The Profile, Part Four [FF]

# The Profile, Part Four

Things start getting a little more intimate between our two young love birds.

The rest of the series can be found below:




As always, if you like what you’re reading, let me know!

-Bells xoxo <3

All throughout dinner, Baylee and Melissa’s mother, Catherine, chatted about the mundane happenings in both of their lives. Melissa was unusually quiet, mulling over with each bite what Baylee had said to her upstairs.

*What did she mean*, she thought to herself, *was she just trying to wind me up again?* It had sounded so genuine though, not at all like the sarcastic tone she’d used before. Could Baylee share some of the same feelings that were starting to bubble up inside Melissa?

“Helloooo, earth to Melissa, I asked you a question,” said Catherine. “Are you alright sweetie? You seem awfully quiet. Not at all your normal chirpy self.”

“I’m fine,” mumbled Melissa, “just thinking about what I’m gonna do this summer.”

Baylee tried to jump to the rescue, “Don’t worry Ms. Dellinger, sorry, *Catherine*, we’re just tired is all. We were running around all day. I’m sure Mel will be back to her old ways after we’ve had some sleep.” She looked over at Melissa, trying to read her thoughts.

“Yeah, I’m just tired. Dinner is great, mum. Thanks!” She tried to sound enthusiastic.

. . .

Her mother knew better, but also knew not to push the issue until her daughter was ready. That was something Melissa’s father had never learned. Before she and Melissa left him, they used to fight all the time, and then Melissa would just shut down and hide in her room until her father would storm upstairs to ‘teach that girl a lesson.’

It was a painful memory, one that always brought her to the verge of tears. Sometimes it felt like it was a lifetime ago, and sometimes it felt as fresh and painful as if it had happened yesterday. In reality, it had been four years since the two of them had stolen themselves away in the middle of the night and driven across the country.

They had left everything except a few mementos, a couple bags of clothes, and some jewellery behind. For the first few months, they hadn’t even told her family where they were going, just that they were leaving and that they’d be in touch when they were safely away.

Still, even four years later, Catherine found herself looking over her shoulder, getting spooked when she was alone in the house at night, when there were noises outside in the darkness. She tried to be strong for her daughter, but in the back of her mind, she knew what her husband was capable of and dreaded the day he ever found out where they had gone.

She had done her best to make sure Melissa had everything she needed, but there were definitely hard times behind them and hard times ahead. Catherine barely made enough money to cover everything and there were times when she quietly skipped a meal here and there so she could focus her resources on giving Melissa a good life.

. . .

After dinner, the girls headed back upstairs, and Catherine put away the leftovers, washed the dishes, and sat down to watch a few hours of mindless television with a bottle of wine.

Baylee and Melissa were alone again. Neither of them knew quite how to break the ice after what had happened before they had gone downstairs to eat. They spent a few quiet minutes checking various social media accounts and replying to messages that had come in while they were eating.

Finally, Baylee decided to make the first move.

“Sooooo… Do you still want to help me take pictures or what?” She did her best to sound light-hearted, but there was a little quiver in her voice that belied her nervousness at being rejected.

Melissa gave a little smile and said, “Of course I do, Bay. You’re my best friend. And you’re fucking gorgeous.”

The two of them sighed at the same time, then laughed and came together in a hug that seemed to clear the air of any remaining uncertainty. They stood that way for several minutes, feeling each other’s softness and warmth, and savouring the moment.

When they came apart, they looked at each other and Baylee asked, “What should we start with?”

“Do you even have to ask? I mean we nearly got arrested, in case you forgot. Obviously, we have to start with that ridiculous bikini!”

Baylee nodded in agreement and went to the bed where the top was laying.

“Turn around,” she said.

“Are you sure you don’t need help?” Melissa asked, “That thing’s pretty tight.”

“I’ll be fine, just turn around already,” Baylee said.

Melissa did as she was told. She could hear Baylee struggling to get into her new swimsuit.

She called over her shoulder, “How’s it going back there?”

“Almost ready, just hold your horny horses.” Melissa laughed. It was good to have the old Baylee back.

“Ok, I’m ready. You can turn around now,” said Baylee.

Melissa turned slowly to see her friend’s nearly naked body splayed out on the bed in front of her, perfect breasts bursting out of the tiny top. She was running her finger slowly up and down her leg in a pose they had seen on one of the sexier profiles earlier in the day.

“Hot damn, girl!” she said. The heat that she had felt in small bursts earlier in the day came back in force and she felt a flush creep up her cheeks as she looked down at Baylee’s luscious body. She caught herself biting her lip.

“You like what you see?” Baylee purred. She traced the curve of her hip, twisting her finger through the knot on her bikini bottom, then trailed up to the lower curve of her breast.

“You look amazing. Even better than I remember,” Melissa cooed back. She could feel the muscles in her stomach tighten. The heat between her legs was spreading and she was starting to get a little light-headed.

Baylee saw her sway and said seductively, “You don’t look too good. You’d better come sit down before you pass out and hurt yourself. Let mama take care of you.”

Melissa didn’t need to be told twice. Everything was spinning and all she wanted to do was be close to Baylee. She stumbled over to the bed. Baylee sat up and patted her lap. Melissa crawled onto the bed and put her head on Baylee’s lap. Baylee stroked her hair gently. It was a wonderful feeling. All Melissa wanted to do in that moment was fall asleep.



  1. /u/orbellacummings you said you have side stories with more detail? Could you send some my way please?

  2. It’s likeyou have me tied up and I’m rocI hard and dripping in anticipation of what’s about to happen. Strong work!

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