Quick scene: “The Stalker” [inc, nc]

Trying to get back into writing. I finally finished the chapter I was stuck on, and I banged out this little scene in response to a writing prompt. Enjoy!

"You're ridiculous," I told him as we left the bar, punching his shoulder. "If we go straight home, it blows the whole plan! The point was to make that guy who's following me thing I have a big tough boyfriend, but if we go home he won't see us!"
"Well, we can always try again tomorrow," he said with a wink. "C'mon home and we'll put the proper ending on the night early."
I glanced around. "Hey now, there's nobody here to impress, you can drop the act for now. Don't forget that you're my brother or anything."
"Yeah, sure," he said, rolling his eyes. "Well, if you really wanna go see some dumb movie, okay. I guess we've got the time."

The movie was pretty dumb, but the point was to put on a show for my stalker. I spent the whole time with my head on my brother's shoulder, whispering back and forth with him and making fun of the actors and story.
We got up and left as the credits rolled, heading out to his car and driving off once more.
"Okay," he said, "NOW I'm taking you home."
I smirked. "Yeah, you are. We gotta do groceries and stuff tomorrow. But hey, thanks for this." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "It means a lot, really. I owe you."
"I'll hold you to that," he said with a chuckle.

I flopped on the couch with a laugh. "I bet that'll do the trick," I said, grinning. "I know a lot of people saw us. And the way you were looking at me… bro, I had no idea you were such a good actor!"
"I wasn't acting," he said, locking the door and shrugging out of his jacket.
"Uh… what?"
"Surely you feel it… I have for years. Ever since that summer when you got your first bikini and I saw your body growing."
"Ew, don't be gross! You're- hey!" i slapped at his arm as it wrapped around me and he threw me over his shoulder. "What are you doing??"
"Taking you to bed, sis," he said, walking down the hall. "You said you owe me, and I'm going to collect early."
"Stop!" I beat my fists on his back uselessly. "I'll scream!"
"Go ahead. I had this place soundproofed back when I started learning the drums. Scream all you want. I like it."
He tossed me onto the bed and kicked the door shut, then started unbuttoning his shirt. I had admired his chiseled pecs for a while, but now they only brought me fear.
"H-hey," I said, "Alright, joke's on me, right?"
"Nope," he said, grabbing my shoulders and pinning me down on the bed. "No joking here. Only fucking."
Panic washed over me. I kicked and squirmed, punching and scratching at him, but nothing I did seemed to even slow him down. With an angry grunt, he pinned my wrists to the bed above my head, holding them there with one big hand.
"Just lay still and it'll be easier, sis," he said darkly. "Who knows, you might even like it."
I want to say that I fought back, that I didn't let him have anything easily. I want to say I bit and screamed and kicked him in the balls. But the truth is, I couldn't. It was like I wasn't even in the driver's seat of my own body, watching as he reached up my skirt and tore off my panties. He dropped his pants and shorts, taking his cock in his hand and stroking it.
"Please," I whimpered, "please stop… please don't do this."
"Just relax," he said, climbing up onto me, leaning in to pepper my neck with clammy wet kisses. "Relax and let it happen."
I let my head drop back to the bed, praying for it to end. It didn't end. I felt his hips moving against my thighs, his hand pushing up my skirt, heard him spit on his hand… and then I felt him.
"Ohhh sis," he moaned in my ear as he started shoving his weapon down into me, "you're so fuckin' tight…"
I was out of words to say, out of pleas. I laid there, defeated, with tears blurring my view of the ceiling, while my brother drove his cock into me. I wasn't wet enough and I clenched hard against his invasion, but all that did was pull at my insides and make it feel like he was tearing me apart. With a whimper, I gave in to the pain and let go.
He groaned, breathing hot wet air on my neck. "That's it, sis," he said in that sickeningly smooth voice. "Can you feel it? I'm all the way inside you now."
I looked away as he pulled back and thrust in again. "Fuck, that's nice," he moaned, "don't you think?"
"No," I said coldly.
"Yeah, you always were a bit of a bitch, even when we were kids," he said, sounding annoyed. his weight lifted off me and he knelt on the bed between my legs, moving his hands to hold my hips in an iron grip. "That's okay, though. You'll learn to like it."
He started pumping his hips, pulling back and driving into me over and over. "Fuck, yeah," he declared, "you're such a hot fuck."
I stared at the wall, enduring the jolts of his hips slamming into me. He sped up quickly, with litle regard for my comfort.
It didn't take long. After a minute or two, he slammed down into me, moaning. I whimpered as I felt the hot spurt of his seed inside me. He pulled back and thrust into me again a few times, then slowly pulled back, panting.
"Damn, sis," he said almost casually, "that was sweet. We're gonna have to do that more often. Oh, and don't worry about that stalker. I only paid him through to the end of the week to follow you."

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3x7tl3/quick_scene_the_stalker_inc_nc