The Neighborhood: Part 2 [MF][Fdom][Mdom][Mast][Exh][Oral][Facial][MC][SciFi]

**Chapter 3: Morning in the New World**

They woke up the next morning to sun streaming in their windows. They’d left some of the curtains open. Alison had found her pajamas before going to bed, and Colin had chosen to sleep in the nude. He got up and went to brush his teeth and take a shower. Their towels were all in the linen closet, and he grabbed a few and hung them up in the bathroom. As he brushed his teeth, Alison came in and did the same. After they were done, she looked at him.

“So, now that we’re in California, you’re a nudist?”

“I was planning on taking on a shower.” He frowned. “And I couldn’t find my pajama shorts last night.”

“I’m just teasing.” She smiled. “I’m going to go downstairs and see if I can get some coffee going. I think we packed the coffee.” He nodded as she walked out of the bathroom. He closed the French doors and turned on the exhaust fan, picking a shower setting, and turning it on to heat up. He grabbed his soap and shampoo from the medicine cabinet and set everything the shower, finally adjusting the temperature. He toyed with the various sprayers but settled on the main showerhead. A lot of it felt like a gimmick. He was already hard by the time he realized he’d started masturbating. It had become such a habit, that he was almost on autopilot, but Colin shrugged it off and kept going. He started to come as Alison stepped up to the glass door.

“They filled the fridge for us!” She exclaimed. “What the fuck?” He striped the far wall of the shower with his come. “Are you jerking off?” He tried to recover, but there was no denying it. He was still somewhat hard, and the evidence was on the glass walls of the shower stall. “You promised me you wouldn’t—.”

“Just wait…okay? Just wait.” He grabbed the shower nozzle and sprayed his semen off the wall before turning off the water. He took his towel and wrapped it around his waist. “Look, honey, how am I supposed to last longer if…if…I don’t, you know, come more often? I was thinking of you, of last night…” He hadn’t been thinking of anything, really.

“Just try not to do it again.” She sighed. “You know how I feel about that, and if you want…*release*…I can help, I suppose…”

“Alison, come on, be serious. If I had rolled over this morning and asked you to give me a hand job, you would have laughed in my face.”

“I—.” She frowned. She knew he was right, but she wouldn’t admit to it. “You could have at least *asked*!” She stormed out. Colin shook his head and finished drying off. The shower was good, at least. He dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. She was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and playing with her phone. The light streaming in from the patio was illuminating her pajama top, and Colin could see the full shape of her breasts, including her nipples. He always felt a little foolish being a voyeur with his wife. He saw her naked all the time, but he really enjoyed the moments when he wasn’t *supposed* to see her. “Coffee’s in the pot. There’s a few kinds of flavored creamers in the fridge, too. It’s really stocked.” He opened the fridge and grabbed a vanilla creamer, pouring come in a mug and filling the mug near to the top. They had at least a week or two of food in the fridge. The rest of the morning would be awkward. Alison would pretend nothing had happened, and Colin would feel guilty about it the rest of the day. He retreated to his computer room and checked his email. There was one from Janelle.

*I didn’t want to text in case I woke you up. Email me back and let me know when I can drop by today, earlier the better. I’ll show you two where you can shop, and maybe we can meet some of your neighbors. Hope you two had fun last night! ; )*

The last line came off a little cheeky, but he shook his head, remembering they’d literally groped each other the night before. He brought up Maps on his computer and looked at the surrounding area. They were in a mostly suburban planned community. There was a grocery store less than a mile away, a few random shops and restaurants in the same plaza, though most of the shops and restaurants were in the town center. He looked at the map, and then plotted a course from his location to the restaurant last night. Eight minutes of driving. That’s what the route said. Why did the driver take the long route? Were the movers not done yet? He shook his head. What did it matter? He looked at the clock. It was eight-thirty. He emailed Janelle, telling her nine-thirty would be fine. He went back to the kitchen and refilled his coffee.

“Janelle is going to be here at nine-thirty to show us around the local amenities…grocery stores, whatever, and maybe meet some neighbors. Can you be ready by then?” He hadn’t said it in mean way, but Alison glared up at him.

“Don’t worry…I take a *quick* shower.” She got up and walked past him, not saying another word. He let it go. She never held grudges for more than few hours, but she’d always been a little on the mean side. At first, it had been something he found attractive. She had a quick wit, biting, and was good at going after others, but as their social circle shrunk over the years, a lot of it was directed at him. She knew it mostly came from her mother. She used words as her weapons. Alison’s father had been rough with her mother. Never left a mark, apparently, but just enough to keep her afraid, in check. He’d abandoned them before Alison was five. Colin tried to give Alison a lot of slack with her behavior, and she rarely gave him any. He couldn’t say their marriage was bad. He’d seen worse all the time, but he wasn’t sure they were happy. He saw Alison’s phone was still on the table. He could hear the shower running above, so he peeked at her phone. She’d been texting her mom.

*Alison: I caught him touching himself in the shower.*

*Mom: He’s a man. Maybe you should ask what you aren’t doing for him.*

*Alison: Mom! Really?*

*Mom: Men always want more than you give them. He probably does that every day. He wants something more.*

*Alison: I told him I would “help” him any time he wanted.*

*Mom: You’re not understanding. Men have secret desires, things they won’t tell their wives. They’re afraid or ashamed. Even satisfied men jerk off, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have fantasies.*

*Alison: I’m not talking about this with you.*

Colin shook his head in disbelief. He couldn’t imagine talking to his parents about this kind of stuff. What was more shocking was that Alison’s mom was actually offering reasonable advice. He set he phone back down and went outside to sit on the patio. He took ten steps out and stopped dead. Around the corner of the house was an inground pool, a built-in barbecue, even a hot tub. This wasn’t on the house listing.

“Wow.” He hissed. “This is crazy.” He set his coffee down on the patio table and walked over to the pool. The water was heated, and the pool cleaner burbled way in the bottom of the pool. The hot tub was at the far end and looked like it could hold about six people. He was half-tempted to try it all out, but he knew Janelle was arriving soon. The fence surrounding the backyard was high, offering complete privacy, and his imagination wandered to him and Alison back here, naked, the hot tub…he imagined Janelle just dropping by, unannounced, joining them. “I can’t believe I’m hard again.” He said to no one. He went back to the patio to sip at his coffee, browsing the news on his phone. Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang. He got up and opened in to see Janelle standing there. She was wearing big sunglasses and a sundress, finished with strappy sandals. He realized he was gawking.

“Take it all in.” She twirled. “I don’t mind. I *know* I look good.” She stepped into the house without being asked and started walking back toward the kitchen. “Do you mind if I beg a cup of coffee? I had a slow start this morning, so didn’t have a chance to stop at the café.” She went into the cabinet, grabbed a mug, added some cream and sugar, then topped it with coffee. “Mmm…there we go.” She smiled after taking a long sip. “Caffeine is my fuel of choice. So, starting to get settled? How are you liking the house now that you’ve seen it in person?”

“We have a pool.” Colin said. “And a hot tub.”

“You didn’t know?” She asked, leading him into the back patio.

“No, actually…it’s not a problem. A pleasant surprise, really.”

“I’m jealous.” Janelle said. “Don’t get me wrong, I like living in the downtown. My apartment is fantastic, but I miss swimming. It’s great exercise.”

“You’re welcome anytime, Janelle.”

“Careful, mister,” she put a hand on his chest, “I might just take you up on that.”

“Oh, Janelle, you’re already here.” Alison said, stepping out onto the patio. Janelle slowly backed away from Colin, smiling at the other woman. “What the—.” Alison took a few more steps. “We have a pool?”

“I am really getting the sense that you two did not carefully read your real estate prospectus.” Janelle smirked. “Are you sure you’re in the right house?”

“We haven’t even been in the basement yet.” Colin laughed. “So, maybe not.”

“I know this all seems a bit overwhelming. You just moved, but Colin starts work on Monday, and it’s my job to make sure that goes smoothly. How about we finish our coffees and I take you on a tour of the lovely Wolfsburg suburbs?” They did just that, and Janelle took them out to her sleek electric car, having Alison sit up front with her, much to Colin’s dismay, as he wouldn’t have minded watching her legs as she drove. They got setup at the grocery store, with Janelle suggesting a weekly delivery, free as a part of Fenris Group perks. Janelle then got Alison a spa day appointment for Monday, since Colin would be gone all day without much time to even call or text. They drove around a bit as Janelle pointed out other shops, food joints, and Colin was surprised to see they were all independent businesses. “Wolfsburg signed a joint resolution to not allow chains into the city. It was unpopular at first. People like their Starbucks, but small business is thriving, and decades later, no one seems to care. I mean, really, if you want McDonalds, you can drive over to the next town in less than a half hour.” She laughed. She continued the tour by showing them various parks and paved trails for walking, biking, or whatever. They pulled into a little standup burger shack, and she urged them out of the car. “Best burgers you’ll ever have.”

“Isn’t it a little early?” Alison asked. It had just turned eleven.

“They get busy quickly, especially on the weekends. Just get a single if you’re not that hungry and a shake, or soda, though I recommend the shakes. This place is right out of the 1950s.” They ordered food, and once again Janelle paid, and Colin was taken aback to see her tap her wristband to the cash register.

“It thought that was a fitness band.” He said, pointing to her wrist. They took their food back to one of the dozen picnic benches. Janelle hadn’t been wrong; a line was already building at the burger shack.

“Oh, god…” Janelle smacked her forehead. “I almost forgot!” She reached into her clutch and pulled out two little plastic bags. They each had Colin and Alison’s names on them. “All of the businesses use a cashless system. I’ll be honest. It’s weird, but this actually part of a test program for some new Fenris technology. They want to be the leaders in secure personal payments.” She held up her wrist. “I use the bracelet. Most women do, though there are keychain versions, and we have ones you can put on the back of your watch, so it acts like a bracelet. They’re working on one that incorporates into a phone case, but it’s not quite there yet.” They each put on their respective bracelets.

“So, what do we do?” Colin asked.

“The chips are already keyed to your bank account, but you need to set the biometric lock.” She touched the edges of her bracelet. “Grab there, and squeeze. You should eventually feel three short vibrations.” They did as she asked. “Now wait thirty seconds or so, and you should feel two longer vibrations.” They did. “Now, they’re keyed to you, personally. Even if someone steals your wristband, it won’t work. Don’t ask me how, buts it’s something with bioelectrical fields, pulse, that sort of thing.”

“So, we just tap to pay?” Alison asked.

“Yep.” Janelle said. “It really changed my life. No more bulky purse, no fumbling for cash, I carry a credit card and my ID just in case I have to leave town, but that’s it. In some ways it’s like living in the future here.” She pointed to the top of the bracelet. “One last thing. If you long press or tap the top of the fob quickly, it alerts the police. They can geolocate you and will arrive in minutes. That only works in Wolfsburg, of course, but that’s one of the reasons it’s so safe here.” They finished their lunch with pleasant conversation, and Janelle took them back to their neighborhood. She pulled into their driveway and they all got out. “I’m going to take you around to meet your neighbors. They’re all waiting on us, so that’s why I got some food in you. Expect cocktails!” She grinned. “Also, everyone is going to seem overly friendly, but don’t take it as too weird. The community in Wolfsburg as a whole is great. The vast majority of us work directly for Fenris, so it’s all one weird big family. They’re not *required* to meet you, but highly encouraged. Regardless, Colin, you’re one of the higher ranked employees in this part of the neighborhood, so many of these folks may be trying to impress you…thus, overly friendly. Trust me, they’re not all flakes. We all hear the stories of what you folks get up to out in the suburbs!” She laughed. “Oh, the looks on your faces!” She laughed again. “Lighten up! This is supposed to be the fun part!”

The next few hours were filled with copious cocktails. Colin and Alison met dozens of neighbors, the men all varieties of shapes and sizes, but the women invariably attractive, if not outright beautiful. The majority of men worked at Fenris, in turn, the majority of women did not work at all. A few of the women were the primary bread winners, though some of them worked at the towns stores as well. Janelle knew almost all of them by name, and there wasn’t a woman who didn’t give her a friendly hug or a man who didn’t take a kiss on the cheek. If any of them had children he didn’t see them, but most of their houses were mirrors or slight variations of their own. Everyone at least had a pool. Maybe that was why they hadn’t noticed. They’d been drinking and snacking all day, and when Janelle led them back to their house, dinner was far from their minds.

“I’m going to have to call cab, I think.” Janelle said. “I love day drinking, but honestly, some of those were strong.”

“You can come in for some tea, wait it out a bit until you’re ready to drive.” Colin offered. It wasn’t even quite five in the afternoon.

“I’ll be honest, Colin, if I see one more glittering sapphire pool I *can’t* swim in, I’ll scream. No offense.”

“That’s fine…” Alison started to say, though, curiously, she felt her wristband buzz. Or not. Maybe she’d had too much to drink, too. “Well, I mean, if you really wanted to swim, I suppose you can come in.”

“Really?” Janelle’s smile brightened. “That’s really nice of you.” Colin glanced at his wife. She seemed serious.

“Of course, Janelle. It’s the least we can do. I won’t mind cooling off a bit either.” They stepped into the foyer. “I mean, I might have an old bathing suit that would fit you if you tighten up the strings a bit.”

“I couldn’t impose that much.” Janelle said, walking back toward the pool. She stepped out on the patio, and the couple watched as Janelle kicked off her sandals and then pulled her sundress over her head. She was wearing a narrow pair of blue panties that barely covered her ass, and a matching blue bra. She tied back her dark hair and walked over to the edge of the pool before climbing down the stairs into the water. “Oh, god! This is wonderful!” She called out. “Are you coming in?” Alison had the weird phantom vibration in her wrist again but was already crossing the kitchen.

“I have to dig out my bathing suit, but sure.”

“Oh, you two! You *live* here. Get naked. Live a little. I promise I won’t peek.” She covered her eyes, “or bite.” She peeked through spread fingers. Colin looked at Alison, but she was already undressing. He didn’t need to be told twice. He was shocked to see his naked wife, outside, and about to get into a pool with another nearly-naked woman. He tried not focus on it, because the last thing he needed was to have a hard on before he even finished getting undressed. It wasn’t helping that while Janelle had her eyes covered, her breasts were out of the water, and he bra was all but sheer. He got into the pool and Janelle uncovered her eyes. “See, isn’t this wonderful!”

It is relaxing after basically standing all day.” Alison said. “Oh no!” She held up her wrist. “I left the bracelet on.” One of Alison’s breasts was fully exposed when she lifted her arm out of the water. Her nipple was tight and pointed from the cool water. Colin enjoyed the sight, but Janelle seemed to be looking too.

“Don’t worry.” Janelle said, holding up her own wrist. “They’re waterproof. It’s actually great, if you think about…never have to take it off, and if you fall in the shower or something, well, you can summon help. Alison’s phone started ringing.

“Ugh! My mother. I told her I’d call her about now. Do you mind if I answer that?”

“I think there are towels in the cabana.” Janelle pointed to the small pool house. “Do I need to cover my eyes again?” She grinned.

“Don’t be silly.” Alison said, climbing out of the pool, her naked body dripping in the afternoon light. She went to the cabana, and sure enough, there were towels inside. She quickly patted herself dry and clutched the towel to the front of her body. “Oh, I missed it.” She said, reaching her phone. “I’m going to call her back.” She went into the house, her bare ass swaying as she closed the patio door behind her.

“She talks to her mom a lot?” Janelle asked, lazily swimming in the water.

“Pretty much every day. Her mom’s not a big fan of me.”

“That will change.” Janelle said.

“I hope you’re right.” Colin muttered.

“You don’t understand. We’ve been in contact with her. Fenris, rather. She was encouraged to support the move. It’s not as if she can’t come out here whenever she wants.”


“Monetarily.” Janelle waved it off. “A couple of thousand was all it took. It’s just a temporary deal. When we see talent, we recruit it. Parents, family, friends, even competitors, sometimes they try to get in the way. We find the fulcrum to shift their opinions. A year from, now, even if Alison’s mother wants her to come back, *Alison* won’t want to.”

“You seem very sure of yourself.” He said.

“It’s experience. Why did we hire you, Colin?”

“My degree, my experience, some of my patents, too, according to the paperwork.”

“Snore.” She said, mockingly. “Yes, but according to the paperwork, you’re equal to or less than a dozen other candidates we *didn’t* hire.”

“Less than?”

“You’ll learn more on Monday, but Fenris is moving to reshape the world, make it better, organize it better, *adjust* it for the better.”

“You’re talking about my neural feedback enhancement paper. You know that’s mostly theory, it was meant for a ‘What If?’ issue of a biomedical engineering journal. I have no actual science to back it up.”

“Which is why we hired you to head up a research team, dummy.” She slid off her bra. He couldn’t really see her breasts through the rolling water, but the she eased off her panties too.

“What are you doing?” He asked as she set her underwear on the edge of the pool and pushed off, floating way on her back. Her breasts were a little smaller than Alison’s, but she had a small wedge of dark hair above her otherwise waxed pussy. He could see everything, though that may have been her intent.

“I’m getting comfortable. I *love* swimming naked. At least tell me you’re enjoying the view?”

“*I* am. I don’t know what my *wife* will think.”

“How long is she usually on the phone with her mother?”

“Too long.” Colin sighed. “Usually an hour, to be honest.” Janelle settled back down to her feet in the pool, the water nearly reaching her neck. In the half-light she could have easily been Alison a few years earlier, or her sister. There was a loud click, and then the pool lit up with rich blue lights, then the hot tub started rumbling as the bubbles came on full force.

“Like magic, huh?” She said. “Why don’t we shift to the hot tub. I’m getting chilly now that light is fading.” She walked up the stairs near the hot tub, and Colin took a moment to admire her naked body. He could see faint tan lines, but everything about her seemed to fit, her body aside, as amazing as it was, was just icing on her unusual character. “Don’t be shy, Colin.” She said, waving him over. “I already saw your penis when the pool lights came on, and I could guess you were a natural brunette even without seeing your pubic hair. Wait, can you call a guy a brunette?” He smirked and waded over to the hot tub, getting out of the pool and easing into the hot water. He sat opposite her and she rolled her eyes, standing up and moving to sit next to him, her bare hip brushing his. “How are we supposed to talk with me way over there?”

“I just—I’m not sure Alison would read this situation the same way we are.”

“And how are *we* reading this situation?” he jolted as he felt her hand on his thigh, and the she started stroking his cock. “Alison was chatty at the neighbors’ houses.” She continued jerking him off as she spoke, slow and steady in all cases. “She started to give you headin the town car, you two fucked, but you blew your load a little quickly. Honestly, I take some blame for that, I think.” She said, squeezing his cock a bit. “She also told me about your shower time this morning.” She jerked him fast before slowing down.

“What! She *told* you about that?”

“She *is* chatty.” She said, continuing to stroke him. Colin was having a hard time concentrating, but he was angry at his wife for the betrayal of trust…though he…he was letting Janelle touch him. “I think *everyone* should strive to come once a day…at least! I’m a ‘before bedtime’ girl, myself, helps me sleep, but then, I live alone. No one cares if I kick down the covers and break out my pistachio green vibe. But, Alison,” she squeezed his cock again, “she needs to loosen up in other ways. She. Is. Very. Chatty.” She squeezed him with each word. “In that respect, I think we’re quickly becoming friends, *but*,” she let go of erection and teased at his balls with her fingertips, “you need to be very careful about what you tell her about your work. I’d suggest little to nothing. They’ll go over this on your first day, obviously.” She turned toward him. “Aren’t you going to touch my breasts?”

“Um…?” He reached out a hand, running them over her warm wet breasts, her nipples responding to his touch as she shifted her grip back to his cock.

“Keep her happy, Colin. I’ll help keep her busy, and you keep at your work. There are plenty of rewards to go around.” Colin’s breathing was ragged, and his eyes were losing focus. “Sit on the edge of the hot tub, Colin.” He did as he was told, his erection pointing at the first stars just then appearing in the sky. She grabbed his shaft and started jerking him off with force. He started coming a minute later, and Janelle took it all in her cupped hand, working him until he was fully spent. She got up, and flicked his semen into the shrubbery, rubbing her hands clean on her naked hips. Standing over him, she let him drink in her body. He reached out and ran his fingers over her trimmed bush, down to the waxed folds of her pussy. She made a few pleasant sounds but tapped his hand away. “You have *nothing* to offer me right now, Colin, so stop being such a tease!” She laughed, stepping away from the hot tub.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“Home. I’m okay to drive, really.” She went and grabbed a towel, and he was soon distracted by her drying herself off. She slipped on her sundress, nothing on underneath, and stepped into her sandals. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, Colin. Give Alison a kiss for me.” She left and Colin moved back to the pool since he was getting warm. He swam and floated for another half hour, staring up the stars—so many stars—and was startled by the return of Alison. She had the towel wrapped around her.

“Sorry,” she said, putting down her phone, “my mom just wouldn’t stop. Wait, did Janelle leave?”

“She said she felt fine to drive. She seemed okay. Honestly, the water woke me up, too. I think, um, she got a little shy when the pool lights came on.” He said. It sounded believable.

“Trust me, a girl like that has seen her fair share of penises.” Alison walked to the edge of the pool and picked up Janelle’s wet bra, the panties still on the ground. “Wait, she was naked too?”

“Uh, no, she peeled those off under her towel. She made me turn my back.” He added, figuring she wasn’t sober enough to realize he was lying.

“I guess I shouldn’t care too much. What were you going to do, fuck each other while I was in the other room?” She laughed, dropping the bra, and then dropping her towel. “So, is there still room in the pool for me?”

“There’s a toll.” He said.

“Excuse me?”

“You need to be wet before you get in.”

“But…” She tilted her head, confused. “Oh.” Smiled, reaching down between her legs and started touching herself. She was gentle at first, but then she started to use her fingers. “I think I can come in the pool now.” Colin said nothing, reaching out taking her towel, spreading it out near the edge of the pool.

“Lie down and keep touching yourself.” She did as he asked and spread her legs wide, fingering herself and then moving to work on her clitoris. She was making soft happy sounds and Colin moved between her legs. “Scoot down and put your legs over my shoulders.” She barely broke from her masturbation, wrapping her legs around him as he leaned in and started tracing the line of her with his tongue.

“Oh, god…Colin…” She was doing most of the work, but he deftly penetrated her with his tongue. “Fuck…fuck…fuck…oh…yes…” She started coming, surprising fast even given the amount of stimulation. He backed off, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. She let her legs dangle in the water, exposed the night sky, and lolling in her afterglow. “What about you…? I had this plan that I would get you to fuck me in the pool, or the hot tub, and…” She wasn’t even looking at him, just talking aloud.

“Don’t worry about it. You needed to come. It isn’t always about me.” To be honest, he wasn’t sure he was quite recovered from Janelle. He got out of the pool and used Janelle’s towel to dry off. Alison finally got to her feet and collected her towel, then picked up Janelle’s bra and panties.

“I supposed I can wash and dry these for her.” She said, looking at the tag in the underwear. “Expensive…” She muttered.

“We can afford to buy you more expensive underwear, if that’s what you want.” He said.

“You can’t afford to make me five years younger.”

“So, don’t wear *any* underwear…that could make up the difference.” He smirked. “Besides, did I not just go down on you?” She blushed at his question. “Are we not standing—outside—naked? I wouldn’t mind seeing that more often. I want to see you naked outside.” She looked at him, then down at herself. She felt a buzz at her wrist. Maybe her device was broken?

“No, you’re right, Colin. I need to stop being so hard on myself…overthinking things. That’s what my mom was saying on the phone. Look, I’m going to take a quick shower, and then maybe read. I think the jet lag…and maybe the drinking…is catching up with me. I’ll probably fall asleep early.” It wasn’t quite eight. Alison started to wrap the towel around her body, but thought better of it, given she’d just come on it. She collected their towels and Janelle’s underwear and padded naked into the laundry room off the kitchen. Colin gathered up all their clothes and went upstairs to the bedroom. He rinsed off in the shower—quickly—and pulled on his pajama shorts before brushing his teeth. He drank two glasses of water before getting into bed and opening a book on his phone. When Alison came back up, he looked at her in the door, still a little flushed, and her bush slightly matted from the oral sex. On a whim, he snapped a photo. “Did you…did you just take a picture of me?”

“Yes, I liked how you looked all sexed up.”

“I look gross.”

“On the contrary.” He sat up. “Why don’t you let me get that ass, too? Have I told you, you have a great ass?”

“Colin! I haven’t done this since—.”

“Since before we were married. Turn around.” She gave him an ‘Are you serious?’ look, and he just stared her down. She turned to show off her ass, giving a borderline comical pose. He took another photo.

“And what are you going to do with these?” She asked, walking over.

“I don’t know. I’m starting at my new job on Monday, maybe show them to the guys?”

“Really?” She laughed. He shrugged. “You’d show off these tits to your colleagues?” She clutched her breasts as she climbed on the bed. He took another photo. “And you’re not going to show them this?” She pulled back the covers and saw he was wearing his shorts. She fished in the open fly and was happy to find him erect.

“That’d be weird. You’d need to be *in* the picture, wouldn’t you?” She leaned down over his crotch until her face was inches from his cock. “Better.” He said, taking a picture. “But, I think we can frame it a little tighter.” He threw back the covers. “Tell me you want it.” He said. “Tell me you want my cock.”

“Oh, I want it, all right.” She said, stroking him.

“Get between my legs.” She went to the base of the bed, kneeling with her ass up, still clutching his cock. He took another photo. “Put my cock in your mouth.” She leaned down and put her lips to his tip. He took another photo. She started blowing him. “Look up at me…I want to see you looking at me, at the camera.” She smiled around his cock and did what he asked as he took a series of pictures. “I want to come on your face.” She halted, looking up at him. “You haven’t showered yet, remember? Humor me.” She paused a moment longer, then glanced back at her wrist as it buzzed, and then resumed blowing him. “Off the bed. Get on your knees.” He sat on the edge of the bed as she got on the floor. He pulled free as he neared coming, her jerking him until he spurted right on her face, her eyes flicking closed as white stripes dripped from her hairline down to her chin, onto her tits. He took a few more pictures before asking her to smile. Which was the last photo in the set. She stood up, running a finger across her face and looking at the semen on her fingertip.

“So, do you think your colleagues will think I’m a good wife, now?”

“I don’t know about *good*,” he smiled, “but bad in all the right ways, that’s for sure.” He reached out and slapped her ass. “Go take your shower. You have a little something…” He pointed to his face and gestured. “Maybe you should just leave the come where it is.” He smirked. “You could start a new trend.”

“I bet…” She rolled her eyes and went off into the shower. She came back ten minutes later, wearing her pajamas, and got into bed. They read for about an hour before Alison decided she was tired enough to sleep. As she rolled over, she asked, “Has your bracelet been buzzing? I think mine might be broken.”

“Hmm…no.” He looked down at his. “I’ll ask Janelle next time I talk to her.” They went to sleep.

**End Part 2**



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