showing the strain of the day’s long hike. She wanted nothing more than to feel those arms around her, press herself against him, and feel his lips against hers; yet he quickly had moved on to setting up camp, too hard at work to notice her desire.

There was not much to set up, the tent was raised and food was laid out. Some stoves and water pumps were piled against a rock. It wasn’t much, in fact it was only a few feet of dirt in the middle of a seemingly endless forest, however for the two of them, it was their home – even if only for a few days.

“How are you doing on water,” he asked. Still caught up in completing the tasks of the day, preparing camp, making sure they were safe and comfortable.

“I’m alright,” she said, “I still have enough for tonight I think.”

Although she too had been busy setting up camp, she couldn’t stop watching the way his body moved, longing for the sun to disappear behind the mountains, for the coolness of night to creep in so that his arms could wrap her up and keep her warm.

“Well, camp is set up, but we might need some water for dinner. I think I am going to go pump some while we still have light,” he said, still caught up in the tasks associated with getting a camp put together.

The sun had crept about half way below the mountains, however in the heart of the summer it fought hard to stay above the peaks, struggling to provide as much daylight as possible. It would be dark before long, but in the timeless wilderness around them the daylight that remained could feel like an eternity

“Did you want to come with me,” he said to her. A half crooked smile hung from his face. With camp set up, his mind was back on her. A childish quality sprung up inside of him, almost teasing her to follow him down to the water. “We at least have to put our feet in tonight before it gets dark!”

“Sure,” she said, her mind still too fixated on his arms and her desire to have them around her to say much else.

It was then that he stopped holding back. They were only a few steps away, but he charged at her quickly, wrapping her up in his arms, pulling her in close to his body. He could smell the day’s hike on her skin, but he invited the sweet smell. They were free, natural, alone. There was nothing in the world that was more important to him at that moment than her. And he wanted nothing more than to show her how he felt about her.

Before she could realize that she was being swept up into his arms, he planted a big kiss on her cheek. His lips felt warm against her face. For the first time she realized how cold it was already getting outside with the sun slowly disappearing behind the mountains peaks. But she quickly forgot about the cold as she warmed up in his arms, and, forgetting everything else around her, she pushed her lips into his.

“I love you so much,” he said to her. “Let’s just stay here tonight, we can get water in the morning, I would rather have you in my arms anyways.”

The rest of the night was spent cuddling, holding each other, quietly looking up at the stars. The camp was tidied up, dinner was quickly eaten, the two of them lay there together, captivated by the vastness of space around them, warmed by each others holds and the warm embers of a quickly retiring fire. Focusing on nothing, they fell asleep to the sound of each others slow rhythmic breathing, which to both of their surprise was seemingly and welcomely amplified by the silence of the wilderness around them, interrupted only by the occasional hiss of a dying ember.

As the sun rose early in the morning, she woke up in his arms. That split second that she was awake before him was the most peaceful she had experienced in a long time. Her peacefulness however was quickly broken as he woke up. He inevitably began squeezing her and kissing her, ruining his hands down her body, caught up in her warm skin against his and her sweet smell welcoming him from his sleep. It wasn’t so much that she was annoyed by his actions – she usually liked the way he touched her – but she felt like her small moment of peace had been stolen from her.

He, sensing her annoyance, let go and sprung out of the sleeping bag, “are you ready for today,” he shouted, for the first time forgetting the quiet nature around him that he had previously tried so hard to preserve. It was a new day and he was overwhelmed by the combination of natural beauty around him and the women with which he had long since fallen in love with laying at his feet.

“Of course,” she said with a smile, laying her head back down, watching as he put his clothes on above her. He silently crawled out of the tent, only quickly glancing back to give her a smile before he left.

She started to rise, several minutes after he did. Once again she had her peaceful morning. She was able to relax again, knowing he would still be there when she got up. She curled back into her sleeping bag and let the sun’s rays shine down on her face through the opening in the tent.

As she finally got up, she realized that he had been hard at work getting them well on their way for the day. The remnant smell of the last night’s fire was overpowered by the welcomed smell of warm food.

“Breakfast is ready,” he said with a smile as he handed her a warm steaming packet of oatmeal. “I have hot chocolate or tea for you too if you would like.”

“Tea please,” she replied. I could get used to this, she thought as she sat down on a nearby rock, the sun rising behind them illuminating the bare rock in the distance, breakfast in hand.

“Doesn’t the lake look perfect this time of day,” he said admiringly.

She almost had to laugh at his statement, she never could get over his overuse of the word perfect. However, she looked out at the still water and couldn’t think of a better word herself.

“Yes,” she said, “It’s perfect”.

“I thought you would like it,” he said, “It’s one of my favorites” he continued, stressing the last word.

Favorite, she echoed in her head – another one of the phrases she felt he sometimes needlessly abused. However she liked this quality about him. He seemed to always find more good in a situation than there actually was. There was something attractive and inviting about his almost childlike ability to have joy in every situation.

“So are you ready,” he said as he smiled.

“Ready for what?”

“To swim,” he quickly answered, almost anticipating her response, “what else?”

She laughed at the thought, it was early in the morning and although the coffee was slowly warming her up, she had been cold since he got out of bed to make breakfast. “Maybe later,” she replied.

“Definitely later,” he said with a smile as he continued to eat his breakfast.

They both ate breakfast and got camp cleaned up quickly. She changed from her warm clothes that she had been sleeping in and got into clothes that were more appropriate for hiking and the day’s activities. He watched her as she undressed and redressed, unashamedly admiring her body. She liked the attention, and teased him as she slowly put on her clothes, purposely taking longer to get dressed than she needed to. Twisting her small frame, letting the newborn light illuminate her fair skin. She could almost imagine his hands around her she finished getting dressed, pulling her shirt over her head.

“You forgot sunscreen,” he said once she was already dressed.

“I can still put it on now” she replied.

“But what about your back?”

His statement caught her off guard. Her back was almost completely covered by her shirt, in fact, most of her body was protected by her clothing and would not need sunscreen for the day.

“My back is already covered” she said back in an almost questioning tone.

“Well who said your shirt is going to be on all day,” he said in a coy manner, teasing her with the prospects of the day’s potential adventures.

She smiled back, willing to play his games. “Well I guess I need sunscreen on everywhere then,” she said as she smiled, realizing for the first time that morning that she was no longer cold.

Without a word, he walked over and pulled her close, running his hands inside of her shirt and around her back. He slowly lifted her shirt, smiling at her the entire time. As her shirt rose over her head, her neck was greeted by his wet lips and surprisingly warm beard. His lips slowly rose up her neck until they met her ear. She couldn’t take it any longer; perhaps because of the warm sun on her back or his strong hands against the small of her back, the bite on her ear was intoxicating. She let out a quiet moan and pulled his body closer to hers.

He pulled her closer, and ran his hand up her side, feeling her firm abs against his palm. They felt more firm than normal, a strong contrast to her smooth skin. The combination shot warmth through his body, starting from his penis and rising up into his chest. As he reached his hand under her bra, he felt her small, firm breast in his hand. He squeezed it softly, feeling her breathe as he did so, pulling her into him, biting her neck softly.

“I want you so bad,” he whispered in her ear.

“Good”, she said as she reached around and grabbed his butt in her hands. Like the rest of his body, it felt big and strong within her grasp. She could feel how powerful he was and took comfort in the safety she felt when he was nearby.

He slid her sports bra off of her body and bent down, taking her breast in his mouth. Feeling her nipples get hard as he slowly sucked on them, flicking his tongue around in circles, biting softly on them as they became firm against his lips.

She let out a loud moan, suddenly aware that there was nobody around for miles. In response, he reached down, grabbing ahold of her between the legs, he could feel how warm she was getting, the anticipation of her dripping wet vagina in his hands made him hard. He pushed his hips forward against her pressing his penis against her leg. She smiled at him, watching her nipples between his lips as she slid his shirt off over his head exposing his strong shoulders.

“Are you ready to swim yet”, he said in a playful manner.

“You are such a tease,” she replied as he stepped back and turned towards the nearby lake, inviting her to follow.

They took off towards the water, a slow jog that was interrupted only to quickly stop and kiss or to shed the few layers of clothing that still remained. They were so caught up in the moment they didn’t dare stop to think about leaving their clothes in neat piles for when they returned. A few times she was pushed up against a nearby tree that had wandered onto the overgrown path, or pulled back into his arms, only for him to quickly continue back towards the still blue water.

By the time they reached the bottom of the small hill at the water’s edge, only a few hundred feet from camp, they were both completely naked. Once again he took her up in his arms, this time holding nothing back. He kissed her deep and hard, wrapping his arms around her small body. She felt wet against his leg. He grew hard once again as he pushed against her, longing to taste her sweet warm vagina in his mouth and to hear the soft gentle noises she would make and he slowly brought her to climax.

He reached down, gently massaging her clit, allowing her to moan against his neck, first quietly, then louder. As she got louder, his hand moved farther back, pushing against the outside of her vagina, teasing her, inviting her closer to him. She reached down and took his penis in her hand, wrapping her fingers around it, feeling it quickly get harder in her hands. The thought of it inside her made her moan once again. At the same time as she let out the soft moan, he pushed his fingers inside of her, filling her up slowly. First one finger and then a second, stretching her out, daring her to imagine his hard penis inside of her.

“Lets swim out to that rock.” he laughed, motioning to a rock only about 40 feet out in the water, seemingly unphased by the euphoric mood around them. “I’ll race you.”

Before she could give a response, he was already jumping in, his strong naked body splashing gracefully into the water, disturbing the stillness that had been there only seconds before. I love this man, she thought quietly to herself before she took off after him, forgetting everything else that was around them, wanting only to be back in his arms.

They arrived at the rock at about the same time, the lake was shallow enough that they could both stand waist deep next to the nearby piece of granite that sloped sharply up out of the water, forming a table that sat above the water’s surface. He pushed her against the rock, forcing her neck back slightly, her hands in his, their legs touching. He slowly lifted her out of the water and onto the granite surface, admiring her wet body briefly before sliding up next to her where he could push his body against hers, feeling her soft skin against his. She had been so caught up in the moment that she hadn’t noticed how cold the water was. The contrast of his warm penis against her leg now was unavoidable. His penis was all she could think about and she reached down to feel it in her fingers.

“Not yet,” he said, throwing his head back, “I want to taste you first.”

Without a word, she threw her head back, feeling first his warm lips, and then his soft tongue against her vagina. The warm sun beating down on her naked body, the hard granite at her back, she couldn’t imagine a more perfect snapshot in time. She let out soft moans at first, then, as he stroked his tongue up and down over her clit, her moans grew louder and louder, more difficult for her to control.

“Yes,” she said.

He just smiled up at her, grasping her breasts in his hands, letting her thighs squeeze around his head.

His tongue danced around her clit and in and out of her vagina. Her legs began to shake, squeezing tighter around his strong neck and head. She pushed her hips forward, inviting him to come closer, despite the impossible nature of the proposition.

The moans became more uncontrollable, rocking her whole body, sending shivers down her back and spreading goosebumps down her legs. She came hard against his mouth, finishing with her whole body, not having to hold back at all, the warm sun beaming down on her chest and her feet wrapped around his back.

He slid up next to her, pushed his hard penis against her dripping wet vagina, “I want you he whispered.”

“I want you too,” she whispered back, “put yourself inside of me,” she said as she pulled his penis between her legs.

He looked into her eyes and slowly pushed his penis up against her, teasing her vagina, stretching it wide without actually penetrating her.

“Please” she moaned.

He slid his hard penis into her, it slid in easily and filled her up. She let out a gasp of relief as he wrapped his arms around her, cushioning her from the hard rock at her back. Slowly he pushed deeper into her until he slid as far into her as he could. Their bodies touching at every point possible. She bit his neck hard and passionately. He pulled her close and pushed against her. Slowly he pulled back and pushed forward again and again, feeling her as she became more and more wet, sliding back and forth easily, her vagina tight around him. She couldn’t help but moan, louder and more uncontrollable than before, their eyes locked, telling each other, I love you, without using words.

“Finish inside of me,” she whispered.

And slowly he did, first with small moans and then with his whole body. He pushed deep inside of her, as hard as he had ever been, filling her up completely. His body shook against her as it ran up and down between her legs, slowly he finished inside of her. She could feel every movement, the squirting of warm cum inside of her already warm wet vagina, his body uncontrollable to him within her arms, his gentle moans of satisfaction in her ear.

They laid on the rock for quite some time, however the actual amount is unknown since time moves at a different pace in the wilderness. The sun crept up above them and they continued about their day, more in love with each other than they were before the sun rose above the granite giants surrounding them just hours before.

They returned to the real world, leaving their fortress of trees and quiet, of freedom and peace, of love and affection. But, although they had left, they always had that memory, that secret, the one thing that was just for them, They always had that walk through the trees where they learned something new about each other. It was theirs.



  1. Awesome stuff. Much more detail and build up than you would typically find in a story on this sub, but I loved it. Part of me wishes you had described their bodies a little more, but another part of my really enjoyed imaging what they look like. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks for the feedback! I know that the story is a little bit atypical of this sub, at least in the amount of background and description I used leading into the ‘dirty’ party, But I really like the background that leads into the story. I find that it helps my imagination to really get primed. I prefer it when I both read and write. I guess there could be a different place for this story but I figured it was too NSFW to post anywhere else, and perhaps people here can still enjoy it.

  3. I want to write something again. I haven’t yet decided if I will piggy-back a second story off of this one or if I will start somewhere new.

  4. suggested edit: (ruining) his hands down (running) his hands down Really good!

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