The First Year: Ch. 1

First chapter is to kind of establish a few characters. There won't be much erotic behavior at first. I'll try to keep it short and sweet! :)

We'd spent all of Adam's day off getting our furniture and boxes moved into the new apartment. His family and a couple of friends had helped us out and the whole day had been a lot of fun. We all ate shitty sandwiches in the middle of our empty living room; I spent a good amount of time with his sisters visualizing the layout; and after his family had made the hour-long drive back to their home a few of Adam's co-workers took us out for drinks.

Everything about this life is new for me. Adam and I met in college just three semesters ago while I'd been living in one of the dorms. My family and hometown is states away from here, but Adam and I fell completely head over heels with each other. Fast-forward, the two of us ended up getting married. It was a small ceremony with just our very small immediate families, and now that Adam's finished with school we've decided to move into a nicer apartment. I'll continue going to school while he works.

It's hard not seeing my family. It's harder not having friends. I never made any during college because I'd just assumed I'd be returning home someday. I'm quiet, I don't make friends that easily, and before I knew I'd marry Adam I figured he was the only friend I needed. Now I'm without a job, it's summer, and I'm stuck in our new apartment alone for nine hours a day, five days a week.

It was fun at first. Our first night Adam insisted we christen the apartment in every room. He made such an ordeal, scooping me up in his arms and carrying me to our unfurnished bedroom and lying me down on the floor. We drank boxed wine and teased each other while our brains were buzzing.

Adam climbed on top of me and we made love. His face was flushed from the wine, and his cock was rock hard from fooling around and the lack of sex we'd been having since finals started.

It was all over in a matter of minutes, really. From start to finish I would say maybe forty minutes, tops. I didn't orgasm, but Adam's heaving chest and the force that he slammed into me with seemed worth it.

That was the last night we had sex for at least two weeks.

I spent most of my time either unpacking or exploring my new home. I'd wander around the apartment complex, meeting a few neighbors, getting a feel of the place, and then I'd take long walks through the park nearby. It was lonely, mostly. Joggers and dog-walkers kept to themselves, and maybe the heat was getting to me, too.

When Adam would return home in the evenings he'd be worn out. We'd have a quick dinner, he'd shower, and we'd sit down to watch a movie on his laptop. Adam would almost always end up snoring within twenty minutes of the movie and I'd go around turning everything off and we'd go get ready for bed.

Friday nights are what I live for now. On Fridays Adam's co-workers invite us out for dinner at a local bar. It's only a couple of guys, but they're friendly enough and don't mind me tagging along. Both of them are the friendly, nerdy but cool kind of guys. The kind that smoke pot, but are intelligent and can be professional on the spot, you know? They joke around and are overall friendly and chill people so I don't feel too pressured to be funny or charming or interesting. It's nice to just drink beer and be social.

Tonight is the second night they've invited us out. Adam's showering before we head out. I look in my closet. It's a small bar in a small city and mostly it's a bunch of sports fans or first dates. It's nothing fancy so I grab a nice pair of jeans and a slouchy tank-top. The heat makes anything else unbearable. My hair could use a wash, but I run my fingers through it, shake it out, and shrug. After a few drinks I won't care anyways.

At the bar Adam and I cross over to our normal booth. Matt and Daniel have already ordered a pitcher of beer and are discussing some baseball game outcome when we walk up. Matt scoots over and immediately starts talking about something that had happened at work with Adam. I glance shyly at Daniel who smiles and makes some room for me on his side of the booth.

"Beer?" He grabs an extra glass and pours me one. "How's the apartment coming?" He and his girlfriend both live at the same apartments, a few away from us.

"It's good," I lean in and whisper, "I think I'm going stir-crazy though…" we laugh and I drink my first glass down while Daniel, Matt, and Adam rehash whatever job dilemma Matt had first brought up.

By seven we've all gone through three pitchers and a few of our own bottles of beer. The bar is a little crowded now and my face is warm and rosy and my laughter comes easily now. Whatever baseball game is on the big screen behind my head has intrigued the three of them.

"I can't stand this," Matt says. "I need to get drunk if we're seriously going to sit here and watch the rest of this fucking game." As he says this he's scooting Adam out of the booth. "Come with me, we'll go order a round of shots." Matt glances at Daniel and me. "You two up for shots?"

I look at Adam who's looking up at the TV screen. Daniel nudges me. "You feel up to doing a shot or two?"

I don't feel like ruining their fun so I nod.

Tequila. I fucking can't stand tequila. But we do the traditional tequila shots with the chasers for a couple, but by the time Matt's returned with another tray we're all just downing them and laughing and they're bitching about the current score.

I am 5'4 and I weigh 120 lbs, give or take. I am a lightweight and my head is swimming right now. Adam ordered some a food and is munching on some tacos while Matt is recounting some horrible date he had a few weekends ago.

Daniel's listening, but he's also steadying me, I realize. My body is sort of leaning against him and my head keeps falling one way or the other. I'm not sure what time it is, and I'm not plastered, exactly, but I'm dizzy and sleepy. My right leg, the one next to Daniel, is bouncing nonstop. Daniel's hand slips down below the table very nonchalantly and he rests it on top of my knee.

I turn my head and look at him gratefully. He smiles understandingly and pats my knee before taking his hand away. Adam and Matt disappear again to get some more food and a few more beers for themselves. I decline any more alcohol and ask for them to bring me a water back instead.

When the two of them are gone Daniel looks a little uncomfortable. He takes a sip of a nearly-empty beer. "Are you alright?"

My head is spinning. "Yeah, I'm good. I just need some water, maybe some food…"

"No, I mean, are you and Adam OK? You being alone in that apartment all the time… you seem a little sad."

I'm about to deny all of this but Matt and Adam return. The second they set the plate of loaded nachos down my stomach flips. I jump up from the booth and dart for the nearest door. We're near the back of the bar so the exit leads out to the alley. I double over and retch all over a full trash bag and an empty box of Clorox wipes.

I hear the door slam behind me again and it's Adam. He rubs my back for a while, pulls my hair back away from my face, and we wait until I stop sweating. By now Matt and Daniel have come out to check on us and I feel clammy and embarrassed.

"I think we're going to head home…" Adam says, handing Matt some money and leading me to the curb out front.

Daniel gets us a cab and the two of them help me into the back. I rest my head on the window and watch the two of them talking outside the cab for a few minutes. The driver keeps glancing back at me, probably wary of me throwing up, and finally Adam climbs inside.

As the taxi pulls away from the curb I lock eyes with Daniel. He looks sincerely worried about me. He waves at me and tries to smile. I put my hand up against the glass and weakly smile back as we drive off.

Adam doesn't say much to me on the drive home, and then once he's basically carried me up to our apartment and gotten me in the shower he retreats to the living room to finish the rest of the game….



  1. i’m kind of forcing myself to not read this. because i know your stuff is always so good. ;-)

  2. d’aww thanks Space Pirate! :P This one’s a little less explicit for now haha

  3. no worries. when i read it, in my own mind, I just insert a wild out-of-control orgy, every other line or so. but then I’m from Altair. we do that. ;-)

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