Be Careful What You Wish For.. #Part1&2 [MFF][RELUC][VOY][ORAL]

PART 1 – The Encounter

So my wife Jennifer and I have been together 5 years, lived together for 3 of those and married for 2. Our sex life has always been.. lacking. Vanilla. For the want of a better word, boring. She is a beautiful woman, standing tall at 5'9 and with a tight athletic build, dark brown eyes and hazelnut hair down between her shoulder blades. She just isn't that sexually active. Maybe it is just me, maybe she's not really that attracted to me. Either way, as time went on and sexual encounters became few and far between, my gaze started wandering elsewhere, craving attention where I could find it.

That is when it all started. That is when she arrived.

Sat at my desk at work one day, I hear my co-worker showing round the new hire. I couldn't be bothered with this, I had far too much work to do, but I hear the gentle rapping at my door and the handle being tugged on before I even invited them in. * Sigh. * What's the point of knocking if you are going to invite yourself in? I wasn't even going to look up from my paperwork.

"Hi Dave, just wanted to introduce you to the new secretary, Hannah!"

I breathed a deep sigh to vocalise my annoyance at being interrupted and looked up, and was instantly stopped in my tracks. Words failed to form in my mouth, I just made a stupid fucking noise. She was truly stunning, genuine 'stop-in-your-tracks-and-stare' looks. She stood about 5'4 tall and had a very petite frame, she looked like she took very good care of her body. A tight white blouse struggled against her ample breasts, and a fitted high-waisted red pencil skirt showed off an incredible body shape. Her lips were full and covered in invitingly bright red lipstick, eyes were as emerald as the sea in Maui and I swear to God they actually fucking sparkled. Her hair was almost white blonde and was very long, almost down to her perfect tight little bubble butt, tied all the way down in a perfect French plat. Her perfectly shaped legs were covered in light hosiery, and her feet capped in shiny red heels.

She was simply the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

Luckily for me, she ignored my inability to form a sentence and stepped forward hand outstretched. "Hi Dave, nice to meet you!" I shook it and managed to pluck some words out of the fog now clouding my brain. "Ahh, yeah, erm, nice to meet you too!".

For the next few months the flirting ensued, and boy was it fun! We had so much in common and there was an obvious attraction. Every minute of every work day we exchanged flirty compliments, stories, anything to stay in each other company. At every opportunity, my hand was brushing against her arm, her cheek, her neck, anything so I got to feel her creamy white skin. Then came the night of the office party. That's when things began to change.

It was the first party of the season, our office had a party to celebrate the anniversary of the company being founded on October 1st, this one was just for the employees so partners and spouses weren't invited. I normally hated this one and made my excuses, but it was another couple of hours I could spend with her. A few drinks, a little food, and I don't really remember how or why but we found ourselves hiding in the storage cupboard. Clichéd, I know. I think we were trying to get away from some awful party game, but we both knew what was going to happen. It was inevitable, the climax of the last few months charades. As people were roaming the halls outside the door, she gently lent into me and nuzzled her head under my chin. I sighed softly and slipped my arms around her, giving her a squeeze, and she didn't hesitate in dragging a hand down my front and unhooking my belt. No words were spoken, I didn't want to fight it any more. She flicked the button with a twist of her finger and thumb, dragged the fly down and reached into my boxers shorts, flopping out my rapidly thickening cock with ease. Without looking at me she slowly and very lightly dragged her fingertips up and down my shaft as it twitched and grew into life, quickly developing the thickest, hardest erection I had ever had. As it reached it's peak, she grabbed it hard in her palm and started working me like a pro, and I collapsed against the shelves unable to hold my own weight. She whispered "Let me take care of you" and dropped to her knees, gently staring to kiss and nip at my throbbing swollen head. Her hand expertly danced up and down the shaft as she sucked the whole head into her mouth, and I knew I wasn't going to last long. It had been so long since I'd had any female attention it was always going to end far to quick. She started playfully kneading and tugging at my balls with her spare hand, sucking harder and deeper now, her thumb and forefinger milking the base of my cock. It's like she wanted me to finish, she was not wasting time. She knows I hadn't cum for months, we talked about it all the time. She almost seemed desperate for it. I glanced down at her and she peered back up at me, nodding and squeezing my sack as if to let me know it was OK, to let me know I could cum. I let go, and years of pent up sexual tension started to pour into her mouth in hot, thick sticky waves, and she lapped it all up. I sunk my hands into her hair gripping tightly and groaned as the cum kept flowing, and she just kept sucking and milking, eager for every last drop. After about a minute it finally stopped, and she slowly drew back from my cock, lips pursed tight. She was obviously holding it all in her mouth. Panting hard, I watched as she stood with a massive smile on her face, and stared deep into my eyes as she swallowed. Hard. It must have been a big load, but it all went down in one big gulp. She made a big 'ahh' sound and grabbed the lapels of my shirt, kissing me deeply before pushing me back a little and staring at my face, noses almost touching. Her expression had changed, she looked… serious, almost determined, mouthing quietly:

"You are mine now, bitch".

And with that, she walked out and shut the door. Well I thought that was odd, but I didn't care. I had just had the best blowjob of my entire life. I stood leaning for a while to catch my breath, tidied myself up and left for home.

Hannah was now on holiday for the next few weeks, so I didn't see her for a while after that. Slowly as the days past, I felt more and more guilty and decided that it couldn't happen again. I would have a chat with her when she got back, she would be in the day of the office Halloween party. I would take her to one side, and tell her it can't happen again. I'm sure she would understand.

What happened next changed my life forever.

For some reason Hannah wasn't in during the day, but I heard from colleagues that she would be arriving at the party. Dammit, I was hoping to talk to her before, Jennifer would be at the party. I started to panic as the day went on. Would she out me? Is this it for my marriage? It got to 5PM and I started drinking, I needed to calm the fuck down. Turns out I had a little too much dutch courage, and I passed out in my office before the party even began.

As I came to my head felt really fuzzy, a lot worse than it ever had from drinking before. I can normally handle my drink, why did I feel this crappy? I could hear the party in full swing outside my office door, I assume no one realised I was in here. I tried to raise my hand to rub my head, only to discover that they were cuffed together behind the chair. What the fuck? Was this a prank? I tried to look around, but every move of my head made me want to throw up.

"You shouldn't be awake yet."

Fuck. It was her, it was Hannah. I'd recognise that voice any day. Where was she? I couldn't work out where in the room she was. Suddenly she slipped in front of me, hands on hips. I could only see her silhouette, she looked as thought she was dressed as a slutty cop. That explains the cuffs.

"You have been a very, very naughty boy."

I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. I didn't understand what was going on. Were we having sex? What did she say about waking up? Without a word, she started to hitch up her already short skirt, and started wiggling out of her panties. She rolled them up in a ball and slowly started to walk up to me, and I could see a sinister grin on her lips. Despite my admittedly weak protest, she started to stuff the panties into my mouth. My god they were absolutely soaking with her cum. I started to gag as they reached my throat, and she straddled my lap and pinched my nose, blocking my airways completely. Panic staring rising as everything began to fade to black.

"Night night my sweet prince"

What happened after that, I never found out. I woke up in the morning feeling like death, the sun streaming through my office window. I was still in my office. I patted myself down to discover I was still dressed, laying on my sofa. I swivelled round and rubbed my head, trying to adjust to the daylight. Was it all a dream? I glanced around the room for any signs of what had happened, and in the middle of the floor it sat. The panties, a bottle sleeping pills next to my whiskey and a polaroid of me naked, strapped to the chair with her kneeling between my legs holding the camera up selfie style, pouting like a stupid teenager with cum on her exposed breasts. So it was real, it did happen. Fuck. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to take it. I stuffed the picture into my pocket, threw the panties in the bin and checked my phone. No missed calls from my wife, that was very odd. I had to get home, I had to see her, I had to find out what had happened to her last night. Had Hannah done something to her? I would never forgive myself.

I rushed through the traffic at breakneck speed, jumping red lights and nearly causing collision after collision. I just wanted to make sure she was OK. I ran up the driveway and burst through the front door, only to be frozen in shock. Sat on the sofa was Jennifer.. and Hannah. Giggling like school girls over a cup of coffee the both turned to me and laughed, chiming in unison "Looks who's finally awake!". As they burst out laughing again, Hannah blew me a sly kiss. I honestly didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to act. My wife turned to me with a pleasant smile; "What did YOU get up to last night then?".

PART 2 – The Power Struggle

I slumped against the doorframe, I couldn't breathe properly. This woman had drugged me, tied me up and molested me less than 12 hours ago, and somehow she was now in my house, on my sofa, laughing and giggling with my wife. They hadn't even met before, how did this happen?!

The laughing subsided a little, my wife turned to face me, putting her self between Hannah. "You OK hun, you look a bit out of it? Heavy night last night?". Hannah blew me a kiss and licked her lips, her smile looked almost evil. "I, erm, I don't know what happened. Someone… someone must have spiked my drink I guess" I glanced at Hannah, trying as best I could to hide my anger. She put on a 'holier-than-thou' face as if she had no idea what I was talking about. "You were completely passed out when I arrived, we just let you sleep it off. Why didn't you tell me about Hannah, she's so much fun! We had a right laugh last night."

So now she's befriended my wife. What does this crazy bitch want from me?! I slid into a chair just inside the doorway, my gaze fixed on Hannah. * "I don't tell you about everyone I work with"* I grumbled, trying to make sense of what was happening. My wife stood up, more serious now "OK, your obviously not in the mood to talk and I don't want to be hanging around here if your going to be stomping about like a bear with a sore head all day, come on Hannah, lets go shopping". Before I could protest, Jennifer had kissed me on the forehead and was out the door, Hannah skipping along behind. She paused next to me, smiling as if nothing happened, kissing the tips of her fingers and touching my nose before disappearing off after Jennifer.

I decided to clean myself up and have a shower, try and get my head straight. As I got undressed the smell of sex hit me in the face like a brick wall, I was covered in the aftermath of whatever went on in that office. I pulled the photo out of my pocket and stared at it, studying it to try and see if I could work out what the hell had happened. Hannah looked like a stupid teen posing for a Facebook photo, except she was clearly covered in my cum. I was cuffed to the chair, but I was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Did I enjoy it? Can I just not remember what happened?

After getting cleaned up and having time to think, I decided to not make any judgements. I clearly looked like I was having a good time in the photo, maybe it was just a sex game gone too far, maybe she isn't insane. Jennifer text me to tell me they were on their way back and that Hannah was stopping for dinner. Maybe I would get a chance to take her to one side and talk about it, like grown ups.

I'd had time to calm down, so I decided to make dinner for us all, and I heard them come through the door while I was just getting everything in the oven. "We're Back!" my wife called from the hallway "I'm in the kitchen hun" The came through the doorway, and I had to do a double take. "What do you think?" My wife held her hands out gesturing towards Hannah, as if she was a piece of furniture.

She had her cut and dyed, and it looked exactly like Jennifer's. Colour, length, shape, it was like she was wearing my wife's hair as a wig. "Yeah, looks… it looks great" Hannah tossed her hair about and played with it like a model on a shampoo advert. "You could be a little more enthusiastic" she chimed, doing a twirl. Despite everything, I couldn't get over how stunning she looked.

Dinner was surprisingly pleasant and Hannah kept the flirting to a bare minimum, if anything she flirted more with my wife than me. We all got along very well, shared a lot in common and just sat and chatted for hours on end. I managed to forget the prior evenings events, but I never got a chance to speak to Hannah alone. At about 1AM after many, many glasses of wine we agree it's too late for Hannah to go home and that she would stay in our guest room. We said our good-nights and Jennifer and I went off to our room in good spirits. She hadn't been this cuddly and affectionate in a long time. She was getting quite handsy as we climbed the stairs, undressing my as we stumbled through the bedroom door. Like drunken teenagers on a prom night we starting pulling at each others clothes, giggling and shushing each other as if our parents were in the next room. She ripped my shirt open and started kissing and biting my chest, grabbing blindly at my belt. I unclasped the shoulder straps on her dress and yanked it down off her body, and she pushed me backward on the bed to pull down my trousers and pants, my cock bobbing about in a semi-erect state (I had a lot of wine), glistening with pre-cum. She stood in front of me in nothing but a pair of pink lace panties, a damp patch slowly spreading across the material as she struggled to stand up, biting the tip of her forefinger like a cheeky school girl. She started pushing my cock about side-to-side with her other hand as if she didn't know what to do with it. After a second or two of nothing happening, I decided to take control and grabbed her by the hips, kissing her stomach just below the navel. She shrugged and pushed me back a little, shaking her head "You know I don;t like it when you kiss me… down there" I sighed and leant back on my hands, looking up at her "We are adults you know, you can call a pussy a pussy". She shivered and turned away "Please, stop it, I don't like that word". I held my cock in my hand and gestured towards it "Well why don't you do me then?" I said arrogantly. She looked at me meekly and shook her head slightly "I… I don't want to" I stood up and firmly started to push down on her shoulder, trying to force her to her knees. The drink was taking over at this point. "Come on baby, you'll enjoy it when you get into it", she pushed my arm away and stepped to one side, shaking her head more furiously. I sighed angrily and stormed out the bedroom. "where are you going?" she called out, sounding worried. "I'm going to have fucking wank, seeing as though you don't want to do anything about it". I went to the bathroom and slammed the door, jacked myself off to a most unsatisfying orgasm and by the time I got back to the bedroom she was already fast asleep. I shrugged to myself and got into bed next to her, falling asleep almost instantly.

Later in the night, I have no idea what time, I woke up due to movement on the bed. To my surprise when I opened my eyes, I saw Jennifer kneeling across my legs at the end of the bed, sitting on my ankles. Her head was bowed forward so her hair was covering her face, but she had one hand behind her propping herself up, the other was stuffed down the front of her pink lace panties, the stain still evident from earlier. Her fingers were slowly gliding back and forth over her clit, whimpering and moaning softly with each draw. I stared for a while, and started idly playing with my cock, enjoying this very spontaneous show. Maybe she felt bad about earlier and wanted to make it up to me? I watched for a while as she toyed with her lips, tha panties barely concealing her fingers as the slid up, down and around her lips, dipping in and out of her tight wet hole. I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better view, and Jennifer rolled against me as the bed dipped. *Wait, *what? ** I turned to my right and Jennifer was fast asleep next to me, completely naked. I looked back and Hannah lifted her head up, a dirty grin spreading from ear to ear as she lifted her hand to her mouth and sucked her forefinger. She was wearing Jennifer's underwear. I quickly gestured to her to get out the room and I slid out of bed quietly as possible, shooing her out before Jennifer woke up.

We got out on to the landing and she stood leaning against the bannister with one hand, smiling at me. "What the hell are you doing?! Are you trying to get caught? Did you take those off of my wife?!". She nodded slowly biting her lip, whispering softly "Sexy, isn't it? I had sooo much fun getting them off her without waking her up. She smells so sweet… I couldn't help myself, I had to have a little taste, and once I'd had a taste… I couldn't help but fuck myself silly right there and then". She shrugged and giggled. "Can you blame me?". She started lightly drawing circles on my chest with her fingernail, staring down at my cock hanging between my thighs. I could feel it rising as my erection took shape, I couldn't help but be turned on. "This is crazy, she's right behind that door, she could wake up and minute!" Hannah's eyes lit up "But that's what makes it so exciting!" She grabbed my balls hard and squeezed them tightly. It hurt, a lot. "Fuck me, fuck me right here in this hallway" I shook my head, grabbing her wrist hard and wrenching it upward and away from my balls, shoving her backward. This only seemed to turn her on more. "Are you fucking crazy?!". She hooked her thumbs into the panties and wiggled them down her thighs, twirling them in circles round her finger tip and beckoning me with the other hand "You know you want to, look at that big throbbing cock, you can't hide that!". A rage came over me, how dare she demand this of me in my own house! I stormed forward and snatched the panties off of her and grabbed the back of her head stuffing them in her mouth. She suddenly went weak at the knees, eyes rolling as a huge squirt of grool sprayed down her legs like a shot from a high powered hose. This was obviously turning her on more, she grabbed at my cock again as she straightened up, a hungry look in her eyes.

If she wants a fucking, I'll give her a fucking.

I grabbed her with both hands and spun her around to face away from me, wrapping my hand in her hair and forced her head forward over the bannister, bending her at the waist. She slapped the bannister with both hand and moaned out loud through the panties, but I didn't care any more. Keeping her head held down with one hand and the other placed on her hip, I stared down at her completely shaven pussy lips now presented to me between her thighs, dripping from the orgasm she had just released over the wooden floor. I felt an evil grin creep over my face as I licked my lips and paused for just a second, and then forcefully stuffed my whole cock into her pussy, enjoying the feeling of her pushing back and stretching around me, squirming and wriggling in my hands. She screamed again but I kept forcing my way in until my groin was pressed hard against her buttocks, and I started to laugh out loud as I pulled her head back to see mascara soaked tears streaming down her face as she struggled for air. I turned her head away and started pound against her hard, slowly at first, thrusting with all my strength before picking up the pace, slapping her ass hard with my open hand leaving bright red prints. The panties barely muffled her moans and groans, she kept slapping her palms against the wood and trying to lift her head, but she wasn't strong enough to push back against me as I fucked her harder and harder, my balls tightening as she squeezed my cock with her spasming pussy. She was cumming again, the force of which pushed my cock out as she gushed hot sticky juices all over me and the floor. I let go with both hands and she collapsed on the floor her body quaking all over, and I made no hesitation in standing over her and grabbing my cock in one hand rapidly jerking it, pointing my throbbing purple head at her face. "I wasn't finished" I said menacingly. She pulled the panties from her mouth, gasping for breath. "Use me as your little cum bucket, I fucking dare you". I pulled her hair back again and thrust my cock into her throat before stuffing each of my balls into her cheeks. She squealed with delight around my shaft and grabbed my thighs so hard she almost drew blood with her nails. I held her there for a second, one hand pulling her hair tight and the other holding her nose, giving her the same treatment she gave me the previous night. I watched her eyes start to widen, her cheeks growing redder and redder. I let her cough and splutter twice before I pulled back a little and let go of her nose, my heavy cum-filled balls dropping against her chin and she obediently started to rhythmically roll her head back and forth, sucking like she was drinking ice cream through a straw. I let her continue until I knew I was ready, and I pulled her head off me tilting it up to the ceiling and started furiously jerking my shaft until I exploded over her face. She started cackling as my cum filled her mouth, covered her face and ran across her cheeks, running up her nose and in her eyes. She started to cough and splutter, but I held her there until I had finished. I let go and collapsed back on the floor in front over her as she started to wipe the cum from her bloodshot eyes, laughing softly. "I didn't think you had it in you" she said smiling sweetly. I couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, well you pushed me into it. Now clean yourself up get the fuck out of here before she wakes up".

We helped each other up and she blew me a cheeky kiss as she skipped off to the bathroom, and I slapped her on the ass as she left. I picked up the panties and took a deep breath in through my nose, burying my face in them for a second. I suddenly remembered my wife was sleeping less than 20 feet away and started to panic as reality set in. I needed a towel to clean up with, the floor is covered in cum from both of us and it was very slippery. I heard a noise and turned back to the bedroom, and through the crack in the doorway I swear I saw Jennifer climb back into bed. I stepped into the room and she was lying down with the cover over her, her eyes were closed, but it was immediately obvious her hand looked incredibly wet and sticky…

…wait, was… was she *watching** us?*

Stay tuned for the next instalment!



  1. Part 1 got removed because I put a link to part 2, and the bot deleted it so here is a repost with parts 1 & 2 combined. Part 3 is being written now and should be up shortly. Enjoy!

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