Milia’s secret dinner. Part 3 [vore] [mf]

Milia woke up and was feeling guilty of what she has done over the past and present. She went towards her bed and looked down, as she didn't feel her brother as she was worried a bit and scared seeing as though her brother was the only thing that was keeping her going. "What have I done, I can't believe it but…it's true." Milia said with a sorrow voice and was heartbroken of what she has done as deep down she felt guilty. She went downstairs and started to lay down a bit and was thinking a bit. "Jiru wake up….Jiru you can't give up, just think of your sister and how she took care of you all of those years…she loves you very much and….you can't turn your back and let her defile you like this you know she loves you…and she knows that." Said Hiru as he got up and just than a flashback appeared within Jiru's mind, seeing the childhood of them.

"Onee chan why are you always so busy, it always seems like I can never train with you once in a while…I want to be stronger than you big sis." He began to howl at his own big sis as he was younger he couldn't do anything but seeing as though his words he was lonely, and knowing this his own sister smiled and looked at him.

"I'm sorry little brother I know I've been busy but it's not my fault, I have work and I can't afford to hang out with someone like you and plus I have school so I can't slack off with you around either." She poked his nose and smiled and hugged him a bit as they were the warmest hugs of all, as that's all he got even if he was younger a bit.

Sorry Little brother I wish I could help you with your homework, but I don't quiet know any of this right at this moment..perhaps once I get back I'll be able to give you a hand with it." She poked his nose and hugged him and went outside and started to go to work and school at the sametime as she seems to have had a job after school.

"Onee chan I suppose mom and dad are gone right now, who will take care of me while they are on this business trip I can't take care of myself…and I know I can't either." Said Jiru looking down and headed towards Alia's house asking if she could take care of him even though if he went here he would be cheating on his own sister which would be horrible at first.

"Don't you dare go there, please….brother….Let me take care of you I know I haven't been the best sister and…I want to make up for everything that has happened…I love you little brother…your always going to be in my heart…"

A few years later has passed and Jiru and Milia were happy together as they were one happy family as one day milia said something that Jiru wasn't paying attention to hear though as she began to say. "I will always love you little brother so no matter what happens…I'm here for you."

Hiru looked at those memories and grabbed him and grabbed his hand and he looked at him and smiled and hugged him a bit as they headed towards the stomach acid, and began to implement heat and lots of it. At some point she couldn't take much of the heat and began to vomit them out and was dizzy a bit, and began to close her eyes as she had a major headache because of it as Hiru and Jiru were out finally.

"I…don't believe my eyes are we actually out or is this another dream, perhaps I'm too astonished to see if I'm actually out or if this dream is a reality." Jiru was surprised at what he was seeing as he began to move his sisters body but she wasn't moving, as he began to cry as tears began to appear on his eyes as he heard one voice that he didn't hear in years.

My little brother of all my years of missing you, you finally come back to your big sis and without you…my heart would be empty but I'm just so glad you are back. Milia said as she had a weak smile and hugged him softly, and kissed his forehead a bit as it was a way of her saying I love you to him.

I was the one who brought him to you and you should be thanking me, cause if it weren't for me…Your brother would be lunch and I don't think you want to go there with me. Said Hiru as he was angry once again and looked at her with such serious eyes.

"Oh….Dear Hiru…I…I'm sorry I didn't know you I guess when you were almost digested with my brother I suppose I took it a little more than I thought but considering the idea I guess I should apologize for what I did to you as well as you little brother can you ever forgive me."

"I suppose I could only if you promise not to do this again…I can't think but you doing all of that it was scary." Jiru said as he smiled and hugged his sister as someone came in as it was none other than Kimilia as she looked at us and my heart was pounding a bit.
