Island Vacation pt2 [mff][mast]

Click on my name for previous parts of this story. Let me know if you want me to continue by votes or comments.

"I saw you last night," Robby whispered when Mom and Sarah were busy talking. Dad was oblivious as he ate his third helping of Eggs Benedict from the resort breakfast buffet.

His words chilled my heart, but I refused to let him know he'd scored a hit. "And you snored so loud the window rattled."

"I mean I saw you at the bonfire," he hissed as he bent closer while he pretended to pick up his fork.

"So what?" I asked with a shrug.

Of course, I knew what. I had made sure to shower and brush my teeth when I got back to the suite to cover up the scent of sex and beer. Then Mom had grilled me for an hour about where I'd gone and who I'd been with. The lies came easily as I described the volleyball game going on longer than it had, hanging out with an imaginary group of teens around the hotel, then going in the lazy river with my new friend, Renauld. The soreness I still felt inside made me smile at the cause despite my anxiety about Robby's pointed comments.

"Red Stripe?" he prompted with raised eyebrows. "Hangin' with the locals?"

Heat crept up my neck. I moved the cantaloupe and cottage cheese around my plate with my fork and said nothing.

"I'm worried about you Kat," he whispered. "Especially when you go into cabanas with guys you just met."

"Fuck," I muttered. He'd followed me. I just kept my mouth shut and focused on breakfast. Thankfully he let it drop then, but he'd made his point and I was certain he wasn't finished with me yet.

"And what are you gonna do today, Kat?" Mom asked with a raised eyebrow. Apparently she had finished her conversation with Sarah.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Hang out at the beach. Go swimming."

"Just don't go anywhere else without telling me and keep your cell phone on you." Her tone was firm, but then her face softened as she stared away with a distracted smile. "I was thinking about going back to the spa for another massage after breakfast."

Dad coughed, but quickly schooled his expression. I had no idea what that was about, but Mom actually blushed as she pointedly ignored Dad's reaction.

"Not me," Sarah said as she rolled her eyes. "It was cool and all, but a total waste of prime beach time."

From her expression I suspected Sarah had a rendevous set up and was tempted to follow her so I could send a few spicy pics to her current boyfriend back home. But then I thought about seeing Vicky again to share what happened with Renauld.

"Can I go with you?" I asked Mom on impulse.

It was too expensive to call the states to talk to my besties and there was no way I'd commit the story of my first time to potentially incriminating texts.

Mom narrowed her eyes as she looked at me for a moment. "I don't see why not."

"Thanks," I said and picked up my plate. "I'll meet you there."

When Robby got up to follow me I knew there was gonna be trouble. I hurried my steps, hoping to drop off my dishes and escape when I heard him.

"Wait up, Sis."

For a moment I considered pretending I didn't hear him, but that would only delay the inevitable. "What?" I sighed as we slowed together.

"Look, I'm not trying to get in your business, but I gotta say something."

I pushed my plate through the wash window into the kitchen and stepped away to give him room.

"You are getting in my business," I muttered at him.

He dropped off his plate, then came up frowning as he glanced back at the table where the rest of our family was still finishing their meal.

"I admit I don't like thinking about you… growing up. But Mom and Dad are stupid if they think you're not gonna hook up eventually." He dug in the pocket of his shorts and handed me something in his closed fist. "Promise me you're smart enough to use protection."

I took the condoms from his hand as my stomach churned. He was acting so serious my resolve vanished. I loved the big goof. "I was careful. I'll be careful. I promise."

"Good," he sighed in relief and looked away from me with a chuckle. "You handled Mom like a pro last night. I'd have stepped up to say you were with me if she'd totally flipped out.

"Thanks," I grinned. "Let me know if I can ever help you out."

"You can introduce me to the girl in the white sundress from last night," he said with a sly look.

"Sorry, Simone is Vicky's girlfriend, the one in the green dress." His mouth twitched. "The guy you saw me with was Simone's brother, so he wasn't a total stranger."

"And who's Vicky?" he asked as we started walking out of the dining room.

"She's the masseuse I met yesterday who invited me to the party. I'm wanted to go see her again today when Mom mentioned going to the spa."

"Well, it sounds like I need to hang around more with you," he chuckled. "All Dad wanted to do was snorkle and Sarah couldn't be a wingwoman if she grew wings."

I grinned up at my big brother. It was nice to be treated as an equal for a change instead of a pest. "I'll let you know if I hear anything fun happening."

"Ditto," he said and raised a fist. I bumped it as I turned towards the spa while he headed to the beach. "I'll see ya around!"

I arrived at the spa just after they opened and scheduled Mom and I in for another massage. The attendant said Vicky was free, so I grabbed her morning slot and headed to the changing room. I decided to keep the condoms with me in case Mom decided to look through my pockets.

When I walked in wearing nothing but a towel, Vicki was still setting up the room. The candles were lit and the whale songs were playing, but she was still wiping down the table. I shut and locked the door behind me, causing her turn towards me with a surprised grin.

"Well, look who I get first thing this morning," she purred and crossed her arms under her breasts. The white shorts and button down shirt of her hotel uniform suited her curves almost as well as the sundress had. "Come on, spill."

I slipped the towel over middle of the table and hopped up on it to sit and swing my feet. I might have felt odd about being casually naked in front of my friends back home, but this was Vicky and we had no secrets anymore.


She laughed and clapped her hands. "He has a good reputation. I'm glad to hear he lived up to it with you."

"I just wish we had time to play more. There are so many things I want to try with him, but there's nowhere I can go around here."

"I could give him a call and see if he's free now," Vicky said as she slid her cell phone out of her back pocket.

"Would you?" I gasped. "He could come here?"

"Yes and yes," she said as she touched the screen. "Renauld, how are you this morning? Good. And last night?"

My hands gripped the table as I studied her face for some clue about what he was saying. Her mouth pressed into a thin line to suppress her smile. Then Vicky laughed and prompted him to continue with a hum.

"Well, she's here with me getting a massage and said the exact same thing about you. Yes, right now. Totally naked. I'm staring at her gorgeous body right now. You know Simone doesn't care, so that's no threat. You'd better come quick or I'll make sure she does." Vicky winked to indicate she was playing with him. "Okay. Okay. Bye."

My body responded with a coiling heat before Vicky could relay a word he said. "He's coming?"

"Oh yes," Vicky said as slid the phone back in her pocket and stepped closer.

Before I realized what she was doing, she leaned in and gave me a tender kiss. My breath stopped and I could have sworn my heart did, too. I'd never kissed a girl. Never wanted to before I'd met Vicky, but she made every hair on my body stand up. "That was from Renauld to hold you over until he gets here."

Her whispered words tickled my lips as my heart rate instantly doubled. Her lips were even softer than Renauld's. Time stopped as we breathed each other's breaths for a moment, our lips almost brushing.

"Simone really doesn't care?" I asked as I looked from her eyes to her lips. I couldn't imagine letting my boyfriend kiss other girls.

"Last night she fucked me so hard because of you," Vicky said. "She whispered in my ear the whole time to pretend it was my Bubblegum doing it."

"Your Bubblegum?" I echoed, lost in her chocolate brown eyes.

"You," she said as her eyes dropped, showing me her pale green eyeshadow. It was like she was waiting for me to decide the answer to a question I didn't even know she'd asked.

I moved closer until my lips touched hers. It didn't start out a kiss. Vicky didn't touch me anywhere but my lips until I put my hands flat against her cheeks. She was warm and tasted clean as her lips opened to mine.

Her hands moved up my bare thighs, prickling my skin along the way. I opened my knees so she could step closer. When she broke the kiss to stare at my face, I was afraid I'd done something wrong or taken things too far.

"Let me do what I do best," Vicky whispered as she touched her forehead to mine.

"What's that?" I asked, but I knew the answer already.

"Lay down and relax," she said with twinkle in her eyes.

The massage was the same as the day before, yet felt totally different. Vicky was just as professional, but now I knew she wanted me. Her fingers lingered a bit longer over my ass, or slipped more slowly along the sides of my breasts. It was if her intent alone changed the chemistry between us. I admit I was fascinated by her attention. But no matter how I seemed to effect her, I still undeniably wanted Renauld. My split desires kept me confused.

Vicky seemed to sense it without me saying anything. She prompted me to roll over and began to massage from my feet up. I kept my eyes open this time, watching the way she looked at me as she touched my body. I'd never been the object of someone's desire before. Sure, guys turned to watch me walk by or tried to chat me up, but none of them had looked at me like she did.

If the quiet knock on the door hadn't interrupted us I don't know what I'd have done or let her do. She smiled at me before reaching over to unlock the door.

"Hurry," Vicky whispered to Renauld as she checked outside in the hallway.

Being naked in front of Vicky had prompted no embarrassment, but Renauld's open gaze brought heat rising in my face. My arm fell across my breasts as I rolled to my side while I brought my knee up to conceal my cleft. It was foolish. He'd already seen me naked, tasted me, and even plumbed my depths. But I was suddenly shy being the only one in the room naked.

He immediately gave me a kiss, then searched my face with a kind of adoration that made it impossible to meet his eyes. I still wanted him, but Vicky and I had made a connection that his presence dimmed. It was selfish, but I didn't want to give up either one.

When I glanced at her, she had crossed her arms with a crooked grin on her face. She didn't seem fazed at all.

"I'm sorry I can't leave you alone," Vicky said. "If Mona sees me, she'll assume I'm free to book."

The idea of having sex with Renauld while Vicky stood around made my stomach clench. Before I could say anything, Renauld laughed and began to unbutton his shirt.

"Well, if you can't leave, then you have to be naked," he quipped like it was the obvious answer to the delimma.

Vicky smirked as if he had issued a challenge he didn't expect her to accept. She unbuttoned her white shirt and exposed the white bra, stark against her ebony skin.

Renauld laughed as he pushed down his shorts. "Simone will kill me."

"Let me worry about her," Vicky said as slipped off her bra.

I was fascinated by her dark areola and stiff nipples. When she pushed down her pants and panties together, I saw those dark lips we'd discussed protruding out of her cleft. They were glistening wet.

"I hear we have something in common," Renauld said as he ran his fingers along my hip. "Besides my sister."

"What?" I asked with my heart racing and my mouth dry.

"You," Vicky said as she bent to kiss me again. "We both want you."

I was stunned to silence, which both of them assumed was consent. My massage continued with four hands and two hungry mouths. I writhed on the table as they basted me with coconut oil and kissed me everywhere. My body responded with heat as they gave me pleasure.

Vicky stood at my head, her fingers tickling down my breasts to drag back up leaving my nipples in tight knots. Each time she leaned down, I sucked one of her chocolate breasts between my lips, only letting go with a wet pop when she pulled back to stand.

Renauld found the latch at my feet and opened the table under my legs. He stepped between them while his fingers worked the muscles of my thighs. Then he dropped kisses on my stomach and mons. His fingers met Vicky's at times when their motions synced, but each of them moved at their own pace making me writhe under their combined touch.

My stomach was boiling. I was on fire as I reached for each of them at different moments. I ran my fingers along Vicky's back and neck. Then when Renauld leaned close, I was able to reach his erect shaft and felt him dripping wet at the tip.

"Condom," I begged, reaching under the towel I was on.

"Sorry," he said. "I was in a hurry when I left."

"Here," I said and handed him one my brother had given me.

He chuckled and gave my navel a French kiss until I laughed as well. Vicky was caressing my cheeks with a smirk as I pulled away from his wet tongue.

"I've never seen a man like that," Vicky whispered to me as her eyes darted to Renauld rolling on the condom.

"Kiss me," I begged as I felt Renauld move closer and lift my knees.

Vicky's tongue penetrated my lips while Renauld eased his way inside me again. She was upside down, so her nose was on my chin. I slipped my hands into her curly hair as my whole body shook from the intensity of being filled.

"Oh God," I murmured into her mouth as Renauld lifted my legs even higher, putting my heels on his shoulder. He continued to massage my thighs while he filled me.

Vicky's kisses went wild as I moaned. "I wish I could fuck you like that."

"She is warm and tight," Renauld whispered to Vicky. "So perfectly wet. Look at her breasts. They are begging for you."

Vicky moved her kisses lower, trailing her lips down my chin as I arched my back and gasped in pleasure. She began to suckle me, first one breast, then the other. The heat of her mouth on the cold tips of my nipples sparked a deeper fire.

Renauld was gripping my legs, holding me tight to push deeper into me. I was losing myself in the pleasure as I teetered on the edge. Vicky slipped her hand down my stomach to touch my slick nub, then past to where Renauld and I were joined.

Her mouth, her fingers, Renauld's thick cock and insistant thrusts finally pushed me over the edge. One hand went over my shoulder to grip the table so I could push myself onto him harder. The other touched Vicky's back, squeezing her closer so she wouldn't stop sucking my nipple.

The world went black as I shut my eyes, but multi-colored sparks skittered across the darkness. I gasped and held my breath to keep from screaming, biting my lip hard enough to taste blood.

Renauld moaned low, a deep gutteral noise that released my own wavering cry. I felt Vicky's hand over my lips as she hissed a caution I could not heed. We shuddered together, slowed, and relaxed as the heat passed to warmth.

Renauld withdrew and lowered my legs. I was limp and spent, hair wet as if I'd been in the ocean. He collapsed back into a chair, panting as he watched Vicky kiss me again. That tenderness she'd showed me earlier returning as I recovered.

"Come," I whispered when she paused and scooted over on the narrow table to invite her to join me there.

She climbed next to me her eyes bright and full. "Are you sure?" she whispered to me alone.

"For you," I said and kissed her deeper. I didn't know how to love her, but my fingers found her wet and wanting. She strained as she kissed me, her leg over mine as I searched her core.

"There," she panted and kissed me again, tensing as I pressed and rolled my fingers over the spot deep inside. She thrust against my hand to show me the tempo while I kissed her soft lips.

My hand was soaking in her as she shut her eyes. Watching her pleasure was new and touched something deep inside me. She leaned her head back and opened her mouth as she tensed. I leaned down to take her dark nipple in my mouth, sucking like a greedy child while she gasped.

"Mon Dieu," she whispered. "Mon Dieu…"

Then her moment came like a collapsing mountain. Her arms pulled me close as she vibrated like a string of a violin, her pitch rising higher while my fingers stroked her instrument. She broke and wept, her face pressed into my neck while her legs trapped my hand to still it.

When she quieted against my shoulder, I kissed her face until she released my hand. Pulling back with a look of wonder on her face, I lifted my wet fingers to my lips and tasted another woman for the first time. Her eyes widened then, watching me as I sucked each finger to savor every drop of her.

"That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," Renauld whispered from his chair.

"Simone is a lucky woman," I whispered.

"I am a lucky woman," Vicky chuckled and smirked at Renauld. "And you are a lucky man."

"And a hungry one," he said and stood, his erection stirring again. "Watching you two can give a man an appetite."

"Unfortunately, I only booked an hour," I said as I glanced at the clock. "I wish I could spend the day in a proper bed with you both."

"Why don't you come to our flat for an early dinner?" Vicky suggested. "Then we can all eat our fill."

"I'm afraid doing this with my sister doesn't sound appealing to me," Renauld said as he touched my back.

"Simone is working late tonight at the bar," Vicky said. "I'm usually home by four if you can get away." She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

I considered how I might escape a family dinner at the resort. Robby might be willing to cover for me. "I'll figure something out."

They each dressed while I sat up and stretched. Renauld kissed me again, a deep lingering kiss that curled my toes, then he peeked out the door and was gone.

Vicky had a thoughtful smile on her face while I wrapped the towel around my body and tucked the corner under my arm.

"Are you okay?" she asked me with narrowed eyes.

The reflexive yes sat in my mouth until I thought about it a moment. "I've never even thought about being with a woman before."

"I never did either until I met Simone," Vicky confessed. "She was my first and only, until today."

I was startled by that. "I thought you two had an open kind of thing."

"We do, but I've never…" She trailed off and bit her lip. "I truly don't mind that Simone has other lovers because we have something deeper. The other kinds of people she spends time with are casual and I'm, well, I'm not."

I didn't know what to say to that. Sex and attraction had seemed less complicated in abstract. Renauld was attractive and exciting to be with, but the intensity of adding Vicky to the mix changed my perspective quite a bit. I still couldn't imagine kissing any of the girls I knew back home.

We stood there holding hands while I looked down at them joined. My pale skin and her dark skin created a warm contrast as our fingers flexed and squeezed. "I'm okay with this even if I don't really understand it."

"Me too, but I have no idea why." She looked up at me with a puzzled smile.


"You are not at all what I expected when you came in here yesterday."

"What did you expect?" I laughed.

"I don't know. Your kindness was what surprised me most. So many tourists never really see me. I'm just an islander serving tourists. The men are the worst. They proposition me almost every time, as if some pasty, fat tourist is what I secretly dream of. You saw me."

"You're beautiful and funny. I love your accent and your style. And you seem so confident. It's hard to imagine anyone missing all that."

She grinned and kissed me again, just a peck, but it made me happy. "Come on, I'll get in trouble if I'm late for my next appointment and I still need to clean up."

I got up and followed her to the door. When she opened it I saw Mom and Theo down at the end of the hall. Mom had her back to me and was saying something that made Theo laugh. Then she stood on her toes and put her arms around his neck to give him a deep kiss.

I felt cold, like water had splashed down my back. Mom was kissing Theo? Vicky must have realized something was wrong when I stopped moving. She pulled me back and quietly shut the door.

"Fuck." Vicky let out a slow breath.

"Mom?" I whispered to the back of the door, then turned my gaze to Vicky.

"I had no idea, Kat," she said with a look of panic on her face. "I'm sorry! I swear I didn't know."

I realized I had tears on my cheeks. My father would be devistated. It felt like the world was tilting under my feet. Was this the first time? It didn't seem possible it could be. Did she have other lovers at home?

"I'll get your clothes and bring them here." Vicky slipped out but I couldn't stop replaying their kiss. When she returned with my things I dressed like a robot.

"I need to go," I whispered as I tucked in my shirt.

"Kat," Vicky tried to make me look at her, but I pushed her away and kept my eyes on the doorknob.

"I need to go," I repeated and pushed out the door before she could stop me.

"Kat, wait," Vicky whispered after me.

But I didn't.
