“An Invitation to Dinner” [m, FM, Anal, Cuck, Huml]


Chapter One: Her Only Rule



A year ago, I had an affair with this hair-dresser. True story.


Her name was Susan. She was forty-two, living a comfortable life-style with her husband. And she had this one rule, which prevented the two of us fucking, because she didn't want me "stretching her out". (I'm a lot larger than her husband and he would have noticed, she claimed. I didn't realize how true this was until much later…) So, this meant a lot of cock sucking. Like, a lot.


I guess if I had to label this first phase of the affair, I'd call it the cock worshipping phase. At least twice a week, sometimes more, Susan would meet me behind her husband's back, to suck my cock and tell me how badly she wanted to get fucked by it.


She was a real tease about it, but I never pushed her to go beyond oral, because I knew sooner or later, her defences would break down by themselves, without much effort on my behalf. It seemed inevitable. And besides, Susan sucked my cock with an enthusiasm that was wild, unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. You would have thought she managed to get to the age of forty-two without seeing a real dick before. For the time-being, I was just enjoying my time inside her mouth for what it was. But Susan was serious about her one rule. More than I knew.



Chapter Two: Subverting Her Only Rule



One day, I picked Susan up from work (she told her husband it was her best-friend picking her up from work, of course. I think in part, she was becoming addicted to the sensation of lying to him.) While Susan was lapping at my cock in the backseat of my car, I asked her if her hubby had ever fucked her ass before. She looked utterly shocked, beyond words. I waited, then she finally said "no". I asked her if anybody had ever fucked her ass before. She said "no" again.


She told me the idea had come up once, because her husband wasn't very well hung, but then the notion was abandoned soon after. This was when I learnt something interesting: they had been high-school sweethearts, once upon a time. And that in her whole life, Susan had only been with one man – three if blowjobs counted, which I told her they did not. I also learnt the name of the man I was cuckolding, which at the time, I really could have done without knowing: Craig.



Chapter Three: Getting Caught, Twice



This next phase I'll call the insatiable anal phrase. But it didn't last very long. After fucking Susan's perfect, tight ass for nearly a month – and savouring every second of it – we were caught. Actually, we were kinda caught twice


The first time was a complete mistake. When Susan was doing the laundry one morning, she put her cum-stained panties in the wash, loaded it with soap, then forgot to actually turn the wash on. She's extremely forgetful like that sometimes. Later that morning, Craig went to throw some of his things in the wash and noticed them. Apparently, this blew over easier than Susan had expected. There were a lot of questions, but no real recourse.


The second time we were really flirting with danger. At around nine o'clock one night, Susan snuck out of her house to met with me. She had a cover-story for Craig, but I don't remember what it was. By this time, she was making them more and more obvious, almost daring him to call her on it.


Susan sucked my cock in my car, then I filled her ass up to the brim with hot, sticky cum. This, for us, was fairly routine. That's when I surprised her by corking her ass shut with a butt-plug. Susan purred, then I explained to her what was going to happen next.


Susan went back inside her house, kissed Craig goodnight (using the lips that had been wrapped around another man's cock less that thirty minutes ago), then laid down beside him to go to sleep, with my cum still corked inside her tight ass, drying slowly. Susan told me later that she had fallen asleep that way. She told me that she'd "never had sweeter dreams".


But when she woke up, everything was a mess. Cum everywhere… I knew it had been a risk, but as I've already mentioned, Susan had an exceptional tight ass, so I thought the plug would hold. I was betting on it, actually…



Chapter Five: 'The Incident'



Out of the blue, after nearly a month of no word from her, Susan and Craig invited me over for dinner one night. I accepted. It remains, to this day, the most surreal experience of my life.


I showed up on time and Craig made us cocktails. Long Islands, strong ones. This disarmed me and I was thankful for that. As you can imagine, I was fairly on edge at this point.


Susan and him recounted to me what had happened the morning after I had corked Susan's ass. (This was referred to as "the incident" by Craig, which nearly made me burst out in laughter.) At first, it felt weirdly like being called to the principal's office again, but then things took an interesting turn.


Craig told me about waking up in the middle of the night and feeling something wet against his thigh. When he lifted up the sheets, he discovered a large puddle of cum on the bed. Then, after taking a long sip from his cocktail, Craig looked me in my eyes and told me he'd never forget what he saw next.


He said Susan had been fast asleep, so he pulled her panties down and saw the loose plug. Her asshole was still gapping slightly, leaking a slow stream of cum, down onto the folds of her pussy. He said he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Then he put the butt-plug down on the bed-sheets, jacked off and went back to sleep, with his mind reeling.


I took a big gulp of my drink, then Susan picked up the story where Craig left off. The morning after, they both woke up in a bed stained with my cum. Susan said she made some attempt to hide it, because she didn't know Craig had already discovered the mess. But when he woke up, Craig told her what had happened during the night. She said they laid together for hours, talking about the incident. Susan told him about the weeks of worshipping my cock on her break's, then the relentless ass-fucking that followed.


Over the following weeks, Susan had told Craig more and more, then eventually, they had decided to invite me over to dinner.


We finished our cocktails, then Susan and I laid together on the couch, while Craig finished preparing dinner in the next room. I took this time to make Susan another drink and bend her over my knee. After all, I had given her very explicit instructions: to make sure my cum stayed inside her all night. I spanked Susan's ass until it glowed bright red. The punishment may have been belated, but it was deserved al the same. Occasionally, Craig peeked his head around the corner to see what was happening, but said nothing.


When dinner was served, Craig placed the plates on the table, while Susan knelt beside my chair, licking the length of my manhood. It was roast beef, vegetables, mashed potatoes. Did I suspect it was poisoned? Of course. Did it still eat it? Yeah, and it was fucking amazing…



Chapter Six: Dinner Conversation



Susan's plate mostly went cold, because she stayed under the table, silently sucking my cock. While she did this, Craig and I talked about what she was like as a young woman, about how they had met during high-school and about their wedding. He even told me about the school dance, when he had first kissed her, nearly thirty years ago.


In return, I told him about how I met his while getting a hair-cut, about the first time she blew me in the back of her salon (how it was clear she'd craved it for decades). Also, I told Craig about the time I claimed Susan's ass in the back-seat of my car. He asked if it had hurt her the first and I didn't lie.


When I finally came under the table, Susan returned to her seat, with jizz glistening around her lips and dripping from her chin. She ate the meal Craig prepared for us unenthusiastically, except for when a drop of cum landed on her plate; in that moment, she became ravenous.



Chapter Seven: An Impromptu Dessert



After dinner, Craig made more cocktails. (I think this was his means of trying to maintain some control in the chaos of all this. At least if we got unGodly drunk, it would have been on his terms. Well, that's how I interpreted it, anyway.) We sat around the diner-table, talking about trivial things.


At one point, I asked Craig if he was really as small as Susan had suggested to me. He blushed instantly, then Craig stood up and confirmed this. I'd say he was a little over two inches. I asked Craig how big he was fully erect and he replied: "I am the hardest I've ever been in my life…"


When I learnt that Craig hadn't prepared dessert, I decided to take the initiative myself. I told Susan to crawl onto the edge of the dinner table, then I tore her panties off and filled her precious ass with my every drop of cum I had left in my balls, while Craig stared on. I won't say he cried – I don't want to paint Craig out to be any less of a man than he is – but his eyes took on a distinctly glassy quality, which I doubt I'll ever forget.


When I was done, I told him to get a spoon. He chose a silver one. I hoped it wasn't a family heirloom of some sort, because it sorta looked like it to me, but I never asked, of course. I made Craig fed his wife dessert from her gaping ass with a spoon, while I finally… finally, got to stretch her cunt out.


It was like fucking a virgin. Susan screamed louder than she ever had when I was fucking her ass, in-between spoonfuls of hot cum. In the aftermath of it all, when the three of us were spread out on the living-room floor, Susan confessed to Craig that it had felt like being fucked for the very first time.



An Afterword


I hope you enjoyed my little tale. I definitely enjoyed recounting it for you all.


There's a little more to my story about Susan and Craig, but considering the length of this first post, I'm going to wait and gauge interest before continuing.


If you have any spelling or grammar corrections you'd like to make, I'd be delighted to hear them. All feedback is greatly appreciated.


Take care of each other. And thank you for reading.


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3s8cwc/an_invitation_to_dinner_m_fm_anal_cuck_huml

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