The Profile, Part One

Hi everyone! It’s my first time posting publicly :D Be gentle (or not hehe). -Bells xoxo <3

# The Profile, Part One


Melissa Dellinger sat cross-legged on her bed staring at her laptop screen. Her heart started to beat faster as she typed into the empty text box.

“Young, horny brunette, ready to get it on!”

That sounded stupid. She quickly deleted everything and started again.

“I’m waiting to make your wildest dreams come true…”

Better, but she wasn’t trying to sound like one of those softcore porn books her mum read in the bathtub. She needed something that was going to make her stand out and get her the attention she wanted.

It came to her. Trembling nervously, she typed each word carefully.

“Lost little girl looking for Daddy with strong hands.”

As the words appeared across her screen, she felt the heat building between her legs. Her stomach had butterflies and she caught her lip in her teeth a little. That was the one. She hesitated a moment more before finally clicking ‘Save’.

The page refreshed, and her finished profile appeared before her. She had been trying to get up the courage to make it since her best friend, Baylee, had showed her the site a week ago.

Now, she was ready.

. . .

Summer was right around the corner and the two eighteen-year-olds had been out shopping for new swimsuits. Baylee was in the change room trying on a particularly snug bikini top. There was already a stack of ten or so rejects piled up on the bench outside the room and the saleswoman was starting to look annoyed.

“Baylee, what is the matter with these? With a chest like yours, you can pull pretty much anything off. Can you please just pick one, so we can go eat?” Melissa asked.

“I need something… special. It’s gotta be perfect,” Baylee said over the change room door.

Melissa just sighed and handed her the next top to try on.

“This is the one, for sure!” said Baylee, clearly excited by what she had just put on.

“Let me see, let me see!” Melissa called back.

“Ok, but you have to come in here,” Baylee said.

She opened the door a crack and waved her hand at Melissa.

“What’s going on, Bay-,” Melissa started to say as she squeezed through the door. She stopped short as she saw Baylee. The top was so tight that her full, C-cup breasts were pushed up almost to her chin. They spilled out of the bottom, and the sides a little, too.

Melissa was shocked.

“You can’t wear that out!” she exclaimed.

“I’m not going to wear it out. I’m going to wear it *in*.” Baylee tossed her hair back a little a squeezed her breasts together between her arms to see how far out they would push. The edges of her pink nipples poked out of the edges of the bikini and she giggled with glee.

“What do you mean, ‘wear it in’?” Melissa asked, cocking her head to one side and trying to figure out what Baylee was up to. She squinted her eyes and tried to read what her friend was thinking.

“Ok, I wasn’t gonna tell you until we got home, but…” Baylee hesitated for a second then leaned in close to Melissa. Her breasts brushed up against Melissa’s and there was a tiny spark. The two girls jumped at the sudden sensation and then laughed.

There was a sudden knock at the door. The change room attendant had finally had enough.

“I don’t know what’s going on in there, but you’d better get out of there now or I’m calling security. If you’re not buying anything, you need to leave.”

The two girls laughed again. Before Melissa could get the latch undone, Baylee had pulled the bikini top over her head, letting her perfect breasts free. Her nipples had hardened in the excitement. Melissa could see the lines imprinted from where the bikini had strained against Baylee’s creamy flesh.

As she watched those beautiful mounds bounce, she felt a stirring between her legs.

*What is happening to me*, she thought to herself, *why am I so turned on right now?*

Baylee had stopped getting dressed and was staring at Melissa.

“Like what you see?” she said with a little wink, “Why don’t you touch them?”

The store attendant shouted at them again, “I MEAN IT. I WILL CALL SECURITY IF YOU’RE NOT OUT OF THE STORE IN THIRTY SECONDS!”

Baylee pulled her t-shirt down over her head, grabbed the bikini top she wanted, and flipped the latch on the door. She threw it open, grabbed Melissa’s hand, and tugged her out of the room.

“Come on,” she said, rushing them both towards the exit, “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

Melissa turned to look back as Baylee started to run.

“We have to pay for our swimsuits!” she called after her friend.

Baylee kept running, “Fuck that bitch,” she shouted back, “are you coming or not?”

*What am I doing?* Melissa didn’t know if she wanted to be a part of this, but before she had time to think any more about it, she saw a burly, black security guard running towards her waving and shouting at them to stop.

She felt a hand close around her arm and thought she had been caught. Turning to see who had a hold of her, she saw Baylee’s grinning face. Instinctively she took off running after her friend.

The two girls kept running until their lungs burned and they were clear of the shopping centre. Further down the road they ran into a diner and collapsed, gasping, into a booth.

Baylee’s chest heaved as she caught her breath, and Melissa couldn’t help but watch her breasts rising and falling under the loose fabric of her white t-shirt. The image of Baylee’s topless figure in the change room was still burned into her mind’s eye, and she felt that familiar tingling in her belly as she thought about the nipples that pushed against her shirt.

Little beads of swear were forming across Baylee’s brow, and a few had dripped down onto her t-shirt, causing it to cling to her chest. Melissa could feel moisture of a different kind forming in her own body and she unconsciously started to rock her hips slightly against the vinyl seat.

“You’re staring again, Mel,” said Baylee, “something on your mind?” Baylee tugged at the bottom of her shirt a little, causing it to hug the curves it was hiding and revealing a tiny bit of cleavage at the collar.

Melissa snapped out of her reverie and back to reality. Her face went bright red and she covered her face with her hands as she hunched forward.

“Oh my god, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m so sorry,” she mumbled through her hands.

“Why are you sorry? It’s kinda hot. I just never thought you’d, you know, bend that way,” Baylee said, reaching across the table to pull Melissa’s hands away from her face. “I’ll stop teasing you. For now.” She winked provocatively.

With a big sigh of relief, Melissa sat back up and looked at her friend. Baylee really was beautiful, with wheat-coloured hair that tumbled in gentle waves just past her shoulders. They’d known each other since kindergarten, so it was no surprise they were close, but Melissa didn’t know what to make of these new feelings she was starting to develop. Was it just sexual, or was there something more to it?

A server appeared and interrupted her train of thought. The two girls ordered milkshakes and fries. Melissa caught herself staring across the table at Baylee as her friend recounted the events of the swimsuit theft. She had to admit, it had been exciting.

Their food arrived, and the girls had a few moments of silence. Both were hungrier than they had realised. While they were eating, a group of construction workers came in and sat at the counter, talking loudly and slapping each other on the back every other sentence.

Baylee took a slurp of her milkshake and said, “Ugh, they’re so gross. I feel like I can smell them from here.” She dunked a few fries into her milkshake and stuffed them into her mouth.

“You’re the gross one,” replied Melissa,” I mean who dips fries in a milkshake?”

“Don’t knock it till you tried it,” said Baylee. Then, softer, “Hey do you think I could get one of them to pay for our food?” As she said it, she dipped her straw into her milkshake and began running the end of it along her lower lip, sucking a bit of milkshake out of it as seductively as she could.

“What’s gotten into you today, you little skank? Let’s just get out of here,” Melissa said. She went up to the counter and paid for their meal, then turned to walk out. “Oh Baylee, are you coming?” Baylee was ‘adjusting’ her shirt, much to the delight of the men at the counter.

“Come on now, darlin’,” one of them said, “why don’t the two of you stay a little longer. I’m sure we could make it worth your while.”

“Ew, fuck off, you guys smell like shit!” Baylee laughed and stuck her tongue out, flipped her shirt up to expose her perfect breasts, then bounced out the door and into the sunshine to the hoots and cheers fading behind her.

*More to come! Just wanted to see if people are into it :) Upvote/comment below if you want to read more.*


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