Morning Hike [MF] [Inc] [Piss] [Oral]

I didn’t remember our text conversation from the night before, so I was freaked out when I heard the knocking at my front door. I peaked out my bedroom window, but didn’t see anything weird. I left my bedroom and went to the front door of my apartment. Through the peephole, I saw my brother.

“What the fuck? It’s so early!” I yelled at him after opening the door.

“We were going for a run, remember?”

“Shit. I forgot.”

“Clearly. Go get dressed.”

I definitely couldn’t go running dressed like I was. A spaghetti strapped babydoll top and panties wasn’t going to cut it. I left my brother in my living room and returned to my bedroom. I opened my dresser and dug around for a minute for something else. I didn’t find anything.

I walked across the room to my closet and got down on my knees. I flipped through the big pile of dirty clothes on the floor for a minute. I found some black leggings and a pink sports bra. I gave them a sniff. Oh Jesus. Oh well, I’m going to get sweaty from the run anyway.

I pulled off my shirt and dropped it into the pile. I pulled the bra over my head and stood back up. I walked back to my bed and sat down. I plopped both feet into the legs and stood up, pulling the leggings with me. I turned to the side and took a look in the mirror on my wall. Athletic clothes were pretty much designed to show off a woman’s curves, and these worked. My ass hung out like a shelf. My 36-Cs stuck out far from my tight and toned stomach. I jogged in place for a second. And they bounced like a basketball.

“Well, that’s a little less revealing than before” my brother teased when I came back to the living room.

“I can’t help that,” I said while sitting down to put on socks and shoes. “You aren’t much better. Are those shorts new?” He was wearing running shorts that didn’t even come down to mid-thigh and a white tee-shirt. I knew he’d be taking off the shirt before we even started our run. “Where do you want to run?”

“Yeah. I just got them Tuesday. I was thinking going out to the state park and doing some trail running.”

“It’s a beautiful morning for that. Maybe we’ll startle a bigfoot. Did you hear there was another spotting last week?”

“Yeah. The news this morning said the hunter found some weird hair that the University couldn’t identify.”

“Maybe we’ll find some prints or droppings. My animal behavior professor says droppings would be the best to find. It’d give some good DNA and tell us what they eat. It’d make it easier to narrow down the regions they lived in.”

“I doubt we’ll see anything, though. Most sightings are in the evenings, not the mornings. Almost ready? I’m going to fill my water bottle. Want me to fill the one next to the sink?”

“Yes and yes.” I grabbed my keys and phone before walking out to his car. I got in the passenger side. He gave me the bottles and we didn’t talk much more while driving the 20 minutes out of town to the park.

We parked and headed off towards our favorite trail, stretching a little as we went. We stopped in a larger field area next to the trail about 50 yards down the trail. We sat on the ground and started stretching out for our run.

I was seated, with one leg bent over the other, pressing on my knee. My brother sat across from me. His legs were spread with his (now shirtless) chest nearly touching the ground in front of him, getting his lower back stretched out. When he sat up, I could see his dick and balls hanging out from a leg of his shorts.

I don’t know how they were ever covered in his shorts. His balls were big. Like, really big. Each one must have been about the size of a small plum. His dick was darker than most of the rest of his skin, for some reason. My brother had really nice skin that always looked like he was tanned, but his dick was another shade darker. It wasn’t hard, so it looked pretty short, but even soft, you could tell it was thick. Thick dick, big balls, my brother was a lucky guy. Or, rather, his girlfriend was a lucky girl.

“Hey, put your junk away.” I yelled at him.

He looked down and turned bright red. “Shit. Sorry. I didn’t think about that” he said while climbing to his feet. “I’m all ready anyway. You?”

I stood up and picked up my bottle. “Yep. Let me just find my playlist.” I scrolled through my phone for a few seconds before settling on Appetite for Destruction. “Let’s go.”

My brother and I jogged off down the trail. The trail wasn’t wide enough for us to run side-by-side. I ended up in front of my brother as we ran. For some reason, his dick kept popping into my head. It was pretty nice. It’d been months since I’d gotten laid. I went out with friends this last weekend, hoping to find a dude for a one-night stand, but I struck out. I knew from my brother’s girlfriend that they fucked almost every morning. So he probably got some before coming to pick me up. Lucky asshole.

We ran for maybe 20 minutes before coming the first split in the trail. I slowed to a stop and turned around to my brother. “Which way?” I asked before taking a sip of my drink.

“Let’s head up the hill. Maybe from the top, we can see a bigfoot.”

I started to head back down the trail. My brother’s cock kept dancing into my thoughts. His girlfriend was tiny. Barely 5’, maybe 95 pounds. She had gorgeous skin and hair, but most thai girls did. He probably split her in two. She probably has to rest for a few hours after they fuck. That’s why she isn’t out running with us. Or, wait, when did she have a conference somewhere on the east coast?

We ran for a little while longer before reaching the steeper part of our run. This trail would take us to the top of a hill, 1200 feet overlooking our town. It was a gorgeous view and a pretty common overlook for folks. I was surprised we hadn’t seen any other joggers this morning.

When we reached the top, we stopped again, both drinking water from our bottles. The view of town was awesome. You could make out some of the University and had a really good view of downtown. Looking away from town, you had a big view of the surrounding park. A river cut through it a few miles away and there were lots of clearings on top of the various hills in the park. I didn’t see any animals. “Why’s Sophie not out with us?” I asked my brother.

“She’s out in Baltimore for work, then she’s visiting family in Georgia. She’ll be back in a couple weeks.”

Suck it! With how regular their fucking is, he’s probably just as frustrated as I am. “I’m ready to go back to my place whenever you are.” I told him.

“Let me take a piss first,” he said and started to walk towards the tree line, putting in his ear buds.

Was he teasing me? It was an open secret I had a kink for that kind of stuff. I smiled and followed him. He stopped maybe 30 or 40 feet into the trees and was clearly taking out his dick. He placed his hands on his hips and leaned back a little, raising his eyes to the trees.

I came up behind him and peaked around a little. There it was. His dick looked a little longer than when he was seated, and a little stiffer. From it, a smooth clear stream flowed out. It went a foot or so out from him. I could see it splash off the leaves that it hit. I reached around my brother and took his free-hanging dick in my hand.

Almost immediately his stream stopped and he jumped back into me. “What the fuck?” he yelled out.

“Relax.” I hissed in his ear. “I’m not bigfoot.” I stroked his dick a few times.

He pulled forward out of my grasp and turned around. “What the fuck?” he repeated, looking pissed.

“Everything’s fine. Keep going.” I took a step towards him and reached out my hand.

He pulled back further and worked to stuff his dicks back in his shorts. ‘What are you doing?”

“I was just helping you.” I said, smiling and taking a few steps closer to him.

“I don’t need help, you weirdo” he said, taking hard look at me.

He stopped backing away. ‘Weirdo’ is the name he used for me whenever we were play fighting. Was he starting to get into this? I glanced down at his shorts. The right leg hole looked like it was being pushed open from something inside. I took another step towards him. “Everyone can use a little help.”

He was silent. I took a couple more steps towards him. He didn’t move. I stepped up facing him, my left shoulder against his right one. I reached my hand down and pressed it against the front of his shorts. I could feel his hard dick. I turned my head and looked into my brother’s eyes. He swallowed hard and nodded his head just a little.

I stepped to my side, in front of my brother. I put my hands on his hips and kneeled in front of him. I slowly pulled down his shorts, being careful to pull out the waistband when I got to his dick. Out it popped. It was fully erect now. Thicker than before, an average 6 or 7 inches long. If his balls we the size of plums, the head of his dick was about the color of one. I got the shorts all the way down and took my brothers big balls in my hand. I looked back up at him. He looked pretty nervous.

“Still have to piss?” I asked him gently.

“I, uh. That’s, uh.” he stammered.

“It’s alright. Come on. I’m already all wet from sweating”

He closed his eyes and looked up. I kept talking to him. “Just relax. Let it come out. Everything is ok.” It took almost a minute for the first drips to dribble out. They hit the arm that was holding his balls and ran down to my elbow. They felt great running over my elbow and dripping back down to the leaves under me.

“There you go. Keep going” I encouraged him. He took a deep breath and it started to flow freely. At first, his piss sprinkled weakly onto my chest. It ran between my boobs and pooled a little in my bra. The stream coming from my brother’s dick came stronger and started to splash off my chest. I looked down. It made small dark dots it made as it landed on my sports bra. I smiled.

“Oh yeah, piss on your sister,” I whispered as I looked up at him and started to rub his balls. I could feel his piss start to run down my stomach. I looked back down and saw my bra was saturated with the urine of my brother. “Oh, you’ve made me so dirty. So wet.” I told him.

I took my hand from his hip and grabbed my right breast. It felt amazing soaked in my brother’s piss. “Ooooh yeah” I hissed out, looking up at him.

My brother took his eyes from the sky and looked down at me. His eyes widened and his dick jumped when we made eye contact. The stream pushed up and hit me in the chin when his dick flexed. I broke eye contact and lowered my chin. I leaned forward, letting his piss hit my chin again. It ran down my neck, making me shiver. “Mmmm”

The stream started to weaken. He was getting close to being done. I didn’t want to miss this opportunity. I opened my mouth. I lowered my chin further. I felt the sharp burst of salt as it hit my tongue. A little splashed off my tongue and onto the back of my throat. There, I could taste how sweet it was. This is why I loved being pissed on. I didn’t care to return the favor to any of my partners. The salt was so confrontational, but the hidden sweetness in such a filthy act was saved just for me..

It began to pool in my mouth. I closed my mouth some and spit it out. It gushed out of my mouth, running down my chin. I pinched my nipple as the warm flood of it passed over my tits. I opened my mouth again and took another mouthful. He was getting even closer to being done. I spit it out again and quickly wrapped my lips around my brother’s dick.

The last little bit of his piss leaked into my mouth. I sucked hard, trying to get the last fews drops into my mouth. I swallowed and looked up at my brother. “All gone.” I mumbled out and opened my mouth, showing that just his dick was inside.

He looked stunned. Before he could do anything, I closed my mouth around his dick again. I slid my lips down his shaft and took him deeper into my mouth. I stopped when I felt it rub against the back of my tongue. I ran my tongue along the bottom of his dick, feeling veins in his dick pulse a little. My brother let out a moan.

I pulled my head back, letting his dick fall out of my mouth. I took my hand from his balls and began to stroke it as it poked out towards my face. I looked up at my brother. “You like that? You like having your pissed soak little sister suck you off? I’m covered in your piss. Look.” I pulled up my sports bra and let my tits hang out. My sports bra squeezed out some of his piss when it crumbled above my tits. It ran down my tits and I could feel it drip off my nipples. “Ohh. Your piss is dripping off my hard nipples.” I pinched one. “You see what your piss is doing to me. Your filthy little sister is so turned on from your piss.”

My brother’s breathing picked up. I looked up at him. His eyes were closed and his lips were tight. I grabbed his balls and tugged them a little in time with how I was stroking his cock. My brother let out a low growl and his dick suddenly grew thicker. A warm jet of cum shot out at me. It hit my lips and up along my cheek. His cock pulsed again and I could feel cum on my forehead. Another pulse and it stretched from my cheek, over my closed eye, and onto my forehead.

My brother growled again and grabbed the back of my head. He pulled it towards him violently, and I barely had time to open my mouth wide enough for him to miss my teeth. He thrusted his dick into me. It slid along my tongue and I pushed the tip of my tongue upwards a little to tip the head of his dick down my throat. He hit the back of my throat, slide down a little and shot another stream of cum. He pulled back out and thrusted in again. This time, his cum hit the back of my throat before his dick did, letting me relive the sweet splash of his piss. A tremor shot down my spine.

After the second thrust, he pulled out of my mouth and backed away a few steps. He looked down at his little sister. I was on my knees, tits hanging out below my pink sports bra. I was soaking wet from his piss. My face had 3 or 4 ropes of his cum spread across it. My hair was sticking out all over the place from my headband. Saliva and cum dripped out of my mouth and onto my tits as I let me mouth hang open to gulp in air.

“Fuck,” my brother said.

“Yeah, that’s about all I can say too.”



  1. Suggested Edit: coming the first split in the trail coming ( to )the first split in the trail taking hard look at me. taking ( a )hard look at me. It made small dark dots it made as it It made small dark dots (——–) as it Good Story!

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