Be Careful What You Wish For.. #Part3 [MFF][RELUC][VOY][ORAL]

Part 3 – The Aftermath

I pulled on some jogging bottoms and stuffed the panties into my pocket, grabbing a towel out of the wash basket before carefully closing the door behind me. I'm not sure why I was trying to be so quiet she clearly had been watching me fuck the ever living brains out of Hannah, and enjoying herself while she was at it.

Is that her thing? Is that why our sex life has been so dead, because she prefers to watch? Or was it the struggle that turned her on?

My brain was racing at a million miles an hour, I was exhausted, adrenaline-fuelled, still a little tipsy, shocked, guilty and excited at the same time. It was a lot to take in. I mopped the floor with the towel and played back the scene in my head. Holy fuck was it incredible. I'd never felt like that in my life, the power and control was intoxicating. As I knelt on the floor Hannah opened the bathroom door, still as naked as the day she was born and made no attempt to cover herself up. She placed one hand on the door frame and hung there seductively, her face cleaned up and hair tied back but her body still covered in both of our juices. "You did this" she said, wiping a finger across her perky breast, scooping up some cum and licking it off her finger. "This is your fault. You should come and clean it all up". I laughed and shook my head "You can do that yourself honey" I said in a cocky tone, "I should be making *you** clean me up!"*. My confidence had obviously sky-rocketed in the last hour or so, but was about to be brought crashing back down to Earth in a way I never imagined.

"Jennifer, can you come here please?"

I froze on the spot, still on my knee, body filled with dread. What the hell was she playing at, was this just a game to her? I turned my head to the bedroom door and out came Jennifer, head hung low with both hands crossed neatly behind her back. She didn't look at me or Hannah, she just stared at the floor without saying a word, and stopped in the hall behind me. "Your on clean up duty, come sort me out". Without a word and without looking up, Jennifer walked straight into the bathroom and picked up a sponge. Hannah laughed softly, "Oh Darling, you won't be needing that for while yet". She turned to face me with a 'matter-of-fact' look across her face. "You'll pay for your disobedience later". She winked, blew me a kiss in that way she always does, and closed the door behind her and I heard the key turn and get pulled from the door.

Did that really just happen? I shook my head in disbelief, and ran up to the door, pulling on the handle. Locked, as I thought. I pressed my ear to the wood, but all I could hear was Hannah talking in muffled sounds, I couldn't make out the words though. I dropped to my knees and stared at the keyhole. She had removed the key, I bet that was deliberate. She wanted me to see what was going on, but be powerless to stop it. Maybe I wasn't in control earlier at all, she just wanted me to feel like I was. I took a deep breath and peered through my tiny view port. The shower was running hot as the room was filling with steam, but Hannah was stood in the middle of the bathroom and Jennifer was knelt in front of her, hands crossed behind her back. I watched as Hannah ran her fingers through Jennifer's hair, and very gently pulled her face against her glistening thighs. Jennifer automatically started lapping at the cum like a dog at a bowl of water, and Hannah let out a sigh "Good girl, clean it all up. I want you to remember how it got there, how I got in this mess. Your husband did this to me, in your house, remember that". Jennifer just carried on, meticulously licking every inch of her thigh until it was clean of cum and then moving on to the next patch, getting closer and closer to her groin. I didn't even notice that I had pulled my joggers down and started slowly stroking my cock, I was so captivated by what I was seeing I didn't notice how sore and sensitive I was, I didn't care. As Jennifer's tongue got closer and closer to Hannah's soaking wet and bright red mound, I started beating faster and faster. Jennifer paused for the briefest of seconds before she dragged her tongue in a long slow motion up the right side of her mound, then the same on the left, then looked up as she flicked her tongue against her clit. Hannah suddenly sprung into life and slapped her hard across the face, knocking her to floor. "I did not say you were allowed to do that!" I almost fell back in surprise. She threw a wet cloth at her face whilst she lay on the floor and started towards the door, slipping the key in the lock to block my view. The last words I heard were simply "Now clean me properly, I want to go to bed". I sat back on the floor, the pain in my cock now starting to register. She ruled the both of us, I understood that now. Can I take the power back? I decided not to wait outside the bathroom as to not make myself look weak and went back to bed. Although I wanted to stay up until they were finished, the adrenaline must have run out and I crashed out completely.

When I awoke, I was alone. I was still in my joggers so I went down stairs to find Jennifer in the kitchen making breakfast. "Hello sleepyhead!" she said and a surprisingly chirpy voice "Do you want tea or coffee?". I slid onto a barstool, a little unsure of how to react. "I'll ermm, I'll have coffee, thanks. Where is..?" I paused for a second, did I really want to tug at that thread? "Oh she had to pop out early, she said to say goodbye". Jennifer had the biggest smile on her face I had seen in a long time, but I could still see the faint outline of a hand print on her cheek. It was a Sunday so we didn't have work, I just sat quietly and drank my coffee. All I could think about was how to get the upper hand with Hannah, and how I could use Jennifer to do that. I became consumed and spent the next hour staring at the counter, playing events over in my head while Jennifer happily tidied up the house. I suddenly remembered the polaroid, and dashed upstairs to get it. I pulled the crumpled photo from my work trousers and stared it for a second, then it hit me. How did I not see this before?! It's staring me in the fucking face!" Hannah, was holding her shirt open with both hands. She wasn't holding the camera. At that moment Jennifer came up the stairs, flashed me a smile and took the washing basket away. I didn't even try and hide the photo, it was her, she was holding the camera.

I threw on some clothes and jumped in my car, I didn't even tell Jennifer I was leaving. I had to find Hannah somehow. I drove to her house, but all the curtains were drawn and lights were off, no answer at the door. I went to work but that was all locked up. I knew she didn't have any relatives live locally, I didn't know if she had any friends. I drove to a few place we had been together I was getting desperate. I didn't even know what I was going to do if I found her, I just need to find her. I drove around for hours, and only gave up as it started to get dark. I drove up the driveway, and noticed all the lights in the house were off. Odd. Had Hannah come to take Jennifer away? I gave up trying to second guess what was going on and went in through the front door. I stepped in the front room and flicked on a light switch, and was immediately stopped in my tracks.

An armchair had been dragged into the middle of the room and Hannah was sat in it cross legged, a smug smile across her face. She was wearing very dark lipstick and eye-liner, and looked paler than usual. She had a very tight body conforming black dress on, halfway down the thigh, and a pair of jet black shoes with the biggest spiked heels I had ever seen. She was holding a glass of red wine in one hand, and a leash in the other. My wife was kneeling on the floor next to the chair, completely naked, but had her hands hog tied to her ankles behind her. Her breasts were bound and forced into perky swollen mounds, and she was sat on a small saddle on the floor which looked mechanical but wasn't on. Her eyes looked empty, as if she wasn't even present. She simply stared at the wall next to me.

"We have been waiting for you. You have been a *very** naughty boy…"*

Stay tuned for Part 4



  1. Glad to hear it, Part 4 should be up later today! I have an idea for part 5 and further than that, if it keeps proving popular I’ll keep writing it because it’s a lot of fun!

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