The Test Subject – Part Five [MF,BDSM,scif-fi,horror,gore]

Blood and gore warning.

For the next several days, Mark was allowed to roam about in the EMB Labs facility. He couldn’t go into certain restricted areas, but otherwise he was treated kindly by the staff and almost felt like a new employee.

They’d housed up, fed him, and even given him simple jobs and tasks to take care of.

Most of the staff wore business attire, many of them draped in lab coats. Some meandered about in coveralls.

Mark was uniquely dressed among them. They’d replaced his latex bodysuit with another bodysuit, this one made of a much better, breathable material. It was some kind of high-tech blend. It reminded him of a cross between neoprene and spandex. Very comfortable.

It was all black and covered him from neck to ankle like a diver’s suit. He wore rubber-soled booties of similar material over his feet. His hands and head were bare.

The material conformed perfectly to his body, like a second skin. There was a soft plastic zipper-fly over the crotch.

He’d got to meet Julie in person. She was even more attractive to him than he’d imagined. She had a somewhat prominent nose, with flaring nostrils. Her eyes were a twinkling blue, offset nicely by her fair complexion and long, dark hair.

Her body was curvy, even a little lumpy. Some might call her “chubby” but Mark thought that was too harsh. She was soft and appealing in her dark pants suits and white lab coats. He wanted to see her naked, but so far that had not happened.

Whenever Julie encountered him in one of the corridors or labs of the sprawling underground facility, she was always friendly and congenial on the surface. But there was a hard edge to her eyes and voice.

She loved tormenting him, too.

Often when passing her by she’d step over and place her right hand on his flat belly, looking him dead in the eyes to make him stop walking. She’d then slowly slide her hand down the bodysuit and grasp the zipper firmly in her fingers.

She would give him the same or similar instructions each time:

“I want you to leave it exposed for at least two hours. After that, you can zip back up again. If you can walk around with it erect, even better. But no touching, no masturbating, no ejaculation. Just leave it out.”

She would slowly pull the zipper open. Never looking away from his eyes, she would then reach into the body suit, grab his big cock and tug it out. She’d reach in again, pull ungently on his scrotum until his balls both fell out of the suit, too. Finally she’d snug the zipper back up a bit, to make his genitals stand up. She’d smile and walk away.

He followed her instructions closely. He’d leave himself exposed like this for at least two hours. Erections would come and go, and he’d never touch it.

Most of the staff seemed undistracted by this. They had seen it all, and just walked past him as if there was nothing the least bit unusual about a man walking around with his genitals exposed.

Sometimes a staff member would stop in the halls and smile at him, looking at it. Every now and then someone would say “Nice dick, test subject” or something similar. Mostly females, but a few males, too. He loved it when somebody noticed it.

When his two hours were over–if he kept track of the time—he would tuck everything back in and zip back up.

But then he’d secretly hope Julie would find him again and make him take it all back out.

Working in and around the labs, he’d seen the craziest things. All kinds of sexual experiments. He hadn’t seen Dr. Rebekah or Hera anywhere, and was grateful for this.

In one of the labs he often walked passed, Mark noticed a tall, thin beautiful woman lying on a large flat examination table. She was not strapped down. The woman was completely naked, lying spread-eagle on her back.

Mark stopped to observe her through the windows. It was one of those times when his zipper was open and his cock and balls were out, exposed via Julie. For the moment he was flaccid.

The woman–another test subject he assumed– arched her back and lifter her ass off the exam table. Her legs were spread wide, her inviting, glistening slit lifted high. Like Mark, her genitals were completely shaved. A spotlight was shining down on her, focused on her crotch.

She waited, trembling, with her pink, wet pussy high in the air. Mark noticed the monitors were on and many larger-than-life faces stared down intently at her. His cock stirred.

As he watched through the windows, a dark figure stepped out of the shadows of the lab and approached the woman sprawling on the exam table. It was Julie!

Julie was carrying a riding crop. She said to the woman in a very cold voice, “Why are you showing me that?”

The woman pleaded, “Please…punish it.”

“Sure,” Julie answered, “But you must beg me for it.”

The woman on the table trembled, her limbs shaking. She arched her back, pushing her pussy higher.

“Please Julie, punish my pussy.”

Julie cracked the edge of the table with the crop. The woman moaned, almost collapsing.

“Bitch, I didn’t hit you. Put that pussy back in the air!”

The woman complied, arching her back and raising her pelvis again. “Please Julie, oh please, spank my pussy. Spank it hard!”

Julie raised her arm, elbow bent, the riding crop poised.


It landed square on the woman’s pussy with a wicked snap.

“Oh god!” The woman screamed. Her pelvis fell downwards and Mark saw the red mark on her labia. The woman raised her pussy back up.

“Again! Please!”


“Unh!!!” the woman moaned and trembled. Her head was thrown back, eyes shut hard, tears streaming out.

“Again! Again! Oh please, I beg you! Again!”


“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It hurts so much!”

Mark was completely erect now. Pre-cum oozing out.

Julie sensed something. She turned and looked at Mark through the windows. She looked down at his turgid, oozing cock, and raised an eyebrow.

“Oh god Julie, please don’t stop! Punish it! Punish my pussy!” The woman cried, raising her pelvis high, waiting, expecting, and trembling.

Julie turned back around. Mark saw the violent red crop marks on the woman’s genitals, swelling.


“Unhhhh! It hurts!”

Mark quickly spun on his heels and looked away. One more second of watching and he would have ejaculated.

He ran down the hall, erect penis bobbing and flopping. He tried to block out the sounds of the woman’s moans of ecstasy and screams of pain.

In desperation he looked around, searching for a digital clock. The labs were full of computers. He found one.

Thank god, his 2 hours were up. He stuffed his dripping, frustrated, hungry erection back into the suit and zipped it up. His balls ached deeply with need. He dare not disobey, Julie. She had said every time to him: no ejaculations.

The next day he didn’t see Julie for many hours. On one hand he was glad, she could not torment him and make his blue balls worse. On the other hand, he was disappointed. He loved it when she touched him, however briefly.

Finally he saw her in a hallway and stopped. He waited, expecting her to come up and unzip him.

“Ah, Mark there you are. Follow me, please.”

Surprised, he obeyed.

She led him down the corridors in a twisting, winding patch. She finally stopped at a door and unlocked it. She walked inside. Mark noticed the room had no windows. He followed her in and shut the door behind him.

There was a lot of lab equipment in here. Strange things that resembled exercise machines, surgical robots, chemical tubing, beakers, and a myriad of unidentifiable gadgets.

Mark shrugged it off, he’d become used to this sort of thing while working around the various labs.

Julie took off her lab coat and hung it over a piece of equipment. She then went over and sat on a device that vaguely resembled a bench press. She motioned to a stool nearby. Mark sat on it.

“I think it’s time we talked a little while,” she said, not unkindly.

“OK,” he agreed, expectant.

“As you know, here in the labs we explore the deepest darkest fantasies of our test subjects. And also ourselves, the testers, we are subjects in a way, too. We try to not only fulfill these desires but to push them much farther, find new ways to stimulate, arouse, and terrify.”

He nodded. It’s why he was here. It’s why they all were.

“Unfortunately, the lab cannot help me. At least not yet. My deepest desire is impossible to implement.”

“How so? I thought you guys could do anything?”

“Anything within reason,” she answered.

“Well, what is it that you want?”

She looked him deep in the eyes, “I want to be impaled…alive. I want them to take a 10 foot steel pole– sharp at one end—and penetrate my ass with it. I want them to feed it up my asshole, all the way through my body, and then out through my mouth. I want them to hoist me up like a pig on a spit. Then I want to play with my pussy until I come over and over again, blood running from my ass and mouth.”

“Holy shit, that’s horrible.”

She smiled at his bulge, “And yet…you’re erect. Once again your dick telegraphs the truth about you.”

“But there’s no way to do that without killing you.”

“Exactly. And I don’t want to die. I want to be regenerated so I can be impaled again whenever I feel like it. But they can’t do it for me, and it frustrates me, so I take my rage out on others.”

“Hmm, so regeneration has limits.”

“Yes. If impaled my bowels will be punctured and I would get sepsis. If the spear hits any vital organs I’ll obviously die quickly from that, too. They’ve looked into different ways to clean me out and prevent infection, and tried to find ways to route the pole through me so it doesn’t puncture anything too important but…it’s not easy. I’m resigned to the fact that it’s just not possible.”

“Why do you want this?”

She just glared at him.

“Sorry, stupid question around here.”

“There’s other little things we can do to give me some small amount of satisfaction.”

“How can I help?”

She answered by unbuttoning her blouse. Mark watched her, his dick stiffening anew.

She unhooked her bra and removed it. He admired her bare breasts for the first time.

They were quite large, and perkier than he would have thought. If anything they looked vaguely like a boob job. Stripper tits.

“Are those real?” he asked, tactlessly.

“Yes and no. I realize they look unnatural. They are not silicone implants or any kind of artificial implants. The reason they look like that is because of genetic modifications I’ve had done.”

His interest was piqued.

“My breasts are full of milk…and it can’t get out.”

He looked her in the eyes, “Painful, I’d imagine.”

“Yes. It gets worse and worse over time. The milk just keeps building up until I can’t stand the pressure anymore.”

“No wonder you enjoy giving me blue balls.”

“Yes.” She smiled.

“OK, what do we do?”

She picked up her folded lab coat and fished a pair of objects out of the pockets. She handed them to Mark.

“Take your cock out first. Then pierce my nipples with those.”

Mark looked in his hand. He was holding what appeared to be two long, large caliber needles with hollow grips on one end. They reminded him of a larger version of the thing he used as a kid to inflate his bicycle tires with.

He transferred them to his left hand so he could unzip with his right. He pulled his cock out.

“Balls, too.”

He gave his scrotum an uncomfortable tug. His aching testicles spilled out into the air.

“Nice,” she said, and watched his erection climb higher and throb.

She pivoted and offered her left breast to him, holding it up with both of her hands. “Now, stab my left nipple.”

He pinched the large, puffy areola with his left hand. He took one of the needles in his right. He brought it up to the nipple. It looked so large and cruel next to it.

He pricked the tip of her nipple slightly. She moaned.

He pushed it in hard. The needle was thick and heavy, and at least 3 inches long. He jammed it all the way in so that the open barrel-end of the instrument was now flush with her nipple.

A thick stream of milk hosed out of the barrel-end, spattering him.

“Oh god!” Julie moaned, squeezing her left breast hard.

Mark watched in awe as the milk surged and spurted out of her as she pumped and squeezed her tit with her hands. His cock throbbed and pulsed. He dare not touch it.

She was drenching him with her milk. Moaning in relief.

It seemed to take a long time for all of the milk to squirt out. It must have been a half gallon of the stuff.

Finally, she was empty. Her left breast drooped somewhat, looking much more natural. The right one was still taut and too high. Swollen with milk and painful.

She took it in both hands and pivoted it towards him, offering it. “Do it.”

As before, he pinched the swollen areola in his left hand, and positioned the remaining needle with the fingers of his right. Holding it just above.

He pricked the middle of her nipple with the large needle, lining it up for the stab. A small drop of blood appeared on the fat pink tip of her nipple, it ran down her breast.

His cock twitched as a thin clear strand of pre-cum trailed out of it. Droplets of more pre-cum oozed out, sliding along the strand like dew on a spider web. It did not escape Julie's notice.

He waited.

“Do it, you fucker! Jam it in already! I’m full to bursting!”

“Beg me for it, Julie.”

Her eyes–which had been firmly shut– popped open and flashed at him with rage and loathing.

She panted heavily, her beautiful nostrils flaring. He just stared back at her eyes, admiring their fury.

“You want it so bad? Beg me.”

Something cold and dark clicked in her. She complied. “Please Mark, do it.”

“Do what, Jules?”

“Jam that needle into my nipple, I need relief.”

“Why should I?”

“I’m begging you, you fucker. I mean it. Please, I really need it. Shove it in me. Do it, please!”

He jammed it in, pushing the long thick steel into her nipple. The barrel-end stopped when it hit home.

Another torrent of milk drenched him. She pumped her breast, palpating it, moaning and whimpering. Again it took several minutes to fully drain the half gallon or so of milk out of her breast. Mark' s bodysuit and the floor were sopping with it.

He regretted not catching any of it in his mouth to drink. He'd just been too dumbstruck by watching her squirt out so much milk in a fountain of ecstasy and relief. Maybe next time he'd get the chance to taste it. If there was a next time.

Julie’s shoulders slumped. She sat on the bench, looking down at the floor, looking defeated. Her breasts were quite beautiful now, much more natural teardrop shapes. The heavy needles were still inside of her nipples, dripping slowly with droplets of milk.

Mark’s cock thrummed in frustration, his balls clenching in dire need.

“It feels so, so good when they drain. Then I have to wait a long time for the nipples to seal again and the milk to refill.”

“Not as good as full body impalement, huh?”

“Not in the dark twisty maze of my mind, anyway.”

Without looking up yet, she suddenly said, “I’m going to make you pay for making me beg like that.”

He only nodded and said, “Good, it’s what I want.”

Still looking down, Julie stood and wiggled out of her suit pants. She removed her panties and sat back down on the bench. She spread her legs open.

Mark looked at her sex with interest. It appeared normal, which was saying something around here.

The pubes had been trimmed close but not shaved. Her labia were a healthy pink and fleshy, but not overly so. The clit appeared to be hidden under the hood. He wanted to find it.

Julie reached up and flicked some controls on the back of the bench press thing she was sitting on. She glanced coldly at Mark’s face as she did so.

Mark slid the stool back as some kind of contraption pivoted up from the floor swung into place over Julie’s crotch. She slowly slid her pelvis into position at the very end of the bench, her knees far apart. Robotic arms and contraptions from under the bench device folded up and around her, securing her into place. Mark watched, fascinated.

Once all the whirring and mechanical motion was done, Julie was locked into place on the bench. Her legs wide, her hips far forward. A large metal plate was pressed against her pelvis, covering it. It fit her contours perfectly. There was a circular camera-lens type orifice in the center of it, where her vulva would be.

“What the hell?”

“Be patient, Mark. It’s still getting me ready for you.”

He could hear some very quiet servo noises whirring somewhere inside the device.

“Reach into the left pocket of my lab coat and hand me the package you find there.”

Mark fished around and found a drawstring bag in the pocket. He handed it over to Julie, who took it. Her legs and lower body were being locked down by some unseen mechanical process, but her arms and upper body were still free.

Julie pushed another button. A swing arm, just above head level, pivoted around and stopped between them. There was a pulley wheel at the end of it. Julie removed something from the drawstring bag and fed it through the pulley wheel. To Mark, it looked like a nylon cord or a lanyard of some type. It was only a few feet long.

Julie let the other end of the cord fall, it had a loop at the end of it.

“Put that loop around your cock and balls,” she ordered.

Mark did as he was told. The cord was soft and not uncomfortable. It was snug up against the fly of his suit, his balls and dick poking through both.

“Sort of like a cock ring?”

“Not really,” she answered coldly.

Julie pointed at the other end of the cord, the one looped around the pulley wheel slightly above them. Mark saw that it had three rubber balls hanging from it: green, black, and red.

“If I pull the green one,” she said, “It gives you a gentle tug, like so.”

She pulled lightly on the green ball. Mark felt the loop tugging at his cock and balls.

She pointed at the other two balls without grabbing them, “If I pull the black ball, it removes the protective sheath from that loop around your dick. It’s soft on the outside but it’s a very strong nanofiber material on the inside. With the covering out of the way, the inner loop is exposed.”

Mark swallowed hard, looking her in the eyes.

She continued, her voice cruel, “The inner loop is made from a monomolecular wire. If I pull the red ball, it closes this inner loop. The wire will cut through you with almost zero resistance.”

Mark looked down at the loop around his cock, then back up at her hand near the colored balls.

“Green as a reminder. Black as a threat. Red as punishment.”

Mark just kept his eyes locked on hers. He saw no mercy in them.

Julie pressed another control. The camera-orifice in front of her vulva whirred open.

Mark looked down. He wasn’t quite sure what he was seeing. It looked like a wet, glistening water balloon, with a small orifice in the center.

“What you’re looking at is my cervix and the outer surface of my uterus. This machine has spread my labia open very wide, grasped my uterus, and drawn it forward to expose it. Needless to say, all of this manipulation is very, very uncomfortable.”

Mark just stared at her wet cervix in disbelief. It looked like a small mouth, puckering and pouting as she talked to him.

Julie pulled lightly on the green ball, tugging at his cock. Mark locked eyes with her again.

“I want you to fuck my cervix with that big cock.”

“It won’t fit!”

“Yes, it will. Not easily, but it will.”

“Won’t it hurt?”

“Yes. Some women–they are very rare– find cervical stimulation to feel pleasurable. For most of us it is uncomfortable or even painful.”

“And you like pain.”

“Of course. Both giving it and receiving it. Now, there’s something else. If you fuck my cervix and then ejaculate, you’ll be cumming inside of my womb. You’ll be spurting your seed directly into my uterus.”

She looked in his eyes again. He didn’t know what to say, so she said it for him.

“Obviously this is a highly erotic thought. It will turn me on. It will turn you on. Ejaculation directly into the uterus is not something very many will ever experience. It’s just not how sex works…normally.”

He knew this already, he wasn’t ignorant of female anatomy. Mark’s cock twitched in anticipation.

“Here’s the catch though, Mark. If you decide to ejaculate inside of my uterus, I’m going to use the black ball and the red ball. I’m going to cut your genitals off the second you finish cumming.”

He stared down at her cervix again, the wet little mouth looked so hungry.

“If you want to keep your pretty cock and balls, you’ll pull out of me before you cum. You can spray the outside of my uterus, which would be fun, too. I'll watch you jerk off and squirt semen all over my gaping inner pussy…picture that pretty scenario as being the much safer alternative.”

Mark looked her in the eyes again, "Both options are hot."

“Yes…but you know about the regeneration lab. I think we both know what your choice will be.”

She pulled the green ball again, the loop moved him.

“Now fuck it. Fuck my cervix.”

Mark slid the stool up next to her bench and guided the head of his cock towards the little mouth opening in her uterus. He pressed it against the small orifice. She exhaled sharply.

“Shove it in, you fucker. You’re certainly hard enough”. Her nostrils flared.

He pressed in. Nothing. He thrust harder. Julie gasped. He still wasn’t in. He grabbed her shoulders with both hands and rammed his hips forward with most of his might.

His veiny penis strained against the little mouth, then with a “pop” it bust through her cervix. His dick was now inside of her uterus.

Julie screamed in pain. He stopped moving, looking at her.

She flashed her eyes at him, full of hate. “Fuck it you bastard, fuck my uterus!”

He moved his hips a little, pumping his cock inside of her in small easy strokes.

“Don’t be such a wimp! Pound it! Fuck me!” she tugged the green ball. The loop of cord softly snugged up against his scrotum.

Careful not to pop out of the tiny cervix-mouth, Mark began moving harder and faster, taking longer more powerful strokes. He gripped her back tightly, banging against the metal plate, his cock moving back-and-forth through the camera-orifice like a piston of flesh. His heavy balls swaying, the soft cord tugging at them.

“Oh Jesus it’s hurts so much!” She cried, scratching at his bodysuit with her nails.

The outer wall of her uterus wobbled and glistened, his cock stroking in and out, in and out…

He couldn’t stand it any longer, he felt his balls clench. He felt a motherlode of cum–held back for so many days–surging and boiling inside of him.

He froze, pressed up tight against her, his balls smashed up against her cervix opening, his cock deep inside of her uterus. He hugged her tight, almost like a grappler. He didn’t dare move another millimeter or he would ejaculate.

“You want to cum inside of my uterus, don’t you, you filthy fucker,” she whispered into his ear.

“Yes,” he whimpered.

“You know I’ll take your cock and balls off if you do that, right? Your big beautiful dick….gone. Those cum-filled balls, your very manhood…gone.”


“You’re so proud of it Mark. That big dick is everything to you. You are that big dick.”

“Yes. I know. My cock is my master."

“But it doesn’t matter does it? You want to cum now, don’t you? More than anything, you want to squirt that giant load inside of my uterus. My pain–my excruciating pain–it makes you need to ejaculate. Torturing my pussy, it makes you want to cum.”

“Yes, Julie.”

“Then do it you fucker. I’ll let you finish…” her eyes flashed, her nostrils flared, and sweat beaded on her brow.

He eased back slightly then pushed forward again.

“Gahhh!” the first white hot spurt shot out of him in a spray, no doubt painting the inner walls of her uterus.

She carefully placed a hand on the black ball, panting with desire and agony.

“Oh god!” the second spurt was so strong, jetting out another huge gob of semen, filling her.

She looked him in the eyes, grimacing in pain and anticipation.

“Unh!” his cock quickly spurted three more times, quivering and shaking as his blue balls were finally allowed to unload a torrent of sperm and cum in exquisite relief.

He looked down at his dick going into her cervix, stabbing through the quivering orifice into her uterus…he felt a final small stream of semen ooze out of his dick inside of her. It felt like her uterus was completely full of semen.

With two quick fluid motions Julie yanked the black ball and then the red ball.

Mark didn’t feel anything at first. He simply saw a flash of red arterial spray as she shoved him away from her.

He fell backwards off of his stool and onto the floor. The machinery unfolded and rolled back, freeing Julie from its restraints.

He was dazed, still not sure what was happening. She stood and walked over to stand next to him. Something fell out of her pussy and landed on the floor with a heavy, wet thud.

Mark felt the wound now. The hot, searing void between his legs. Blood was rushing out. The pain was unbearable.

Julie crouched down, picked something up off the floor then leaned in close to Mark’s face. His eyes were streaming tears. The wound between his legs was all consuming. He was full of terror and regret. He was crying and moaning, his mouth agape.

“Choke on your cock, fucker” Julie said, she shoved something into his mouth.

It was his severed penis. She jammed it down into his throat, his eyes streaming tears, it was hard to see. With the pain it was hard to even think.

Julie watched him squirm and writhe on the floor, his large cock shoved deep into his own mouth. She almost came at the sight of it.

She leaned her head down again, licking and dabbing at the clean-cut end of his genitals with her tongue. Her mouth came back red and smeared. She reached into the gaping sack of his scrotum and plucked something out.

Mark blinked and his vision cleared temporarily. Julie popped something into her mouth and rolled it around like it was a large grape. She then parted her lips, holding it in her teeth and showing it to him. It was a bloody, pink-and-gray thing. A cord dangled from it.

It was one of his testicles.

She spit it out. It landed on the floor with a sickening noise. She licked her fingers and wiped away some of the blood from her mouth.

Mark just stared up at her, the haze of pain paralyzing him, the wound gushing blood…he was passing out.

“I need to get you to the regeneration lab quickly, before you bleed out. Asshole. And oh yeah, I hope you enjoyed Phase Five. I sure as hell did.”
