Fixer: Chapter 1 [MF] [cuck] [oral]

Chapter 1 “So, you say that she’s been having some malfunctions,” Garrett asked the portly man. He circled around the woman, examining her with a professional level of scrutiny. She was rather frumpy, and not exactly small herself. Her greying brown hair sat atop her head, dry and wiry. She wore a slightly pleased half smile on her face, one that she wore so often, her husband acknowledged it as expressionless and blank.

“Yeah, she just doesn’t handle like she used to, y’know,” the man answered. “Her meals is still fine, and the house is spotless. It’s just… You know, she’s lost her edge where it counts.” Garrett nodded his way, hiding his disgust.

“In what way? Be specific,” his partner Vic asked. He leaned against the counter, examining the woman from afar.

“I dunno. Aren’t you guys s’posed to be fixers? Figure it out,” the man told him. Scratching his jet black stubble, he shrugged his broad shoulders, turning to address the woman directly.

“What’s your name,” Vic asked. The woman frowned for a second, looking to the man with a slightly frightened look in her eyes. “It’s okay. You can talk.” She remained silent. “Tell her that she can talk.”

“It’s okay honey. Speak,” the man said. She inhaled sharply, and opened her mouth to speak, but she still seemed a little worried.

“My name is Louise,” she stammered. After saying that much, she immediately looked down at the floor tiles.

“Louise, my name is Vic. I’m a fixer, and I’m here to help. Your husband tells me that, well… Your sex life hasn’t been the best lately. Does he satisfy you?” Her cheeks flushed red, and she gave her husband an apologetic look.

“The heck do you mean, do I satisfy her,” the husband cut in. “What do I look like, some kind of vibrator?”

“Well? Does he,” Garrett asked as well. “Don’t worry about him. Just answer the question, please.” She looked back down and shook her head. “When was the last time you were able to achieve orgasm?”

“I heard you fixers was quacks, but come on,” the husband spoke up again. “Everyone knows the female orgasm is a myth. How can you cum without a dick?” At this point, Garrett was pretty fed up with the man. He nodded his head in Vic’s direction, signaling to his partner to get the man to leave the kitchen entirely.

“He’s never got me to orgasm before,” she said, with a sigh. “Please, stop. You’re going to get me sent to the pawn shop.”

“He wouldn’t,” Garrett whispered to her. He stepped in close, placing his lips almost directly on her earlobes. “Poor guy couldn’t last a week without having a wife installed in his house. Can’t cook, clean. You’re safe here.” He looked over into the dining room, at her husband and continued. “Sir, I think I’ve identified the problem. Your sex life lacks real passion. It’s one sided.”

“Oh, what are you on about,” he said. “How can it be one sided when I’m inside of her?” Vic rolled his eyes.

“Have you gone down on her, ever,” Vic asked.

“Don’t be silly,” he replied.

“Of course you haven’t…” At that, he approached Louise, dropping his jacket on the kitchen table on his way over, his pecs swimming beneath his close fit t-shirt. He took one of Louise’s calloused hands in both of his own, and brought it up just below his mouth. “May I kiss you?” She looked to her husband, confused.

“What? Why would you wanna do that,” the husband asked Vic, but he didn’t respond to him. “Those hands have been taking out trash, and rooting around in the garden, and you want to put your lips on them?” Feeling a bit empowered by Vic’s blatant disregard of her husband’s words, she gave a shy nod. Her one and only kiss had been on her installation day, over 20 years ago, so she immediately turned beet red once again. His soft, lightly balm coated lips pressed onto her knuckles, leaving a long, sweet kiss on them. “Hey, hey, easy in there!”

“Do you want us to fix her, or not,” Garrett spoke. “We’re professionals.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re all about,” he groaned. “Do what you gotta do, but, I just…”

“You’re feeling jealous,” Vic asked him. Without waiting for a response, he planted another kiss on Louise’s arm, and yet another in the underside of her elbow joint, gently nipping at the tender flesh with his lips alone. She stumbled backwards, leaning against the counter for support. “But how can you be jealous if you won’t even take care of her, like you should?”

“I give her everything she asks for,” he answered. Vic continued, until his lips were locked onto her neck, and he pressed himself against her plush body. An unfamiliar reaction grabbed her, and in turn, she slipped her arms around his back. For all of her insecurities, all of the unshapely curves and facets of her body that she wanted to hide under her loose fitting clothes, he seemed absolutely determined to discover and accept all of her right into his mouth. She saw his jaw muscles clench , as he suckled on her neck, and she shut her eyes in bliss.

“She doesn’t ask for anything,” Garrett spoke up. “And now that she knows that there’s better out there for her, she’s gonna hold you to these standards.”

“What, you want me to… To just put my mouth on her like that? Like they do in those pornos, like The Notebook or Dear John?” At this, Vic moved his hands to Louise’s back, tracing her spine with his fingertips, and holding the back of her head steady. He then migrated the kiss up to her face, and right onto her lips. She moaned into his mouth, frightening herself with the sound. That was the first time for her that it just happened naturally, without her having to fabricate the sound. At that, the husband made a move towards the doorway, but Garrett intercepted him.

“Just watch,” he said. “Try to learn a thing or two.” Vic weaved his fingers in between the buttons of Louise’s shirt, and ripped the garment open, with buttons flying around the kitchen. He pulled up one of her thighs, wrapping it behind his back, and pressed into her more directly, with his lips covering her chest with small, quick kisses. She was unsure of what to do with her hands at this point, and they just trembled in the air behind his back. Garrett moved over to them, taking her right hand. He pushed it into Vic’s short hair from behind, and closed her fingers around his locks. “He likes it when you take control,” he told her, with a wink. She looked over to her husband for a brief second, before the darkness of the inside of her eyelids took her again. She guided Vic’s head down to her right breast, and obediently, Vic turned her bra around backwards, kissing her areola. He circled her nipple with his tongue, before taking the whole teat into his mouth, suckling on it. Moaning gleefully, she repeated this process with her left breast, and then with her navel, alternating between the three for as long as she could stand.

Finally, Vic grabbed her other thigh, and lifted her completely onto the counter. As he removed her slippers, and stockings, and treated her thighs to the same tender care as he did her arm, she giggled happily, and opened up her legs to him. He rolled her soaked panties down, letting them hang off of her left ankle, and dove into her face first. She reached down to open up her lips, but he ignored the gesture entirely, instead sucking her bud into his mouth, lips assuming the shape one would make if they bit into a strawberry. Again, her hand found rest atop his head, but this time she had no directions. This had never happened to her before; they were exploring her body together at this point and his guess was as good as hers.

He waited until her eyelids dropped closed, and her breathing became ragged for him to slip his fingers inside. He started with just the middle, but then added the index after a moment, stroking her at a gracious, slow and deliberate pace. He found her soft spot, and instead of punishing it with his fingers relentlessly, he more or less did the opposite, letting his fingers divide around it as he entered, seemingly avoiding it. “Oh, God,” she called out, curling her toes, and gripping his hair tightly. His teasing was unbearable; already 15 minutes into his ministrations, she realized that sex with her husband would have been long over at this point. She never knew that she would have to endure such pleasure for so long in her life. His middle finger interrupted her train of thought as it drove in directly for her g-spot, and she squealed. He went back to avoiding it once more, instead focusing on her clit. With his free hand, he took her bud and its hood between his index and thumb, gently, with just enough pressure to cause its own throbbing to stroke herself. Her free hand slammed into the counter, knocking several things over onto the floor. Holding her clit steady, just as it was, he began to flick it with her tongue, at the same pace of her throbbing. With his fingertips no longer dancing around her soft spot, stimulating it directly now, she began to scream.

“And now I gotta put up with her screamin’ every time I want to-” her husband began. Garrett cut him off.

“Don’t ruin this for her,” he demanded. He couldn’t have, if he tried, anyway. She was already well off down the river, if the creases on her forehead were any indication. All of her muscles tightened at once, and her scream ended with a very satisfied groan. He gave her lips a soft, congratulatory pat, as he stood up straight, taking one of her legs with him to drape over his shoulder. He reached into his utility belt, and retrieved a condom, and with a practiced ease, he unzipped the front of his pants, and rolled the rubber over his shaft.

“Jesus, what the hell is that thing? Was your dad a donkey,” the man asked, laughing to hide his genuine fear. Vic ignored him. He moved the hair out of her sweaty forehead, clearing her face, and looking into her eyes.

“Would you like to go again,” he asked. Giggling some more, she nodded. He leaned down into another kiss, as if to thank her for the opportunity, and while their mouths were still connected, he slowly pushed his cock inside of her. She gripped both of his arms, digging in with her nails, as his shaft reached depths she never thought possible. With equal measures of tenderness and vigor, he settled upon a moderate pace, pushing her right back into open-mouthed, shut-eyed ecstasy.

He was scratching an itch she never knew she had, and he was doing it well. With an almost machinelike tempo, he thrusted and rolled his hips, making sure to make the ride all about her pleasure. It only took a short while longer before she climaxed around him. “Fuck, don’t stop,” she pleaded, and he obeyed, bucking his hips through her climax. His own orgasm followed soon after, causing them to clutch onto each other. He finally pulled out, and removed the condom, tying it closed, and dropping it into the wastebasket. Louise, still unready to stand to her feet, sat up, turning her bra back around, and trying to straighten her hair back out.

Garrett removed a pill bottle from his pack, labelled “Hysterex”, the best selling drug on the market at the moment. It virtually eliminated all symptoms of the menstrual cycle, without harming fertility, a true wonder drug. It would not be completely wrong to say that every girl older than 14 was on this drug. However, the side effect, unbeknownst to essentially all the women who used it, was that it made them extremely open to suggestion and commands. However, he didn’t have any Hysterex in that bottle. He had sugar pills. “She needs to take these for 90 days,” Garrett explained.

“She’s been taking her Hysterex,” the husband spoke, with a groan. “That can’t be the problem.”

“We’re professionals,” Garrett reminded him. “Trust us. They’re phasing out the old stuff; it’s not as potent as the new wave.” He shook the bottle.

“Fine. Leave the pills, and the get the hell out of my house,” he demanded. Vic took Louise’s head into his hands once more, giving her a deep kiss, thanking her once more. Satisfied with their work, they left the couple to their own home.

“Mission accomplished,” Garrett said, as he climbed into the van. “I give her a month until she leaves.”
