Sabina the Not-Yet Twenty Witch: Part 3 [MF][Sex][Mast][Exh][FDom][MC][Voy[[Magic]

**Note:** More is coming from The Neighborhood. Editing for Reddit (formatting) is not a simple task. Enjoy the filler stories in the interim.

**Chapter 6: A Chat, A Cat, and Sabina’s Black Patch**

After her roommate left for the morning, Sabina called Jackson, telling him the whole sordid vampire story.

“She made me come for an hour straight.” She said, angry.

“Like, one giant, long orgasm or—.”

“Like, thirty in a row. I feel like I was doing cross fit all night. Every muscle is sore.”

“Well, just to clarify, she didn’t make you do that, not really. She likely used a Heart’s Desire curse, which basically means giving someone too much of a good thing. It all happened in your mind, if that makes you feel any better. I mean, if you really like cupcakes, you would have probably felt like you were eating too many cupcakes and thrown up a lot. So, apparently, you just like sex…a *lot*, though. Let’s be honest, it wasn’t a hard guess for an initiate witch.”

“You don’t have to sound so amused, Jackson.” Sabina said.

“No one likes losing a fight, but honestly, that is not a *bad* way to lose. It sounds like she was just trying to make a point, and it seems she did.”

“I want to kill her.”

“She’s not technically a monster. She’s sentient. Vampires are a pissy and territorial bunch, but generally harmless to witches. I’d also like to point out that you’re not a full witch yet. You couldn’t take on a *young* vampire, and this one doesn’t sound young. Do what she asks. Seek your revenge a hundred years from now. You’ll be a gangbuster witch by then, I’m sure.”

“You’re right. I know you’re right, but—.”

“But your pride is hurt, and your legs are wobbly from your self-inflicted mental gang-bang. Go do something to take you mind off it. Don’t you kids study or hacky sack or whatever?”

“You’re, like, not quite three years older than me.” Sabina said.

“Yet we walk in different worlds. Is it wrong that I’m picturing you writhing in ecstasy in a graveyard?”

“Yes, Jackson, it is.”

“Okay, so I’m only going to jerk off to that *once*.” He laughed. “Because it’s so very, *very* wrong.”

“Goodbye, Jackson.” She hung up her phone, feeling a little better about her humiliation, and a little less vengeful. She rolled out of bed, frowning at seeing a few blades of grass in her sheets, did a cleaning spell that removed all the detritus and made her bed the process. She grabbed her towel and shower kit and walked out into the hallway. Halfway to the guys’ shower she realized people were looking at her. Really seeing her. Naked. She glowered, realizing the vampire probably knocked out all her glamours and everything would have to be reworked. She put an arm in front of her breasts and a hand in front of her bush, awkward with her shower stuff and towel.

“Did you get a good look?” Sabina asked, turning and glaring at one of the guys looking at her in the hallway. “I have tits and ass, and a nice little black bush. Enjoy, fuckers.” She flipped them off and continued walking down the hall toward the girls’ showers, unwilling to work a glamour or bother confusing those who already saw her. Someone took a picture, and she spun around, staring the guy down. The picture wouldn’t be clear, not without her willing it—she knew she wasn’t *that* weak—but it was the principle of the thing. She threw a quick curse at the guy. Though he didn’t know it, the next three times he tried to have sex, he wouldn’t be able to get it up.

Sabina continued down to the women’s showers and washed up, muttering about vampires under breath, emanating bad vibes as only a witch could, and generally making everyone within twenty feet of her feel uneasy, though they didn’t really know why. She found grass and dirt in places she didn’t care to admit—that vampire really did short out her powers—and it took her fifteen minutes longer to shower than it normally did, though she felt suitably clean by the time she dried off. She wrapped her towel around herself, not bothering to glamour away her nudity, which she normally did to air-dry. Part of punishing herself was doing normal stupid human things. Being shy, hiding her body, not letting herself come in contact with the open air.


**Chapter 7: Study Hard, Or Hard and Studying?**

Her Wednesday classes were boring, stupid things she had to take before she decided on a major, math and English, variations thereof, but only two hours’ worth, and she was free by lunch time. She grabbed a to-go lunch from the cafeteria and ate her lunch under a tree, Hades resting next to her.

“Are you going to Sigma party tonight?” Hades asked, opening one eye to peer at her.

“Don’t tell me you got invited too…” Sabina joked between bites.

“I’m invited everywhere!” He huffed. “I was at the Delta dorms again last night, looking for your pseudo-witch relation—with no luck, I might add—and it was the talk of the hall. The party, not the witch.” He added. “Those Delta girls though…so many of them of just wear sleep shirts and nothing else!”

“Vera told me about it.”

“The Delta girls?” He asked.

“About the party, dummy.” Sabrina laughed. “Though, honestly, Vera *might* know about the Delta girls, too.”

“Oh, I like Vera. She has some amazing tits. Are you *close* friends again? Are you going to the party together?” His ears perked. “Can I watch if you two go at it in your room? Oh, man, you should get Lisa in on that…I bet she’d be into Vera, too. *Everyone’s* into Vera.”

“Sounds like you are, at least.” Sabina muttered. “She sent me a text this morning. I’m going to drop by her room around seven—no cats allowed.”

“Well, I’m not really a cat, am I?” He laughed. “Speaking about not really being something, I heard a little gossip about a blonde girl with a black bush walking to the showers completely naked this morning. Forgot to re-do your glamours, eh?”

“And? It was *my* ass out there. I hadn’t realized Felicia the Vampire Jerk had wiped out most of my latent spells.”

“I’m just saying, that is something, tired or not, you have to be careful of. I didn’t hear of anyone mention your witch’s mark, your little white-blonde lightning bolt, but still…this is how people like Felicia hear about you. How word of Cloverdale College’s resident witch spreads far and wide.”

“First off, it is *not* a lightning bolt—fuck that stupid book! You’ve seen enough naked witches to know it’s just a stripe—more Bride of Frankenstein than Harry Potter. Secondly, Felicia is not ‘people’, she’s a bloodsucker with just enough brains to avoid being outright murdered as magical food. And three, she knew about me *beforehand*. She could probably sense me. *I* wasn’t even looking for her.”

“No,” Hades muttered, “you normally leave the *looking* up to me.”

“Are you *unhappy* with your role? Do you want me to pass you to some other initiate? Maybe one a little less *forgiving* than I am? After some of the shit you’ve pulled on me over the years? Maybe a *nice* initiate who has you do very little and keeps you in a cage when she’s off at school?”

“No…no. You’re missing my point. Seriously, I am sensing some bitter witch vibes, here. What I’m saying is, you maybe need to think about being a bit more active in *owning* your territory, your school. If some vampire can push you around, who’s to say next time it isn’t a sprite, a faerie, a gnome, a ghost…anything with brains enough to see you as an easy target.”

“I have wards.” Sabina said. “And ghosts are mostly dumb.” She added.

“You have wards on your *room*, and only *parts* of your dorm,” Sabina hadn’t spelled-up *all* of the floors in her dorm, “but you don’t know what’s really out there, and I can’t see or feel things half as well as you can, and it’s not as if you can ward your whole campus.”

“Maybe I’ll start doing a few fly-arounds every other night…” Sabina was more talking to herself than answering Hades. “I do like the night air.” She was imagining herself flying, naked, around the campus, thinking of Jackson naked next to her, his hand between her legs, his—.

“Hey!” Hades pawed at her leg. “It’s not just getting your rocks off while your rub a broom between your legs. You have to *really* reach out, and that means staying in one place, stretching your abilities.”

“Alright, furball. I’ll have to do some research. Go catch a mouse or something. I’ll sit here and read some more.” Sabina took out her tablet and pulled up *Witch’s Weekly*, a summary of spells and tips and other sundries she might be able to make use of, or at least hone some of her existing skills. She used the search function and looked up the Heart’s Desire spell, and thinking back, she recognized much of what Felicia had done. There were counter-spells, but she’d been taken by surprise, and Felicia had muted her before she could really fight back. She was replaying the struggle in her mind, and came to the conclusion that while she had been over-matched, she could have thrown a few dweomers or other wordless spells to escape, to flee. She could’ve had some basic protection spells in place before she even got to the graveyard—she should have, really. She’d made a lot of rookie mistakes, though she hadn’t really fought anyone other than her aunts over the years, and she suspected they always went easy on her.

Something had been different with Felicia’s main spell, though, and she remembered one of the component words, and found that the vampire had worked in a lust component as well. Jackson had been right, the vampire had gotten her number right away. The lust element wouldn’t have done anything had she not been harboring so much desire for sex. Rather than collapsing in the dirt and having a long sex dream, she instead had dozens of actual orgasms while thrashing about in the mud. That spell had been so minor, too, she could have easily blocked it, if not the Heart’s Desire itself.

She read more about locating spells, warding, a sort of witch radar, and a harmful intent warning system. Sabina wanted to practice some of the spells and set a basic glamour before standing up, stretching, and taking off her clothes. She could have tried most of the stuff fully dressed, but witches were at their best when not constrained by human-fashioned clothes. So, it was either nudity or naturally tanned animal skins, which weren’t that fashionable.

She sat down on the grass under the tree, cross-legged, and feeling the breeze roll over her bare skin tease at the warm flesh and curls of hair between her legs. She flexed her toes, running hand over her breasts, moving lower, but though she was tempted, she resisted the urge to pleasure herself. She felt herself getting a little wet and knew the arousal would help focus her power into the earth.

Sabina reached out with her mind feeling for unusual energies, and her mind was quickly assaulted by the swell of college-aged self-loathing, a lot of pent-up desires, mostly sexual, and a good amount of resentment from some of the faculty, and a bit from the surrounding town. Nothing was magical—not at the level she was feeling—and she knew she wasn’t really focused enough. She tried looking for Hades, used him to ‘dial-in’ her real interests, and soon she saw a water sprite living in the lake she’d dove in last night, some other low-level water beasties, five ghosts in separate locations, a poltergeist, a revenant in the Delta dorms—that was odd. Revenants typically came from violent deaths. She’d have to check that out, especially as she was now feeling—or seeing, depending on how you termed it—the essence of the half-witch Hades had mentioned. She lived on the third floor of the Delta dorms, but that was as good as she could focus, and the girl wasn’t on campus at the moment, apparently.

About an hour had passed, though it had only felt like minutes. Sabina opened her eyes and jumped at seeing a guy sitting on the other side of the tree. She instinctively covered up, but it seemed like her glamour had held. He nodded and waved.

“You were meditating? I’m hoping I didn’t scare you.” He said.

“I think I dozed off.” Sabina said, lowering her arms from her breasts and uncovering her pussy. The guy didn’t blink. “You just surprised me.” Her detection spell was fading, but this guy was no threat. She stretched out her legs, spreading her thighs a little. That sort of thing never really got old. She was an exhibitionist at heart.

She couldn’t really get dressed without breaking the glamour, and she didn’t really want to Mesmer the guy just for sitting under the wrong tree at the wrong time. But then, she *also* wanted to go get a coffee. She remembered what she’d been studying before her longer spell and muttered a few things under her breath. She watched the guy shift under the tree and glance down at his crotch. If she’d done it right, he’d have a pretty powerful erection.

“You okay over there?”

“What? Um, yeah, um…” Sabina crawled over on her hand and knees and sat next to the guy. He blushed when she looked straight down at his crotch.

“Looks like your pants are too tight.” She used her unfastening spell in quick succession and his jeans were unbuttoned followed by his zipper sliding down. He was so hard his erection sprang up through the front of his boxers.

“Oh, geez, I don’t know what just happened there.” He moved to cover his nakedness. “I’m not some kind of creep who just…”

“Gets hard at seeing a girl?” The guy glanced away for a moment. “Don’t worry,” she said, grasping his member and starting to stroke him, “it’s not as if I haven’t seen one of these before, and you were obviously feeling a little horny and I have some use for that—beyond just spell practice.” Sabina muttered the last bit, though he wasn’t much paying attention at that point. “Do you want me to stop?”

“Fuck, no…” He hissed. Sabina let him see her as naked, and he reached out, cupping one of her breasts. “Oh, you’re hot, is this really happening…?”

“It’s probably just a daydream, but enjoy it.” He was swelling, the tip of him wet, as he neared climax. Sabina reached between her legs and drew back a wet finger, drawing a line up the length of him and chanting a few words, constructing the basis of a warding spell. Once she was a full witch, once she could have *sex* for real, this would all be so much faster, easier, less steps involved. It’s not that the blow jobs or hand jobs bothered her, but the less-than-fully-intimate contact was like collecting a bucket of water a few drops at a time. She was averaging at least one random hookup a week since she started college—and sometimes more—just to keep up with her magical self-study. This week was already stepping up to be one of the outliers. When she was a full witch, sex could power her for a whole month, so she told.

The whole thing was sexist, but only in the sense that witch magic gained the most power from life and death, so sacrifice or procreation. Again, a little blood, a little sex, or even lesbian efforts, only gave so much power, and the closer to simulating the real thing, the better the reward.

The guy started coming in her palm, and it collected into a small floating ball, like it was in zero gravity. She kissed the guy on the cheek, thanking him, and just faded from his awareness as he redid his pants, as if nothing unusual had happened. Sabina left her clothes and bag under the tree, glamoured from notice, and walked to the Dedication Stone, with its little plaque about the founding of the school, at the nearby corner if the campus. No one paid any attention to the naked coed, holding a floating ball of somewhat glowing semen, walking in broad daylight. Something would have been terribly wrong if they *had* noticed. She drew a wedge in the air behind the large standing stone using the glowing ball. The shape was briefly outlined in the air before fading. She said a few more magic words and the ball flashed out of existence, and she felt the draw from her own power reserve.

Sabina walked over to the campus map, frowning a bit at seeing the odd shape. It wasn’t really a hexagon, but she had five more ‘corners’ to visit.

“Can I help you with something?” A young man, a campus tour guide by his button on his shirt, was smiling at her. She looked him up and down, zapped him with the lust spell—with positive results—and she smiled back.

“Oh, I think you can help me, but first, can you lead me to here?” She pointed to the corner farthest from her dorm.

“Sure, sure. That’s near the performance center. You just take that walkway there,” he pointed. “And then you—.”

“Actually, if you could lead me there, that would be great.” Sabina said, briefly touching his chest. His lust was reinforced, and he had to blink away the surge of desire he felt.

“Um, okay…” He said, walking a little stiffly.

“But first we need to stop by that tree over there so you can carry my books…my clothes, too.” She added.

“Your clothes? But you’re wearing…”

“I know you’re confused, um, Alan,” she said, reading the name off his button, “but you’ll enjoy this little walk, especially the end.” He saw Sabina as wearing a thin sundress, almost sheer in the daylight. He followed after her, not really sure why, but the hardness in his pants seemed to be tugged along by the swishing of the blonde girl’s hips under her dress as she led him toward a tree where another student was napping.


**Chapter 8: Bipitty Boppity Boobs**

Finished with her tour of the campus, having given four handjobs and three blowjobs for her spell, she ate dinner alone, and took a short nap in the student lounge in just her panties. Technically the world could not touch her, but those couches got a *lot* of use. Sabina took a quick shower—back to the men’s showers now that she was running her full suite of glamours—though she had the showers to herself, given the time of day. She went back to her room to find Hades curled up in Lisa’s lap.

“He just came in here when I opened the window.” She pointed. “The heat is acting up again, so I had to open it.” Sabina looked to the cat.

“Is there something I should know?” To Lisa it would just sound as if she was making noises at the cat, what a good kitty, all that garbage.

“Nothing standout. I was just checking if you were going to the party tonight.” In turn, Hades gave a few short meows. “Be cool, invite Lisa.”

“I hadn’t realized you were my social coordinator…” Sabina muttered, but she looked to her roommate. “That reminds me, Lisa. There’s that Sigma party tonight, the little black dress party. Did you want to go with me and my friend Vera?”

“I was going to study my organic chemistry…” She said.

“Come on, that’s what the cat was saying, he wants you to go.” She laughed, and Hades jumped off her lap.

“Well, if the *cat* wants me to go…” She stood up and went to her closet. “So *we* have to wear little black dresses. What do the guys have to wear?”

“Probably whatever they want. College is stupid sometimes. They just want us to look sexy while putting in little to no effort themselves.” Lisa pulled a dress from her closet with the correct attributes. She stripped down to her underwear and started to get into the dress. “Wait, wait.” Sabina said, stopping Lisa. “You can’t just wear *that* under your dress.” Sabina pointed to the girl’s sensible cotton bra and panties—tan, nonetheless.

“Here.” Sabina went to Lisa’s dresser and started rifling through Lisa’s underwear drawer. The witch ignored the vibrator, though she was happy to see her roommate wasn’t a robot, and she pulled out a tiny little matching set of black lacy things from some middle-range lingerie chain. “It’s one thing to look the part, but it helps to *feel* the part. Now, get naked for me and put these on.” She tossed the underwear to her, laughing as she said it. Lisa blushed a little but did as Sabina asked. The black underwear was mostly sheer and Sabina was thrilled to see her roommate dressed so sexily, Lisa’s nipples hard and fully visible, her narrow bush peeking out of the top of the low-cut panties, and they were *very* low-cut. It made Sabina wonder if Lisa had been fully waxed when she bought them originally.

Sabina altered her glamour so it appeared as if she just took off her towel. Her roommate glanced away, but Sabina moved toward her. “I’ll help you with the dress now.” She helped Lisa step into the dress, enjoying the view of the girl’s ass in the see-thru panties, and zipped up the back. Lisa’s dress came within a hand’s width of her knees, and showed a little cleavage, but wasn’t too revealing. Sabina went to her own dresser and pulled out her own matching set of bra and panties, dark red, sheer with narrow satin stripes that teased more than covered, showing off most of her nipples and revealing her black bush.

“Those are nice.” Lisa said, referring to the underwear.

“They were a gift. I don’t normally buy the expensive stuff, but I wasn’t going to turn them down.” She left out the part where they were from a professor who got a little obsessed with her. The lingerie was the end result of a spell that left him satisfied in his desire for Sabina without her actually having to *satisfy* him. Money had its own power, too, though, so she was happy to accept the expensive gift. Sabina took a pair of dark lace-topped thigh highs out of her dresser and started pulling them on.

“Oh, should I put on hose?” Lisa asked.

“Uh, no,” Sabina said, “you can borrow some of my thigh highs.” She didn’t have another pair, but a duplication spell would work just fine, even if the stockings *would* fall apart by morning—it was a little better than glass slippers, at least. She went back to her dresser and cast the dweomer. There was a more permanent version of the spell, but she wasn’t going to prick her finger or suck a dick just to help dress her friend. She removed the duplicate stockings from her dresser and handed them to Lisa. She pulled them on with both Sabina and the cat watching her intently as Lisa hiked up her dress to pull the lace tops up all the way. The stockings were big on her, only in the sense that the tops reached her crotch, but she looked good, and Sabina felt herself get a bit aroused. Sabina’s black dress was a bit more ‘little’ than Lisa’s, the hem halfway up her thighs, the neckline plunging, the back too. Her heels made her a couple of inches taller—magically imbued, of course, to feel like sneakers—and she stood next to Lisa in front of the mirror. “We look very hot,” Sabina said, grabbing her friend’s ass.

“I suppose.” Lisa said.

“Have a little more confidence. I’d totally fuck you.” Sabina said, and Lisa blushed. “Hey, you’re lucky I’m not a dude, right?” She slapped her ass. “Let’s go to Vera’s dorm. She always takes forever to get ready, but she usually has plenty to drink in her room.” Sabina shooed Hades out the window, but didn’t close it all the way. She walked with Lisa across campus, passing a handful of girls in black dresses along the way, though Sabina was convinced her and Lisa looked the best so far. Vera buzzed them up to her room, and they went inside, walking up the three flights to find her door slightly ajar.

“Hey, Sabina,” Vera was completely naked, and Lisa put a hand up to shield her view, “and you’re Lisa, her roommate, right?”

“Um, yes. I can, um, wait outside if…”

“Why are you *naked*, Vera?” Sabina asked.

“I can’t decide what to wear.” She replied.

“It’s *literally* a little black dress party. The outfit is in the title. What do you have to decide?”

“I have two dresses.” Vera pointed to the bed. “One is spaghetti straps, but the other is a bit more revealing. I have to wear a strapless bra with the spaghetti straps, and I don’t think I can even *wear* a bra with the other. I bought it online and haven’t even worn it yet, other than to try it on.”

“So, put the spaghetti straps on first.” Sabina said. She looked to Lisa. “You better sit down and have a drink, this will probably be a few minutes.” Sabina went to Vera’s mini-fridge and grabbed three beers, handing one off to the others. “And the reason you’re not wearing panties?”

“The first dress is thin, so I’d have to wear a thong…or, you know, nothing, and the second one, I could pretty much wear whatever.” Vera pulled on her strapless bra and then stepped into the strappy dress. She was so tall the dress almost looked like it didn’t fit her, but it was only a little shorter than my own. Her breasts, D-cups, at least, looked like they were going to pop out of the top of the dress, and her cleavage was extensive. Part of Sabina wanted to slide her fingers along that valley, nuzzle her face against them, but Lisa probably wouldn’t appreciate the show, at least not on her first beer. “So, what do you think?” She did a spin, and the dress flared up, showing off her bare ass and pussy, which she covered, laughing a bit. “Sorry about that.”

“Well, obviously you’d need to be careful when dancing, but it looks good. Your boobs look like—.”

“Like wow.” Lisa said. “I’m totally jealous.” Lisa looked down at her chest. Sabina noticed Lisa’s beer was empty. She was probably nervous, but Sabina handed off her own beer to the girl, grabbing another from the fridge.

“Okay, so let’s see the next dress.” Sabina said, and Vera pulled off the first, and took off her bra. The was black with a sheer top layer giving it a lot of dimension with a whole lot of sexiness. The dress tied behind her neck, the front of the dress kind of acting like a bikini and supporting her breasts while showing off her bare back and the full curves of her breasts in deep cleavage. The dress was about the same length as Sabina’s so not nearly as much chance of ass exposure, though there was no way Vera could wear a bra. “I like this one.” Sabina said for entirely selfish reasons.

“Yeah, but I have very obvious pokies.” Vera said, looking down and touching her nipples protruding through the thin fabric.

“It’ll be warmer at the party…and darker.” Lisa said.

“I guess.” Vera agreed, finishing her beer. She went to her dresser and pulled out a little black pair of seamless panties. The fabric was thin enough to show off every bit of her, though Sabina was a little disappointed Vera had even bothered putting them on. She didn’t have thigh highs, and Sabina’s wouldn’t fit her, even if she duplicated them again. They talked a little while longer, each of them having another beer, Lisa a little bit tipsy on her third, and they headed off to the Sigma house.

**End Part 3**



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