The Profile, Part Seven [FF]/[F]

# The Profile, Part Seven

The girls set up for more photos and Catherine gets ready for a secret rendezvous.

I’m finishing up part eight soon which promises to have a lot more of the good stuff. Sorry it’s so late this week. Things got crazy. Hope you’re still enjoying :) -Bells xoxo <3







“There you are!” said Melissa, “I was starting to worry you’d drowned.” Baylee’s choice of outfit didn’t go unnoticed, and Melissa did her best not to stare too much.

Baylee laughed, replying, “Nah, just had to wash my hair and stretch out a bit. I’m sore from all that running yesterday.”

Melissa set a plate down in front of her on the counter and asked, “How many pancakes do you want?”

“How many you got?” Baylee asked, jokingly. “I’m pretty hungry, maybe like three?”

Melissa flipped three pancakes onto Baylee’s plate, did the same to hers, then set the rest down on the counter. She picked up a pot full of scrambled eggs and spooned some onto each plate, then added a few pieces of bacon.

“Dig in!” she said happily. She liked cooking for Baylee. Come to think of it, she liked doing everything for Baylee. There wasn’t much in the world she liked more than making Baylee happy.

“Mm, Mel, this is delicious. When did you get so good at making pancakes?” said Baylee through a mouthful of food.

Melissa smiled and replied, “I’ve been practicing. I’m glad you like them. What do you want to do after breakfast? Mum will be at work all day, so we’ve got the place to ourselves.” She knew what she wanted to do, and she was hoping Baylee would feel the same way.

“Hmm…” Baylee pretended to think, then said, “Why don’t we go back to the mall and try on a few more swimsuits, maybe see if we can outrun that security guard again?”

“Oh shut up. I’m serious!” There was a bit more desperation in Melissa’s response than she had intended, and Baylee heard it.

Sensing she had the upper hand, Baylee pretended to think for a long time to keep Melissa in suspense.

“Hmmmmm… I mean I guess we could try to take a few more photos,” she finally said.

A huge grin spread across Melissa’s face and she exclaimed, “YES PLEASE!”

The girls finished their breakfast and Baylee started upstairs.

“Oh no you don’t,” said Melissa, “I cooked, you clean.” She stuck her tongue out at her friend.

Baylee stuck hers out in return and bent over to pick up the plates, pushing her breasts together so they popped deliciously out of her tank top. She hummed, feigning innocence as she gathered the dishes.

Melissa was enjoying the show and cooed, “That’s a good girl, Baylee. Make sure you get the cutlery, too. And don’t forget to rinse before you put them in the dishwasher.”

Baylee did as she was told and stacked everything up. As she moved past Melissa into the kitchen, she felt a hard, open-hand slap against her round back side. The sharp pain startled her, and she nearly dropped the dishes.

“Oh shit!” she said, “That’s gonna leave a mark.” The heat from the slap felt good and she found herself craving another.

*Something for later, maybe*, she thought to herself.

Already at the foot of the stairs, Melissa laughed and replied, “You deserved that one. I’ll meet you upstairs. I’m gonna get the camera set up and tidy the bedroom a bit.”

Baylee finished cleaning up from breakfast and went upstairs to find her friend, her hand caressing the spot where she’d been slapped. There were little welts forming where Melissa’s fingers had struck, and she smiled. It was going to be a good day.

. . .

Catherine had told Melissa she would be at work all day. But that wasn’t entirely true. She was meeting someone she had been talking to online who had offered to help her with her financial situation.

She was nervous, and wasn’t sure quite what to expect, but she was starting to get desperate. The money she made at her day job wasn’t quite enough to keep her and Melissa going, and the credit cards were starting to stack up. She had tried to pick up extra shifts and had even thought about selling plasma.

Then she’d gotten a message from a man on a dating website her workmate had convinced her to join a few months back. He’d read her profile, he said, and he wanted to help. Catherine was suspicious, but he had persisted, saying he had more money than he knew what to do with and paying her all sorts of compliments.

After a week or so of him asking to meet her in person, she had finally relented and agreed to have lunch with him. She was going to keep her colleague’s number dialled up on her mobile in case she needed an easy escape.

But another part of her was excited, and the thought of being wanted again after so many years of abuse filled her with a warmth she had almost forgotten. That morning, she’d spent an extra few minutes fixing her hair in the mirror, touching up her makeup, and picking out the perfect outfit.

She’d decided to wear a dress that wouldn’t stand out too much while she was at work but was easy to shift in the right ways to show off her assets a bit. It was a tight navy knee-length number that zipped up the back. She had a white corset belt that she layered over the top to slim her a bit.

The other bonus of the wide belt was it let her hitch the dress up and hide the extra material if she wanted to reveal a bit more leg. She put on a pair of seemed Cuban heel silk stockings and matching garter belt just because she wanted to feel sexy again.

Her bra was black lace, without any wire or padding. Her smaller breasts meant she didn’t need any heavy added support. Confident she looked her best, she had stopped one last time to admire her reflection, then headed out the door to work, a smile permanently fixed across her face.
