Sexy Scrabble Part 4 [mf] [Mdom]

I can’t get her out of my head…I just can’t. Images of Courtney’s smooth milky white skin floods my memory. Her swollen pussy lips opening up to reveal her glistening wet pink pussy. I am getting hard just thinking about how sweet she tasted. Damn! And I am in the middle of economics class. I can feel my dick start to swell and push against the denim of my pants. Fuck! Why does Court turn me on like this? More importantly how? I should be having wet fantasies about my girlfriend Rachel, not her best friend Courtney. But Courtney has that beautiful long soft blond hair, long delicate legs, huge round boobs with perfectly perky peach nipples, and her ass…damn I need to stop thinking about her.

“Umm Ms. Daren” I raise my hand and ask the teacher.

“What do you want now Ethan” she responds annoyed

“I need to use the restroom” I say trying to sound innocent

“Ethan, I recommend you start paying attention and class and stop goofing off in it, so no you may not use it” She chides me

That bitch! I mentally think.

“With all do respect, I recommend you let me go before I wet your floor” I say out loud darkly

“Go” She sighs exasperatedly “but disrespect me one more time and it's the principal’s office you’ll be going to, not the bathroom”

“Thank you” I make a show of it as I shut the door behind me.

I am on my way to the far bathroom in the back of the school where I know I can jerk off and not get disturbed. Then I see it: A glimpse of blond hair and long legs turning the corner in front of me. Fuck even if it isn't her I need to find out. I rush to catch up and the light flower smell begins to hit me…it's her!

Courtney…I see her slowly move down the hall with her head down and in her hands in her black hoodie’s pockets. It looks like she just got in trouble for something..perfect it's time for me to get her in even deeper trouble.

I rush to catch up to her. One hand grabs her thin waist another closes around her pretty pink lips. I drag her struggling body into the empty janitor's closet. As soon as I let her go she spins around to punch me. “What the hell…Ethan?!?” She seems shocked. Her surprised face has my body pulsing. I move in closer inches away from her. I don’t know what to say, so I do the only thing that I've been wanting to do since she literally ran out of my house. I lean forward and deeply kiss her.

His lips dance around my own as if my own pounding heart beat is their song. To say I was shocked to be dragged into a fucking cleaning closet by Ethat is an understatement. To say I wasn’t enjoying this is even more of an understatement. Every little touch and movement from him has me tingling with excitement.

I hear myself let out a soft moan I feel Ethan’s right hand dig into my ass. His left hand is softly rubbing the spot behind my ear. Fuck! how does he know about that spot! I feel my panties start to dampen, and I can feel it now that deep burning desire that starts in the pit of my stomach and works its way down till it buries deep in the core of my pussy just begging to be pounded, igniting a deep urge in me.

Pushing my hands under Ethan’s shirt I manage to moan out “I want you…I want you so fucking bad Ethan” and at that he almost growls.

His hard cock covered by his jeans grinds into me. His right hand grips harder into me while his left moves to my breasts. Fuck! He is better than I imagined. I gasp out as his lips move to my neck where he kisses up to that little spot behind my ear and starts sucking on it.

“ohhhhmmmmm yesss” I am moaning out now.

“why?” Ethan whispers in my ear.

“hmmm..wh..what?” I pant out. My mind is swirling with desire and I can’t even think straight to answer.

“You left me. Why?” He whispers sternly in my ear.

I think for a minute. Oh yeah…Ethan’s basement. “Desire” I whisper back, “I wanted you too much.”

At this response Ethan pulls me close and buries his soft lips in the crook of my neck. My hands automatically go to grip his shoulders, but he pulls my left hand off his shoulder. Slowly and gently he guides my hand to his cock which is just throbbing to be released from his pants.

“This” he says slowly. “this is how much I want you Courtney”

I push myself away from him and look into his deep green eyes. They are swirling with panic that I might be leaving him. With a smirk I pull my black hoodie and white t shirt off to reveal my lacy pink bra before I slowly take off my khaki shorts and panties.

“Then have me Ethan” I say standing in front of him in nothing but my lacy pink bra.

Her beautiful pale and smooth breasts swell against the thin lacy pink fabric. I try to keep my eyes from trailing down her body so I focus on her pale blue eyes. They seemed to have darkened and are swirling around with emotions of desire. Fuck! Her eyes are helping me control anything, they just make me want to fuck her more and more. I trail my eyes along her pale smooth stomach and make my way down to her beautiful smooth pussy.

“Uggg Courtney what has she done to me” I think as I slowly move my fingers up from her hips, across the outside of her bra and lightly across her pink tinted cheeks were I gently brush her blond hair back behind her ear. I relish ever shiver and gasp she makes at the feeling of my touch.

“Beautiful” I whisper and it startles me…never have I ever called a woman that, not even my own girlfriend. Yet, here Courtney has me, tripping over myself.

Her own soft delicate fingers trail along my jawline and I hear her whisper back “You’re beautiful too”

Damn! How can something so simple get my blood flowing so much. I find myself picking her up and shoving her against the wall. Her legs wrap around my torso and her hand grab onto my shoulders. I pull her tight up against my body as she starts to trace random shapes into my back. I feel her shiver in my hands as I whisper in her ear “you know what that makes me want to do right”

“Hmmmm what do you want to do?” she replies her soft hair brushes against me as she places light kiss on my collar bone. I pull her in even closer, pressing my hardening cock against her.

“Just some of this” I whisper again but this time I start to nibble on her earlobe before moving down to trail soft kisses along her neck. I her gasp out when I find that little spot on her neck that she loves. Her fingers are now playing with my hair at the base of my neck and I can’t keep my reactions to myself any longer. My hips begin to grind into her, moving right to left slowly letting her feel me get harder and harder. My lips continue their exploration of her neck while my hands move to the small of her back. She arches into me, those beautiful breasts push into my chest.

“Oh I think I can take it” she breathlessly replys to me.

I smirk and say “You think wrong. but I’ll happily prove that to you” as my hands go down further her body and grab her full ass.

I feel her finger dig into my back in reaction as she says while biting her lip sweet pink lips “Oh please prove it to me”

Her gripping fingers have me wanting to rub harder and harder into her. I release my tight grip on her ass for a bit to say with a smile “do you really think you can handle it” and I press into her firmly to let her feel every bit of my hardness.

“Mmmmmm pl, pl, please let me try” she whimpers into my shoulder her soft silk like hair brushing against my chest.

“Maybe we should just start by putting those panties into you, deeper and deeper.” I say slowly lowering her to the ground till her feet hit the floor. I kneel down and find her soft white cotton panties. Slowly I trail the soft fabric up her legs and I feel her legs begin to tremble.

Arthur's Note:

Dedicated to you Canada boy ;) who inspired parts of this chapter….you know who you are ;)
