The Test Subject – Part Three [MFT,BDSM,sci-fi,huml]

Mark had become his penis, and only his penis.

The latex body suit, the restraints, the darkened room….it subdued and buried all of the rest of him into the background. His job, his personality, the socially acceptable masks he wore…none of it mattered.

He was a hungry, needy, desperate penis. Strapped to a table in a lab. Nothing less and nothing more.

Rigid before him, erect and stiffer than he’d ever known it to be, stood his member for the world to see. Shaved clean, his dick and balls were exposed and vulnerable. Bursting forth from a slit precisely cut in the latex by the doctor. It looked like a ripe piece of fruit about to be plucked.

His cock was cool and glistening in the air of the lab. The end of the stainless steel pipe still protruded from his urethra. The spotlight glinted off of both the steel pipe and his cock as it throbbed and burned.

“A banana on a display pole,” he mumbled to himself, almost laughing.

The eyes of the observers were all in the giant monitors, looking down his genitals. Dr. Rebekah was also completely focused on testing, probing, and torturing his dick. She was fascinated by it, she only cared about his penis, not him.

It’s everything he was now: a large, flawless, pulsing, living penis. A toy of flesh and blood to be played with by a cruel scientist for her own sadistic pleasures. He was their powerless test animal and worst of all: he enjoyed it. No, he loved it. This was his purpose.

He could try to deny it to himself all he wanted, but his dick–so hard and visible and shameless—it wanted this. And he wanted what it wanted. His cock was a slave to his tormentor and he was a slave to his cock.

Dr. Rebekah spoke to the observers, “For Phase Three of the experiment, I’ll need my special assistant. I will summon her now.”

The doctor moved over to a control panel and mashed a button, “Please send in Hera,”

She turned on her heel to address both Mark and the observers. “Hera is one of our more recent successes here at the labs. As some of you know—and many of you do not—Hera is a genetically modified human. She’s quite special, as you’ll see in a moment. While we wait for her arrival, I have more prep work to do.”

The doctor opened a drawer and pulled out a coil of plastic tubing, about 3 feet long. With her gloved hands she removed is protective packaging and held it up for the observers. Mark noticed the tubing had a purple stripe on one end.

“This is another invention created here by the lab. It’s so new we don’t have a proper name for it, but I call it the ‘nano-hydra’. Just as a temporary nickname. Anyway, when this tube receives the proper electronic signal, one end of it will divide into smaller and smaller tubes and fan out, following a precise mathematical formula. You could almost think of it as an artificial miniature circulatory system….in a sense.”

Dr. Rebekah stepped over to Mark. “I’m going to insert the business end of the nano-hydra into the trocar and push down into the genital access pipe so that it is inside of you. Then I’m going to activate it.”

She paused and watched him as his face went pale.

“The end of the nano-hydra will divide, fan out, divide some more….the tiny tubules will seek out every crack and crevice inside of Mr. Richardson’s prostate gland, testicles, his bladder, and all of the interstitial spaces beyond his urethra.”

Mark was terrified beyond begging, he didn’t know what to say or do. His pulse quickened, his eyes wide.

“In spite of what one might think, this part of the procedure won’t hurt. The subject will feel some pressure and tingling, but very little if any actual pain.”

Mark exhaled loudly in relief, embarrassing himself.

Dr. Rebekah started feeding the ‘nano-hydra’ down into the steel pipe. She fed several inches of it in, and Mark could feel slight movement and pressure inside but if anything his overall pain level was starting to subside. He seemed to be growing slightly numb.

She let the loose end fall outside the pipe. It was the end with the purple marking. She said softly to Mark, “Don’t get too comfortable Mr. Richardson, there’s more to come.” Again she slightly emphasized the “m” in the word “come”, popping her lips slightly at the end of it.

Dr. Rebekah returned to her control panel and pushed a button, “I’m activating the nano-hydra now, using a wireless signal.”

Mark felt a slow, strange tingling permeate his pelvis. The sensation seeped into his testicles, probing his insides and making his rectum tighten. It didn’t hurt, it just felt….alien and violating. His testicles descended and relaxed, and he felt “full” somehow. He imagined it snaking out beyond his urethra and exploring his bladder, too, it’s tiny tendrils tickling the valve there to be let in.

Then Mark heard the lab door open behind him followed by the sounds of someone walking in. Several observers gasped and mumbled in their monitors.

“Quiet, please.” Dr. Rebekah said calmly.

The footfalls padded around the examination table. Mark looked up and saw the tallest woman he’d ever seen. “Amazon” would have been a good word, “giantess” even better. She stood approximately seven and a half feet tall.

Hera had thick black hair, tied into a tight braid that fell down her back. Her skin was smooth and flawless. It had a healthy, lightly tanned complexion. The flesh stretched over her large frame and taut musculature, which rippled and bulged as she moved.

Her eyes were solid black, she had no apparent irises or pupils that Mark could see. This gave her otherwise beautiful face a terrifying countenance.

Going with the Greek goddess name, she was wearing lace up sandals and a white, stylized two-piece tunic sort of garb. It had clasps at the shoulders for the top, and clasps at the hips for the bottom. Each piece of the tunic had billowing, revealing slits. Mark saw tantalizing flashes of the glimmering, oiled skin underneath.

The she-god crossed her muscular arms over her gigantic bust and gazed down at Mark. She looked him all over and then stared at his penis. She pivoted slightly, the massive muscles in her thighs flexing above her knees.

In a booming, resonant voice, Hera said, “You were right Dr. Rebekah: that is a beautiful little cock.”

Mark was shocked at her she-god’s voiced, and also a little taken aback at the word “little”. Nobody had ever called his big dick “little” before.

Hera strode over to Mark’s side and leaned down to talk directly in his ear. “I know you think it’s a big dick you have there between your legs. But I’m betting I could fit the entire thing into my mouth, balls and all.”

Mark looked at her face, her giant head, her enormous mouth, and those jet black eyes. His heart skipped a beat. She scared the hell out of him.

Hera leaned in even closer and whispered huskily, “You should be very worried. I really do want to put all of into my mouth just like I said….then bite it off and swallow it whole.”

Mark flinched in fear, then looked into her eyes again.

“It’s a very pretty, shaved and pampered little dick. It looks like a piece of delicious candy to me.”

Mark’s erect cock twitched. The thought of the she-god biting off his dick and swallowing it terrified him. She actually looked quite capable of doing it.

The thought of such a violent barbaric act aroused him, too. This arousal scared him even more.

Dr. Rebekah interrupted with a mirthful tone, “OK Hera, that’s enough for now, we have more work to do.”

Hera stood upright and walked over to stand behind Dr. Rebekah. Mark could see a glimpse of her enormous buttocks flexing as she turned to walk away, the lower tunic flapping open slightly. Her calves were almost as big as his own thighs.

Dr. Rebekah attached a length of clear plastic tubing to the loose end of the nano-hydra. She coiled this neatly at the bottom of the examination table then returned to her cabinets. She opened a large drawer and fished out what appeared to be a clear plastic bottle.

“Hera, please disrobe. Allow the observers and our test subject see what we have engineered in you.”

Hera smiled and unclasped her upper tunic which floated away to the floor. She arched her back and placed her fists on her hips.

The she-god’s enormous teardrop breasts—nearly the size of basketballs–heaved and jiggled with her posing. Her rosy nipples stood erect, pointing out like fingers. Mark estimated they were two or two-and-a-half inches long and maybe a half-inch thick. He wanted to suckle them and bite them.

Hera watched Mark as he admired her breasts. She smiled at him, which almost took away the frightening effect of her black eyes and threats.

The giantess then unclasped the lower tunic. It also fell to the floor. Mark naturally looked down.

Below a triangular patch of Hera’s closely trimmed black pubic hair was an enormous cock. If Mark had a snake, this was a python. No wonder she had called his dick “little”. Compared to the she-god’s, his own once-impressive dick was now looking quite small.

Hera’s testicles were the size of grapefruits. Her cock arched forward in a gentle slope, its enormous pink head bobbing as it slowly rose.

“Genetic engineering, it’s astounding what we can do with it,” Dr. Rebekah mused, almost to herself, “isn’t she magnificent?”

Mark stared in wide-eyed wonder as the she-god’s cock continued to inflate. It grew longer, rose higher, and became thicker. It got about three-quarters of the way to fully erect and then stopped.

“We’re still working on that,” Dr. Rebekah offered. “Hera’s penis is so large it’s very difficult to get enough blood flow in there to get it fully erect. It is quite functional, however.” She smiled.

Mark though the gentle curve of Hera’s three-quarters erect cock made it more alluring if anything. Rather than standing stiff as a pole as his own impaled dick was now, the she-god’s semi-erect penis looked quite graceful in a way.

It must have been at least sixteen inches long and several inches in circumference. Mark wasn’t sure he could have wrapped both hands completely around if he tried. It was an absurdly large penis. Beautiful, yet grotesque and cartoonish. Mark felt like a child next to it.

Dr. Rebekah handed the bottle-like thing to Hera. “Fill this for me please, Hera.”

Hera pointed at Mark, “I’d rather fill his gullet, but you’re the boss.” She held the plastic bottle in one hand and began stroking her enormous python-cock with the other.

“Remember to ejaculate in to the open end, then hand it carefully to me.”

Hera nodded at the doctor, still stroking. She then stared at Mark again, and licked her lips. Some pre-cum oozed out of the tip of her giant cock as it bobbed up and down.

“When Hera ejaculates, a copious amount of semen will issue forth. The receptacle she’s holding has a one liter capacity. You’ll see that she is capable of almost filling it to the top.” Dr. Rebekah rattled this off as if proudly talking about the gas mileage of her new car.

The doctor then went over to Hera and squirted some lubricant on the she-god’s cock. It made squishy slurping noises as she continued to stroke it even faster. The she-god began thrusting her hips in time with her stroking hand. Mark could see her enormous glutes and thighs flexing.

Mark also watched the giantess’ breasts jiggle and bob as she hunched over slightly, jerking herself off. He noticed Hera’s black eyes were now fixated on his own cock.

“Unh,” Hera moaned, “I love that sweet little candy dick of his. Are you sure I can’t eat it, Dr. Rebekah?”

“Hmm,” the doctor answered, “Maybe later, when we’re completely done experimenting on it.”

Hera grunted again and stroked even faster. Her ass muscles and legs working as she swayed and stroked. Her hips gyrated as her giant right hand moved up and down, the giant left one holding the clear plastic bottle at the ready. Hera held then pointed the head of her python-dick at the open end of the bottle. Dr. Rebekah applied a bit more lubricant. The sloshing slurping sounds grew faster as the giantess quickly pumped her fist up and down.

“Unh! Gonna…cummmm” Hera cried. Mark watched the giant’s enormous balls tighten closer to her body. Then Hera came. The giantess kept grunting and stroking as spurt after spurt of thick white cum jetted out of her enormous cock and into the bottle. It shot out in fat ropes and enormous blobs.

It was almost like someone was emptying a bucket of white paint by carelessly sloshing it.

“Unbelievable,” murmured Dr. Rebekah, “I’ve seen this many times and it’s still impressive.”

The semen just kept coming out of Hera’s cock. Mark had counted ten spurts so far. The bottle was maybe a third full.

“So…good,” Hera moaned, still staring at Mark’s glistening dick.

Ten more squirts. Even now, a lot of semen was shooting out with every spurt. Hera seemed to have an endless supply. Mark was finding himself enviously aroused by this unnatural display. The bottle was about two-thirds full now.

He wanted to ejaculate himself so badly. And now he was being teased even further by watching this she-god fountain like a geyser.

“I want…to…eat…that…sweet…little…candy…dick…” Hera moaned as she jerked herself slower and harder now. She leered hungrily at Mark’s penis while thrusting her pelvis, her grapefruit sized balls swaying.

Jet after jet, the payload of semen kept coming. By Mark’s count, the she-god finally stopped ejaculating after thirty-two squirts. The bottle was almost full to the brim with the thick, pearly white fluid.

Hera sighed and handed the bottle to Dr. Rebekah, who grabbed with a greedy look of lust in her eyes, “Oh my, Hera! It’s so heavy with your seed!”

Mark saw a few more drops of cum ooze and trickle out of Hera’s dick, which was slowly deflating. His own dick continued to pulse and rage in a hyper-turgid, pipe-impaled erection of frustration.

Dr. Rebekah quickly capped the warm, one-liter bottle of semen with a plunger top. She then hooked the bottom of the bottle to the clear plastic tubing, which was already attached to the nano-hydra, which was snaking through the steel pipe….and inside of Mark’s body.

The doctor noticed Mark putting all the pieces together. She smiled coldly at him.

“That’s right, Mr. Richardson. I’m going to depress this plunger next. That will force this liter of semen out of the bottle, down through the tubing, into the nano-hydra, and then into your testicles, prostate gland, bladder, and the interstitial spaces of your reproductive system. You will be flooded to the point of bursting with Hera’s semen, which will comingle with your own sperm, seminal fluids….”

Mark weakly struggled in the straps and protested, “You can’t….I need to ejaculate so badly…there isn’t room for any more cum inside of me!”

“We’re about to find out. That’s the point of this an experiment. Whether it’s comfortable or not is irrelevant.” She locked eyes with him, predator and prey.

“Hmm, I do have a thought however. Maybe we should give you something of a choice here. I’m going to remove the steel trocar-pipe and leave the nano-hydra inside of you. Hera, if you don’t mind, pull it out…gently…and slide it very carefully along the tubing and lay it on the floor there…”

Hera strode over to the table, her muscles flexing under her oiled skin, her giant flaccid penis swaying. She put one enormous hand firmly on Mark’s cock. It was so warm and strong, and it enveloped most of his shaft and pushed down against his aching balls.

With the tips of her fingers the she-god grasped the end of the metal pipe with her free hand. She slowly pulled it out of his urethra. Mark watched the lips of his dickhole slurping at it as it came out.

The tubing didn’t move, as the nano-hydra had it locked tight inside of him. The pipe however squelched all the way out, and there was an immediate if incomplete release of pressure. The sensation of the she-god’s hand on him and this amount relief made him want to ejaculate even more.

Hera gently slid the steel pipe along more of the tubing and laid it carefully down on the floor, the long clear tubing coiling out of either end of it. One end of the tubing was still attached to the large bottle of semen in Dr. Rebekah’s hand, the other end attached to the nano-hydra, which was snaking down into Mark’s urethra.

Mark saw the pipe was covered in lube and pre-cum but no blood. He was surprised.

Dr. Rebekah moved to the control panel and made some adjustments, “There, your erection is back under your control for now Mr. Richardson, though you still cannot ejaculate.”

Mark felt his exhausted cock start to deflate and go flaccid. Hera and the doctor patiently observed it while it got smaller and smaller. He still had the worst case of “blue balls” he’d ever known, but other than the mild discomfort of the nano-hydra thing inside of him, he felt a tremendous relief.

Mark looked up at the monitor with the pretty girl, Julie. Her pen was out of her mouth now and she looked slightly bored and disappointed.

“Very good, Mr. Richardson. Now, your choice, not that it is much of one. You can either voluntarily get erect again, at which point I will inject Hera’s one liter of semen into you. Or, you can remain flaccid for too long, making me angry with you.

“Then what?” Mark asked timidly.

“Well, if you can’t get a voluntary erection in time then I will force you to get an erection using the neuro-controls. Then we’ll remove the nano-hydra, and finally I’ll let Hera bite off your genitals and swallow them. She really wants to, after all…”

Mark saw Julie smile wickedly in the monitor. He then looked at Hera, who also smiled and showed her teeth menacingly. He didn’t know if he should be pleased or hurt at Julie’s joy over this sadistic choice.

“I don’t want this precious liter of warm semen getting too cold. You have approximately one minute Mr. Richardson, to get erect. If not, well… look at the bright side, your obsession with your own penis will finally be over.”

Mark looked at Hera, who licked her lips, black greedy eyes glittering. It looked like the she-god’s erection was coming back already, too. He looked again at Dr. Richardson who raised her eyebrows at him. Then he looked down at his own flaccid penis expectantly. He looked again at the liter of semen in the doctor’s gloved waiting hands.

The truth was, part of his perverted fantasy-loving self actually wanted the she-god’s semen to be pumped inside of him. He was just really frightened of what it might do to him.

The pain would be tremendous, but the thought of her cum inside of him, mixing together with his own…was fascinating. Being violated in such a unique way aroused him.

Another particularly dark and twisted part of his psyche wanted Hera’s mouth to engulf his genitals, too. If only for the brief moment of warm, wet, pleasure that would overwhelm him before the she-god bit down and swallowed…the fact the goddess wanted to devour his “little candy dick” so badly was flattering in a very strange, self-destructive way, too.

He felt a stirring. He looked down. His cock started to rise again, to stiffen and pulse in the harsh light.

“Very good, Mr. Richardson. Your penis wants this semen. Even if you do not.”

Hera grunted her mild disappointment.

Once he was fully hard again, with no help from the probes….Dr. Rebekah immediately pressed down hard on the plunger.

Mark watched the white sticky semen flow from the bottle and wind its way down the tubing. It didn’t take long to reach his dick. The plunger was only a little way in, so apparently the tubing didn’t have that much internal volume. The doctor continued pressing on the plunger, a joyful look of anticipation all over her face.

It felt like lava going into him. He could feel it filling him up, his balls swelling, his prostate burning, his pelvis shuddering in pain and ecstasy.

“Purely from a physics standpoint,” the doctor mused, “the hydraulic pressure alone is dangerous. From a medical standpoint I’d think this procedure is very, very risky….the nano-hydra penetrating your bladder is the wild card here….I’m interested in what will happen to you…” she pushed the plunger further down.

Mark almost passed out from the pain.

“There, it’s all in. Hera’s semen is now deep inside of you, all mixed together with your own sperm and seminal fluids.”

Mark got even harder.

“Now I’m going to deactivate the nano-hydra,” she flipped a switch. Mark felt the strange tingling sensation as its micro-tendrils retracted.

“Hera, pull it out…gently.”

The she-god grabbed him and again Mark felt almost his entire penis—one he used to think of as a “big dick” – being almost completely enveloped by her single giant hand. Hera eased the nano-hydra out of him with the other hand. It glorped out of him with a snap, some residual cum dripping along with it. He noticed the end of it now resembled a mess of damp, ultra-thin fiber optics. Almost like a paint brush.

The painful swelling, the feeling of fullness to the point of almost bursting apart eased ever so slightly.

“We’re almost done with Phase Three, but it would be a shame to waste all that semen,” Dr. Rebekah said. She moved around behind the examination table / rack and adjusted some controls.

Mark felt the table raise up, flatten out to horizontal, and start to fold in on itself. His knees bent, he bent at the waist, his body contorted into an origami shape. The table rotated and spun again. He was so firmly strapped down he went with its every maneuver.

Mark found himself almost upside down, bent double into a pretzel. It stretched his joints and back but it was more discomfort than pain.

His throbbing, dripping erection was pointed right at his face.

Dr. Rebekah returned to her controls. “I’m turning the orgasm suppression off now, Mr. Richardson.”

He stared at the end of his hard penis, the stretched-out urethral opening oozing fluid slowly towards him.

“I’m not going to make you ejaculate, Mr. Richardson. But you can ejaculate if you want to. “

He whimpered.

“Once again, you have a choice here. You can open your mouth and ejaculate into it. You can swallow Hera’s semen mixed together with your own while we all watch.”

He panted softly, his cock trembling and oozing. He knew everyone else was watching it, too. He liked that.

“Or…you can fail to ejaculate in time….or turn your head away from it and not catch most of it in your mouth, that will also count as a failure.”

He thought he heard Julie moan softly in the monitor.

“If you fail: the same penalty as before. I will force you to remain erect while Hera devours your penis.”

Hera licked her lips again, staring her black eyes at his trembling cock.

“No one will touch you for this. You may not touch yourself, either. The mere thought of ejaculating into your own mouth; the thought of all of Hera’s cum and all of your own cum mixed together flowing out of you so you can swallow it greedily: that thought alone is the only stimulation you shall receive.”

Out of the corner of his eye, Mark could see Julie move in closer to the monitor in order to see him better.

Dr. Rebekah also moved in very close, her face a few inches from him.

“Go ahead Mr. Richardson. You may cum now. Ejaculate freely. Just be sure to do it into your mouth.”

He looked at her eyes. He looked back at his cock. It continued to tremble. His balls drew in tight, surging… his face turned bright red as he strained, turned upside down and panicking.

Was he straining to ejaculate-on-demand or straining not to? He wasn’t sure….then he opened his mouth and came.

The observers all gasped when the first wave hit. It was an endless stream of semen going right into his mouth. It hit him like a wet fist and pushed his head back with its warm flow.

His erect cock was straining towards him, veins bulging. The semen vomiting in a torrent cum out of its pink-purple head into his mouth.

It felt more like a constant stream urine does than the way ejaculating normally feels. His mouth quickly filled and overflowed as the liter of she-god cum gushed out like a firehose.

“Very good, Mr. Richardson! Swallow when you can!”

Mark gulped and spluttered. He swallowed the first huge mouthful of bitter-sweet semen and opened his mouth again.

The stream of cum kept splurting out, relentless, uninterrupted. Some of it dripped down his chin, his neck, down his temples and into his ears. He kept his mouth open, catching as much of it as he could for a second gulp.

“Mmmm, good job little candy dick, I like this,” Hera said loudly.

The stream kept coming out but slowed a bit. Mark swallowed the second salty mouthful and opened his mouth again. The stream slowed a little bit more but filled his mouth again. He swallowed a third time and opened to receive the rest.

The first wave slowed to a trickle and stopped. Mark swallowed it.

“There’s probably more…” Dr. Rebekah said.

Mark moaned and his cock twitched. He couldn’t his eyes off of his urethral opening as his balls clenched and surged for the second wave. He opened his mouth, wanting it, wanting them all to watch.

This time Mark felt like he was ejaculating somewhat normally. But the semen wasn’t just warm. It was almost scalding hot. It splatted into his open mouth in gushing jets and spurts. The observers gasped again.

The globs of thick white gooey cum spurted out of his cock five quick times in large dollops. Mark held his mouth open, expecting more, wanting more. Only a little dripped out.

“Good enough, Mr. Richardson. Swallow that, too.”

He did. It was the best orgasm he'd ever experienced. The relief was so intense it was almost painful. It left him with a dull ache.

“Did you get a personal video capture of all of that, Julie?” the doctor asked mirthfully. The pretty girl in the monitor answered in a sing-song voice, “I sure did! And I’ll be re-watching it…a lot!”

Dr. Rebekah walked around to the back of the examination table and reset the controls. Mark felt himself flattening out then spinning and straightening up to an almost standing position.

His limp dick oozed out a few more drops of cum as the movements of the table caused it to flop around. He looked down at it sadly, humiliated at what had just happened. Cooling semen ran down his face and neck. There was cum all over the floor, too.

The observers applauded. Mark looked up. Julie was clapping with earnest excitement and smiling at him. Even Hera joined in the applause. Her eyes still locked on Mark’s flagging penis.

“Well done, Mark.” Dr. Rebekah said, using his first name for the first time.

“Time to clean you up, allow you some much-needed rest, and get you prepared for Phase Four.”
