Department store fantasy [M/f] [voy] [reluc] [oral]

I had just turned 30, and just landed a new, very high paying job. I was feeling pretty good, and to celebrate, I decided to get new clothes for my new job. It was pretty late in the evening, and I went to the department store to see what they had. I walked around for a while, and saw a few things I liked, then I ended up in the underwear section. I had been single for a while, and wasn’t getting any action lately, so I figured I might get some underwear that looked nice on me, in case I did find someone to share them with. As I was standing there browsing, one of the store employees walked by. I glanced over, and did a double take. She was one of the hottest girls I’d ever seen. She couldn’t have been more than 18, this was probably her first job. She had long blonde hair, and a super tight, thin little body with the perfect amount of curve to it. I couldn’t help myself, and stared blatantly as she passed. She glanced down my way, and smiled, as store employees do, but I don’t think she realized I’d been staring, then continued on. I looked down at the package of underwear I was holding in my hand, and had a sudden impulse to do something crazy… I walked over to where the beautiful teenage girl had gone, and put on my best sheepish look.

“Excuse me, miss?” She stopped hanging up the items she was holding, and looked over at me. “Yes sir, do you need help with something?” “Well, actually, I was just…uh…wondering if you could do me a small favor. I am getting some new things for work, and I don’t have anyone to help me in selecting which ones look good. I was just wondering if you had a few minutes to give me an opinion or two?” At first she looked a little apprehensive, not sure what to think about my strange request, but after a moment of thought she finally smiled and said “Sure.” “Thanks so much!” She followed me as we walked toward the dressing rooms. “I’ll be quick about it, I promise.” I ducked into the dressing room, and quickly disrobed. Being single, I made it to the gym pretty often, so I had a decently toned body. A nice chest, and the start of a six pack. I slid on a pair of the underwear from the shelf. They were the type with an elastic waist band and no material on the sides, just a small amount of material going down the front. From the moment I’d had the idea, I had started to get aroused, so when I slid them on, I was already creating a good sized tent in them. I looked myself over in the mirror, and smiled a little, in spite of myself, then pulled the door open to beautiful young woman waiting outside. By this time it was only 5 or 10 minutes until close, and there was practically no one else in the store, so I didn’t figure anyone else would see. When I opened the door, she looked up from whatever it was she had been looking at, and saw me standing there, mostly naked, with my half erection pressing into these small revealing underwear. She immediately turned beet red, and I could tell she was stunned, but she didn’t look away. That was a good sign… “Well, what do you think?” She was too shocked to speak. I could see her trying to speak, but no words would come out, she just continued turning a darker shade of red. “Guess that’s a no then… Well let’s try one more thing…” With that, I closed the door to the dressing room, giving her a minute to try to collect herself. I could only imagine what was going through her head at this point, and I wasn’t even sure she would still be there when I opened the door again, but I was getting so turned on by this, I had to try my luck. I slipped out of the underwear, and the thoughts racing through my head had ensured I now had a full hard on sticking straight out. I was a little above average, almost 8 inches, and I kept everything totally shaved. I again gave myself a glance in the mirror to make sure everything looked ok, and then again swung the door wide open. To my surprise, and great delight, she was still standing there. I could tell she had been trying to think of what to say when I opened the door again, to tell me how inappropriate I was or something like that, and she had probably come up with something, but then when she turned and saw me, she lost all ability to speak all over again. I was standing butt naked with my hands on my hips, turned slightly to the side to give her a good profile view of my fully erect cock, a drop of precum sitting on the tip, glistening in the fluorescent lights. She was already so flushed, she couldn’t get any redder, but again, she didn’t turn away. Her eyes slowly worked their way down my body and eventually locked on to my raging hard on. She stared, but still couldn’t bring herself to react in any other way. I hadn’t really planned out what to do next, so I stood for another few moments allowing her to see all she wanted, and finally realized if she wasn’t going to respond, I couldn’t stay like this forever, eventually someone would come along. “I suppose that means a no as well. Too bad.” And without closing the door, I reached down and grabbed the underwear from the shelf, and put it on. My dick wasn’t anywhere close to softening, so I had a full tent going. Then with her watching me, I put the rest of my clothes back on, slipping the underwear I wore in into my pocket. I adjusted my pants to hide my erection as much as possible. Then started to leave the dressing room. She still stood there, completely dumbfounded. As I walked passed her, I placed a hand on her shoulder, and she nearly jumped out of her skin, but didn’t recoil or retreat. “Thank you for all your help miss.” I said in a soft voice very close to her ear. And then I walked right out of the store, and she didn’t say a word to me. I walked out of the store with my hands trembling and my heart racing fast enough that I thought I might have a heart attack. Partly from just stealing from the store, but mainly from just completely exposing myself to a young girl, and her unbelievable reaction. I got to my car and sat there for a while, letting my nerves return to some semblance of normalcy. I watched as the last couple customers filtered out and left, and the doors were locked up, only the employees were still there. I looked around the parking lot, and noticed one of the last few cars there was a yellow Volkswagon Beetle… and wondered to myself… could it be? Without even thinking, my aroused mind in full control, I drove my car out to where it was parked, and parked just a few spaces away. I got out of my car, and leaned up against it, trying to act natural. I stood for a few minutes, my mind racing with possibilities, and after a while, the employees shuffled out, and headed to their various cars. This one car was parked in a different section of the lot, and farther out, so only one person was headed in the direction I was in. My suspicion was correct, and it was none other than the blonde beauty walking straight towards me. As she approached she noticed someone next to her car, and I could see her get very scared. I made sure to put my face to the light, and once she realized who it was, the look of fear changed to something… else… She stood in place for a very long while, both of us frozen in the parking lot, staring at each other. Then finally she made her way slowly toward her car. She didn’t break eye contact with me as she did so. “I uh…. Just wanted to say thanks… you know, you really helped me out deciding what I wanted tonight. I was hoping there was some way I could repay you.” It was corny as hell, and I knew it wouldn’t work, but it had gone this far, I saw no reason not to press it. She was silent for what seemed an eternity, and then finally she worked up enough nerve to speak. “Yeah… I uhh… had a lot of fun helping you actually…” Oh my god! What did she just say? Did this gorgeous teen girl just imply she had fun checking out my naked body!? “I could… help you have a little more fun… if you wanted?” This time she didn’t pause, I suppose she had made up her mind. “Sure” she said in the most nervous tiny voice I’d ever heard. I didn’t need to be told twice! My cock hadn’t gone down one bit since my last encounter with her inside, so I undid my pants as fast as I ever had, and quickly pulled the underwear and my pants down around my thighs. She had gained much more courage at this point, and was already walking toward me. She got right up to me, and placed her tiny cold hand onto my pulsing hot cock, and wrapped it around and slowly started stroking it. I lost all sensation in my body except the overwhelming ecstasy coming from her touch, and I fell back against my car as she continued to play with me. Her slow strokes slowly started to build speed, and I closed my eyes, trying to fight the urge to cum right there on the spot. Then suddenly she stopped. I opened my eyes to see what was going on, and couldn’t believe my eyes as I watched her getting down onto her knees… She got eye level with my dick, and lightly licked the bead of precum that was slowing running down the head. I gasped audibly. She wrapped her hand firmly around my shaft again, and looked up at me, even more shyly. “I… uhh… I’ve never done this before…” She admitted slowly. I didn’t believe I could have been any more turned on, but this was too much to take in. The sexiest little thing I’d ever seen, almost half my age was on her knees in front of my dick, hinting she was about to suck it, and telling me it’s her first time ever giving a blowjob… “It’s ok… you can’t do it wrong… Just be careful of your teeth that’s all…” And unable to contain myself, I gently placed a hand on the back of her head, and very slowly started to move my hard dick toward her mouth. Not sure what else to do, she reluctantly parted her lips, and allowed me to slide the head into her warm waiting mouth. I’d had a lot of blowjobs in my life, from guys and girls, some really good, some just ok, but the feeling of entering her mouth that night was the single best feeling I’ve ever felt in my life. Maybe it was the immense arousal from the build up of what had happened that night, but it took all my will power not to explode in her mouth the moment I pushed it in. She still had her hand wrapped around the base, and she slid my cock in until her lips touched her hand, about half way. She left it there for a moment, which was fine with me, I was just fighting orgasm, and that made it a bit easier. She touched the bottom of the shaft with her tongue a bit, then slowly slid it back out. It made a wet popping noise as it pulled out of her warm hole, and back into the cool night air. She took a breath, and looked up at me again. “Like that?” Her voice was still nervous, but now it had something else mixed in…. fun? Excitement? Whatever it was, it made the moment even hotter. “Yes, sweetheart, just like that.” Without needing any further coaxing from me, she removed her hand from my shaft, and much more quickly slipped my dick back into her mouth. This time she kept going down the length of it until the head was pressed to the back of her mouth without gagging her. She got it pretty far in, then quickly pulled back until just the head was still in her mouth. She had either seen this online, or she was just a natural, and got into a perfect rhythm and took it in and out of her mouth at a fast speed. She kept this up for a few seconds, then slowed way down until she was barely taking it in. My orgasm was so close it was scaring me, I didn’t want this to end. But her slow pace helped me hold it back. She kept that going for a nice long time. Then without warning, she sped back up all of a sudden, to an even faster pace than before. I was in heaven. I had never gotten a blowjob this good in my life. She changed pace several more times, which is the only reason I hadn’t cum a half dozen times already, but there was no way I was going to be able to hold it much longer. Then she sealed the deal. As her pace started to pick back up again, she cupped my balls in her tiny hands. This was too much, and sent me over the top, I knew I couldn’t hold back any longer. This was her first time, so I felt I owed her fair warning, and I was able to take myself out of the moment just long enough to utter, “I’m going to cum” in a small voice. She clearly heard me, but didn’t care, as she started fondling my balls she had cupped, and sliding back and forth on my cock even faster. As this sexy little girl continued devouring my cock, my orgasm came on in full force. My body tensed and started twitching, and I started pumping out several massive loads into her eager mouth. It didn’t seem to even phase her, as the cum started to pour into her mouth, she just kept going, and seemed to be making an effort to swallow everything that was coming out. My eyes rolled back into my head, and I allowed myself to enjoy every bit of the indescribable feeling that was coursing through my body. I was always a heavy cummer, but with how aroused I was and how amazing her mouth felt, it seemed the cum would never stop. It started to seep out the sides of her mouth and she was almost gagging with the amount already in her mouth. I finally finished my incredible orgasm, and no more cum was shooting out into her, and she pulled her mouth off my cock. She swallowed all that was left, and licked her lips, getting as much off as she could. Without a word to me, she then started to lick off the excess cum that had run down my shaft, and onto my balls, and her hands cupping them. She licked my balls, and licked every bit off her own hands. Staring down at her hungrily lapping up my cum made me stay rock hard, despite the best orgasm of my life. When she was done, it was almost like she snapped out of a trance, and realized what she’d just done. She looked back up at me, and turned the same shade of crimson as before. She stood up immediately, and rushed over to her car. She didn’t even look back at me, she just hurried into her car, and got it started, and took off. Leaving me there with my pants halfway down and my hard cock covered in her saliva and my cum. 

This is my first story posted here, so I'm eager to hear what you think! Please feel free to PM me, guys and girls. And if there is interest, I already have ideas for part 2 and 3 in this story.



  1. My constructive criticism would be to just put speech in normal text as it’s super frustrating for mobile users

  2. Great story, I wish this was a bit more description about what they were wearing and how they looked but still a fun read. However I do agree with the other poster, speech should be a separate line.

  3. Everything has been changed to plain text, it was typed in another program, I was unaware tabs messed up posts on reddit, sorry about that. Also separated out the dialogue.

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