Lechomancer Curses Chapter 2: Open to Suggestion[public][mind control][toys][paranormal] [mmmf][gangbang]

Lisa and Josh were re-shelving books in the back of the library on a Tuesday morning, and Lisa found herself bored. Work had become extremely boring in the last few months, and she had come to enjoy pushing Josh around, seeing what he would let her get away with, and teasing him whenever she started to go too far. After she had sent him the video of Vivian, screaming out an orgasm on her coffee table, Josh had been pretty accommodating.

She grabbed a book and slipped past him, purposefully sticking her ass out, as she walked by him, rubbing herself against his jeans. “Sorry,” she said. “Just slipping by you. Anyways, I was thinking that, maybe, it would be cool if I took Friday off. Does that work for you?”

“Oh hell no!” came a shriek from the end of the aisle where Josh and Lisa were standing. Tammy, a scrawny little thing that usually knew enough to stay out of Lisa’s way stood there, shaking with fury. “You cannot give her Friday off! I have seniority! If anyone should get Friday off, it should be me, not that skank!”

Lisa cracked her neck. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. You can’t just act like a huge slut to get your way on everything. Everyone is tired of it. You walk around here like you own the place, but you’re just a cheap whore.”

“Tammy, calm down,” Josh begged, stepping forward. “You can’t talk to your coworkers like that. Come with me.” He looked pathetically back over his shoulder at Lisa, who was fuming. He led Tammy away to the librarian’s office.

Lisa stood in the aisle for a second, then looked at the metal cart of books. “No, fuck this,” she muttered, and kicked it over. She followed after them. They went into the office all the librarians shared, and had closed the door. Lisa threw it open, and glared at them. Tammy’s face was wet with tears, and Josh looked at her in shock. Lisa glared at them, went to her desk at the back of the room, grabbed her coat and purse and stormed out.

As soon as she got home, she pulled out the book. “There’s no way she’s getting away with this bullshit. Tammy is going to pay.” She started flipping through the spells, but realized she already had something specific in mind. Lisa looked at the mirror in her bedroom. “Master?” she called out.

“Pet,” came the answer from behind her. She turned, and lounging on her bed was the blue demon Erostopholes.

“I need to curse someone. She called me a slut today, and I want to make her pay.”

Erostopholes smiled with half his mouth on the bed. “And how did you want her to pay?”

“I want her to become the biggest slut she’s ever seen. She thinks I was a slut for teasing Josh? I want her bent over the desk, with that pathetic little geek fucking her brains out and basting her with cum. I want her to get down on her knees and begging for it from every half cute guy she sees. I want her pounded, and left a pathetic mess, just ready to be picked up and fucked again by the next guy willing to have her.”

The demon glanced over at the box of Demon Tails on her nightstand.

“No. I don’t want her to enjoy it that much. I like Ashlynn and Viv. She doesn’t deserve to be treated as well as my Succubi. And I don’t want her to forget, or not realize it happened. I want her to feel and remember every dick plunging into every one of her hungry holes. I want her to be the biggest whore that library has ever seen.”

The Master held out his hands for the book, and Lisa handed it to him. He flipped through, and handed it back to her on a page titled “The Curse of Compliance.” It described that once someone drank the potion, they would complete any task they were asked to undertake either in words or concentrated thought. It would take effect twenty four hours after the potion was drunk, and last for a day and a half.

“If I use this curse on Tammy, she would fuck anyone who really wanted to fuck her?”

“Immediately. She wouldn’t be able to help it.”

“It’s too bad she’s such a frumpy little bitch,” Lisa lamented.

“Come here,” he called. Lisa came towards him, and he reached up and ran the back of his fingers across her cheek. “You are beautiful, and you are powerful, and you have everything you need to punish her.”

Lisa nodded.

The demon took the book from her, and flipped through several pages. “Here is your solution.” He passed the book back to her, and she sat on the edge of the bed. His clever fingers undressed her as she read. Pandoraen Sculpting, this new spell described, was a method with which she could perfect another. She needed them to be asleep, and know the location of their slumber, and then she could alter Tammy to her needs. Tammy would stay in whatever form Lisa crafted for her until Lisa chose to unweave the magic. It would take several hours to do the ritual, but apart from some chanting, and then crafting the form, there was nothing in Pandorean Sculpting Lisa couldn’t do.

Smiling, a plan formed as she fell back into Erostopholes embrace.

Tammy was shocked when Lisa showed up on time on Wednesday morning. Lisa hadn’t shown up in time for an opening shift in over a month, and Tammy was certain she would have to do it all on her own.

She was also shocked to see Lisa dressed like she had been when she interviewed for the job. Her hair was a bit frizzy and out of place, and she was wearing khakis and a blue sweater that didn’t drip off her every curve. She even had two coffee when she walked through the door.

Lisa saw her opening the front doors, and even at a distance, she could tell Lisa was doing that weird breathing thing that freaked Tammy out. Lisa would take a deep breath in, and a long slow breath out, sometimes muttering something. Then, her entire personality would change, usually into some new type of vapid skank. Tammy rolled her eyes and went inside.

She put her things at her desk, and heard Lisa come in behind her. “Tammy,” she said softly. “I really want to apologize for yesterday, and I guess for a bit longer than that too.”

“Well, you should.” Tammy said, not looking at her. She knew this bitch had Josh wrapped around her little finger, but those tricks wouldn’t work on Tammy.

“I know. I’m really sorry. I’ve been, kind of out of control for the past little bit, and I don’t really know what got into me. But yesterday, you opened my eyes. I’ve got to make some major changes. I want to start with the way I’ve been treating you.”

Tammy looked over her shoulder. Lisa really sounded sorry.

“I’ve been overlooking you, and ignoring you, and walking all over you, treating you like you’re not even here. That’s over. I’m going to give you the respect you deserve.”

“That’s all I really can ask for,” Tammy said, feeling generous.

“You’re just, a really great person, you know? I brought a piece offering. You drink London Fogs, right?” she asked, pushing forward one of the cups.

Tammy nodded and took the drink. “I do. Thanks.” She took a sip, and stared at the cup. “Oh my god, this is really good! Where did you get this?”

“Oh, a special little place I know,” Lisa said with a smile.

That night, Tammy had the strangest dream. She felt like she was pulled out of her body, and through a blue door, through the ruins of some kind of castle, and then through another blue door and into a bed room. Lisa was there, and with her there were to devil women, one purple and one golden. Tammy was naked, and couldn’t move, as Lisa and the devils examined her, floating a few feet off the ground.

“Definitely need to do something about the hair,” Lisa said, running her hands through the mess of kinky locks Tammy could never get to behave. “Maybe a little longer, just past her shoulders, a chestnut with a bit of red worked through it? Curling just at the end. Oh, and lets do something about this resting bitch face.”

“Dimples,” suggested the purple devil. “Give her a smile that sticks around, no matter what she does, and dimples in her checks.”

“Fix her eyes. She’s squinting.” The golden devil said, and then began to run a hand down the side of her. It tickled, and she wanted to squirm or laugh, but she floated, immobile. “I don’t think this bitch has ever seen a gym or a sandwich. Look at these ribs. Let’s add some muscle. A bit of ab definition, and make sure her bones aren’t poking out.”

“Sure,” Lisa said, eyeing her. “And let’s add to the chest, and the ass.”

“Oh, give her really good fake tits,” the gold devil grinned evilly. “Everyone will think she got work done overnight if you don’t make them natural.” Lisa laughed cruelly and nodded.

Then a buzzing started to ripple through Tammy. It started in her hair, and then spread to her head and face. As the sensation moved down her neck to her arms and torso, it felt like the entire universe was shaking, and somewhere, in that sensation, she blacked out.

Tammy’s alarm started to blare, and she swatted at it, and heard her t-shirt rip. “Crap,” she swore, and then realized it felt way too tight. As she sat up, she realized something was very wrong. The shirt and gym shorts she had slept in where way to tight. Her shirt was mostly a problem because somehow, in the night, her small B-cup breasts had grown into a very large D. She peeled the shirt off.

Everything was different. Whatever had changed her had taken her perpetually underweight form, and given her a toned gym body, complete with the hints of a six pack. She flexed a little, and could see the muscles on her stomach clearly. She laughed with glee, and peeled herself out of the gym shorts as well. Whatever had changed her had given her a tight little ass, and the size XXS shorts that had always fit her scrawny form nearly tore as she removed them.

She rushed to the bathroom to examine herself. It had always been her curse: no matter what she did, what she ate, how long she spent at the gym, she was perpetually underweight. People always seemed concerned she had an eating disorder, or that something was wrong. Now, she had a body she had never even dared to dream off. Was it from the dream? How could it be? The bathroom mirror added another shock. Normally, she had frizzy, kinky hair, the colour of a field mouse. Now, it was falling perfectly, right out of bed, and was a beautiful auburn. She posed for a few moments, admiring herself. Whatever had changed her, she hoped it lasted.

As she tried to get dressed for work, she encountered a new problem. Even though she was still a small woman, she had gone up several sizes, with the little bit of muscle and all the extra tits and ass she now had. She scoured her closet for anything that would fit. She couldn’t get into any of her bras, and all her panties would be stretched out of shape if she pulled them up over the curve of her new ass. She pulled on an old summer camp T-shirt. It clung tightly to her new breasts, straining to be free. It made the shirt ride high, not even covering her navel. She took one of her biggest sweaters, a U of V hoodie and pulled it on over top. She tried several pairs of pants, but she couldn’t get any of them to button closed. Finally, she put on a long flowy white skirt, a bit thin for late October, but at least it would cover her.

She checked the mirror, and found she couldn’t stop smiling, and there was a dimple on her left check that kept shining through. When it made her smile, its twin appeared on her right cheek. She couldn’t remember ever feeling so cute. She hurried outside, worried she would be late for work.

She rushed through the streets, feeling warmer than she usually did in October. As she reached the bus stop, she was nearly sweating, like it was a hot summer day. When she got on the bus, it was even worse. If it hadn’t been so crowded with rush hour traffic, she would have slipped out of her sweater.

She got off at her stop, two blocks from the library. There was a bum sitting on the sidewalk, a guy Tammy found scary, who she always tried to ignore, but he always talked to her. “Spare some change?” he asked gruffly. He seemed as surprised as Tammy was when she stopped, reached into her purse, and put about three dollars of loose change she had floating around in his dirty coffee cup. “Thanks!” he grinned, and she hurried away, feeling confused.

She walked past a construction site, where three or four of the crew were already at work. “Show us your tits!” One of them shouted at her. Before Tammy knew what she was doing, she lifted her shirt and flashed her new chest at the stunned guys. She blushed, and ran the rest of the way to the library. “Told you it would work someday,” the shouter gloated.

She hurried through the front doors, and rushed to the office behind the front desk. Tammy was shocked to find Lisa sitting there, waiting. Lisa was dressed like a whore again, in a long black sweater that she was pretending was a dress, fitted tightly to her body, and barely covering her ass. She had a thick red belt and knee high fuck me boots on. She looked like she was headed to the club, not a day at work. She was nursing a large coffee, and looking right at Tammy.

“What happened to yesterday, when you were sorry?” Tammy huffed. Today was weird, and she didn’t want to deal with skanky Lisa.

“Oh, that was yesterday,” Lisa said, grinning evilly. “Today it’s your turn to be sorry.”

“What do I have to be sorry for?”

“Calling me a slut.”

Tammy laughed. “Like you didn’t know. We’re all tired of the way you’re manipulating Josh. You shouldn’t get to act like a little whore and get everything you want.”

“What I want…” Lisa mused and sipped her coffee. Tammy glared at her. “How about you open your desk drawer and pull out the gift I left you?”

Tammy was nervous as she opened the top drawer of her metal desk. Then, she was a little disgusted as she saw a huge black rubber dildo, molded to look like a dick, complete with balls. There was a little red ribbon tied around the thick, twelve inch long shaft.

“Unwrap your gift, and then how about you, oh, I don’t know, go fuck yourself?”

“I don’t know what you think you’re doing,” Tammy said, as her fingers acted of their own accord, and undid the ribbon, “But this is pretty inappropriate.” Tammy bunched her skirt up around her waist, and sat down in her office chair, hooking a knee over each of the arms. “Josh will be here soon, and when he…” She was cut short by a gasp, as she started to slide the head of the huge toy between the lips of her pussy. She was shocked to find she was soaking wet.

“Oh good, I can’t wait for Josh to get here, and talk to us about who’s inappropriate.”

Tammy’s hands were moving of their own accord. She tried to stop, but her body kept guiding the dildo between her legs. Slowly, Tammy slipped the thing deeper and deeper into her. She watched the lean muscles on her knew legs tense, as she pushed inch after inch of the thick rubber member into her aching pussy. It felt like it might split her apart, but it was only a tinge of pain. It felt so good as it slide slowly into her. Tammy found herself arching against it. She wanted to glare at Lisa, but she could feel that the smile never left, in the dimples. She shuddered as her hands kept increasing the pressure, giving her more and more of her ‘present’. The thickness kept sliding into her, and she found her body shaking with a need to move towards it. “What did you do to me?”

“Oh, so many things, sweetie,” Lisa said, her voice like venom. “A bunch of them were even nice. For example, no matter what happens to you today, you won’t be able to wipe that grin off your face. You’re incapable of any expression that does not look happy. Since you probably won’t be wearing much, I also made sure your body runs hot. You won’t get cold if someone decides to throw you down on the side walk and ride you like the bitch you are. And I want to make sure that everyone who uses you has a great time, so you’re going to find that any place anyone wants to slide a dick into you is going to be well lubricated in your new body.”

Tammy shivered as the balls of the toy slapped against her skin. She couldn’t believe she fit that whole monster cock inside of her, and it felt so good. While she felt everything happening to her, she had no control over her body. She wanted to put her legs down, to stop, but it was no use. She started to pull the toy back out, and then, when it was halfway out, she shoved it back into her aching sex. Her new abs tensed, and she loved watching them. She started fucking herself with the toy, rather fast and viciously. She would have enjoyed it a bit more slowly, she thought, but she couldn’t stop ramming it into her cunt hard. “How are you making me do this?” Tammy begged.

“I don’t know how anyone could possibly make you do that,” Lisa shrugged. She looked out beyond the front desk, and then jumped up and waved. “Oh, Josh!” she shouted. “Thanks for coming in early! We’re in here!”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her boss walking through the front doors. She tried to stop playing with herself, but her hands kept pushing the toy into her, harder and faster. Her arms and hands wouldn’t obey her. She was even bucking against the fucking thing, her hips pushing to drive it into her with a growing desperation she didn’t want to cop to. She realized she was entirely on display, and if she couldn’t stop fucking herself, she could at least hide. She started to squirm, as best she could, between strokes, and get herself out of the chair and under her desk.

“Oh no you don’t,” Lisa whispered. “Stay right where you are, bitch.”

So Tammy found herself, splayed open on her office chair, frantically feeding an enormous rubber dick in and out of her dripping cunt. Her skirt was bunched up around her waist. She held back the moans that tried to shudder free. The bright smile stayed locked in place as Josh walked in.

“So,” Josh called, not looking around yet. He put his coat and bag on his desk, and fiddled with a few papers. “You wanted some mediation regarding inappropriate behaviour? I’ve got to say, I don’t like dealing with this feud…” He turned, and saw Lisa, sweating, her skirt around her waist, her lean body spread wide. She felt herself pick up the speed, pushing the toy into her fast, until it was too much. Every inch of her tensed and shook.

“Fuck yes!” She screamed out loudly. “That feels so fucking good!” She shuddered in ecstasy. She bucked against the hands pushing the dildo deep into her, spreading her wide. Her body shook. When the orgasm passed, she pulled the twelve inches of black rubber out of her. Tammy glared at Lisa, who was smiling. Tammy usually bit her lip quietly when she came. The screaming was more of whatever Lisa had done to her.

“Tammy?” Josh asked, examining her. It took him a moment to see the frumpy staff member through the modifications. He recognized her, but Tammy could see he was in shock. She wasn’t sure if it was the change in her body, or seeing her there, still on display.

“She looks good, doesn’t she Josh?” Lisa asked. “I mean, I’m not sure what that was about…” she said, motioning to the discarded toy. “It’s like she’s begging you to bed her over the desk, and fuck her until you’re ready to cum all over those adorable dimples.”

“No, of course not,” Josh sputtered. Lisa nodded and walked outside into the main hall of the library. Josh glanced at Tammy, and he started to blush. She could see in his mind that he was picturing Lisa’s suggestion, imagining it.

Tammy couldn’t help herself. She slipped out of the tight T-Shirt, and pulled the skirt down. She leaned over the edge of the desk, and spread her legs. She looked over her shoulder and licked her lips. Her body was moving on its own, on autopilot. She wanted to stop it. She didn’t want to lose her job. She kind of even liked Josh. Yet her she was, presenting herself like a cheap whore for him.

She watched Josh as he glanced out the door. No one seemed to be there. Then he walked up behind her. “Is this what you want?”

Before her mind could say anything, come up with some defence, she heard herself say, “More than anything.” With one hand, she spread open her lower lips, and the other hand began gently circling her clit. She moaned. “I’m ready for you,” her body said on autopilot.

Continued at https://erostopholes.wordpress.com/2015/11/06/lechomancer-curses-chapter-2-open-to-suggestion/

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/3rsamt/lechomancer_curses_chapter_2_open_to