Andrea’s Babysitting Adventures Pt.1 [18F] [age difference]

Longtime lurker. I’ve had this story brewing in the back of my mind, so I hope you might enjoy it.

—Andrea’s Babysitting Adventures Pt. 1—-

It’s amazing how such mundane places can hold such wickedness. Amongst some vast urban sprawl, the type of place with lots of green space and a tree in the front yard; lived a girl named Andrea. Her mums tiny bungalow was dwarfed by a large, unkempt tree that you could often find her little brothers swinging on. The area was the posh sort, where executives and doctors might stow away their families from the naughtiness and smog of cities.

Andrea was the type of young woman who made people do a double take. It wasn’t that she was glamorous- clad in highheels or contoured to perfection. Instead, she often wore casual clothes, thin black leggings and T-shirts with her long dark hair in a high ponytail. But she had this energy about her, this impish, vibrating vibe that drew both men and women to her infectious laugh. It was late January, and having reached the age of majority two short weeks prior, Andrea yearned to finally move out and go to school in the city; with all it’s smog and naughtiness.

But right now, she still had a good five months of classes left before she even finished highschool. She kept busy with swimming and her rather booming side hustle: babysitting.

The enterprise had started off with a $35 Community Centre course her mum had enrolled her in when she was 13. Truthfully, Mrs. Martinez hadn’t expected much to come of it, but hoped that once Andrea realized how hard working was, she would stop badgering her mum to buy her a phone.

The $35 dollar investment, that taught things like CPR and First Aid gave her a slight edge over the other girls, and paired with her personality meant she was usually booked four about four nights a week.

After dropping her brothers off at home and making them a snack, Andrea stole a few private momments alot to change out of her school uniform. It was a formfitting tartan green skirt that hugged her curves. She slipped quickly into some athleusire, and made her way over to the Davison’s house. It was about a twenty minute walk, but fortunately the sidewalks had already been cleared of the seven inch snowfall.

The Davison’s lived a McMansion with a three card garage. She had a longtime standing arangment with them every Thursday for their date night. Unfortunately, the long driveway leading up to the house hadn’t been shoveled yet, so the trudge soaked her lower half. While she liked the Davison’s, they really sucked at snow removal and this was a reoccuring issue. It was getting dark, so she shuffled to rang the doorbell, visably shivering but still smiling. Mrs. Davidson answered.

She was in her mid-forties, plain looking but with doughy cheeks that almost touched her eyelashes when she smiled. Andrea would never call her sexy, but there was something warmly maternal about her.
“OH, Andrea you’re soaking. Get in, get in.” She turned toward the winding staircase.

“Jeremy! Why buy a snowblower of you’re not going to use it.” She offered Andrea a knowing smile.

“Boys and their toys.”

Mr. Davison decended the stairs while his fastened his mauve tie. He was handsome, Andrea knew. She had always privately thought he gave off Don Draper vibes. While it was too obvious to sneak a peek in well lit entryway, she had over the years seen a rather formidable outline, which was a perk of the job, she thought.

“Sorry Rach, and hi Andrea.”

He gave his wife a kiss on the cheek and winked at her, warming up her body temperature considerably. She took off her long jacket and placed it in the hall closet. While they wouldn’t ever admit it to each other, both adults snuck a look at her stretching body, tighter than it had any right to be.

” Why don’t you put your pants and socks in the dryer, I’ll see of I can’t find something for you to wear. Emily is at a friend’s working on a project, so it’s just Noah. He’s in the basement on the Xbox right now.”

Jeremy watched his wife fuss as Andrea followed her toward the mud room. Andrea, all pink flush from the cold weather was magnificent. Her hips jutted out from her waist so suddenly, he bet if he bent her over, her ass would make a perfect ripe heart shape. What he wouldn’t give to take a bite.


Rachel gave Andrea a pair of vollyball shorts that she had deafly bought for Emily but hadn’t been used because Emily wasn’t the type of girl to ever try out for volleyball.

Left alone to change, the laundry room was suddenly silent except for the steady hum of the dryer. Andrea looked at the impossibly tiny shorts, bought to fit a rail thin thirteen year old girl. It was going to take some effort to get those on. The black tiny shorts made it to midthigh with ease, but she needed to get some leverage to get the impossibly tiny shorts over her ass.

There’s some truth to too much of a good thing, she thought darkly.

Her body, was what her mother called well proportioned. She stood just shy of 5’3 with a slim waist & limbs, but a rather fat ass. Her breasts were a manageably 32D.

Jumping for some leverage, she sat herself on top of the dryer. The rumbling was somewhat distracting, but she ignored that and continued to try and jiggle into the shorts. Finally, red in the face, shirt sliding off of her shoulder she managed the task. She sighed in relief and closed her eyes. She was wet, suprisingly from the dryers vibrations throbbing her clit. She involuntary shuddered into the dryer, then realizing where she was junped off in a hurry.

Peering in the mirror, she realized the shorts barely covered half of her ass cheeks.
While she thought she looked sexy, she put her cardigan on and it added enough modesty not to scandalized anyone.

The Davison’s said goodbye and left for a Thai fusion restaurant leaving Andrea alone with Noah, who went to bed before 9pm. Done her Chemistry homework, Andrea mindlessly browsed the web.

She supposed if she had more close friends, she might have invited the over. But being the oldest in her class- a class filled with snobby people, she didn’t really have many friends left. Truth be told, she was lonely. Her old boyfriend Charlie was across the country studying Applied Physics and fucking an Art History major, and her ex-best friend was across the country studying Art History. It was a mess, and truth be told she was horny AND lonely.

Andrea had been a good girl, in all aspects but one. She liked being sneaky, and enjoyed the little secret, depraved parts of herself noone, even Charlie knew about. She liked going online, flashing strangers on chatrooms and reading erotica so randy in would make sailors blush. Restless, and only under the soft glow of the TV- the only light other than her laptop in the living room, she started casually listening to some audio porn.

She chose an old favorite, Dr.D’s hypnotic tales. The man did a mix of story retellings and orders. She liked audiobooks earbuds relaying the naughtiness but her leaving her hands totally free. It was inconspicuous. She often sat in class, or on the bus, secretly listening to the all the filthy things the author said he would do to her. She was very aware of how her ass felt against the velvety soft grey couch. Trying to be discreet, she put her wool cardigan on her lap. It was an effort to get her hand into the impossibly tiny shorts, so she kneeled.

Over her panties, she lightly circled her clit, imaging Mr. Davidson was the one playing with her. Her breath hitched as she imagined him catching her, grabbing her by the hips and ramming into her with his cock. Cock, wow it had been some time.

What if he told her she had new duties & needed to service his cock like an over eggar Task Rabbit? She abandoned listening to the erotica in favor of her fanasty. Andrea broke into a sweat imagining licking his cock, taking him deeply in her mouth while he held on to her hair with indifference. She had noticed him staring at her before, at neighborhood pool parties, when she was bent over to grab one of Noah’s toys. When her moved passed her in the kitchen last week and accidentally brushed hips.

Some part of him wanted her, wanted to be the one filling her slick pussy with his fingers. She slipped her hand past her folds and inserted two digits. Internal penetration really got Andrea off, and she imagined how much rougher his fingers would feel on her. How much larger. She ground her pelvis into her hand, biting her lip to stop herself from making any noise. Her nipples strained against her thin sports bra and shirt, yearning to be touched, to be sucked or pinched. A low, straining whine came as she froze, her back arching with small quacks as she came almost silently, half kneeling on the Davidson’s couch.

When she came back to her senses, panting with a cold sweat, she realized the hallway light was now on. Panicked, she thought Noah might have sneaked down for a snack. She got up quickly, only to realized that Jeremy stood behind the couch, above in the raised kitchen area, leaning against the far wall.
She was speechless, her ears pounding so hard she couldn’t see much else but the man in front of her, with watchful deep eyes and a smirk.

Her hands moved in front of her, gesturing as if to explain, but no words came out of her gaping mouth to say otherwise. She realized her nipples were still hard, but thanked God that the dark shorts hid the wetness of her orgasm. How could she play this off?

Scanning the area, Andrea’s eyes came to the couch, the light grey soft couch that currently adorned an ummistakable wet mark.


“Do you know how much it costs to clean a ten thousand dollar sofa?” Her savings, gone. Andrea would never get another gig if this got out.

“I…” He shook his head.

“I’m so sorry. Where’s Rachel? I can explain.”

” I think it might be best if we resolve this ourselves. Leave Rachel and the PTA moms out of it?”

Andrea nodded wordlessly.

“Wait here.” He disappeared momentarily and returned with something in his hand. He stepped down into the lowered area leasuirely, walking up behind her until she could feel the heat radiating off his back. The stain mocked Andrea and her years of hard work, all for one stupid slip up because she couldn’t wait to get home and masturbate. Stupid, stupid. Jeremy touched her waist, and whispered into her ear.

“Take a deep breath. This will be okay.” She listened to him.

He walked towards the stain, revealing a can of coke. Which he opened and poured over the stain and the plush white carpet for good measure. It blended perfectly.

“There, I startled you and cause the drink to fall over. Probably ruined the rug, but that’s a win for me because I fucking hate it.” He offered her a half smile and placed the can on the floor.

” Right, a win. ” Andrea was dumbstruck, but she continued.

“I’m so sorry about the couch though, are you sure I can’t help or pay or, or something?”

“We’ll figure something out Andrea. But, Rachel left me here to start plowing snow and went pick up Emily, so she’ll be back soon. You need to take off your wet clothes, again ” he added, smiling.

He picked up her phone, headphones and all to give to her. He peered over at the website, but gave her phone with not further comment. Andrea reasoned that he might have not read the erotica tags in that time, or at least this was better than visual porn. She have died if he had seen that. How silly she must have seemed to Jeremy, Andrea thought; a horny teenager masturbating while babysitting in his daughters shortshorts. He’d never fuck me now, she thought sourly. If there ever was any chance, it was gone now.

“Go put on your dried stuff and give me the wet stuff. Hurry.” Andrea semi automatically just turned around and wiggled her ass out of those unbelievably tiny shorts. Her thong slipping along and pooled down at her ankles.

“Opps.” She remarked, realizing how much bolder this action was than what she intended. Bent over, she was fully exposed and Jeremy was privy to her lips peeking out. Andrea moved to bring her panties back up.

“Andrea, I said leave everything wet.”

His voice seemed strained and stern, like that time she had been helping Emily bake brownies for a bake sale and accidentally started a fire. (In her defense, she was sure it was Emily’s fault.) She stilled, then obeyed. She grabbed the bundle and walked cautiously towards him, placing it in his hand. They made eye contact, and Jeremy was shocked to see her bite he lip.

“I think I hear Rachels car, you should hurry.” Andrea scurried out of the room, her ass jiggling like what Jeremy imagined gifs in heaven looked like. In truth he hadn’t heard a car, but he needed some space to think. He put the tiny bit of damp fabric in his pocket.

Jeremy was in a controlled frenzy. His cock was straining painfully against his trousers. He wanted her, badly. He couldn’t believe that she had bent over and shown him her pretty pink
, shaved pussy with puckered lips. Her ass really did look like a perfect heart. He smiled, knowing exactly how she might pay him back for the ruined couch.




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