Fresh meat vs. Restaurant Manager


The relentless winter wind dances down my low cut shirt as I pull my hair up into a ponytail that reaches the middle of my back, and walk into the restaurant for my second shift. I make my way through loud guests screaming at the television sets, and through the winding employee hallway, to secure my purse in a locker.

I’m happy to be alone for just a moment before my shift, and I take this time go adjust my bra straps, apply my mango chapstick, and stretch.

As I’m stretching I hear the managers door behind me open, revealing our Kitchen manager, Ken. I met him briefly yesterday while on a casual tour of the restaurant with my trainer.
“Do you need some help with that, Alexis?”
His deep voice sends a chill down my back.

He is hauntingly handsome, he has a certain presence that makes me both anxious and intrigued.

I immidiately rise out of my forward stretch, blushing and at a loss for words for just a moment.
I want to stand my ground, simply say ‘no’, and walk away, instead my hormorones respond for me,

“I… uh, no but thank you”
…thank you? What the hell is wrong with me.

Standing in the doorway, calm cool and collected, he locks eyes with me and lowers his voice, “I need you to report to my office after your shift”.

I’ve done nothing wrong so it can’t be a disciplinary meeting, perhaps I have more paperwork to fill out. That must be it. Surely he wants to discuss my performance or paperwork, nothing to worry about.

Ken takes one step in my direction, closing the gap between us in the narrow hallway.

He is easily 6’4″, towering over me and looking down into my eyes, I feel his powerful gaze has much to say but he says nothing else.

My stomach tightens and my focus is only on him as he reaches out and places his left hand around my neck.
I let out a little sigh and I can feel a small rush of pleasure as my body betrays me. The weight of his hand on my neck causes me to lean into the wall an inch or so behind me. I can feel my wetness pooling in my panties.

“Do you understand,” There was a chilling tone to his voice, it didn’t sound like a question.

I understand we won’t be discussing training or paperwork…

I didn’t hesitate to respond this time, “Yes.”

He smirked. “Get to work.”

He nodded in the direction of the main floor as his grip loosened, and he slid his hand down the middle of my chest, around my waist. He grabbed my right ass cheek and his long arm had no trouble reaching for other. He grabbed hard and let go slowly.

Oh my god. I am frozen.

He winks at me and nods towards the main floor again.

I, I need to mentally regroup.

His eyes are just as sexy as they are intimidating, I turn away with a smile and try to compose myself as I walk towards my section.

I fight the urge to look back at him, and I fail.

He is gone, I blush again.

*****to be continued*****
