The Profile, Part Three

# The Profile, Part Three

The third chapter in Melissa and Baylee’s adventures.

Continuing on from: [](

First part here: [](

Hope you’re enjoying so far! Let me know what you think in comments :)

On the screen was a website for escorts. Dozens of photos of women in next to nothing flooded the page, with headlines like ‘Busty blonde waiting for you’ and ‘Exotic massage from a gorgeous geisha girl’. Baylee scrolled through them, and Melissa could see her hands trembling.

“Bay… is this for real? Are you really on this thing?” asked Melissa. Her forehead was all scrunched up with worry.

“Yes. I mean, not yet, but once I get my photos done, I’m gonna sign up. Lots of girls are doing it. And you know I like older men. It’s not like I’m going to fuck them, just give them some company from a hot, young piece of ass for a few hours a night. And if they want to pay me for it, then that’s even better,” Baylee said, sounding like she was trying to convince herself as much as she was trying to convince Melissa.

But Melissa wasn’t convinced. Not yet, anyway. The wrinkles above her nose hadn’t gone away and now a frown had formed to match.

“I really don’t think it’s a good idea. I mean what if something happens. You know, like before.”

Baylee looked away briefly, then turned back to Melissa, trying to exude as much confidence as she could. “I’m sure that won’t happen. I mean the guys on this site are like, totally checked out by the people that run it. Otherwise they’d go out of business pretty quick.”

She sounded sure, but Melissa couldn’t help feeling uneasy as she looked through all the profiles. Some of the women were into some pretty crazy stuff. She didn’t know what all the acronyms meant, but the few she did recognise were enough to make her blush again.

“It makes sense now, why you’d want such a tight suit, I guess. I mean, gotta show off what you got to compete with these other women. Look at that one, her boobs are huuuuuuge! How does she even stand up?” Melissa started to relax, overcome with curiosity at the variety of women she was looking at.

Baylee looked at the picture Melissa had clicked on, then said, “Oh my god! They’re bigger than her head. They must have cost a fortune. Too bad I’m gonna swoop in and steal all her clients.”

The two friends laughed and began comparing profiles. Melissa even started taking notes when she saw things that she thought would help Baylee’s chances. Thirty minutes later and Melissa had forgotten all about her concerns. She was getting really into figuring out how to get men to give Baylee money for being young and hot. Another half hour in and they’d drafted a profile, complete with innuendo and dripping with sex. At least they thought so. Melissa was still a little nervous about all those acronyms. She made a note to look them up after Baylee went home.

“So now that we have an idea of how to set up your profile, we have to take some of those super slutty-but-classy photos,” she said, closing the laptop lid.

“You just want to see my boobs again,” Baylee teased. As she said it, she pushed them together with her arms like she’d done in the store.

Melissa immediately went red again and laughed nervously. “No, I don’t. So what if I do? It’s not like you’d show me them.”

“How about you take the photos for me and see for yourself?” Baylee shot back, “See just what a slut I can be. I have to practice, and you’re my best friend. Who better to practice with?”

She didn’t want to admit it, but the idea excited Melissa and thinking about it caused that same warmth and wetness that had plagued her all day. Her panties must be a mess by now. She was starting to wish Baylee wasn’t spending the night, so she could take care of herself and release some of the pressure that had built up.

“Girls, dinner is ready! Come down and get it. And don’t forget to wash your hands.”

The call from downstairs snapped Melissa back to reality.

“Where did you go just now? I was talking for like thirty seconds. Did you hear what I said?” Baylee sounded annoyed.

“Sorry, lost in thought. We’d better get down to dinner,” she replied.

“Not so fast,” Baylee said, grabbing Melissa’s arm, “When are we taking photos?”

“What’s the rush?” Melissa asked.

“I want to try out a few and see which ones get the most attention. Plus, I think it will be fun. Did you see some of those girls? They were so sexy. I wanna look like that.” She paused, then said, “And… I want you to look at me again like you did at the store.” Now it was Baylee’s turn to go red in the face. She didn’t know why she’d said it, it just came out. But once it was out, it felt right. And there was no going back.

“Really?” Melissa was stunned and didn’t know what else to say.

Melissa’s mother called again from the dining room.

“Girls, it’s getting cold! What’s taking so long? Hurry your little bums and get down her!”

“Come on,” Baylee said, “you heard her. Dinner’s ready.” Before Melissa could say anything, she was out the door and heading down the staircase. Melissa went after her, still trying to figure out what to make of what she had just heard.


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