[Strange Request] My non-sexual Turn On

[M(19)4F] I've been looking for a place to discuss a very strange non-sexual turn on of mine, and since any kind of turn ons are welcome here, I thought I'd give it a shot. And yes, I know how strange of a turn on this is- it's just a matter of looking for a way to satisfy it/ someone willing to when it's very one-sided; I've recently finally opened about it because I feel like I'm at the age where I should come to terms with it. Long story short, a woman cleaning is a turn on for me, but not in a sexual way; ex cleaning up a spot (table,dishes,floor,etc.). Something I've found out to help are short-long writings about an example, and the more detailed and descriptive the better. It is a very strange and specific request; I can go into a lot more specifics, but I want to make sure if this is an impossible request or not. I'm sorry if this is a weird/hard read, any feedback, or advice for that matter, would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone knows of a better place to ask this, if there is one, please let me know.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/3xu9v2/strange_request_my_nonsexual_turn_on


  1. I’m sure someone can get something going with maids. I’m big on mind/control hypnosis, so maybe I’ll try my hand on writing a cleaning story for you. Just to be clear, the story itself can be sexual, but normal cleaning is good?

  2. Now that I think about it, that’s a simpler way to look at it. It can be sexual or not, it would probably make it more fun for people, and yes, normal is good. I’m interested to see what different people have in mind. Again, it’s strange I know.

  3. Alice frowned at the spot. The wine had dried while she’d cried herself to sleep, and now she had a hangover and a fucking stain. Even coffee would have to wait. One heavy sigh later she’d turned to retrieve her supplies from under the kitchen sink. She got a stiff nylon brush, a towel and some foaming carpet cleaner. As she walked back to the scene of the crime, she thought about grabbing her robe, but then told herself to relax. It’s not like anyone was watching! She got down on both knees and sat back on her heels, and felt the scratchy carpet against her legs. She felt her breasts give a playful bounce as she shook the can, stretching her back and smiling, in spite of her pounding headache. The can hissed pleasantly as she extended her arm and sprayed the spot, saturating it with a creamy white foam. As the bubbles popped and worked the cleaning solution deeper into the stain, she waited and closed her eyes. How could she have been so blind? When she opened her eyes the stain had already faded slightly, so she blotted at it gently with the soft terry cloth towel. To her dismay, the stain was stubborn! She scrubbed it with the brush, then tried spraying it with more cleaner. Soon she was frantically scrubbing the spot with the brush, her muscles flexing and her brow starting to bead with sweat as the sun broke through the morning clouds and shone a ray down through the apartment window and on to the side of her face. Her breasts swayed with the effort. She hair fell into her face. She blew it away from her mouth in frustration. Slowly she stopped, and the spot was faded, and the carpet was worn where she’d been scrubbing. Resigned, she got up and went to make some coffee.

  4. You have a great play with words; I really appreciate it for how strange it might be to write something like that out. Again, I don’t understand it earlier, but thank you for taking time for something silly as this.

  5. If it’s ok, I need to ask some questions in order to understand what you want. I read that you like detail , but need to know more. So detail about her cleaning? Or the type of cleaning, or the type of mess? Also, describe her and her movements, thoughts, looks? Is she cleaning for you or men, or others in general. Meanwhile I will give it a shot with what I have. Glad your here :)

  6. Sarah was Sarah was not pleased when her brother brought his friend to the kitchen to hang out. She had no heads up and found herself trying to down play her freely moving breasts while her brothers friend did the same. This was even more difficult as she really liked this particular friend of his. Sweet enough to visibly respond to seeing her this way, this turned her onto him all the more. She was supposed to already have the kitchen clean and organized for the three women in her family to start preparing the Thanksgiving meal. After giving it some thought, she decided not to forfeit territory, "we are all grown here" and I’ll keep doing what I was doing. First and nearly done was clearing the counter tops of any unnecessary items, wiping the counter surface smooth and clean with a soft cloth and orange scented organic cleaning spray. It’s important to wipe/polish the counter as well so no toxins get on food or utensils…….the sink definitely needs to be spotless for food prep, this always took a little more elbow grease. Using barkeeepers friend, if you scrubbed gently using a brillio pad the result was super clean and brand new looking. Elbow grease meant a little shaking though….mmmmm. So she peeked at her brothers friend and he was engrossed in the way her cotton pajama shorts fit across her ass and the tops of her thighs, making them just visible as she moved. He was lost in his own fantasy of crawling up behind her as she scrubbed the sink and so slowly pushing his face into that beautiful hot spot at the top of her thighs. He wants to smell her and push his face into that sweet spot. Would she moan? Tremble? Jump?.. … Or would she pretend like nothing happened and keep scrubbing the sink, gently rocking back and forth from the motion, he would stay there and tease her. He was enjoying this idea immensely when he saw her looking and broke off, his dick so fucking hard it hurt, he was going to have to do something with his hard on soon. Sarah didn’t know what to do. Leaving her work would be to admit to ….what?…she didn’t know, again this was her house and she was here, so no giving up territory! Plus, she didn’t want her mother getting ill with her. Next and god help her, right there with……him…she needed to wipe the table the guys were sitting at ,as this is where the older women would sit whike they prepared veggies. She smiled sweetly and begged their pardon, lightly misting the table top with the same cleaner, trying not to get it on the guys. Using a fresh cloth , again she gently wiped the table top clean then polished it to remove any film. Crush boy stayed his ground at the table moving away just enough to give her room and yet keep his raging dick hidden. Her tight round tits were pushing at the t shirt she was wearing and swaying just fucking right, perfect as a matter of fact. She smiled sweetly at him when she excused herself for wiping the table in front of him and he couldn’t get his voice to answer needing to clear his throat for any utterance. Every red blooded cell he had was going to pick her up , open those smooth tight thighs and split that pussy, suck those stunning tits, grab that sweet round little ass , and fuck her sweaty. He could smell her from here, it was all he could do to stay where he was. His friend and her brother saw the tension and decided to break it up by spilling a pitcher of tea onto the floor, fucking asshole. Though to be fair, he wasn’t sure what he would do if he was in the same situation. The shock of the cold tea hitting her bare feet and splashing her legs definitely broke her focus, and she was pissed and surprised and yelling at her bro cause she had no idea why he did that. I grabbed the cloth she had been using and she took it from me and started wiping her legs dry, and then bending over the spilt tea, began wiping it up. Needing to get several towels and using her feet to push the towel around the tea to soak it up. She grabbed the wet towels and threw them in the washer, then wet a towel with water to clean the sticky residue from the tea. Bro laughed like all brother’s do and made to help her,…. she told him to fuck off, and threw one of the wet towels at his face. This was stunning as it created the hottest jiggle in her tits, it made his mouth dry. Bro got pissed and went to to the living room and sat with his uncle. I started to follow but stayed just long enough to hand her a dry towel and help her dry the last bit of fresh water. When we were nearly done and were both almost under the table, I faced her and kissed the fuck out of that beautiful face and mouth. I took my time and enjoyed it, when I backed away from the kiss I was breathing hard but keeping my cool, her face said it all, we were not finished and would follow this up later. I had to get up and find Bro before he got pissed, my last sight of her was still on her hands and knees smiling at me and biting her lip, still wiping the already dry floor.

  7. I’m sorry for not saying anything sooner. Well, it’s strange to say and read, but more detail about cleaning, like extended time on a specific place. Frustration, distraught, a few examples of those. She would be a young woman/20s, nothing really that different than noramlly. The part that makes it the most strange/non-sexual is the fact that my own presence doesn’t matter, rather just her in general. Again, I don’t understand it. Though, what you wrote was definitely something different, and it was an interesting read :)

  8. Awesome, your feedback helps us both, it is a better exercise with the specifics. I’ll be back after a bit

  9. I’m glad you read it! It’s always more fun for me to write from a prompt, so this was a great way to have fun.

  10. I’ve been away myself; take your time. I appreciate it when it’s for something as stupid as this.

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