[MF oral] Shawna: Roma Revenge – Part VIII – Going downtown

I slept like a baby that night, awaking refreshed despite Katlyn’s ominous words. I was surprised to see myself in the mirror, grinning like an idiot. Apparently, I’d been carrying a lot of stress around since my change, because I’d never seen Shawna looking so happy. I’d never felt so good, either. It still felt like I’d just had a weight lifted from me, and my back wasn’t even sore from Kat’s treatment. I went into the office, light on me feet and greeting people as I walked by them.
Pam came by my office soon after I’d settled in. “Wow, Mary wasn’t lying,” she said, leaning against my doorframe. “You’re practically glowing this morning!”
I chuckled. “I guess I woke up on the right side of the bed.”
“And whose bed might that be?”
“Pam, you’re HR, shouldn’t you be telling me not to make that exact type of comment?”
She rolled her eyes. “Sure, whatever. Have you thought about my offer? You really brighten this place up, your work seems as solid as your brother’s, and let’s face it, we need more women around here!”
I tried not to think about the problems with that statement. Still, it would be a bad idea to burn my bridges. “Tell you what,” I told her, “I’m supposed to be gone after this week. Come Monday, if I’m still around, I’ll take the job.” Besides, I didn’t add, if I was still around Monday, then “Shawn” would need a new, more long-term reason to be absent.
“Deal,” Pam said eagerly. “I’ll put the paperwork together. You won’t regret it.”

My phone rang around lunchtime. I picked it up and answered cheerily, “You’ve got Shawna. Talk to me.”
Chris’s voice chuckled through the phone, making my heart turn over. “Someone’s in a good mood,” he said.
“Well, I had a good night,” I replied. “I feel pretty great today.”
“Is that so? Well, I think I’m about to make you feel even better.”
“Ooh, I can hardly wait,” I purred. “Whatcha got for me?”
“Ignoring that truly amazing set-up for a joke about my body,” he said, making me blush, “I got a call from Adam. He thinks he found your gypsies.”
“Oh my God!” I spun around in my office chair, resisting the urge to jump up. “That’s fucking awesome!”
“Aww, you didn’t say it.”
“Say what?”
“You were supposed to say ‘I could just kiss you’, I had this whole bit planned out.”
I felt myself smirk. “Chris, if this pans out, I’ll do more than just kiss you.”
“I may hold you to that,” he said. “Can I pick you up after work?”

The afternoon flew by for me, floating as I was in excitement. If this lead was real, Chris had spared me a ton of effort and worry. I could go out there, get my body back, and my troubles would be over! And I got to spend time with Chris, which was always pretty great, too.
I’d left my door open, but there was a knock anyway near the end of my day. I looked up from my computer, and there he was. Chris, wearing dark jeans and a shirt that hugged his chest in a way that gave me instant fantasies about him raiding my coastal village and carrying me off to his viking longboat. I shoved the thought away and stood, smiling.
“Hey there, Shawna,” he said as I walked toward him. “I hope you don’t mind, I thought I’d come up and meet you-”
His words were cut off by my lips pressing onto his. I hadn’t even realized I was going to do it; my body was acting on its own, lacing my hands behind his neck and pressing tight against him. His arm slid around my waist, making me feel like a tiny, fragile, beloved pet in his arms.
Pam’s voice broke us out of the haze. “Oh, this explains a lot!” she said, grinning as we hurriedly disengaged from each other. “Oh no, don’t let me interrupt. You two just keep doin’ what you’re doin’.”
“Pam,” I grumbled, annoyed at the sudden stark reality she’d pulled me into, “you’re the worst HR rep ever.”
“Worst, or best?” she asked.
Chris took my hand and squeezed it. “I think she’s pretty good,” he said. “It sounds like you maintain a ‘fun, productive work environment’.”
I punched his chest with my free hand. “You’re supposed to be on my side!” I complained.
“Hey, I’m on whichever side gets me greeted like that,” he replied, pretending my blow actually hurt. “Are you ready to go?”
I glanced at the clock. “Almost. Can you wait in the lobby?”

As soon as Chris was out of earshot, Pam and Mary invaded my office like hungry vultures.
“Holy crap, Shawna,” Pam said, “No wonder you’re so happy today. I’d be glowing too if I was climbing that mountain!”
I scowled at her. “Seriously, Pam, A: it’s none of your business, and B: he’s just a… well, more than a friend, I guess, but there has been no climbing of any sort, mountain or otherwise.”
Mary scoffed. “You’re kidding.”
“You too, Mary?”
“Well, come on! A man like that, looking at you with those big blue eyes like you’re the only woman in the world? You gotta lock that shit down!”

I chased Pam and Mary out of my office and sent some end-of-day emails, then headed for the lobby, dodging jealous and gossipy female coworkers and disappointed-looking male ones the whole way.
One of the interns was chatting Chris up. I guess it was true what they said about women: they were ruthless and aggressive when it came to outdoing one another. I waved, catching Chris’s eye.
His face, a mask of polite interest, lit up when he saw me. He dismissed the intern with nothing more than an “excuse me” and moved quickly toward me. “Shall we?” he asked.
“The sooner the better,” I said quietly. “If you stick around much longer, one of these bitches is probably gonna shank me.”

We got in Chris’s car and left. After some pointless small talk about the people we worked with during the day, I finally probed him about where we were going.
“Well, it’s complicated,” he said. “Ben went into the city records and came up empty. But Adam checked old arrest and complaint reports, and found a bunch of unresolved cases concerning this Tokar woman, going back years. Weird shit, too.”
“Weird how?”
“Well, gypsy curses, mostly. Like out of a bad movie. Warts, boils, turned-my-girlfriend-into-a-frog. You know.”
I looked out the window at the road. The car’s engine and wheels laid a white noise down that made my silence seem deafening. “Yeah,” I said at last. “Yeah, I know.”
Chris glanced my way. “Shawna, why are you trying to find this woman? She sounds like bad news, at the very least.”
I kept looking outside, watching cars go by in the other direction. “She has something of mine,” I said.
Chris pulled into an alley and stopped the car. “Shawna,” he said, “I need to tell you-”
Oh god. He was going to tell me he was in love or some shit. “Wait.” I shook my head. It had to be the weird pheromones. “You shouldn’t say it, you’ll regret it later.”
He held up a hand. “That’s why I waited. I mean, with you… okay so when we first met, you were intriguing. I couldn’t get you out of my mind, and then when we spent more time together, I just felt… well, you know. Need.” He sighed. “I was raised a gentleman, and it’s been obvious that you were dealing with some heavy shit, even before the Tommy incident, so I behaved myself.But it’s not like that anymore.”
“It’s not?”
“No. I still find myself… incredibly attracted to you.” He reached over and put his hand on my cheek. “But not for the same reasons. Not with the mindless lust. You’re more than that, Shawna. You’re a wonderful, intelligent, witty, sarcastic badass, and I don’t think there’s one thing about you that I’m not nuts about. It’s like you caught my attention with a spell, but when it wore off I realized you didn’t need it to begin with.”
I stared at him with a stupidly confused look on my face. I’d been a man for almost three decades, but not once had anyone said anything to me that was as kind and as flattering as what Chris had said on my fourth day as a woman. I didn’t know whether to smile from the compliments, or cry from the way I had to get them.
Fortunately, Chris made the choice for me. Slowly, deliberately, he leaned toward me. I met him halfway, laying my hand over the one on my cheek and pressing my mouth against his. My eyes closed and I breathed in deep, filling my lungs with his scent, while our lips eagerly closed on one another.
There was a double click as we both undid our seatbelts, and then I was in his arms. His hands pressed to me back and my hip, holding me close while we made out like teenagers, wrapped up in the need to touch one another.
My own hands moved across his chest, enjoying the firm pad of his pecs before starting to pull at his shirt buttons. I wanted it off, needed it off, so I could feel more of him, but he stopped me, taking my hand in his and breaking the kiss.
“I think I owe you something,” he said with a playful smile. “Lean back a little.”
I did as he asked, leaning against the passenger-side door. He locked his eyes on mine and slid his hands slowly up my legs, hooking his thumbs over the hem of my skirt and revealing my thighs an inch at a time.
He kept going, caressing my skin all the way up my hips until he’d fully exposed my panties. I’d worn a cute pair of light blue ones that matched my bra. No real reason, I just liked how they looked.
He started to slide them down off me, finally breaking eye contact to watch as he exposed the little patch of hair. His breath caught in his throat when the fabric cleared my hips and I was laid bare for him.
I could feel his fingertips sliding still against my skin. He lifted my legs, taking his time feeling every inch of them until he’d pulled the panties down to my feet, then removed them entirely. My ankles settled on his shoulders and he shot me a mischievous smile.
“What are- whoop!” I laughed as he suddenly gripped my ass and lifted my hips into the air, but my laugh was cut off and replaced with a gasp when I suddenly felt his tongue against my sex.
Actually, that’s not right. Chris didn’t just use his tongue. He used his whole mouth. Licking between my walls, lips tugging at my skin, sudden suction on my clit… he used so many tricks in such rapid succession that I lost track of anything but the waves of pleasure throbbing through me and the overwhelming sense of his desire, both to have me and to pleasure me. Powerful fingers dug into the flesh of my ass, keeping me from squirming even an inch while he attended to me. My fists clenched in his hair and my toes curled over his shoulders. There was a sound filling my ears that I didn’t recognize at first, until I realized it was my own voice, moaning in pleasure.
My voice rose and my back arched while Chris played my pussy like an expert violinist. His hands slid up to my thighs, stroking my skin, and his lips and tongue kept up their tireless and unpredictable assault on my senses.
“Fuck!” I cried out, “Fuck yes, I’m g-gonna…”
Chris took that moment to look up again, just as he once more sucked on the bundle of sensitivity and need that was my clitoris. His eyes locked on mine and I gasped, tensing up every muscle in my body. I’d been on the edge of a cliff, and that look of passion, of… of love… had shoved me over like a herd of buffalo.
He kept watching me as I came. Or at least I think he did, because my head eventually fell back when my body went limp, and still I could feel him sucking, and then licking, and tugging… he didn’t let up for a moment, blowing hot air through his nose onto my skin, and just as my mind started to return I came again, somehow harder than before.
The breath I didn’t know I’d been holding came out in a scream of pleasure. My legs shook and I could feel myself constricting and spasming inside, suddenly very painfully aware of the emptiness in my pussy.
Chris finally came up for air, stroking my thighs and smiling down at my panting form. “You’re even more beautiful than I imagined,” he said. “You come like a Goddess.”
I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I just panted some more, slowly unclenching the fists I had locked in his hair.
Chris wasn’t quite done with me yet. His hands explored my thighs, my hips, the curve of my ass. Finally, a big, hot finger found my pussy and started to work its way inside.
I tightened up immediately, and a curious look crossed his face. “You’re so… oh my God, Shawna, are you a virgin?”
I nodded, feeling my breath start to return. “I’ve… never done… some things,” I explained.
Chris withdrew his finger, stroking my folds once more before sitting up again. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up, embracing and kissing me, then held me against him, stroking my arm while my body finally started to relax.
“Why did you stop?” I asked after a minute.
Chris leaned back to look at me. “Shawna, you’re special. You might be the most… well. You’re very special, and growing more dear to me by the second. If I… I mean, if you’re going to have your first time… it’s not going to be crammed up against a door in the front seat of my shitty sedan.”
“Hey, I like your car,” I protested.
Chris grinned. “Good. Because I like having you in my car. But it’s not time for that, not yet. You deserve better.”

We didn’t talk for the rest of the drive, but after a minute Chris reached over and laid his hand over mine. I held onto his fingers, focusing on the heat of his skin and trying not to think too hard about how much I had wanted him to just take me right there in his car. I had more important concerns, like what I was going to do when I finally met the woman who stole my life from me.

“Wow,” I said, “I didn’t know the city still had trailer parks.”
We slowed down as we turned into the dirt-and-gravel lot. Cheap-looking mobile homes lined the bath to either side of us, some with curious faces peering at us from gaps in equally cheap-looking blinds and curtains. Unwashed children ran in the yards. The whole place was oppressively poor.
There was a big double-wide at the end of the road, looking like Castle Shit of the Kingdom of Craptopia. Chris parked his car in front of it, just as three very large, very hairy men walked out of it toward us.
Chris killed the engine and stepped out of the car. The man in front, an imposing swarthy mass of muscles, body hair, and eyebrows with a sharp roman nose, addressed him before he could speak.
“You are lost, city man,” he said sternly. “You should turn your car around.”
“I can’t do that, friend,” Chris said, leaning one of his large arms on the roof of his car. “The lady has some business with you folks.”
I got out of the car and closed the door. One of the men said something in a language I didn’t understand and spat on the ground in my direction. I raised a brow, trying to look unintimidated. “I’m sorry,” I said, “I didn’t understand that. Should I be offended, or flattered?”
“He thinks you bear amriya, a curse, and spits to keep your evil spirit at bay,” the leader explained, trying to stare me down. “I think he is right. You have no business here.”
I stared right back at him, refusing to back off. “Lyubitshka Tokar will disagree.” I had practiced saying the name. “Tell her that Shawna Milner is here, and that I intend to take back what she stole from me.”


A shorter one this time. What do you think? I'd love some feedback on where this story is going!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3qa33d/mf_oral_shawna_roma_revenge_part_viii_going



  2. LOL thanks for the vote of confidence! It means quite a lot to see enthusiastic feedback like this when I’m sitting here wondering if the story is as good as I want it to be. As for whether Shawna will get what she wants, or even whether she knows what she wants at this point, well, you’ll have to wait and see ;) but don’t worry, there is a plan, sorta. And I think you’ll like chapter nine.

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