[M/F Incest] Bad Behavior PT 2

“Hey bro, you in there?” Melissa called, knocking gingerly on the door. Her free hand held a six-pack of cheap domestic beer. Over the last few hours Melissa and her parents had discussed how they all thought she should approach the situation. After a few more cups of coffee, they all had it decided. Ethan and Judy had then gone off to shower and dress for work, while Melissa finally crashed on her bed to sleep off the effects of the night before. When the spins finally went away, she fell into a dreamless slumber. She woke after 2:00 PM, covered in sweat and crusted cum and with mouth filled with the taste of smoke and booze. She spent the next hour going throw the recovery rituals. Tall glass of water, asprin, weed, and a long, soothing shower. When it was all over she was new woman.

She slipped into a pair of lacy, pink boy-shorts and the nearly transparent, blue baby-doll nightie her mom had gotten her for her last birthday. She could hear muffled footsteps and the clatter of keys on keyboard behind the closed door across the hall. After grabbing the beers she walked across the hallway. There was a pause as she waited for the reply, and for a second she thought he might try to pretend he wasn’t there. Then her brother’s voice answered. “Yes? What’s up?”

She opened the door, poked her head inside and gave Billy a friendly grin. “Hi! thought I’d pop in, been a long time since we chatted one on one. Where’s you been all day?” She said as she invited herself in and held out the beer as an offering. As she stepped she was immediately disturbed by the room. She’d spent more than her fair share of time in the rooms of teenage boys and this was not normal. The bed was made for a start, and the hamper stood half full, with no clothing on the floor. The walls and ceiling had no posters of woman, in any state of nudity, and their was no hand lotion on the bedside table. The only posters that were on the walls were for Disney Movies and Christian rock bands, Melissa would hardly stand to look at. Most notably though it lacked the characteristic smell of teen boy. The smell of sweat and cum and weed buried deep in the walls. She muzzled all the disgust and concern she felt and pressed on, focusing on her brother.

“Um….School?” Billy said, confused both by her uninvited presence and the obviousness of the answer. He was a tall, slender boy, with brown hair, neatly trimmed and parted to the side and blue eyes, hidden behind wire rimmed galsses. He was dressed in a polo shirt and khakis combo so that Melissa was amazed he felt comfortable leaving the house in. She flopped herself on his mattress, the cans clattering in her hand as she did.

“Really? It’s a school day? I had no idea. You have a test or something?”

“Um no…I just went… Something up Sis?” Billy asked uncomfortably as he watched her spreading herself out on his bed. Melissa noted the way he tried to avoid looking at her for any length of time, and smiled inwardly knowing her half body was getting to him.

“Does something have to be up for me to talk to my little Billy?” She asked, cracking open a can which foamed and hissed, spilling over her hand. “Wanna get loaded with me?”

Billy Blushed, shaking his head and waving his wand. “No, thanks, I’m not in the mood.”

Melissa frowned. She had expected this of course but it still hurt to see him turn it down. “Billy com’n, please, for me, just for old times sake? You don’t even have to finish it.”

He stared at her then at the six pack moment, then shrugged. “Fine I guess, just one though and I’m just gonna sip it…” He muttered, annoyance in his voice. Melissa didn’t care, it was a step in the right direction.

“Haha, Peer pressure wins!” She teased, sitting up and puling a can of the rings. She tossed it in his direction and shifted up to sit cross legged and leaned towards him.”So, Billy…what’s new with you anything you want to talk about?” She ask sitting, her voice shifting to ‘big sisterly, seamlessly’. Billy held the beer out over the wastebasket by his desk and opened it, letting the foam leak out. He took a sip, grimaced a little, then licked his lips. He smiled at her politely.

“Not really…why?” He asked. From just that Melissa sensed he knew at least some of what was coming, he’d been expecting it. Did he see what her move would be? would he be able to expect something that drastic? She hoped not. She pressed on.

“Well…it’s just….mom and dad…they think something’s wrong…like, maybe you’ve got some issues going on?”

Billy’s face twisted into a contemptuous scowl. “Oh they do? Really?” He asked sarcastically, and taking a bigger swig of his drink and rolled his eyes. “I’m fine Melissa, just cause I don’t go out every night, or go streaking naked through the streets it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong.” He said sullenly.

Melissa swallowed the last of her own drink, crashed the can and dropped it on the floor. “Soooo….there shouldn’t be worried about you…going to church?” She reached behind her on the bed and got another beer.

Billy’s eyes got wide, his mouth opened slightly, then he looked at the floor, his cheeks turning red. “How’d you know?!” He asked, sounding caught.

“Dad saw you leaving it the other say” She said softly, she opened up the can and laid her free hand loveingly on this thigh. “What’s going on Billy…talk to me?”

Billy flinched from her touch. “It’s nothing! It’s just…sometimes I go there to be around people who…are more like me…” He said stiffly, squirming in his chair.”You mean…virgins?” Asked Melissa delicately, gulping more booze.

Billy blushed. “Melissa! Not just that! and any way…that’s private.”

The words stung her enough to make her recoil, her hand on her mouth “You don’t mean that!” she said hastily.

“Yes I do! Sex is private!”

Melissa shook her head and laid her hand on his thigh again, this time very gently rubbing it back and forth “When did this start? huh?”

“I’ve always been differen’t from the rest of you..”

“You were always a late bloomer Billy…but you used to be my disgusting little perv brother…what happened to him? Huh? To the boy who was so excited the first time we went shoplifting together? Who was so eager to learn how to play doctor and who never let me take a shower without peeping? Where’s the kid who’s favorite game was mooning cars on the highway?” She asked, her voice gentle and soft. She locked her eyes on him and leaned in closer and closer as she spoke, her hand creeping higher and higher up his leg. She lowered, her breasts hung down, the baby-doll pulling away, making them perfectly visible. Billy exhaled slowly, watching her body move and her hand snake lithely up his leg.

He swallowed hard and moved a little more. “‘Lissa, what are you doing?” He asked nervously.

“I’m trying to get through to you….” Melissa said. “To wake you up…to the side of life you are trying for some reason to deny yourself”. She lifted herself slowly, off of the mattress and lowered herself towards the floor, her hand now started in to massage the crotch of her brothers khakis. She she pleased to feel it bulge under her touch.

He grabbed her by the wrist and looked her directly in the eye. “It’s wrong….” It sounded resolute, but Melissa heard something in his voice. She’d heard it before, in the voices of scout leaders, teachers, security guards and other’s she’d won over with her sexuality. It lacked conviction. It was movable. it wanted to be lead astray. She leaned in to him, so he could feel her breath on his ear.

“I know!” She whispered giddily, as her practiced fingers started to work on his fly.

(To be continued)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/92j2nx/mf_incest_bad_behavior_pt_2


  1. I like the way this is developing. Thanks for responding to my prompt. My only criticism is that there are a few typos and grammar errors but other than that it’s fine.

  2. Just so everybody knows, the story that this is the second part 2 was originally up but I made the mistake of putting the link to the story into the body of that one and it was promptly removed. I’ve since reposted it but obviously it’s now down to only one up voted, and no comments. So if you read that one and liked it please find the reposted version and give it and up vote for me. Thanks! :-)

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