Mother’s Little Helper: Chapter 4 [M/F] [drugs] [prost] [reluc]

Mother's Little Helper
Fiction by Evil Little Sister

Part One – Chapter 4

"Late night, huh?" My husband neither smiled nor frowned, but just looked at me as I walked into the kitchen.

"Macaroni for breakfast?" I looked at the plate in front of my nine year old son, Jack Junior.

"It's noon." Jack said.

"It's lunchtime, mom." JJ smiled at me. "Dad put hot dogs in it."

"Good." I nodded and kissed the top of his head. "Daddy's a good cook, isn't he?"

"Uh-huh." JJ nodded.

"Where's Amy?" I asked, reaching for Jilly, my three year old, my angel. I picked her up just so I could give her a kiss and a snuggle and she giggled.

"The mall." Jack shrugged and I made a little face at that, but our oldest daughter was fifteen now and always gone someplace, despite my best efforts to rein her in.

"Eat your macaroni, baby." I said, putting Jilly back into her high chair and she was getting too big for that.

"What time did you get in last night?" My husband wondered, leaning against the counter now, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Ummm…Late?" I smiled weakly. "I'm sorry, okay? We stayed out late, but I needed it. How often do I get out?"

"I don't know, Gina." Jack wasn't smiling. "How often?"

"Not at all." I said and I was trying to give him a hug, standing close and putting my arms around him. "Come on, you can't complain about me that much? Can you?"

"I'm just trying to understand." He sighed.

"I know, me too." I looked up, into his eyes. "It's just, I feel overwhelmed sometimes, you know? I go a hundred miles an hour all week. And you're working and the kids need so much attention…"

"Yeah." Jack was relaxing a little, at least he was letting his arms go, letting me get closer.

"…I'm not being bad." I didn't even flinch. "Okay? I swear. I'm just trying to deal with everything."

"I know, okay." Jack nodded slowly and I thought he believed me, or at least he wanted to. I'd never lied to him before though, so that was helping.

"Maybe it's one of those mid-life crises things." I smiled and pressed my breasts against him through my flannel nightgown.

"Maybe you should just buy a sports car then." Jack finally smiled and put his hands on my hips.

"Heh." I giggled and shook my head. "Where would I put JJ's soccer team? Besides, that's a man thing."

"Oh, well…What do women do?" Jack wondered.

"I dunno." I shrugged. "Go a little crazy, I guess."

"I guess." Jack sighed. "Maybe I can take some time. I've got some vacation saved up. We can take the kids out of school for a week and…"

"No." I scrunched up my nose. "We need that two weeks next Christmas, remember?" I grinned. "Someone promised you-know-what to you-know-who."

"Are we going to Disneyworld for Christmas, mom?" JJ asked and I gave my husband a grin. "Dad promised!"

"My, what big ears you have!" I looked over my shoulder at my son.

"Yeah, buddy. We're going." Jack smiled.

"Mickey Mouse!" Jilly smiled happily and even three year olds know what Disneyworld means, and she was a smart kid anyway.

"What have you got going on today?" I asked my husband.

"It's Saturday, mom!" JJ said around a mouthful of macaroni and cheese. "I got a soccer game!"

"Oh…Yeah." I nodded.

"I'm gonna take some of the kids for ice cream after." Jack said.

"Is it our turn again?" I narrowed my eyes a little, trying to remember the carpool schedule for the soccer team, and I guessed it was.

"Yep." Jack nodded. "What are you doing today?"

"Me?" I laughed. "I'm going to air out Amy's room."

"Oh, she'll love you for that." Jack gave me a sympathetic smile.

"She'll want to see my search warrant." I laughed, but I wasn't totally joking. The girl was sensitive about her privacy, too sensitive in my opinion, Jack's too, and the truth was I wanted to check up on her. She was my daughter and I loved her, no matter what Amy might have thought.

"Well, better you than me." Jack kissed my forehead.

"And you wonder why I needed a late night?" I smiled at him. "I might need another one after this."

"Heh." My husband shook his head at me. "Only if you bring me along."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." Jack said seriously, hiding it beneath a grin. "New rule, okay?"

"I love you." I kissed him on the lips, but inside I wanted ask him what the hell he was thinking, making rules for me. "But you know what?"


"I really want some coffee." I giggled.


Other than my ass being very sore and tender, I actually felt pretty good. I had enough pills to get me through the weekend easily and a whole gram of coke. That was enough for the weekend anyway. I'd put my husband's fears to rest, or so I hoped, and life was okay again. Back to normal, as they say.

I put Jilly down for her nap shortly after Jack left with our son for the big soccer game, and took a deep breath as I entered the Amy Zone.

"God." I sighed, looking around my teenager's bedroom.

Her bed was unmade, of course, the sheets dirty as well. Amy probably hadn't changed them in a week, since last Saturday when I'd nagged her all morning to clean up. Clothes lay strewn about, clean and dirty, tossed like a tornado had spent the night. Magazines, homework, assorted…Stuff. She was going to hate me for cleaning up, but someone had to do it.

"Oh, these are cute." I found a neon yellow thong in her underwear drawer, hiding in the back under all the regular panties she owned and probably never wore.

I set the thong aside, starting a little contraband pile. Fifteen year old girls don't need thong panties, in my opinion and Amy was barely fifteen. Twenty minutes later I found something even more interesting, a little plastic wheel dispenser, with small heart shaped pills. Thirty of them, numbered for convenience and eight were missing. So, my innocent little girl was all grown up and using birth control.

Maybe I should have found some relief that Amy at least had the sense to be cautious, but that only fueled my anger as I thought about Gary and especially Bob, my so-called 'date' the night before. Amy had more sense than I did, if I chose to think of it that way, and I didn't want to. I put the pills on top of the thong and kept cleaning.

At least I didn't find anything else I could get too upset about. No drugs, no booze hidden away someplace. I finished with her room and closed the door behind me, a large bundle of dirty clothes and bedding over my shoulder, stuffed in a pillow case like I was Santa Claus. I kept her thong and pills, putting them in my nightstand next to my bed. I'd hold them until Amy said something, or a few days anyway, whichever came first, and then we could have it out. I didn't know if I'd tell Amy's dad or not yet, I guess it depended on how reasonable Amy was willing to be. Jack was going to be unhappy finding out Amy wasn't a virgin, I thought.


The phone had rung just as I was coming upstairs from the laundry room, which was part of our perpetually unfinished basement. Someday, Jack willing, we'd have a nice little recreation room down there. Probably after our kids were gone to college and married and old and…

"Gina! Hi!" Stacy's voice filled my ear.

"Hey, what's up?" I smiled, because it was a good time to take a break and I needed to talk to her anyway.

"What's up with you, girl?" Stacy laughed.

"What's that?" I wondered.

"I had a message on my machine last night. Jack was looking for you, or something."

"My Jack? Called you…Why?" I frowned.

"He wanted to know where we were going." Stacy laughed again. "If I'm gonna be your alibi, you need to give me a heads up. You're lucky I wasn't home."

"Oh." I swallowed hard. "Yeah, uh. I just had to get out and I told him…"

"You were going out with me?" Stacy was smiling, I could hear it in her voice. "Ladies night out? He believed that?"

"Yeah, maybe." I said defensively. "I didn't do anything."

"Sure, Gina, uh-huh…Well look, what time did you get home? Just so we have our story straight."

"Ummm…Three maybe." I lied, knowing it was after four, and I didn't know why I was doing that.

"Three, okay. Did you tell him where you went?"


"Cool, we'll say it was a lingerie party if he asks. Stop by Victoria's Secret and pick something out for him, tell him you bought it at the party." Stacy suggested. "Something sexy, right? He'll believe you then."

"Yeah, um, okay." I giggled nervously.

"So other than skipping out on your husband, how ya doing?"

"I wasn't skipping out!"

"Yeah, yeah." Stacy said. "So come on, who's the guy?"

"What guy?" I frowned. "I just went out, okay? You're worse than Jack."

"That's cause I know you." Stacy laughed and she was too happy.

"Well, it wasn't anything, okay?" I sighed.

"Yeah, okay. Whatever. What are you doing next weekend?"

"Me? I don't know, cleaning." I giggled. "Why?"

"I was thinking we should get together, like the whole family thing. Have a barbecue before the weather gets bad."

"You don't have a family." I giggled. Stacy was single, but she always had a new boyfriend.

"I know, that's why I wanna borrow yours!"

"Yeah, okay." I agreed. "That would be fun."

"Your place?" Stacy wondered and she lived in a condo with about ten square feet of back yard.

"Sure, yeah." I nodded into the phone. "Next Sunday? How's that?"

"Great. Sunday afternoon, I'll be there."

"Okay, cool." I smiled. "See ya later."

"Be careful!" Stacy laughed and hung up.

Three minutes after I put the phone down it was ringing again.

"Grand Central Station?" I grinned into the phone, thinking it was Stacy again.



"Hi, um…I'm sorta…In trouble."


I was shaking with anger and driving too fast. Jilly was crying in her car seat because I'd had to wake her up halfway through her nap.

"Shut-up! Just shut-up!" I turned around and screamed at the three year old and I had to slam the brakes hard before I rear ended the car in front of me.

"Oh God. I'm sorry…Honey. Jilly. I'm sorry." I closed my eyes, wishing all those feelings would just go away. "I didn't mean to yell at you."

Someone was honking behind me and I glared into my rearview mirror.

I was going to lose it. I had lost it. I'd gone crazy on the phone and now with Jilly. I had to relax. I had to calm down. I parked the van and looked around. The place was mostly empty, the small parking lot, and the windows of the van were tinted anyway.

My coke was in my purse still and I opened it in my lap, untwisting the yellow wire tie on the baggie with both hands inside my purse while Jilly kept crying.

"Shhh…Shhh…It's gonna be better…All better, baby." I was saying, but mostly to me as I rolled up a five dollar bill and took a quick hit of that fine white powder, feeling it hit my nasal passage hard and bitter and burning just a little.

I tied the baggy closed quickly, zipping it into one of the pockets and I wiped my nose carefully, checking myself in the mirror and sniffling hard. It was rushing through me quickly, that good cocaine Gary had given me. Setting my heart to race and my mind put all the anger away, locking it up behind a brick wall of feel good. I was buzzing and smiling and Jilly was quiet finally as I got her out of the van.

I giggled as I entered the police station, higher than a kite on that one decent snort of coke. There were cops all over and I blinked as a wave of paranoia hit me. I swallowed hard and stopped, almost turning around, but one was right there, looking at me and I was suddenly terrified that he knew I was on drugs. That I had some in my purse. He was going to arrest me and I couldn't breath. I tightened my grip on Jilly and she made a soft, hurting sound and I had to concentrate hard on not holding her too tightly.

"Hi, can I help you?" The policeman asked and he was big and black and looking at me.

"Hi, uh…" I cleared my throat and tasted that coke in the back of my mouth. "…I'm looking for Amy Reed? I'm her mother."

"Amy…Reed…" The cop nodded and he was using his computer while every other cop in the place stared at me, or so it seemed at the time.

"Got her, yeah." The man nodded almost sadly. "I just need to see some identification."

"What? Uh…Why?" I was sure he was going to arrest me.

"I have to make sure you're her mom and then I'll have her brought up. The store isn't pressing charges, but I do need your signature on the police report."

"Oh, uh…Yeah." I blinked rapidly and struggled a little to open my purse, finding my wallet with clumsy fingers. "Here."

I gave him my driver's license.

"Are you okay, Mrs. Reed?" The policeman asked me.

"No." I shook my head. "My daughter is in jail. I'm not okay."

"Right." He frowned and looked at my license. "I understand. You can have this back."

I nodded and put my license away, closing my purse quickly and wondering if it was too quickly. What if he thought I was hiding something in there? What if the cop asked me to empty my purse? What if…Oh God. I took a deep breath and walked around impatiently, unable to relax and adrenaline was mixing it up with the coke and I just wanted to run.

I had to wait about ten minutes, which was torture, before another policeman showed up with Amy. At least she wasn't handcuffed and she didn't look any worse for her ordeal, at least no worse than you'd expect a fifteen year old girl to look after being arrested for shoplifting. She looked bored and that was pissing me off and I had to close my eyes for a second.

"Mrs. Reed? I just need you to sign this for me and Amy can go." The new cop, a tall thin white one, was holding a clipboard and a pen. "There's no charges, but this report will be in her juvenile file."

"What? Amy has a file?" I stared at the man.

"She does now." He shrugged.

I signed quickly and the man left without another word and Amy wasn't saying anything, she just followed me as we left the police station. I wasn't talking either, not until we got home.

"No…Get in here!" I said as Amy started going up to her room.

"Oh, don't start mom!" Amy frowned at me. "I'm a big girl. I screwed up, okay? I get it."

"Screwed up?" I stared at her for a second and then finished putting Jilly in her highchair so she could have a little snack, a little chocolate pudding.

"I won't do it, again." Amy crossed her arms over her budding breasts and stared back at me.

"I had to wake your sister up. I had to drive halfway across the city and stand there in that police station waiting for them to bring you down." I shook my head. "Do you know how embarrassing that is?"

"Yeah, I do." Amy rolled her blue eyes. "I was there, remember?"

"Don't get smart with me!" I ripped the top off the pudding and grabbed a spoon, slamming the silverware drawer hard.

"God! Chill out!" Amy smiled and I took three quick steps.


I hit her with my palm across the girl's left cheek hard and Jilly started crying. Amy's eyes got huge and she opened her mouth, bringing a hand to her suddenly pink skin and then turned, running through the house, upstairs and I heard her door slam a few seconds later.

"Fuck!" I closed my eyes. "Shut up!" I yelled at Jilly and then tears flooded my eyes and I hated everybody just then.

I took a pill and that helped a lot. Jilly only cried for awhile and by the time she was done with her pudding I was calm again. I could deal with anything. I gave my baby a bath, trying to explain that I still loved Amy, because three year olds wonder about that stuff. We never hit our kids. Not even a spanking. Not a real one, just little swats on the butt to nudge them along, but never a spanking, never a slap. Not until today. That's what had been really shocking for Amy. Not the pain, but the fact that I'd hit her at all.

"It was good for her." I told Jilly, washing the girl's hair gently. "Sometimes bad girls need a slap to wake them up."

Of course not everyone sees it that way.

"You slapped her?" Jack confronted me in the kitchen while I prepared our dinner.

"Jack, this isn't about me slapping her." I said. "Your daughter was shoplifting."

"Yeah." He nodded. "But she said you slapped her, Gina. Where did that come from?"

"It came from her smart mouth." I told him. "I wasn't in the mood for it."

"But you were in the mood to hit her?" My husband was more upset about that than he was our daughter being arrested.

"It was a slap, that's all. I didn't abuse her." I grabbed a handful of stiff spaghetti noodles in my fist, putting them in the water boiling on the stove.

"We don't hit our kids, Gina." Jack shook his head.

"Well, maybe we should." I shrugged. "Hugs and kisses don't seem to be working all that well, or haven't you noticed?"

"What?" He stared at me in disbelief.

"Do you know she's on the pill, Jack?" I looked at my husband. "Taking birth control pills? I found out today. They were in her room."

"She's…" He narrowed his eyes at that, trying to understand the full import of what I was saying.

"She's not a virgin anymore." I sighed.

"But…She's just fifteen." My husband shook his head. "Maybe…They could belong to someone else, or…One of her friends and…"

"That's a lot of denial before dinner, dear." I giggled sarcastically. "Save some for later, okay?"

"Did you talk to her?" He asked and that was a dumb question.

"I slapped her, remember?" I shook my head. "I had a bad day, alright? I wasn't eating fucking ice cream with the soccer team."


"I was finding pills and thongs and signing reports that go into your daughters police record, Jack." I turned around, staring hard at the man. "And you want to tell me not to slap her face when she gives me shit about it?"

"No…Wait, I didn't…" He had no idea what to say.

"Cook your own dinner." I said, tossing the wooden spoon I was holding onto the counter. "I'm going out."

"Gina…Wait, hold on…" He grabbed my arm, but I jerked myself free.

I left, taking my purse and grabbing a jacket from the closet on my way out the door. I didn't know what I was doing, or where I was going. I had to leave. I couldn't take all that crap anymore. Not from Amy and then from her father too. He should be upstairs whipping her ass with a belt, I thought. Not getting mad at me because I'd slapped the girl's smart mouth. He could hug her all she wanted, fine. I was done with it.


end of chapter 04
