First ever story

Jill was blindfolded, bent over a table she was assuming, with her hands bound and pulled across the way. She had been in this position for what felt like hours, but with no outside stimuli wasn’t sure just how much time has really passed. Being in this pose was bringing her fear and excitement, nearly in equal amounts.

Then she heard it, the sound of feet on the bare floor getting louder with each step. Was he in the room the whole time, or was she just too distracted with the feeling of the ropes on her wrists? Her fear started building when the thought that it could be anyone in here, which slowly turned to arousal as she thought more about it. She waits, hoping to hear a voice to know it’s him. The steps stop. Nothing.

The exhale of someone squatting down, she knows they are right behind her feeling a breath on her skin. Then Jill flinches when she feels something on her thigh. His hand she thinks, it’s gone as quick as it appeared. It’s back, definitely a hand but is it his? Then another hand on the same thigh, slowly massaging down. Kills breathing picks up as the hand make their way back up, going higher and towards her inner thigh. Now one hand on each leg, slowly teasing their way up. Jill can’t stand it and does her best to lower herself, but is unable to quite reach him. A soft chuckle nearly drowned out by hear own breathing reaches her ears. Finally, she feels his touch. Jill moans as she feels him push further in exploring her every inch. Jill’s moans get louder as he starts picking up speed, no longer teasing but thrusting.

She sighs in disappointment when he withdraws his hand. Jill feels something sliding up between her legs, wondering what it is until the vibrator turns on. She knows she won’t last long as he runs it outside her lips. He pushes it into her making Jill gasp and shudder. She was getting closer when she heard his voice, whispering to her to cum. The voice coming from in front of her pushing Jill over the edge as she realizes it’s another behind her.
