“Sweet Tooth #1” [mF, BDSM, BBW, Foodplay]





A voice spoke suddenly, echoing toward her from the darkness: “Blow out your candles, Princess.”


Sweet Tooth is a suspenseful and taboo tale about a woman, who – with the help of an eccentric younger man – finally overcomes her life-long ‘sweet tooth’. Expect a surreal, playful story about a unique Dom/Sub relationship, told in thirteen gloriously messy chapters. Sweet Tooth is intended for readers looking for a long-burn with an explosive climax.



Author's Introduction



Before we start, a quick word; just between you and me, dear Reader. If you intend to read Sweet Tooth, then this will be the first step of a long journey which we’ll be taking together; so lets stop now, briefly, and talk.


I do hope you enjoy this bizarre little tale as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it; though, to be honest, I’d understand if you didn’t. Sweet Tooth is a story that caters to a very specific appetite: one with insatiable cravings for sugar rushes and orgasms. The state of mind I was in while writing this story felt not unlike that of a child, who compulsively shovels handful after handful of candy into their mouth, despite knowing it won’t make them feel very good.



Chapter One: No Choice



Samantha sat at her desk, anxiously chewing on a lollipop-stick and scanning the office beyond her cubicle for near-by co-workers. She spotted Simon – the intern – brewing coffee in the break room, and Meghan – her boss’s latest bombshell of a secretary – who’s head was currently bent over the photo-copier, trying to unjam what looked like a particularly nasty tangle of shredded paper. No one would notice if I did it, right now, Samantha thought to herself, feeling her heart beat against the inner-wall of her chest. Right now… I could…


Still clenching the plastic lollipop-stick between her teeth, Samantha glanced back down at her phone, which sat on-top of her lap, like a bridge between her round thighs. The text message she’d received a minute ago still lingered on the screen, stubbornly, as if to give her no option but to submit: “Change of plans. Meet at my place. 2 PM. No later.” Then another text, directly below that one: “You’ll have to leave work early, no choice.”


Samantha reached into the drawer of her desk and pulled out a fresh lollipop. This one was strawberry flavoured. She tore the wrapping off, discarded it in the bin, then tossed the sucker into her mouth. Samantha gnawed on the lollipop, watching for any sign of her boss. Moments passed, but she didn’t see him. Right now, Samantha decided. Go right now…



Chapter Two: Without a Trace



Meghan looked up from the photo-copier briefly as Samantha strolled past, but she didn’t seem to register her co-worker’s early departure. Phew, Samantha thought. She continued toward the door labeled 'stairs' at the end of the corridor, suddenly feeling very self-aware of how little her body-type suited stealthy scenarios such as this.

Simon waved to her through the break room’s window as she passed, with a grin which seemed decidedly out of place to Samantha. One phrase repeated in her head, like a paranoid drum, synchronizing itself to the tremendous throb of Samantha’s heart-beat: He caught me. He caught me. He caught me. Then: He knows. He knows. He knows.


But a moment later, Simon lowered his eyes back down to the coffee brewing in-front of him, wearing that same oddly toothy grin. Samantha realized he hadn’t actually acknowledged anything out of the ordinary. Interns are just naturally creepy people, she thought to herself, closing the distance between her and the staircase at a brisk pace.


Before exiting through the door to the staircase, Samantha chanced a quick glance over her shoulder. Meghan was still occupied by the photo-copier, cursing at it under her breath. Simon appeared to have spilt coffee onto his tie and was currently trying to soak it out with a napkin. Lets hope no know notices I’m gone, she thought, before disappearing without a trace…



Chapter Three: The Benefits of Discipline



Samantha began to make her way down the six flights of stairs that led to the parking-lot, feeling an embarrassingly spontaneous sweat break-out on her forehead. She’d never voluntarily taken the stairs before – either up or down – but right now, during her Great Escape, it seemed the most prudent thing to do. It was the only way to guarantee that Samantha wouldn’t accidentally bump into her boss, Mr. Creighton.


As Samantha descended, the beads of perspiration on her forehead became denser. If she hurried, she supposed she’d be able to stop at her apartment first, for a quick shower to freshen-up and a change of clothes, before…




Before what?, she thought, feeling a quivering sense of giddiness. What does he have in store for me?


It was Samantha’s birthday today and she had asked her Master, Jasper, for something very specific: a surprise. She supposed for most girls the word “surprise” would carry certain romantic connotations: dinners prepared in secret, names spelt across the sky, a trail of roses leading to a warm bath. But Samantha wasn’t most girls; and more to the point, Jasper wasn’t most men.


He was 24 – making him younger than her by over a decade, a fact Samantha was never able to stop reminding herself of – and a man of considerable wealth, both inherited and independently-gained. Though they never spoke about the subject of his career, it was clear to Samantha that Jasper worked in finance, in some manner.


On many occasions – including the day Samantha first met Jasper at the dog-park – he had expressed to her that he possessed neither the desire, time or nature necessary for a conventional relationship; he’d been very clear about that. And indeed, the dynamic they’d shared over the past two months had been a unique one: concentrated intensity, without subtly, without compromise. She’d come to learn that the highly demanding way in which Jasper went about things was, truly, all he could ever be capable of; and, in short time, she’d became dependant on the structure which his dominating personality provided her. Discipline, Jasper had taught her, when applied right, could be mutually pleasurable – and he had been telling the truth, she now believed.


There were other benefits that came along with Jasper’s discipline; besides mere pleasure, of course. In the month since she’d met Jasper, Samantha had lost close to twenty pounds. This morning, before leaving her apartment to come to work, her scale had read: 260 lbs // 118 kg. Two-hundred and sixty pounds was still a very large number for a woman of her short stature, but it had only been a month so far, and already, the difference she felt was immense. And her drive for self-improvement hadn’t waned yet, miraculously; this was thanks to the creative rewards and incentives Jasper provided her, and also, to the strict and unwavering hand with which he punished her.



To Be Continued…


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3s8vxe/sweet_tooth_1_mf_bdsm_bbw_foodplay