Samantha and Judy [FF,inc,watersports,BDSM]

Samantha was home from college for the summer. She was in her room, curling her long brown hair. Her mom Judith (everybody called her Judy) was taking a shower.

Samantha was close to her mom, especially after her father had left them. She enjoyed being home.

Judy stepped out of the steaming shower and toweled herself off. She then dried off the floor-length mirror on the door. It was time to appraise herself.

She wasn’t thrilled with what she saw, but she was doing OK for a woman in her late 40s. She had a little more body fat than she should, but she wasn’t technically obese. She tried to stay toned and firmed with regular exercise, and that helped.

Her hair was a light blonde, and cut short. Not her natural color, but the stylist had done a good job with it. She liked that at least.

Judy’s handsome face was lined and a bit tired looking, but not too bad. Her brown eyes were still bright and clear, with no bags under them and nice thick lashes and expressive eyebrows. She often used very little makeup. Her mouth was small and more severe looking than she’d like. She actually had a warm, fun personality and her mouth didn’t match it. That’s the one place she tried to attack with lipstick and gloss in various combinations. Her attempt to make it look more inviting.

No jowls or turkey neck yet, that was good. OK, the breasts. Hmm, they were big. C cups. They definitely had a bit of sag to them, but not too much. The stretch marks running across her chest were very light and very hard to see. But they were there. Her pinkish-red nipples were quite large and fat, the areolas also large. They looked a little worse for the wear after nursing her daughter so many years ago, but men seemed to like them all the same.

Her belly was almost flat. Not a six pack or anything, but the little roll of fat there was quite subtle. Friends had told her it was cute. She wasn’t sure she liked the compliment.

Her hips flared out in nice round curves from her narrow waist. It looked feminine, she didn’t mind the hips so much. She liked to shake them on the dance floor.

She turned so she could see her ass in the mirror.

She hated her ass. It was just too big. Her cheeks were wide and they swept outwards and down. They were bubble-shaped. Guys seemed to really love her ass, though. They were constantly staring at it.

At least her ass wasn’t dumpy-looking yet. It was too big, but it was riding high. She could live with it.

She heard a sharp cry of pain coming from her daughter’s bedroom. Judy ran out of the bathroom and down the hall.

“Sam? Samantha?! Are you OK?”

She rounded the corner, still naked, and looked into Samantha’s room.

Her daughter was parked in front of the vanity. She was sitting in a chair. Wearing panties and bra, holding up a curling iron in one hand and phone in the other.

“Mom! I’m fine. I’m just an idiot…I was messing with my phone and I accidentally sat on my curling iron, that’s all.”

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry. Here, babe, let me take a look.”

Sheepishly, Samantha tilted her pelvis so her mom could see her left cheek.

“Ow, that looks painful. Only first degree though. Let me go get you some burn cream, I’ll be right back.”

Judy vanished from the room to go rummage through the medicine cabinet. She returned a few minutes later, wrapped in a towel and carrying a tube of ointment.

“Here you go babe. “

Samantha took the offered tube and stood up. She turned at an angle so she could see left cheek in the mirror. She uncapped the ointment and spread some on the burn.

Judy admired her daughter’s tight, firm little ass with a small amount of envy.

“Mom,” Sam chuckled, “are you looking at my ass? I get enough of that at school you know.”

“I bet you do,” she answered wistfully. “Here, let me get a better look at that burn.”

Judy knelt down and looked at her daughter’s butt burn.

“Ooh baby, I bet it still hurts.” She gave her a light quick kiss on her butt, several inches above the burn.

“Good lord, mom! Did you just…kiss my ass?” Samantha looked more amused than angry.

Judy stood up quickly, embarrassed. Making matters worse, her towel came undone and dropped to the floor.

“Sorry honey, I just…I don’t know….I just thought it would make it feel better.”

Samantha looked at her naked mother’s body. “Uh…mom…I didn’t know that you…shaved down there.”

Judy looked down at her own bare mound, exposed thanks to the traitorous towel.

“OK that’s embarrassing but yeah…I do. Your father, he insisted I shave it bald for years. After he left us, I just sort of kept doing it. I got used to it and well, I like it like that.”

“Well…OK. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s kind of a normal thing now. I just figured…you know, different generation and all that.”

“What about you, Sam? Do you trim or shave yours?”


“Sorry, hon. I guess that was nosy of me.” She stooped to pick up the towel.

“No, mom. It’s OK. Here, look.”

She looked up at her daughter and immediately dropped the towel again.

Sam had pulled her panties halfway down her thighs. Her pussy was also shaved completely bald.

“Oh wow honey…nice.”

Judy and Samantha just stood stared at each other for a moment.

“Mom…I know this sounds weird…really weird. But, our pussies look exactly alike!”

Samantha spread her legs slightly so Judy could have a better look. For some reason she mirrored her daughter and spread her ankles apart slightly, too.

“See look…we both have…for lack of a better word,” Samantha giggled, “what they call ‘meaty pussies’.”

“I’m not sure that sounds complimentary,” Judy replied, sounding sterner than she meant to.

“Just look at them, mom! She how are labia just kind of hang down like…I don’t know…flaps or something.”

“Yeah, OK. I don’t see your point, honey.”

“Same color, too. Nice rosy pink, with a bit of darker coloration on the outer edges. You know, all pussies are a little different.”

“Hon, I never really thought about it. Maybe you look at too much porn?”

“Probably. I always wanted one of those smooth, pink, perfect Barbie doll slits. I’ve always been a little ashamed of my big lips.”

“Now that’s just…stupid.”

“Yeah, I realize that now. I’ve grown to like it. For example, I like the way it quivers.” Sam twisted her hips rapidly left and right and stopped.

Sure enough, her daughter’s labia wiggled in inertial response. It bothered Judy how much she was enjoying this display.

“You do it, too mom! Make yours wiggle!” Samantha laughed.

“Oh, what the hell…why not.” Judy did a quick little twist, mimicking her daughter.

“Ha ha ha! Look at them go. It’s so hot. I love that.”

“Well honey…you amaze me sometimes. I’d have never even thought about this stuff.”

“It’s really hot when someone licks them from underneath, too… making them flop around down there…”

“Sweetie…are you a lesbian?”

“Oh I don’t know about such labels and stuff. I just like what I like, you know.”

“Honey, it’s OK if you are. I’m not offended by that sort of thing…obviously.”

“Well sure, I get it. Hey mom…does your clit get really big, too? Like, when it’s stimulated?”

“I don’t know about ‘really big’ but it certainly gets engorged when aroused. You know, the normal I suppose.”

“Mom….do you think it’s weird…the two of us standing here looking at each other’s pussies and talking about them?”

“Yeah, it is. But you and I have always been so close. We’ve always talked about everything. This topic was ‘to be expected’ for us I guess. I’m just a little surprised by all of the…explicit details.”

“Well, I have an even weirder idea.” Sam held up her phone.

“What do you intend to do with that?”

“I want to snap a couple of pictures of your pussy. And I want you to snap another couple of pictures of my pussy. Then we can flip them back and forth to compare. Sound like fun?”

“It sounds like a real bad idea…”

“Oh come on! Don’t be such a stick in the mud! Everybody takes pictures of their junk these days! You’re even freshly shaved and ready for it!”

“Is that what you were doing when you burned yourself? Taking pictures of your body?”

“I was thinking about it. Got myself distracted. I think it will be more fun if we do it together. Better pictures, too.”

“Oh Sam…I can’t believe I’m saying this….to hell with it…sure…let’s do it.”

“OK! Hold still, let me get the first one of you.” Sam held the camera out, aimed it at Judy’s crotch.

“I can’t believe…”

“Be still mom. Such a pretty pussy. There! I got it!”

Samantha turned the camera around and handed it to her mother. While Judy looked at the photo of herself, Sam wiggled the rest of the way out of her panties.

Judy now saw what Sam had been talking about. In the photo, her labia were hanging down like flaps.

“OK, I’m ready!” Sam said, giggling.

Judy aimed the phone, looking at the display. It was uncanny how much alike their genitals were. She snapped the photo, handed the phone back to her daughter.

Sam flipped the photos back and forth with her finger. “Wow, mom! We’re like twins!”

Judy appraised her daughter and thought to herself: if only.

Samantha had a toned, slender little body with lovely brown hair and fair skin. Her breasts were small but very perky. Judy had always loved the way Sam’s little nose turned up at the end, perched over her full, red lips. Their faces didn’t look alike, even if their genitals did.

“Get on the bed, mom! We need to take some more.”

Judy felt pangs of guilt and regret. This was going way, way too far.

“C’mon mom, I’m having a blast with this.”

Judy climbed onto her daughter’s bed, “Oh great, my daughter: the budding pornographer.”

Samantha just laughed. “Lie flat on your back and spread your legs.”

“Good!” Samantha aimed. Click.

“OK, mom, good job! Now…take your fingers and spread your labia apart…”

“Samantha, no! Really?!?

“Come on! Just fucking do it already!”

Possessed by some unfathomable instinct, Judy tentatively placed both hands on her pussy. She gently parted the labia with her fingertips.

“Not good enough…wider!”

Judy dug her fingertips in for better purchase and spread her labia apart a bit more.

“We’re getting there….but I need you to gape your pussy open really wide so we can see inside of it.”

Judy dug her fingertips in more, stretched the petals of her flower open as wide as she could. It was so wide it was uncomfortable. “How’s that, Dr. Gyno?”

“Beautiful, mom!” Click.

“Now, trade places, you do me!” Samantha handed Judy the phone. Judy climbed out of bed and Sam took her place.

Sam spread her legs, “OK, snap a picture!”

Judy lined the photo up. Her daughter’s pussy looked perfect. Click.

“OK, now it’s my turn to gape it.”

“This gaping thing….I know you got that from porn. Had to.”

“Of course! It’s so hot…” Sam used her fingertips to spread her own pussy. She dug in and pulled some more.

Sam had her labia pulled apart very wide. Judy could see deep inside of her daughter’s pussy now. She could see Sam’s urethra. She could see her wet little cervix.

Sam’s inner pussy walls were repeatedly opening and closing as her fingers strained to keep her labia spread wide.

“Hurry up, mom!”

It was the most pornographic thing Judy had ever seen. It was like a gynecology textbook gone all wrong.

It was also making Judy very wet. She aimed the phone camera carefully at her daughter’s exposed inner vagina.


“Excellent! Let me see.”

Judy handed the phone back and watched her daughter gleefully flip through the photos.

“Wow mom, we even look alike on the inside. Your pussy is so beautiful…and it looks just like mine!”

A door opened inside of Judy’s mind. It opened on a dark room that had always been there, but she’d never dared enter it before.

“Samantha…sweetie…is this just silly ridiculous fun for you? Or are you getting sexually aroused by this?”

Sam stopped looking at the phone and looked at Judy. Their eyes met. Neither of them flinched.

“Fuck yeah, this is turning me on. I love your body, mom. Looking inside of your pussy makes me horny as hell.”

“You came out of that pussy you know. You were inside of my womb for nine months, and then you squeezed out of it.”

“Yeah, no kidding. That’s how birth works. My little pussy formed and grew inside of you and then came out through your pussy and into the world. That’s why our two pussies look alike.”

Samantha smiled.

Judy smiled back, “Maybe it’s time they had a reunion. I have an idea. Let me have the bed again.”

Sam moved out of her way. Judy arranged herself on the bed. This was going to be a little tricky, but she was sure she could do it.

With her head and shoulders pressed against the pillows, Judy hoisted her legs and pelvis into the air. She brought her knees over and down, bracing herself on the mattress with her hands.

Judy’s pussy was now high in the air, pointing straight up at the ceiling.

“Spread it for me, honey. Use your fingers and look inside of mommy’s pussy again.”

“With pleasure.”

Samantha climbed into bed on her knees and supported her mother’s back with her body so it would be easier to hold the strange Yoga-like position.

Sam used her fingers to part her mother’s thick meaty labia.

“Wider, baby.”

Sam spread her mom's pussy lips apart as wide as she could without hurting her. She looked down inside.

“Oh mom, it’s so…hot and wet. I want to lick it for you.”

“Not yet, Samantha. I want you to straddle me. Put your pussy on mine so they touch each other.”

“Holy shit, yeah! What a cool idea.”

Samantha stood up in the bed. She balanced carefully on her right foot while she brought her left leg up and over her mom and then put it back down on the mattress. She was straddling her mother at an angle now, her pussy hovering directly over Judy’s.

“Grind your pussy into mommy, baby.”

Samantha reached down and clasped her mother’s thighs. She brought her pelvis down. Her pussy lips kissed her mother’s labia.

“Unh! Mom, it’s so fucking hot!”

Judy held as still as she could while Samantha rotated her hips, gyrating her pelvis in circles. Their hairless pussies were smashed against each other. Genitals rubbing hard against each other, juices began to flow.

“Oh god, mom! Your lips are so big! I love this! It’s tickling my clit!”

“Grind me sweetie! Rub pussies with mommy!”

“Unh! Unh! Unh!” Sam was thrusting at her like a boy. She then began gyrating in circles again.

Labia on labia, the friction began to work its magic.

“Oh mom, I think I’m gonna cum!”

“You cum for mommy baby. I want you to feel so good.”

“Mom, I might squirt on you!”

“That’s good honey! I want you to.”

“Unh Unh! Unnnnnh!” Sam was thrusting hard again. Judy felt a small amount of liquid gush on to her.

Sam stopped moving. She looked down at her mom.


“Yes baby?”

“Did you cum, too?”

“Not yet, that’s OK honey.”


“Uh huh?”

“When I cum like that, and squirt a little…it really makes me have to pee. Is it OK if run to the bathroom and come right back?”

“Don’t do that baby. Here…” Judy reached up and spread her labia wide open again.

“Pee into mommy. “

“What? Are you serious!?”

“Look at my pussy baby. Look at mommy.”

Samantha looked down. She could see deep into her mother’s cavernous vagina. The walls of it squirmed and glistened. The cervical opening puckered like a small mouth.

“It’s OK Sammy. Just let go. Piss into mommy’s pussy hole.”

“Oh…oh god….” Samantha released her bladder.

First a trickle then a flood of urine washed out of her. A lot of it went down into Judy’s pussy. The rest overflowed and ran all over the bed and her mother’s belly.

“Oh sweet Jesus mom! That was so wrong… and so hot!”

“I know baby. Let’s clean up this mess, OK?”

Sunday was awkward. Mostly silence and congenial small talk in the morning.

Judy decided to break the ice.

“Sam, we need to talk about what happened, OK?”

“I know mom.”

“Are you feeling guilty? Or violated in any way?”

“No mom, not at all. I loved yesterday. I want to do it again with you. I’m just a little scared, that’s all.”

“I understand baby. I feel the same way.”

“I feel bad that you didn’t cum, too. I want to make you cum today.”

“It’s OK, honey. It was enough that I made you feel good.”

“No it’s not. I want to give you a powerful orgasm. I want to give you multiple orgasms.”

“I would like that, honey.”

Sam led her mother by her hand to Judy’s bedroom. “Let’s do it in here this time. Change of scenery might help.”

As they undressed, Sam asked Judy, “Have you always been into watersports, mom?”

“No. I learned a lot about myself yesterday. You’re younger than me but you seem to know a lot more about sex than I do. I’m…discovering things about myself thanks to you.”

“Like what, mom?”

“Well, I got super turned on when you looked inside of my pussy. I’ve never ‘gaped’ before.”

“Cool, isn’t it?”

“Yes…it’s so vulnerable and exposed. And they way you look inside of me…all that hunger in your eyes.”

“Yeah, mom, that’s the best part of gaping. The looking and the being looked at.”

“As for the pee stuff…that just happened. It’s never something I’ve wanted to try before, it just was a heat of the moment thing.”

“You seemed to love it.”

“I did. I was thinking it might be fun if sometime…if you feel up to it….maybe you could pee in mommy’s mouth?”

“I don’t know…it sounds kinda hot but also kinda gross.”

“You’re healthy, I’m sure your urine is sterile.”

“Heh, I forgot you’re a nurse. You’re pretty used to urine by now. Uh…mom? Would you want to also pee into my mouth?”

“I don’t know honey. I don’t think so. I think I like receiving it better than giving it. This is all so new to me. I certainly wouldn’t want to do that unless you enjoy it.”

“Well let me think about the peeing into your mouth thing. Maybe tomorrow.”

“OK, Sammy. I don’t want to pressure you.”

“Mom…lie down on the bed. I want you to gape your pussy for me again.”

“Yes baby, I’d like that a lot.”

Judy reclined on her own bed. She used her fingers again to open her labia. She readjusted her purchase, and spread them wider.

Samantha looked at her for a long time. Then she added her fingers to help.

Working together, the two of them got Judy’s hairless pussy spread open very, very wide.

“Oh sweet Jesus, mom. Your hole is so wet and deep.”

“God baby, I could almost cum from you just looking at me like that,” Judy answered in a throaty whisper.

“I’m going to try to taste your cervix—lightly—with my tongue. I have a long tongue so I think the tip will…just…reach it…”

Samantha lowered her head and slowly extended her long tongue deep into her mother’s vagina. The tip brushed ever so lightly at the lips of the cervical opening.

“Unh! Sammy that is so weird!”

Sam lifted her head. “Pretty amazing, huh? Obviously you have to be gentle down there but man…that was fucking awesome!”

Judy raised her pelvis, “Lick my clitoris, honey!”

All four hands kept the labia splayed open while Samantha probed and searched, circling Judy’s clit several times. Finally, after driving her mother wild with this teasing, she began lapping at the clit like a puppy.

“Unh! Oh Sammy! That feels so good!”

Sammy gnawed and sucked on Judy’s engorged clit. It was sticking out like a small penis.

“Oh mom, your clit is like mine! It’s huge!”

“Suck it honey, suck my clit!”

“What’s your favorite part of this, mom? Having your labia spread wide open to the world or your own daughter sucking on your clit?”

“Oh god honey, I don’t know…I love both!”

Samantha sucked and licked. Gnawed and licked. Sucked some more. Judy came.

“Unh! Sammy…baby… I’m cumming! Make mommy cum!”

She bucked so hard she almost snapped Samantha’s head back.

They spooned in Judy’s bed for a while, recovering.

“Mom, I want to make you cum again. “

“That would be nice, but you don’t have to.”

“No, I love doing it. And you’re so creative. You come up with crazy perverted things to do. I’m learning from you, too.”

There was a long silence. Judy broke it first.

“Remember when you were a little girl and I used to spank you?”

“Sure, mom. That would have been hard to forget.”

“I know baby. I’m sorry. I should have never done that. Do you remember why I stopped spanking you.”

“I think I do…yeah…but you tell me anyway.”

Judy sniffed. She held Sammy’s hands close to her breasts.

“Well, you had done something really awful. You were pretty young, too. You broke into the liquor cabinet and got extremely drunk.”

“Ha! Yeah. I remember that. Drank all your good shit, too. Didn’t I?”

Judy stifled a laugh, “Yeah you did, you little shit. Anyway, I was so, so mad. After you finally sobered up I took the belt to you. I got a little overzealous with it. I beat your ass way too hard.”

“Yup! I remember it!”

“The worst part was…” Judy sniffed again, holding back tears. “The worst part was…I swear you got an orgasm from it. There I was trying to punish you and instead I made you cum. I was mortified.”

“Oh man, I so remember that. Like it was yesterday. It wasn’t my first orgasm but it was an early one. Really good one, too.”

“I made you change clothes and sent you to your room. When I took your underwear to the laundry room I saw that your panties were soaking wet. And it wasn’t pee.”

“Yup, that sounds like me, mom. I got a real early start on the pervert thing.”

“I never spanked you again after that.”

“You see mom, I won after all. Got a free, unexpected orgasm and I got out of any more spankings.”

Judy laughed, “You amaze me, kiddo.”

They held each other quietly for a long while. Samantha caressed her mother’s large breasts.

Judy broke the silence again. “I want to know what that’s like…what it’s like to cum from being spanked.”

“Oh wow…mom…I don’t know.”

“Go get a belt from the closet.”

“Jesus, are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you mom.”

“Consider it revenge. More importantly, it’s what I want. I really want to try something.”

“Oh no. OK, I guess…” she got up and walked to the closet. She started picking out belts, showing them to Judy.

“Nope, not that one. No, no, find another one. There, that one looks good.”

“But mom, this one is heavy…and wide.”

“Yup, perfect. Now come here.”

Judy lay her back down on the bed, spreading her legs open and raising her hips.

“Mom…wait…what? I’m going to spank your ass…right?”

“No baby. Spank mommy’s pussy.”

“Mom that could really damage you.”

“I trust you baby. Try a light touch at first. Go ahead…spank mommy.”

Samantha grasped the belt high so only a few inches would strike her mother. She flicked it lightly, tapping her mother’s bald mound with it.

“Hmm,” Judy said, “that’s not going to do it. Put a little more mustard on it, babe.”

Sam extended the belt a little more. Flicked her wrist. It tapped her mother’s pussy again.

“Babe, harder. A lot harder, OK?”

Samantha swallowed. She had to admit she was enjoying this, but she really did not want to hurt her beloved mother.

She grabbed the belt about halfway down. She gave her mom a pretty good slap with it. It landed square on Judy’s hairless pussy.

“Unh!” Judy’s pelvis twitched and her sphincter tightened in a spasm. Sam watched it relax again.

“More, babe. Please. Harder.” Judy said, breathily.

Fuck it. Sam decided to use the whole belt this time. She stood up off the bed. She was careful not to rear back too far or to bring it down too swiftly, but she put a slightly faster swing into it this time.

Her aim was dead on. The flying end of the belt smacked right into Judy’s waiting pussy.

“Oh! God! That one hurt…so good.” Judy’s pelvis fell back towards the bed. Samantha saw her mom’s sphincter tighten and relax again.

Judy raised her hips and her lovely, ample ass back up off the mattress. Her eager pussy was high in the air, waiting.

“Again, baby. Spank mommy’s pussy hard! Make it really sting this time!”

Samantha felt her own crotch getting very wet. Her mom’s pussy lips looked slightly red and swollen, but not really damaged.

Sam cocked her arm back a little farther this time, brought the full belt down a little faster.

But damn her aim was good. The tip of the belt snapped against her mother’s labia and clit.

“UNH!!!!!” Judy’s entire pelvis rocked and swayed. Her anal sphincter had three short spasms in a row.

“Holy fuck this is really hot, mom.”

“I know baby! Now spank me again…this time keep going! Punish my pussy! Spank mommy!”

Samantha whipped her mother’s bald pussy five times in a row. She wasn’t using full force with the belt by any means, but she was leaning in to it some.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

Her aim was perfect each time. After each blow, Judy’s pelvis kept falling and immediately rising back up for more. She was eager for the pain. Her asshole was clenched tightly shut now. It wasn’t relaxing at all.

“Unh! Unh! Unh! Oh god I’m going to cum baby! Please don’t stop! Spank mommy’s pussy!”

Judy’s pussy was very red and starting to swell up. Samantha hoped her mother was very close to orgasm.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

“Ohhhhhh! God it hurts….I’m cumming baby, I’m cumming…”

Judy sank back onto the bed and convulsed slightly. Her legs and pelvis trembled.

“Mom! Mom?! Are you OK?”

Judy caught her breath for several seconds.

“Mom? Please say something! Are. You. OK?”

“I’m better than OK, sweetie. That orgasm was unbelievable.”

Samantha rushed to her side and kissed Judy full on the mouth. Their tongues darted and fenced.

Sam moved down Judy’s body, kissing and licking her breasts, her nipples, her cute little belly.

“Oh mom, I’m so sorry. I don’t like hurting you.”

“Sammy, it’s OK. Really I loved it. I came so hard from that.”

“I’m glad mom, really I am.”

“Good baby. It was wonderful.”

They laid in bed next to each other for a while, holding hands and listening to each other’s breathing.


“Yes baby.”

“What do you want to try next?” Sam giggled. Her mother was such a pervert.

“Well…my pussy is pretty sore. I was thinking it might be fun if…well…this is gross…”

“Nothing would surprise me now, mother.”

Judy laughed. “I guess not. Well…I was thinking it would be hot if you bent over the bed with your tight little butt up in the air…”

“Yeah, and what else, mom?”

“…and you play with your pussy while I lick your sweet little asshole.”

“Mom! That is so fucking gross…let’s do it!”


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