Evolution of my unusual friendship: Part 1 [fantasy] [mF]

*Preface: This is not intended to be a quick sex story which is focussed solely on the physical aspects of sexuality. My intent is to develop and portray a balanced and imaginative erotica, which also addresses emotions and mental aspects of sensuality. I don’t know if I’ll be successful at it, but my hope for it is to be a mix of an unusual love story and a slow-simmer erotica. You, as the reader, will be the ultimate judge.*

**Part 1: First encounter**

Here I was at a work picnic, in a new city. I had just moved here a few weeks ago to take up a new job. We were at a large public park where our group had two picnic tables reserved. The mid-afternoon autumn sun was bright but not scorching. I was switching back-and-forth between trying to socialize, and sitting alone with a beer in hand. My experience of the city so far had been pleasant — the new job was a significant upgrade from the previous, my coworkers were friendly, and the city seemed to have a lot to explore. This was my second job after graduating from college. I was a new yuppie to this growing city, who was yet to make new friends here.

I had just excused myself from a conversation and sat down to have some alone time. I was mindlessly looking across the park, with folks playing and grilling food. That’s when I saw her for the first time. She seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and joined one of the games. She was happy and absorbed in the game — in an island of her own, oblivious to anything outside of her immediate surroundings. She looked so beautiful and happy in the moment that she captured my attention. She had a good sense of fashion. She was wearing a flowery sundress and a light cardigan. Her dress wasn’t overly revealing but it communicated her body shape fairly well. She had a thick and curvy pear-shaped body. Her dress ended at her knees, and showed her beautiful round calves and indicated that she had shapely thighs. Despite being thick, she was nimble and quick on her feet. She was short, maybe 5’3″ or 5’4″, and appeared somewhere between mid 30s and early 40s.

This was a cool autumn afternoon, but I sensed my body warming up as I felt a stirring sensation between my legs. I was snapped out of my reverie when I registered her looking at me. I looked away slowly, while hoping that she didn’t catch me staring for too long, but not before noticing a bemused smile on her face as she starts walking towards the lunch table.

After finishing my beer, and trying to sober up my hormones, I too headed over to the table. Although I wanted to, I decided against trying to strike up a conversation with her. I was afraid of causing awkwardness. I grabbed some food and sat a few spots away from her on the same table. I tried to make some small talk with my immediate neighbors, while my mind kept slithering away towards her every now and then. She seemed warm and friendly, with a sweet voice. Her golden brown hair was glowing in the sun. She had a nice smile.

I parted ways and started walking towards my car, after exchanging pleasantries. Throughout my 20 minute drive home, my mind was being assaulted by flashbacks and sexual fantasies. I imagined her frolicking in the park, but this time she was wearing a much shorter skirt which ended a good 6 inches above her knees. As she played and ran around, her skirt would offered generous views of her beautiful and smooth meaty thighs and revealed the shape of her round butt. Her tight top outlined her ample chest and her relatively thin waist. She was plump in the most pleasant way. I felt this sudden surge that I hadn’t felt within me in a while. She made me feel lightheaded and like a teenager. I saw her turn around and playfully smile at me, and I started to walk towards her. Right as I was about be in her personal space, I turned the corner and reached my new home.

*to be continued…*

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/92k39l/evolution_of_my_unusual_friendship_part_1_fantasy

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