Wet Dreams [F] [Str8] [mast]

It was a picturesque morning, an idyllic scene. The weather was nice, the sun was out, the botanic garden wedding day was better than any day they could have imagined. The white trellis with the vine of purple flowers intertwined hung over them as the minister read their vows. They had just finished listening to Kem belting out “Promise to Love” and now it was their turn to consummate their love on this wedding day.

She remembered the day so vividly in her mind.

Repeat after me.

I, Mia, take you, Mark, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

She had repeated these vows, over and over again in her head as she lay in her bed missing him. Missing his smell, his manhood, his love. He was long gone, but she remembered the W. The short time they had spent together in a torrid love affair in the streets of Manhattan. How could she forget? How could she forget the late night at the movie theater watching the Matrix as he dozed in and out of sleep? How could she forget walking down the street, arm in arm without a care in the world. No fear of detection, alone to be who they wanted to be, and together at last?

She would never forget the days that led up to their beautiful wedding day and she would never forget their wedding night. He fucked he hard that night. It was long overdue. He needed her badly and he fucked her good, slow and long and hard, just the way she liked it.

36hh. To some this meant nothing, but to him it meant everything. Under her white wedding dress was his salvation, two of them, cuddled in a black bra with blue trim, her favorite colors. There was more. Under her beautiful wedding dress with silk embroidery lay her beautiful black skin that glistened with the body oils and emitted a scent that wafted through the air from his nose into his heart. He remembered her sweet aroma. She remembered his hard dick. He remembered her wet pussy. She remembered his stiff penis, penetrating her, finding its long lost home in her soft vagina, made in the perfect shape and size especially for him.

Yes, it was an idyllic scene all right. They were miles apart, yet laying right next to each other just the same. He was in his room and she was in hers, but they might as well have been in the same room together. They could both feel each other’s love and it felt good.

She started this scene with her bra and panties as she looked in the mirror and saw the beauty he was missing. She undressed and laid them aside, thinking every moment about the restrictions she placed on their life together. No videos, no pictures, just love, and yes, love it was. Love beyond her wildest dreams. Love that reminded her about her wishful thinking and the wonderful fantasies in her imagination coming true.

So she laid them both down, first her panties, then her bra, so neatly and this reminded her about his reaction. What if he could see me now? What if he could see my bra, my panties, what would he do? What if he could see them and smell them and touch them and remind himself of me? What would he do? Would he get hard, would he get excited? Would he cum? All these thoughts flowed through her mind as she prepared herself for their intimate time together. As she lay in the bed naked massaging herself she sent to him her love.

Here you go dear. Let’s do it again. Let’s remember what it felt like to hold each other in our arms. Let’s remember the kiss and the soft lips and many nights we lay in the bed together looking up at the stars and imagining what it would be like, caught in the heaven on earth we made for each other. And she laid there, massaging herself, playing with herself, enjoying herself, thinking of him, thinking of her. She reminded herself to make a note, to remember this scene, to remember the moment as reached a climax again.

She knew he would love her voice memo because she did it just like he asked her to do. She recalled each moment from the time she took each breast as she pinched her nipples to remind herself of him. Yes, he was many miles away, but at this moment he was in the room with her. As she described the motion, the touch and the feel and the smell, what he could not see became crystal clear in his mind’s eye. And the way she described it made him cum, over and over again.

Hello Dear. Sorry you couldn’t be with me tonight. I’ve got on your favorite bra and panties and I’m slipping them off now. I’m laying them in the chair next to the bed, as I slip under the covers to play with myself. I remember what you told me about love. I remember what you said and I know you meant it. “Baby, come walk with me, because you’ve been away too long.” And I remember how we walked arm and arm together.

And these were the thoughts that filled my head and filled my soul. Thoughts of you as I massaged my clitoris and inserted my two fingers in my mound. It was the thought of you, wishing you were here, yet knowing you were far away. It was the thoughts of your love that took me over the top into orgasm. It was the thought of you listening to me enjoying myself that brought you right here into the moment with me and it is this moment that I want to share with you. Yes, that is right, this is the moment of unconditional love I want to share with you.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3ytlnb/wet_dreams_f_str8_mast