A teacher finally shows his bitchy student where she belongs-part one. [14k words] [Mf] [Mdom] [fsub] [non con to start] [a lot of pain] [bdsm, especially bd] [teacher/student] [toys]

(The whole of this part of the story is 14k words, but I can only post 40k characters on reddit, so it's in two parts.)

Kiara groaned as she watched the seconds tick by towards freedom, she couldn't wait for class to be over to allow her to go see her boyfriend. Why didn't I just skip this class? Mr Richards is oh so boring, Kiara thought to herself, idly doodling on the scraps of paper that had been her work. Many of the girls fawned over Mr Richards, he was still relatively young at about 8 years her senior. For whatever reason, Kiara despised him, often going out of her way to be a nuisance to him in any way she could manage without getting into too much trouble. Her father was a very important man in the city, so the school did give her a fair amount of slack to appease her father, and perhaps attract a little more funding.

Of course her constant pestering had not gone unnoticed by Mr Richards, he knew full well how especially shitty she was with him, as well as how much of a little spoiled brat she was in general, always getting whatever she wanted wherever she went. It made him sick. Unbeknownst to Kiara, she was about to be staying after school for a few hours of, extra curricular activities shall we say.

Finally the school bell rang 5 times in quick succession, signalling the end of the school day. Despite Mr Richards being fairly young, he had managed to acquire quite a strict reputation, his pupils generally liked him as long as they didn't dare to misbehave, well, everyone but Kiara at least. Mr Richards glanced up from his paperwork to see his class itching to jump out of their seats, their class work in hand, ready to be set on his table. The entire room was silent till his firm voice rang out. "Remember to complete pages 115 to 120 for next Monday, besides that have a nice weekend, everyone except Kiara can leave," his piercing gaze settled on her for just a moment, she sat just behind the front row to his right. Just for a moment Kiara thought she could see hunger in his eyes, but she didn't think anything of it, which would turn out to be unfortunate for her.

The entire class hurried out leaving Kiara to almost angrily slump back down in her chair. She was somewhat prone to temper tantrums when things didn't go her way, she had no idea just how badly she was going to be getting it though. Mr Richards went straight back to his work, marking some of the days class work along with preparing a few things to take home for the weekend. After almost two minutes of her groaning, expecting him to tell her why she was here or give her some lecture about some pointless rubbish that she didn't care for. "Ughhhghhhh, why the fuck are you keeping me here, Sam?" She asked loudly, knowing how much that would irritate him.

Mr Richards, well, Sam, had no clue how she'd actually found out his first name, he just figured one of the other teachers must have had a bit of a blabbermouth. However she found out, he hated it, her blatant disrespect of authority, and almost everything else about her. At least everything about her personality anyway, although those were all traits that could be corrected. Her physically appearance was something he definitely liked about her, it was easy to see how she could effectively get whatever she wanted out of anyone, especially in that uniform. Sam had to be very careful with his eyes as well as standing up if his mind started to wonder, lest a bulge in the front of his suit pants be shown to the whole class.

Kiara certainly looked like a fairly typical schoolgirl, albeit and incredibly hot one, in regards to her uniform. Her impressively long shaven legs were covered by thin knee high white socks. On her feet were a pair of small black heels that clicked everywhere she went, alerting everyone she was approaching, and that they should get out of her way or face her bitchy wrath. From her knees to almost her upper thighs were completely bare, showing off her wonderfully smooth skin. Occasionally slight blemishes could be spotted on her knees if one looked hard enough, and Sam certainly had, making it very obvious what she had been up to recently. Her top half was covered by a plain white shirt with a blue and silver tie right down the middle. Her tie rested right between her more than ample breasts which were accentuated by her holly red lace bra that seemed to pus her two perfectly formed breasts up and out. They had certainly helped her win a lot of argument with boys. Hidden beneath her rather short red and green plaid skirt were a pair of panties that matched her bra. She was only wearing such expensive Victoria's Secret lingerie for her meeting with her boyfriend. Apparently Sam picked the right day to make his move. Her perfectly brushed wavy brown hair rolled over her chest either side of her breasts.

Sam's left hand curled up into a fist as his right set down the pen he had been writing with. She literally had no respect for him, a fact he would change one way or another, and if he so happened to enjoy her correction the all the better, he deserved a little fun after all the daily annoyance she put him through. "That's sir to you, girl," his voice showed no hint of annoyance or even emotion. It was flat, commanding even. He stood from his seat and slowly took off his suit jacket, setting it neatly around his comfy chair. Before she could interject some asinine reply to whine about being referred to as girl, he continued, starting to walk towards the door. "You know what the great thing about this classroom is Kiara?" He looked over to her as he pushed the thick fire door closed, sealing the two off from the outside world. She had a completely blank expression on her face, her mouth was even slightly agape in confusion.

After waiting a few moments to see if she'd give any sort of meaningful reply he carried on. "No one ever comes here after school, it's so out of the way that no one bothers coming here till the cleaners come by in the morning, and everyone knows I normally leave immediately after school finishes," he produced a key from his pocket and proceeded to lock the door with it, cutting off the only escape Kiara had any chance of obtaining. "That means I have total free reign to finally teach you the lessons you've needed to learn for a long, long time," he strode back to his desk, putting the key back into his pocket before sorting out his paper work, moving off of his desk. Sam was in no great rush, even if she screamed no one would hear her as all of the windows were sealed shut, not that anyone was even around to hear. Plus he just wanted to savour the moment of her realisation of what she was in for.

"W-what d-do you mean, sir?" she remembered to use the correct term this time, mostly out of genuine fear as she stuttered through her sentence. She received no answer from him for a while as he produced a large black rucksack from beneath his desk. It landed on his desk with a loud thud, emphasising just how heavy it was despite him picking it up with ease.

He didn't answer her question before he continued speaking. "Stand up," his voice commanded, this time with a hint of excitement to it. He strode over to her desk, waiting for just a moment for her to stand before roughly grabbing hold of her tie and collar. With one hand he almost effortlessly pulled her up to her feet, already proving just how little she could actually do to resist. As if to emphasise that point, it was clear just how much he towered over her despite her heels giving her a boost. Needless to say there was no way she could physically resist his strength.

Once she was on her feet, his large hand moved to tightly grip around her throat, still just about allowing her to breathe a little. His serious hazel eyes met with her far lighter green ones for a moment. Kiara was in disbelief at what was happening, her teacher, someone that was supposed to educate and protect her had his hand around her throat, and was obviously threatening to do much more. She tried to open her mouth to scream, but all she could manage was a loud whimper because of his vice like grip on her neck beginning to make her feel lightheaded as he cut off some of the blood flow. As his grip tightened she began to let out slight choking sounds. Her hands tried desperately to free herself, although all she could really manage was weakly pawing at his muscular form given how little she could breathe. Despite her audibly choking, his other hand began to roam across her chest, finally touching and squeezing everything he'd wanted for such a long time now. He really did want to put her in her place and punish her, but her was going to have an awful lot of fun doing that.

His hand on her chest squeezed down hard on one of her breasts through her shirt making her just barely squeak out in pain. Since he'd stood up from his desk there had been a stirring in his pants, he was like a rock at that point though. He knew he could just fuck the ever loving shit out of her at that moment, but he hadn't gone to all that trouble just to fuck her, oh no. He slightly relaxed his grip on her throat, still holding her firmly in place above her desk as he leaned down, placing his lips against her ear. His excitement cut into his voice, " I am going to fucking destroy you, you little disgusting slut, but this can go one of two ways, either you can obey and I'll consider lessening a few of the punishments I have installed, maybe you'll even enjoy some of it, or you can be a disobedient little shit like you always are and then I will fucking break you," his voice was incredibly aggressive, hungry even. He wasn't sure which option he preferred. His hand relaxed around her throat a little more to allow her to squeak out an answer.

"F-f-fuck you, you're crazy you can't do-" she stuttered, still holding onto the foolish belief that she was untouchable because of how important her daddy was. Sam didn't especially care if she resisted, it would just take a bit longer to bend her to his will in that case. He did however clamp back down on her neck, stopping her from blabbering on about nothing important as usual. Her mouth should be being used for far more important things after all.

"I hooped you'd make this easy on the both of us, but I can't lie that a part of me is going to get even more enjoyment out of this now," his hand left her chest as the hand around her neck pushed forward, sending her tumbling backwards not her ass. Despite his excitement, not just in his pants, he did his best to remain calm as he travelled back to his desk to open his bag full of everything he needed to abuse the bitch that was pushing herself up off of the floor weakly. To begin with he just set out several lengths of red nylon rope onto his desk as her heels clacked over to her door. It wasn't all that thick, but it would be almost impossible for her to break free from. She coughed, trying to catch her breath while trying the handle, desperately hoping he'd made a mistake with the door. Sam didn't even bother to stop her, he'd been planning everything for too long to make a mistake, especially one such as that.

There were a lot of things left over in his bag, things that would come into play soon. The rope was enough for that moment though. He wasn't quite sure where to tie her up first, there was; his desk, one of the chairs, standing up with the rope around a pipe or even just tied up on the floor where she really did belong. In the end he opted for one of the students desks. They were all bolted down to the floor which was a great help, and they had 4 legs. If she had decided to be obedient, he would've simply ordered her to come. Unfortunately for her she'd made the biggest mistake she would that day, and decided to not follow instructions like a good girl should. With 3 large strides he was upon her, once again towering over her as she struggled with the door handle in desperation.

She stopped as she felt him looming behind her and she moved to start turning around, although his hand grabbed up a fistful of her hair before she could properly react. He simply tuned, walking back towards one of the front desks now with her in tow, struggling all the way there. Her hands clawed at his shirt to no avail. She would've tried to kick him if she wasn't having to scramble to keep up with him to avoid being dragged across the floor to begin her punishment. Abruptly, he stopped letting to of her hair, but positioning himself right next to her, forcing her to lean against the desk for support. This stopped her from being able to move away easily. She wasn't even doing anything wrong at that particular moment, but his hand came down hard across her face with a loud smack, forcing her to sob out from the sudden shock. She turned to stare back at him, one of her cheeks now red, hate filling her eyes. He knew in time there would be only blind obedience there.

His hands pulled her tie off, simply tossing it to the floor. He had briefly considered using it to shut her up or tie her, but there were much more interesting or sturdy things to use. Despite her struggling, he put a hand on either side of her shirt, in between the buttons, grabbing them firmly before yanking apart, popping all of the buttons on her almost see through shirt, sending them flying around the room. They had already been, but now her breasts were almost completely on display save for her bra keeping them somewhat hidden. There was no sense of gentleness in his movements. His eyes gazed down at the milky flesh on display before him as she kept squirming against him to no avail. "Nice lingerie, bitch, so good of you to wear something sexy for your master, but I'm afraid it won't be staying on for long," he laughed, the ever present hunger in his voice only growing as he began to forcibly strip her down.

"Fuck you, you fucki-" his hand clamped around her throat once more, covering up the red handprint that had been around her neck.

"Don't fucking talk back, you pathetic cunt," he throttled her, shaking her body like a toy. His free hand went to her chest, mirroring his earlier movements when he had also been choking her. This time his hand tugged away at each cup of her bra, leaving her bust completely exposed to his perverted gaze and wandering hand. Her hands came up to try and cover herself, give her back some decency. "You never fucking cover yourself up to me, your body is mine to look at and to use as I please," his hand around her neck tightened just as he squeezed down on her pert nipple, twisting it with his fingers. Her hands limply fell back to her sides in defeat, if only to allow her to breathe again.

He completely let go of her throat, his hand moving to roughly grab hood of her other breast. He squeezed and played with Kiara's ample breasts for a few moments, wanting to demonstrate that she was his to play with. "I can do whatever I fucking want to you," he smiled a devilish smile before moving his hands around her, pulling her tightly against him. One hand moved to her hair, yanking her head upwards and keeping it there while the other explored her now semi naked form that was pressed up against him. Kiara's face was red and teary eyed from being choked a couple of times, but that only made her sexier to him. He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth despite her moans of discomfort. She could do little to move away with him holding her in place. He let out a slight desire fuelled moan into her mouth, she could feel the threatening bulge in his pants rubbing up against her, signalling what was to come.

He moved away, briefly pausing to bite down on her lip, continuing to pull away with it between his teeth. It really didn't matter to him how much he hurt her, she was just his toy after all. He let go of her lip as he aggressively shoved her down onto one of the front desks, facing front up. She was far too big to lay properly on it, so her head dangled off the back by the chair. "Move and I will straight up to smack the shit out of you, bitch," his tone was deadly serious. He didn't want to beat her like that, it served as a good threat though, plus there were so many more interesting ways to deliver a painful experience that wouldn't leave her in hospital. He grabbed two lengths of rope from his desk before returning to her, kneeling down by her hands. Having been a Boy Scout, as well as an avid student of bondage, it only took him a brief moment to tie her hands to two of the desk's legs. If she tried hard enough she could move them up and down a little, but there was no way she could actually break free of her bindings, a fact that filled her with dread, although there was a very strange sense of arousal between her legs.

Once she was tied in place well enough, he grabbed a pair of medical scissors from his desk, using them to easily snip through the centre of her bra. She had to lean her head up to be able to see what he was doing as she heard the scissors snap together. A worried noise escaped her dry mouth, she was annoyed he'd cut through her bra, it had cost her quite a lot. That just shows how materialistic she was. There she was tied down to a desk, probably about to get raped, and she was getting annoyed about her fancy clothes being ruined. "Stop!" She whined, squirming against her restraints, kicking her legs out, making the desk wobble.

A series of hard slaps across her naked chest quickly stopped her resistance, replacing it with cries of pain as his hands smacked against her puffy nipples. He continued to strike her breasts, starting to turn them red. "Speak when you're fucking spoken to, guess I'll find something to gag you for now," he spoke loudly over the sound of his hand connecting with her breasts. He did have a couple of gags in his bag, but he had a better idea at that moment. With her now only whimpering from her chest being on fire, he pulled down her skirt letting it drop to the floor, kicking it off to the side of the room. A dirty slut like her didn't deserve to wear clothes in his presence. He could've easily taken her panties off seeing as her legs weren't tied, instead he opted to snip them off, taking them into one hand. She didn't even notice him cutting them off, her chest was still stinging from his assault.

She did however notice him move apart her lips with two large fingers, spreading her sex for him to see. He chuckled a sinister chuckle. "I knew you were pathetic, but I wasn't expecting you to be a pathetic freak," he laughed a little more, his fingers rubbing against her glistening sex making her squirm, closing her legs together firmly. Normally he would've gotten a lot more aggressive over her closing her legs together, this time he opted for a slightly different route. "Oh come on, you've got a wet little cunt, I know you like being treated like this you worthless slut, just spread your legs like a good girl and say I am yours, sir," as he spoke he stepped around to hold her head up by the hair, forcing her to look up to him. His other hand tweaked one of her still slightly sore nipples, just teasing it between his fingers, only adding to the mess between her closed legs.

Kiara was certainly very confused. She was far from a virgin, although she'd never done anything even closely resembling this, or anything even remotely kinky for that matter. "F-fuck y-you," she just couldn't give in to the lunatic assaulting her despite how strange everything he did made her feel. Things would've gone much easier for her had she simply given in at that point. With a slight sigh he shoved her now useless panties into her mouth, going back to his desk to fetch some duct tape which he taped her mouth shut with despite her moans of annoyance, and trying to spit out her panties.

"I hope you can taste your slutty cunt on them, you empty headed cum dumpster," his hand slapped her cheek one last time before he moved back to the front of the desk. He hand to force her legs down, although that was easy enough with his strength seeing as she was so feeble in comparison. Making sure to tie the ropes as tightly as possible, he knotted her into place, making her almost completely immobile with her legs spread slightly apart, leaving her entire front on display. Her certainly wanted to flip her over, but that would come later, for now he was just going to revel in the torment he was about to inflict on the pathetic girl roped up in front of him.

He headed back to his desk, knowing she was squirming around behind him. He unpacked the rest of his seemingly bottomless bag, completely ignoring the girl tied up behind him. He hurriedly lit several different coloured paraffin candles, leaving them to begin to melt down on the side of his desk where he couldn't knock them off. Once they had started burning away, filling the room with a slightly sweet smell, he turned back to the feeble squirming girl, now with a pair of nipple clamps in his hand. "While you may be a dumb fucking whore, your body certainly makes up for it, especially these gorgeous fucking tits of yours," he set the clamps down and began to roughly tease he breasts once more, taking his time with both hands. "I hope you can see just how much your body is supposed to be played with like this, and how much you're obviously enjoying it," he chuckled slightly, one of his hands descending between her spread legs rubbing against her obviously eager sex. Her body may have been begging for it it, but her conscious mind certainly wasn't just yet, despite the constant feelings he was sending through her. Her whole body shuddered as his hand dexterous oh massaged her before she began to squirm against her restraints, wanting him to stop touching her. It was useless though, especially when a slight breath squeak managed escaped her taped up mouth, just going to show that she was beginning to enjoy being used like a toy.

With no warning, he grabbed the clamps and attached them to both of her nipples almost at the same time. Despite her squirming and complaining, he knew it didn't hurt that much just yet. The clamps didn't have any weights on, they were just incredibly tight around her firm, yet sensitive nipples. Still, it probably did feel quite bad to her seeing how she'd experienced almost no real pain or suffering in her cushy life, something that was rapidly changing. "You know you look a lot better with these on, actually you look a lot better like this, although theres still a lot of work to do, you're not good enough to be my property, my toy just yet," he made sure to speak over her little moans of discomfort. Her neck was starting to strain a little from leaning off the table.

He took a few moments to tug on the chain connecting her nipple clamps, stretching her nipples up in the air, forcing her to try and rise off the table. The higher she managed to push herself, the more he pulled on the chain, laughing at her pathetic whimpering. "Look at me," he said, she did not though. "Look. At. Me," he commanded, louder this time, slapping his hand right between her legs while still tugging on the chain. His hand stayed between her legs, roughly massaging her wetness. This time she definitely picked her head up, although her eyes looked absent. "You deserve every bit of pain I inflict on you, you've been asking for this since day one, and you have no idea how good it's going to feel-for me- when you finally break and admit just how much of a weak minded toy you are, just longing to be used by me. I can feel how wet your cunt is, I bet all it wants is to be filled up by my cock, you'll have to wait for that though, you've earned yourself a lot of suffering before you can have something as nice as my cock," she whined, mostly out of discomfort, although there was a definite part of her that whined out of sadness for not being able to take his cock now. Kiara tried to sort through the thoughts invading her mind, she wasn't a pathetic slut, was she? Only time would tell.

He released the clamps, undoing his tie only seconds after. Stepping around to her head, he wrapped his tie around her eyes, knotting it tight behind her head to hold it in place. Her long her dangled down to the floor, just brushing against it as she offered feeble resistance. She would've had to struggle to look up, but he wanted to be sure she couldn't see anything even if she tried. Kiara was tied down, blindfolded, gagged, and essentially naked, her clothes weren't exactly covering much anymore, more importantly, she was finally where she belonged. By now there were small pools of hot wax in each of the candles. He brought all 4 candles over to the desk right next to Kiara, setting them down. To begin with he picked up a red candle, matching the rope as well as the lingerie he had disposed of. He stood at her side, holding the candle fairly close to her body. "Do you know how hot wax burns, slut, I don't think you do, not that it matters, let me just say it's very hot, and if you'd been a good girl I'd be holding this much higher up, so it'd cool off a little first, but you had to go and be a disobedient cunt like you always are," he tipped the candle sideways the moment he finished speaking, sending hot wax trailing down between her breasts.

Kiara's reaction to the wax was immediate, she squealed out against the duct tape keeping her mouth firmly shut. Eventually it would start to come off due to her blabbermouth, unless Sam ripped it off first at least. He continued to drip the wax down her chest, heading over her stomach, spinning it around in circles, watching her skin start to redden from the burning wax. He set the red candle down, picking up a blue one instead. His free hand gripped around the chain once more, tugging her upwards, stretching out her obviously sore puffy nipples. He tipped the blue candle, follow the path of red wax that had begun to drip down her beautiful form. She was becoming a colourful mess as the two liquids mixed together, creating a nice purple hue. Eventually he stretched her nipples right up, mild whimpers of pain could be heard amidst her rapid, anxious breathing. Bringing the candle right in close, he poured hot wax right over he sensitive nipples one by one, making her squirm violently, desperate to be free of the burning hot pain.

Kiara continued to squirm once Sam let go to pick up the final two candles, a black one and a darkish green one. He dripped some of this wax onto her chest and stomach, just to see it mix in with the rapidly drying blue and red wax. These candles were meant to drip elsewhere though, her legs to be specific. Sam stepped back round to between her open, welcoming legs. Without giving her even a hint of warning he began to pour hot wax on top of her thighs, letting it run down her legs. He didn't want to get any right onto her practically begging sex, but he sure as hell cut it close, making her squirm and struggle even more than she had moments ago. Muffled sobs along with cries filled the room which only served to spur him on to inflict even more pain. "You're fucking pathetic you know that," he said, obviously not expecting her to reply. Kiara was just slightly starting to believe what he was saying, partly because between her legs felt like it was burning, and not just because of the wax dripping dangerously close to her most sensitive spot.

After leaving the tops of her legs covered in dripping wax, he set the candles down on the table once more. He'd have to remember to clean the wax off of the floor at some point. Her whimpering dulled down once he stopped pouring more wax onto her. She still shuddered from the rapidly drying wax leaving burns across her soft skin. With two fingers he pinched her clit, squeezing it slightly. Despite the pain of it, she actually found herself enjoying ing his hand being there, and she wanted more, although she couldn't quite admit it, even if her mouth wasn't taped up. Kiara still whined out through the tape feebly. Her body still squirmed, although now at least in part it was from a growing desire building up inside of her, she was desperate for something inside, Sam to be exact.

His fingers released her ever so sensitive clit, making her breathe out with relief. They proceeded to slide down her hungry sex, two of them easily slipped inside of her wet, eager hole. He started to draw his fingers back and forth with speed, not having her a chance to get used to it. Slopping fingering sounds filled the air as she let out muffled cries. "I can tell how fucking much your body wants this, I know how pathetic and feeble you are, you just need to learn your place in the world, you belong on your fucking knees with a cock in your mouth to keep you quiet," he made a little speech while his fingers filled up her messy cunt, causing her to weakly struggle in her restraints. His thumb came down onto her clit, rubbing it while his fingers kept forcing their way inside of her. He kept that up for almost a full minute, giving her some pleasure to be a counter to the pain she had just received. He pulled out just as her breathing was starting to really pick up, causing her to whine out in obvious disappointment. He stepped back round to her head, his boots squeaking ever so slightly. Kneeling down he began to speak rather softly into her ear. "See, I know you like what I'm doing, I know you want to be put in your place, all you have to do is admit it, I'm still gonna punish you for being a horrible little shit for so long, but if you just obey it'll be a lot easier for you, plus your sopping wet cunt tells me you like being hurt just like a good toy should, now, nod if you're going to be a good girl for me," he ordered simply.

She thought for a moment, her head hanging limply off the edge of the desk. She couldn't possibly agree to serve the man who had begun to quite literally torture her, and readily admitted to the fact that he wasn't going to stop if she did obey, however the thought of obeying, of being a good girl for the man who had abused her made her tremble. She could feel her sex just aching at the thought of him using her for every twisted thing he could think of. After all, could obeying really be that bad, it would make things a little easier on her, right? She tried to reason with herself, making up as many excuses as she could to obey while trying her best to ignore the obvious fact burning in her mind. She wanted to. She was desperate to obey and please him, maybe it was that he was the first person to ever treat her remotely like this or something else. Whatever it was she was oh so desperate for him to use and abuse her. Finally, she nodded weakly, hanging her head in shame.

"Good girl," her practically purred into her ear, gently biting it before he moved away. He began to undo the ropes holding her in place, laying each one out on his desk once more, along with all of his other implements. It was incredibly unlikely he'd use them all, if only because of time constraints. She barely moved once he untied her, only shifting to get a tad more comfortable on the small desk. "Stand up and hold perfectly still, toy," he ordered, hoping she wouldn't be a brat once more now she was free. To his slight surprise she did exactly as she was ordered, awkwardly pushing herself off of the desk to her feet. She faced side on to him as she was still blindfolded. Her neck ached a little from being bent back for so long, but it was nothing a good stretch wouldn't fix. That really was the least of her worries though.

Sam untied the makeshift blindfold covering her eyes, causing her to blink rapidly from the sudden influx of light. With one hand he ripped the duct tape from her mouth, making her spit her now drool covered panties onto the desk she had previously been tied to. He left the clamps on her chest for the moment, taking hold of the chain. He stepped round to his side of his desk, taking a seat in his large chair. On the way around she had to lean forward, keeping her breasts as close to his hand as she could manage without tottering over. "Turn around," his voice was simple, commanding with just a hint of excitement. Who wouldn't be excited at so a silly having turned an annoying brat into a beautiful little toy.

Kiara was still having trouble with everything that was happening. She couldn't understand why she was so desperate to obey the man she had hated for so long. Every word he spoke, especially orders, just seemed to amplify the wetness between her legs, reinforcing the idea that she really was just a toy, his toy. She ode ineptly span around, her heels clicking on the ground once more. Sam pulled her buttonless shirt off from behind, just tossing it onto the ground. "Such a nice ass, I think it deserves a spanking at least," he gripped her ass with both hands, checking her obedience. To his surprise once more, she stayed standing still, although she whimpered in fear slightly. "Are you gonna be a good toy and take your punishments?" He asked, wanting her to continue down her path of submission.

"Y-yes..yes sir," she said weakly, not turning to look back to him. She still couldn't believe any of this was happening, let alone that she was going along with it and even starting to enjoy it more and more. Apparently he had been right all along, she really did belong on her knees, it just took a demonstration to prove it to her.

"Hands behind," it was a simple command which she instantly obeyed, not even really thinking about it. She felt the same rope from before being wrapped around her wrists, tying them tightly together. With another length he tied her elbows together, making moving her arms around neigh impossible. He scooted to the edge of his seat slight, moving far enough away from his desk before pulling her face down over his lap. Her head faced the floor and her feet dangled a little above it while her hands rested on the small of her back. The wax had tried, so it wouldn't rub off on his clothes to any significant amount. "You're going to count and thank me for each spank I give you here, make a mistake and we start over, don't reply and we start over," there was no asking if she understood, instead his hand just connected with his ass sharply.

"Thank you, sir, one," she mumbled out readily after yelping from the sudden pain.

"That's a good toy, I thought you might slip up right away, speak more clearly though," his hand slapped down against her ass once more, much harder this time.

"Thank you, sir, two," she answered once more, feeling her ass begin to sting more than her chest did. Being bent over his lap, hands tied firmly behind her back and his hand colliding with her shapely ass drove her wild though. She could feel how much she wanted him inside of her, although she didn't dare speak out of turn. She was finally starting to actually feel truly submissive. His hand continued to slap against her ass, becoming more and more rapid despite her moans of pain. They both knew how turned on it was making both of them. Her ass was covered in red hand prints that were slowly turning her entire ass a new shade of rosy red to match the lingerie she had lost. Sam was beginning to wonder how much longer he could take not making use of her assets, just as she was beginning to wonder how much longer she could go without begging to do anything for release. His hand slapped against her ass one final time, leaving her squirming in his lap. At that point his hand had firmly grabbed up all of her hair and was using it to hold her head still. "Thank you, sir, thirty," she said quickly, part of her was desperately hoping for another. None came though.

"That's a good little girl," he said, being a bit softer now she was being obedient and she had just received a spanking, although she was going to get even more pain before long. His fingers worked their way between her legs, finding their way inside of her messy cunt easily. Almost instantly she began to moan out from the pleasure of his large fingers inside of her almost dripping sex. Her thighs were a mess of wax along with her own slutty juices, just showing how much of a horny little slut she was. "Tell me how much you like this, slut, how much you want this," he kept his fingers hoping at a steady pace, starting to make her breathing quicken slightly. Her legs stayed very parted for him to use her, not that she had a choice.

"I..I love feeling your fingers deep inside of my wet cunt, sir," she mumbled out, doing her best to speak clearly despite the rush of different emotions rolling through her. "I just..I just want you to use me sir, I-I'm your little slut," she couldn't believe she was actually saying those things, actually submitting to the man who had only just begun to abuse her. It practically made her tremble though, everything about submitting to him, being bent over his lap, gladly taking the pain, calling him sir, and especially feeling his fingers find their way up inside of her cunt, although she wished they were something else.

"That's a good little toy," he kept his fingers pumping in and out of her eager pussy, enjoying the sounds of her slight moans and grunts for a little while. He certainly didn't let her finish through, leading her to whine out again as he pulled out his grool covered fingers. To shut her up, he stuck his wet fingers into her mouth, forcing her to taste herself, as well as giving him a chance to test her gag reflex which turned out to be very slight. She was even more of a slut than he had thought. He wiped his fingers onto her otherwise clean sock before picking her up only to immediately set her down on the floor, pushing her face down on the table. "I don't care if you scream or moan, just don't you dare move till I tell you to," she was bent over his desk, hands still tied up behind her, her legs were shoulder width apart, giving him easy access to the pussy that seemed to be leaking onto her thighs.

She stayed perfectly still, only able to see in front of her as she daren't turn around without being told. She was ever so desperate for him to fill her up, to use her body for it's only purpose. Her excitement only increased as she heard his belt buckle coming undone. That sound sent a shiver down her spine along with making her tingle. She didn't get quite what she wanted though. It took a few moments till she heard his belt swishing through the air to connect with her ass. Even if she hadn't already been sore from the hard spanking she had received, his belt would've hurt much more than his hand. He could just swing with so much more force, especially as he was standing. She helped out in pain, jumping against the desk, although she didn't move away, instead she stuck her plump ass back out slightly, presenting it for another whip of his belt.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3yee3j/a_teacher_finally_shows_his_bitchy_student_where