Alice’s Closet Part 5 [nosex, incest]

“That was amazing,” Alice muttered nestled against her mother’s chest.

“I’m glad,” Mom said softly as she kept stroking Alice’s hair with one hand while her other roamed over Alice’s curves.

Looking up at Mom, “You’re not mad at me for losing my virginity at sixteen are you?”

“Of course not sweetie,” said Mom kindly. “I was having sex much earlier than that.”

“Really? How old were you?”


“Fourteen,” Alice exclaimed before sitting up.

“Yeah,” Mom replied sitting as well up next to her daughter. “As you can imagine, I developed quite early which got me a LOT of attention from boys. I loved it. Some would call me a slut but I like to think of myself as a free spirit.”

“You must be if Sam is your ex-boyfriend.”

“What’s that supposed to mean,” Mom asked feeling offended.

“It’s just that,” Alice stammered. “Sam isn’t very… attractive. You’re way out of his league.”

“Why? Is it because he’s chubby? Bald? Short?”

“All… All of those things.”

“I’ll have you know” Mom said in a motherly tone. “Sam is a great man. Sure, he used to think with his other head sometimes and get himself into trouble but now he’s a loving father and an amazing husband… Who would you rather spend the rest of your life with? A gorgeous man like Megan’s step dad who beats his wife and treats her like human garbage, or a man like Sam who’d make you feel loved and appreciated.”

“I’d never want to be married to someone like Megan’s step dad,” Alice answered sadly looking down at her chest.

“Exactly… What do you think some people see when they look at you?” Alice shrugged and Mom continued. “I bet you some of them just see a punk, metal banger walking around with too much makeup.”

“What’s wrong with wearing ‘punk’ clothes or my makeup!?”

“Absolutely nothing! That’s my point! All I’m saying is, if you don’t want other people to judge you based on outward appearance alone, don’t do that to anyone else.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Alice said staring into her closet and looking at all of her goth/punk clothes and outfits.

“Good,” said Mom calming down. “Besides… Sam has a really fat cock and still eats pussy than your father.”

“What,” Alice screeched with her head snapping back towards Mom. “What do you mean by ‘still’?”

“Still. As in, Sam still eats my pussy and fucks the shit outta me.”

“So you’re cheating on Dad!?”

“Huh? No! No, no no. Sweetie, your father and I have an open relationship.”

“What’s that,” Alice asked confused.

“An open relationship is where both partners are able to have sex with other people freely,” Mom answered informatively. “Although for the most part your father and I play together with other people.”

“I see,” Alice replied quite shocked by this new revelation about her parents. “And what about Sam’s wife?”

“What about her? She and I have spent many, many pleasurable nights together.”

“Oh wow…”

“Speaking of other girls,” Mom started curiously. “How did you and Megan start fooling around?”

“Oh,” Alice paused. “Well, it’s not as exciting as your first time with Dad but… she was over here one night while I was trying on new clothes. She’s been my best friend since forever and we’ve seen each other naked countless times before so it didn’t feel weird changing in front of her. I’d just put on a new pair of lacy black panties and she came over for a closer look. She got down on her knees and started rubbing my crotch, telling me how soft and silky they felt. Then she just… didn’t stop. I started getting really turned on and she could tell. Next thing I know, my panties are getting pulled back down and she licking me. We spent the next couple hours that night playing with each other.”

“It’s no ‘how I met your father’ but it was still pretty hot,” Mom said smiling.

“Thanks,” Alice replied blushing a bit. “Hey… speaking of Megan… can she come over and spend the night?”

“Only if you tell me what you and her plan to do tonight,” Mom asked seductively.

“She… wants to come over and fool around.”

“I see… and did you tell her about last night?”


“Good,” Mom said grinning wickedly. “She can come over on one condition.”

“Okay… what’s that?”

“You, me, and her have a naughty girls night… We’ll stop off at The Naughty Shoppe on the way there to buy some toys, oils, and maybe a naughty game or two… What do you say?”

“That sounds amazing,” Alice replied gleefully.

“Great,” Mom cheered patting Alice on the leg. “You’re father should be just about finished doing yard work so I need to go talk to him and at least make sure it’s okay with him too.”

Mom huffed as she climbed over Alice to get out of the bed. Mom was picking up her robe off the floor when Alice spoke, “Hey Mom?”

“Yeah,” Mom asked as she threw her robe over her shoulders.

“Are… Dad and I going to…?”

“Have sex,” Mom finished and Alice nodded. “I don’t know sweetie. That’s up to the two of you.”

“Does he… want to have sex with me?”

“He hasn’t said yes yet but he hasn’t said no either. He’s worried about the same things you’re probably worried about… What about you? Do you want to have sex with him?”


“Are you afraid that it might ruin your relationship with him forever?” Mom asked and Alice nodded. “Here’s what I do know. Your father loves you very, very much and nothing in this world is ever going to change that. Who knows, you may find that it makes you closer to your father than you ever thought possible.”

**Twenty minutes later…**

“I don’t like that Megan and Alice are still friends,” Jack said scrubbing soap over his chest in the shower. “She’s been such a bad influence.”

“It’s not all Megan’s fault,’ Claire replied after taking Jack’s hard, wet cock out of her mouth while sitting on her knees in front of him. Claire started stroking his length as she continued. “Girls almost always rebel against their parents and I think things would be much better if Ameer was still around. He was such a kind and generous man.”

“Yeah he was,” Jack agreed in a pleasurable groan. “It hadn’t even been six months since Ameer’s funeral before Farrah was moving in with Craig.”

“And three months after that, Farrah married that dirtbag.”

“Yeah,” Jack moaned. “Still… You don’t have to suck my cock to get your way.”

“I never do,” Claire replied teasingly as she swirled her tongue over Jack’s purple, bulbous cock head. “I do it because I love it.”

“I know you do,” Jack looked down and smiled. “Sam and Emily have… been asking me to come over for dinner so I… think I’ll do that tonight while you have girls night.”

“In that case,” said Mom letting go of Jack’s cock. “I better stop then, Emily will be very upset with me if you come over with less cum in your balls than you could.”

“You just *love* to leave me hanging.”

“I think it hangs and swings just fine all on it’s own,” Mom joked standind up. “Let’s finish getting you cleaned up, Handsome.”

“Fine,” Jack relented turning his back to Claire for her to wash. “You could tell me about when you were having sex with your father.”

“Sure,” said Mom rubbing soap over his back. “I was living at home during my first year of college to help my dad out after he had that forklift accident. You know how stubborn my father is, he didn’t want my help, but I’m just a stubborn. He needed help washing himself so I forced him to let me help him. My dad…” Mom paused to laugh. “He refused to take his underwear off so I could help him wash his junk. So what I did was I started showing up to bathe him completely naked. He wasn’t happy about that at first but eventually he loosened up and started being naked in front of me too. One day while I was washing him, he got really hard. I felt so bad for him since I knew nobody had touched him there since Mom passed. I started washing his hard cock and… didn’t stop. I kept stroking and stroking until he came on my hand. He just acted like nothing happened. The next time I was helping him wash himself, he gets hard, and I jerked him off again. This went on for a few weeks until one night I’m helping him into bed and I asked him if I could give him a blowjob. He just nodded and I sucked him off until he came in my mouth. I did that almost every night until he fully recovered. I made a joke that he needed to return the favor. He just took me by the hand into the bedroom and made love to me for the first time.”

Jack turned the water off since Claire had finished washing him while talking about her and her father. “Were there many more times after that,” Jack asked, as he pulled open the shower curtain.

“Many,” Claire answered stepping out after Jack.

Jack went to grab a towel out of the closet next to the shower. “I guess what I really need to know is, what changed about your relationship after you two had sex?”

Claire held her hand out so Jack could hand her a towel. “It was the best thing that ever happened between us. Dad and I got so incredibly close and it only amplified the love we already had for each other.”

“So… Do you think I should have sex with Alice?”

“Yes I do.”    



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