[FF BDSM] Shawna: Roma Revenge – Part VII – A little tied up

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, tangled in my dress. I remembered kissing Chris goodnight in the cab, but it wasn’t until I was lathering up in the shower that I remembered the feelings of want and need during the ride, or how at home I felt resting in his arms. Then I remembered putting his dick in my mouth.
“Holy fuck,” I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose and letting the water wash over me. “Two days as a woman, and I’m already a slut.”
But was I? I considered the evening in detail. At some point, I’d stopped worrying about keeping Chris interested in me for the sake of getting his help with my situation, or out of a need to pay him back for his kindnesses. I wasn’t sure when, but pretty early on I’d started having fun. Chris was charming and intelligent, and talking to him was fun and engaging.
I tried to think of the last date I’d been on that had been fun like that. Sure, I had a lot of “fun”, but that mostly consisted of finding a woman who was either drunk, desperate for attention, or just plain stupid, flashing her a smile, and taking her home to fuck her brains out. Talking for hours to someone romantically interested in me just didn’t happen in my old life.
Not old, I reminded myself. Suspended. Stolen. I was getting my body back, definitely. I had to. And sure, maybe things would be a little different. Maybe I’d look at some smarter women. But I would be me again, and long before I let this borrowed body change who I was.
I used more mouthwash than is usually wise and treated my hangover by choking down some coffee and toast, ignoring the minty aftertaste, then headed into the office. I’d realized that if I was going to keep my job, I’d need to get some things done in person. I’d sent messages ahead to HR letting them know I’d hired my “sister” as a personal assistant and that she would be coming up to get my files and sort things out.

My office is a pretty nice place. It has bright light coming from hidden fixtures, leather furniture, and great big windows that look out over some smaller towers. I rode the elevator up like any other day. I wasn’t even feeling awkward in skirts anymore, and I’d dressed in a suit with one that fit more than well enough to make me look professional and sexy. I straightened my jacket and got out on my floor, scanning my keycard for entry.
“Morning, Mary,” I said, walking in the door and waltzing past.
Mary, the receptionist, looked up from her computer screen as I went by, then called after me. “Excuse me, can I help you, miss-?”
It took me a moment to understand why she hadn’t recognized me. I made a note to double up on the coffee and returned to the reception desk. “Sorry!” I said, scratching the back of my head in a way I hoped was cute and not dumb-looking. “I’m Shawna?”
Mary smiled. “Oh yes, for Mr. Milner. You really should have waited for me to buzz you in instead of using his access card.. I have a temporary one for you.” She pulled the bright yellow visitor card out of a drawer. “Just make sure you wear it somewhere visible, Miss…” She paused. “Miss Milner?”
I nodded. “That’s me, I guess,” I said.
“Shawn… and Shawna?”
“Twins,” I lied. “Our parents had a pretty sick sense of humor. Or they were lazy.”
Mary cocked her head a little. “Funny, he’s never mentioned you. But then, I guess he’s not one to talk about his family. Are you going to be here long? I know the office hens would love to pick at your brain.”
I shrugged. “Sure, why not.”

“…and then when we were five, he got in trouble because girls were fighting over who got to play with him.”
I couldn’t help smiling as I told that story. I’d known girls loved me all my life. I’d soon learned, too, that those who didn’t love me could be manipulated into thinking they did.
Mary chuckled. “That sounds about right. I’ve seen some pretty bitter rivalries here over Shawn Milner.” She looked around, vaguely accusing the other three ladies who had come out for a “smoke break” with us. It had been a particularly long smoke, since they insisted on hearing everything about my “brother” and his past.
Pam, the HR rep, glared back at her. “I’ve got papers in your file too, Mary,” she warned, following it up with a wink in my direction. “So Shawna, where were you during all this?”
“Oh, I wasn’t- I mean, people didn’t really see me. I didn’t exist to them.”
Pam reached over and grabbed my hand. “Oh honey, I’m so sorry, that sounds awful! Growing up in the shadow of a dick like Shawn.”
“Pam!” Marry crossed her arms.
“Well, it’s true! And if Shawna is his sister she’ll know it. Shawn Milner is an asshole. I’ve got a stack of complaints as long as your arm about him. Did you know he chased off our last temp?”
“You don’t know tht-”
“Yes, I do! Her agency said she quit for ‘personal reasons’, but we all saw Shawn take her home from the party. And I go drinking with the agency rep. There are some details that make it look like something pretty bad happened.”
Mary shook her head. “That’s not the point, Pam,” she lectured. “Besides the fact that we really, really shouldn’t hear about those files, you can get in some serious trouble for accusing someone of this sort of thing. Can we all just agree that Shawn is an charming asshole?”
“Well, he’s an asshole, I’ll agree to that,” Pam grumbled, earning nods and murmurs of agreement from the others. “Besides, he- oh, I’m sorry, Shawna. I didn’t realize-”
“You’re crying, dear,” Pam said gently.
I touched my cheek. It was true, I could feel tears streaming down my face, but I didn’t remember when they started. “Oh, I’m sorry,” I said, wiping my eyes. “It’s… it’s alright. I guess I’ve just got a lot of history with… with Shawn.”
Debra, one of my fellow Personal Assistants, touched my arm. “Never mind that,” she said, “Let’s talk about the good stuff! Have you seen him naked?”
“Oh my God, Debbie!” Mary groaned. “We can’t take you anywhere!”

We managed to waste about an hour on the clock, mostly gossipping about me… or about the man who I’d been. It seemed the consensus that Shawn Milner was a rogue and a predator… but that most women didn’t mind being his prey. Still, it hurt a little to realize just how disliked I was around the place.
Pam walked back toward my office with me. “So you have the same education, too?” she asked. “I suppose he found better jobs because of that aggressive personality.”
“Yeah, I guess,” I said, looking down. “He never had any problems finding work.”
Pam grabbed my arm and stopped me. “Shawna, I just got a crazy idea. You should take his job!”
I blinked at her. “Take his what now?”
“Think about it! You take this week, sit in on meetings, really show off your skills… and I can have a word with a few people, get the ball rolling. Friday we put in an official application, and by next Wednesday I can have them making you a new nameplate.”
“What about m… about Shawn?”
“Oh, fuck him,” Pam scoffed. “I’ll just have him transferred, or promoted away, or get one of the girls at another company to headhunt him out of here.”
I stared at her. Was it really that easy to get rid of me? To replace me with… with myself? “Pam, I’ll… I’ll think about it, okay?”
“Well don’t think too long! Come work with us. Sweetie, you deserve it!”
Thinking about the things she’d said about me, about my old self, I couldn’t bring myself to argue with her.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket around 10:30. By the time I checked it, there were a dozen messages from Katlyn.
“U up?”
“Wat happend?”
“Call me bitch”
“Lunch 2day?”
It went on like that. I sighed and pressed the Call button.
Katlyn answered on the first ring. “Tell me everything!” she said, making me wince and hold the phone away from my ear. “No, wait. Not yet. Let’s meet up for lunch. Where are you?”
“I’m at work. Why aren’t you?”
“Oh, I never work Mondays.”
“Well I do. I’ll meet you at lunch.”

We ended up at an outdoor cafe table, where I gave a brief description of the events: he kissed me, we made out, and we fooled around a little.
“That’s awesome!” Kat grinned widely, squeezing my hand. “What did you do? What was it like? Tell me everything!”
I couldn’t help smiling. Katlyn’s enthusiasm was infectious. “Well, alright. I said something funny, and then we looked at each other and he kissed me… and then I kissed him, and we did that for a while.”
Kat made a sign with her finger to tell me to keep going while she chewed her sandwich.
“Okay. Uh, I was pretty drunk so it’s a little fuzzy, but I remember I was stroking his… ahem… leg.”
Katlyn bounced excitedly in her seat.
“And then I went after his neck. And pulled him out of his pants.”
“Right there in the cab??”
“Well yeah… the driver wasn’t looking. I think.”
Katlyn giggled. “What was it like?”
“I think he was in pain, he was so excited. I guess guys like it when you win barfights.”
“Then what? Did you go down on him?”
I blushed, remembering. “Not… yet. There was more makeouts, and a hand on my chest, and my hand was… busy. And then he was gonna cum and I didn’t think, I just… went down there and took it.”
“In your mouth??”
I felt myself blushing deeper. “Shush!!”
Kat giggled and lowered her voice. “In your mouth?”
I rolled my eyes. “Yes, you perv. I spit it in a bag and we cuddled all the way home.”
She squealed, jumping out of her seat and moving around the table to hug me. “That’s so great! I’m so happy for you guys!”
I patted her arm. “Thanks, I think.”
She pulled away and sat down again. “You know, I don’t get you sometimes.”
“How do you mean?”
“Well I mean, here’s this sweet, smart, gorgeous guy, and he wants you and I think you want him too but it’s hard to tell because you seem almost sad that you got busy last night! It’s like you don’t know how to be a girl.”
I looked down. “Yeah, I guess not.” My head felt hot and tight, and I realized I was feeling embarrassed, and ashamed. “Anyway,” I said, thinking fast, “it’s my brother’s place.”
“I thought you said he was your cousin.”
“Uh… right. Sorry, it’s just that we’re very close, he’s like a brother…”
Kat leaned in close. “Shawna… is there something you want to tell me?”
“I’m a man,” I said suddenly.
She smirked. “Don’t be silly, I’ve seen you naked. You’re not-”
“Yes I am!” I blurted. “I’m a fucking man and gypsies stole my junk and I’m just trying to get out of this stupid weird over-emotional body before I go insane!”
“Shawna, Shawna…” Kat took my hands from across the table. I held onto her like a lifeline. “Hush girl, it’s alright… Just… tell me everything, alright?”
I looked around. Some people had noticed my emotional display, but nobody seemed to be listening in. “Okay,” I said, sniffing. “You’ll think I’m crazy, but… okay.”
I was in too deep anyway, so I told her the truth. “There was a girl, at a party,” I said. “I got her… drunk. And took advantage.”
Katlyn frowned. “And you’re telling me gypsies made you a woman for that?”
I looked away. “I may have put something in her drink.”
Kat’s hands stopped gripping mine. “Oh.”
“Yeah. I’m… I feel pretty awful about it now. I woke up on Saturday morning, and I was… like this.”
She squeezed her hands. “You really mean it, don’t you? You’re telling me the truth right now.”
“Yeah. It’s okay if you don’t believe me, or-”
“I believe you.”
I stared at her. There was a sympathetic smile on her face, which immediately blurred as my eyes filled up with tears. The shame I felt was washed away by a flood of relief, that somehow I’d found a friend who would stand with me despite all this.
“It’s okay,” she said. “Listen, Shawna… Shawn. You don’t deserve this. This is inhumane. I mean, prison, sure, but not… whatever this is. Look, you’re shaking and you’re freaked out and… oh my god you weren’t bi, were you?”
I couldn’t help but smile a little at her skewed priorities. “No, Kat, I was straight as an arrow.”
Her eyes widened. “Oh shit. You’re the Lawyer, aren’t you? From the gym? Crap and we were talking about you like that…”
I shook my yeah. “Yeah, I was, and it’s okay. I deserve to be objectified a little, I think. Besides, it was kinda hot knowing you guys were checking me out all the time when I was focused on lifting.”
She grinned. “Wait’ll we get your body back, I’ll pin you down and have my way with you!”
I winced. “Yeah that sounds great, but give me a while. I’ve already had one person try to force himself on me this week.”
“What? Who would do that?”
“Tommy, my… well, my best friend. I think I’m giving off pheromones.”
“They made you a rape magnet?!”
“Yeah…. pretty much,” I admitted. “I’m sorry if that changes how you feel after yesterday.”
Katlyn shook her head. “You can just make it up to me next time,” she said, winking at me. “In fact, I have a wicked idea. Meet me here after work, and you can show me a good time.”
I nodded. “Thanks, Kat. You’re a really good friend, you know that?”
She grinned again. “Bet your ass I am, girl.”

My phone rang a minute later. “It’s Chris,” I said, looking at the screen. “I… have no idea what to say.”
Katlyn giggled. “Damn, I have some coaching to do. Just answer for God’s sake and be yourself. Well… not yourself, but you know… act casual.”
I rolled my eyes and answered the phone. “Hi, Chris.”
“Shawna, hey! How’s the day? I hope you weren’t too hungover this morning.”
“Not at all,” I lied. “In fact, I woke up early. Worked out. Built an orphanage.”
Chris laughed. “Sure, whatever, Supergirl. Listen, I just called to tell you… I had a really great time last night.”
I smiled, then scowled and pushed Katlyn’s eavesdropping ear away from my phone. “I, uh… me too. It was fun.”
“Good! And I promise, I’ll call you the moment that Adam and Ben find anything about your gypsy. Adam is a detective, Ben’s a P.I., and they both owe me favors.”
“That’s great. I owe you for this, Chris. You’re.. kinda saving my life.”
There was a long pause. I wanted to say something, but what could I say? “How was the handjob?” “Is it okay that you kissed a dude?”
Chris cleared his throat. “Shawna, I know last night was sort of a tit-for-tat, but I was hoping I could see you again. In less of an ‘I’m helping you so come out with me’ and more of a ‘you’re kind of awesome and I want to see more of you and now I’m babbling so it’s weird please spend time with me nice lady’.”
I giggled. “That sounds great, Chris,” I said, and I realized I wasn’t lying; it really did sound great. “Tomorrow night?”
“Tomorrow night. I’ll make you dinner.”
I glared at Katlyn. She was sitting next to me, making lewd gestures with her hands to encourage me. I flapped a hand at her in annoyance. “Dinner at your place? Alright.”
We worked out the details and said our goodbyes. As soon as I put down my phone, Katlyn squealed. “A second date! That’s awesome! And at his place… where there’s nobody to interrupt you.”
“Shush, you. I’m just going to spend time with him. I… I like being around him, okay?”
“Wrapped around him, more like.”
“God, I need my body back,” I said, shoving her shoulder. “Girls are the weirdest friends.”

The second half of the day was much like the first: doing my work without anyone knowing it was me doing it, meeting “new” coworkers, and hearing about how much they hated my “brother”. It was starting to really wear me down; I’d always thought I was well-liked, but it seemed like everyone knew that I was just playing the game, and I had no real friends. Hell, after between that and Tommy jumping me… I sort of didn’t.
Well, Shawn didn’t. Shawna, on the other hand, had an appointment to do… something… this evening with her best girlfriend, and a date tomorrow night with her… romantic male acquaintance. Not even three days on Earth, and Shawna already had it pretty good. I supposed Shawn would find that pretty unfair.

Katlyn met me at the cafe again after work. She had a little box in her hands, which she gave to me. “Put this on,” she said.
I opened the box. Inside was a blue strip of soft leather, with heavy buckles and a sturdy metal ring.
“Kat, what is this?”
“It’s your collar,” she explained. “You told lies and used sexy powers to seduce me probably, so you’re my property for the evening. I think that’s more than fair.”
I shrugged. How bad could it be? I took the collar out of the box, reaching to buckle it in behind my neck.
Katlyn shook her head. “Here, it has to be tighter or it’ll chafe and rub.” She stepped behind me and adjusted the buckle, pulling my hair up out of the way and letting it fall. “Have you done anything like this before?”
I shook my head.
“Alright. Don’t worry. You are in control here, because you hold the magic safeword. If anything, at any time, gets too intense, or uncomfortable, or you just need to stop, say ‘jailbreak’ and I have to stop. Got it?”
“Jailbreak. Got it.”
“There.” She moved around in front of me, hooking a finger in the ring at my throat and pulling me in to kiss her. “Don’t worry, pet,” she said. “I take very good care of my things.”
Something about the way she said that, the way she identified me as a possession, struck a chord in me. I felt safe, knowing that she would take care of things. “I trust you,” I said.
“‘I trust you, Miss,’” she corrected me.
I nodded. “I trust you, Miss,” I echoed.
“Much better. Let’s get some dinner.”

Katlyn drove us to a restaurant not far from my office, but in a direction I had never gone before. You will hide the nature of our evening from the staff here,” she instructed.
“Okay,” I said, reaching to open the door.
“‘Okay, Miss,’” she corrected. “Don’t make me start punishing you already.”
“How am I supposed to hide this if I’m wearing a collar and calling you ‘Miss’?” I asked in frustration.
Katlyn gave me a cheshire grin. “That’s your problem, pet,” she said, walking into the restaurant. “Come along.”

We sat in a corner booth and ordered some food. While we waited, Katlyn started pressing me for details about my past. My first kiss, my first time touching myself, the first girl I had sex with. The most daring or kinkiest things I’d done. I started to feel a little uncomfortable relating the details; I was less and less proud of who I’d been, lately. Katlyn sensed this, and held up her hand.
“Listen, my pet,” she said, taking my hand, “that’s in the past. Tonight, you are going to atone for who you were. Tomorrow, you’ll be clean and new. Understand?”
“I’m not sure I do… Miss,” I said, checking for nearby waiters. “But I’ll wait and see.”
“Good girl,” she said with a smile.
I flushed at her praise, but not with embarrassment. I was feeling a strange sort of pride at pleasing Katlyn with my response.

Our food arrived shortly after. We chatted more about my past, and I started to feel better unloading to Katlyn. A week ago, I would have said I felt no guilt about my history, but i thought that had to be wrong, because I certainly felt relieved of some guilt now. I started to wonder if I’d been carrying a weight around without even knowing it.
“I want your panties now,” Katlyn announced between bites of my food. She’d been stealing from my plate pretty regularly as I talked.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“You heard me, slave,” she said, staring me down and making me feel very small. “You may go to the washroom if you like, but when you come back I expect you to put your panties on the table in front of me.”
“I… yes, Miss,” I said meekly. “Excuse me.”
She waved me off and I slid out of the booth.
I turned. “Yes, Miss?”
Katlyn smiled at me. “Chin high. You’re a beautiful woman, and the most valuable thing I’ve ever owned.”
I smiled, feeling a wave of pride rising in me. “Yes, Miss,” I said, turning to go.

The ring on my collar clinked quietly with my steps. Some of the other diners, mostly the men, turned their heads to look at me as I walked past. The restrooms were on the other end of the restaurant, and I could feel their eyes tracking me. I kept my head high and put a little sway into my hips, knowing that Katlyn would be watching, too.
I went into the washroom and straight to an empty stall, hiking up my skirt to take off my underwear. They were simple, soft cotton panties, and they were ridiculously comfortable, although that might have been partly because I didn’t have a penis to worry about anymore. Underwear was a lot easier to wear when you never had to reposition anything.
There was someone in another stall, so I sat on the toilet and pretended to do my business. Cursing my lack of pockets, I wagged up the panties and tucked them into my blouse, then stood up and slid my skirt back down.
The toilet in the other stall flushed a second before mine. I stepped out and walked to the sinks to wash my hands.
“Sweet collar.”
I looked in the mirror. The woman who had stepped out of the other stall was gorgeous. She was tall, leggy, and pale, with long, raven-black hair and bright green eyes, and she was wearing a black dress trimmed with lace.
“Thanks,” I said. “It was a gift.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” she flashed me a knowing smile, setting a zippered bag on the counter and washing her hands. “You headed to the Manor tonight?”
“The what?”
She dried her hands and started pulling makeup out of the bag. “The Manor. It’s where most of us end up, sooner or later.”
I dried my hands. “Most of who?”
She chuckled, leaning close to the mirror to apply some dark makeup around her eyes. “Maybe I’m off-base. If I’m not, I’ll see you and your Mistress later.”
I didn’t have much to say to that, so I turned to leave.
“Tell her I hope she shares,” the woman called after me.
I waited for the door to close behind me. “Weirdo,” I muttered, walking back across the restaurant.

I returned to the table the same way I’d left, with a straight back and swinging hips, owning the room. Katlyn grinned. “Got something for me, pet?”
I glanced about, then pulled the crumpled piece of fabric out of my top and put it on the table near her. She took it, much slower than I would have liked, and tucked it into her purse. “Good,” she said. “You’ll get these back later, when I’m done playing with you.” She leaned closer as I sat down. “Shawna, remember, if you’re not okay about this, it can stop anytime.”
I felt almost annoyed that she would break character to check on me. Did she think I was weak enough that a little panty theft would break me? I resolved then and there to endure whatever acts she thought would push me. “I’m fine, Miss,” I said pointedly. “Thank you.”
“Hmph, suit yourself,” she said, leaning back. “I ate your fries. When you’re finished, we can get going.”

I didn’t much care for the little mistreatments, but Katlyn’s overall attitude was intoxicating enough that I didn’t care. She was bold, commanding, and possessive; in short, she was everything I used to be as Shawn, but more honest about it.I’d only been “hers” for maybe an hour, but already I felt compelled to please her, to earn her praise and favor.
After dinner, we took Katlyn’s car into a nearby all-night parcade and walked to our destination. She kept her hand on my waist, subtly steering me for a couple blocks and turning into an alley.
“Here we are,” she said, nodding toward the only light the alley had to offer. “I think you’ll like it here.”
I looked around. The alley was empty and clean. To all appearances, it was simply the paved space between a high fence and the back of a warehouse. Halfway down, a single bare lightbulb hung over a steel door. Katlyn guided me down to it and banged her fist against the door a couple times.
The door swung open and we were greeted by a giant in a darkened coat-check room. Or, at least, that’s what it looked like. Huge, muscular, and dressed in a tight black shirt and jeans, the man crossed his arms and looked us up and down. “You know you’re allowed to open the door yourself, Wildcat,” he said, diving Katlyn a jokingly annoyed look.
“Well of course I am, Claude,” she replied, stepping into the building and running a hand down his cheek. “But I just love watching you work.”
The bouncer rolled his eyes and cocked his head behind him. “Come on in.” He looked down at me. “You’re new, huh?”
I nodded, refusing to be intimidated. “Must be a rough place if they need a mountain at the door, “ I quipped.
He laughed, a deep, rumbling sound that echoed off the walls in the coatroom. “Found yourself a brat, didja?” He elbowed Katlyn. “I’m largely a deterrent, Firecracker.” He grinned, apparently pleased with himself; I suspected he’d been waiting to say “largely” for a while. “You shouldn’t have any trouble, and if you ever feel unsafe, let any staff member or another guest know, and they’ll take care of you. Welcome to the Manor.”
I hadn’t noticed the door hidden behind Claude in the far wall. The effect was jarring when he pulled it open, as if I was looking through a portal into another world.
Katlyn, nonplussed by the “magic” door, put a hand on my back and guided me forward. “Thanks, doll,” she called back to Claude as we stepped through and into the room beyond.
“Firecracker?” I asked quietly.
“Just about everyone gets a new name,” Katlyn explained. “It’s Claude’s way. They catch on fast, so don’t bother fighting it.”
We found ourselves standing in a dimly-lit common room. I could see a bar, a fireplace, several couches and tables, and even some restaurant-style booths. The entire place was done up in deep browns of finished wood and reds of crushed velvet. It was warm, almost uncomfortably so, and it smelled faintly of incense. Bass-heavy music was piped in from somewhere, but not loudly enough to make it difficult to talk; only enough to create an ambience and give a beat to a few people who were moving about in an open area that had become a dance floor.
Looking around, it was pretty obvious why the place was kept so hot. Nobody was wearing very much, and some people barely had anything on at all. In fact, with my most-of-a-business-suit and Katlyn’s casual shirt and jeans, I suddenly felt very overdressed.
Kat steered us over to a couch, sitting down in the middle of it. It was arranged in a sort of circle with two others, both of which were occupied. The others were both men, both wearing dark clothing, and both had a girl kneeling on the floor next to him.
“Sit,” Katlyn commanded.
I sat next to her on the couch, and she gave me a look. It was the sort of look you give to a child who is too slow to understand what is expected of him. “Don’t embarrass me now, pet,” she said, tossing a throw pillow on the floor by her feet. “You know your place, and these girls are setting a lovely example.”
I opened my mouth to object, but I could tell Kat wasn’t kidding. Oh well, I thought, it’s not like I was that girl over by the bar in the leather straps and bridle. I pointedly stopped looking around and slid off the couch, curling my legs under me and sitting on the cushion. “Sorry,” I muttered.
“Sorry, Miss,” I said, looking her in the eyes and dropping emphasis on the second word. The men watching us chuckled, and their attending girls stifled similar giggles.
Katlyn smiled at me. “Good girl,” she said, running a hand through my hair in a petting motion that sent a shiver into my shoulders. “You’ll remember next time.”
One of the men leaned forward. “Who’s your new friend, Wildcat?” he asked.
“Shawna,” I said, nodding in greeting.
Katlyn’s hand curled to a fist near my scalp, yanking me back by my hair to look up at her. “Only when spoken to, dear,” she snapped before letting go. I rubbed my head, but truthfully it hadn’t hurt me. Katlyn knew what she was doing. “This is Firecracker, apparently,” she explained to the men.
The one who’d spoken rolled his eyes. “Claude?”
“Claude,” Kat replied.
“It fits, though,” the other man said. He tapped his companion on the shoulder and she turned partway to hand him a glass of wine that had been sitting in front of her. He lifted it to take a sip. It almost felt like he was toasting me. “She’s beautiful, and looks to be more than a little dangerous.”
I felt myself reddening and starting to sweat a little. Katlyn noticed and reached down, popping a couple buttons open on my blouse, which relieved the heat but did nothing for the feeling of eyes on my body. “Fire, this is Talon and Dwayne. Yes, Dwayne. Not everyone gets a good one.” Dwayne rolled his eyes and sipped his wine again, but Katlyn continued. “They’re friends, and you can treat them with the same respect as me, although they can’t touch you without my permission.”
“Jeez,” Talon said, “you grab one ass and suddenly you’re the Manor’s grabasser.”
“When it’s my ass you do,” Katlyn shot back at him.
The girl kneeling at Dwayne’s feet was staring at me pretty hard. I looked in her direction and she smiled, wiggling her fingers in a little wave. She was wearing a black lacey dress that looked strikingly familiar, which made sense because if you took away the dark circles around her eyes and the black-edged dark red lipstick, what remained was the girl who I’d met in the restaurant bathroom.
Dwayne gave her wrist a little slap. “I told you, Mal,” he chided, “you’re on punishment tonight.”
“Yes, Master,” she said in a defeated voice. The conspiratorial grin she shot me, however, was anything but defeated. Somehow, “Mal” was getting exactly what she wanted.
“Give her a break, D,” Katlyn said. “Hey there Malachite, what did you do this time?”
Mal looked up at Dwayne, who threw up a “whatever, go ahead” gesture. She turned back toward us. “I failed to make Master cum last night,” she said frankly. “I was restricted to my mouth only and given five minutes.”
Kat scratched at my scalp again, slowly. “Five whole minutes? Mallie, I’ve seen you work. You only need two. You threw that test.”
Mal bit her lip. “You can’t prove that, Miss,” she said, throwing me another look. “I always try my hardest for Master, no matter how I feel about his funish- er, punishments.”
It was my turn to giggle now. Malachite may have been a weirdo who talked crazy in restaurant bathrooms, but she had a fun little attitude.
Dwayne raised a brow at me. “Need someone to give your new friend a spanking, Cat?”
Katlyn shook her head. “Not a chance. She’s mine.” She smiled at me, then changed the subject. “So when is the rope show?”
Talon grinned and stood. “Pretty much right away. I was waiting to see if you’d show up. Do you or your Firecracker want anything from the bar?”
I looked up at Katlyn, mostly out of my newly-discovered worry about drugged cocktails. She nodded. “A couple coolers, if you’d be a dear. In the bottles.” She winked at me; she’d paid attention when I told her about who I’d been.

Talon brought us the bottles, knelt down next to his companion. She had a collar that was similar to mine, and he attached a little leash to it. “Are you ready, my love?” he asked.
The girl nodded, standing and walking with him over to the dance floor, which cleared off quickly. Dwayne moved to sit next to Katlyn, and Malachite crawled over to kneel next to me, giving me an excited smile.
“Rope show?” I whispered.
Mal nodded. “Dwayne is a suspension expert,” she explained quietly, pretending that Talon couldn’t hear her. I had no doubt she was doing it on purpose, giving him an excuse for more “funishment.” “You’ll see.”
Dwayne had produced a duffel bag from somewhere, and he set it on the floor in front of his girl. “Thanks for coming as usual, folks,” he said to us and a few other groups who had turned to pay attention. “You all know my beautiful assistant, Abrielle.”
Abrielle took a little bow. She really was beautiful, although she held herself in a way that you wouldn’t notice her. She had pale skin and long blonde hair, and a body like a gymnast or a dancer.
“Abby, go ahead and disrobe,” Dwayne said, taking a step back to let everyone see her more clearly.
Abrielle smiled at him and immediately reached back, contorting her shoulder to unzip the tight little strapless dress she was wearing. It fell to the floor, leaving her in only a little black thong and a pair of high heels. The panties soon followed, and then she stepped out of the shoes as well, crouching down to carefully pick them up and set them aside.
I’d been right about her body; it was thin and light, but not emaciated. She had long legs with no hair between them, tight abs, the hints of visible ribs, and small breasts. She turned around slowly, letting us see her in full, then stood still with her arms at her sides.
Dwayne pulled a bundle of rope from his bag. “Arms,” he said.
Abrielle turned her back to him, clasping her hands together behind her. Dwayne unwound the rope and bound her wrists together with a sort of flourish. Moving up from there, using both hands at once, he slipped the robes back and forth, over and under, weaving a sort of lattice between her arms almost all the way to the shoulders. When he was finished, her arms were so thoroughly bound together that they could not have moved if she had tried. He ran the ends of the rope over her shoulders, moving around her to cross them between her breasts and tying them to her wrists again.
From there, he started on the rest of her body. Ropes wound around her, crossing and hooking into each other, forming a web across her torso. He bound her ankles together, treating her legs much the same as her arms. Yet as I watched, Abrielle stood statue-still, not shaking or sweating.
”He’s good,” Mal whispered to me. “Look, she’s not turning red anywhere. She can’t move, but her circulation is fine.”
Dwayne nodded to the bartender, who walked off, returning a minute later and helping another man wheel in a large metal rack. It looked like a curtain rod, suspended between four sturdy steel legs, with three metal rings in the middle.
Dwayne ran ropes through the rings, handing two of them to the other two men and one himself. Then he waited, looking at Abrielle.
I held my breath, waiting along with them for whatever came next. I could see Abrielle shifting, testing her bonds. Satisfied, she nodded to Dwayne.
The three men pulled down on their robes, and Abrielle rose smoothly into the air. She was smiling and looking in our direction as her body tilted forward. It was as if she’d taken flight, without moving from the spot.
Everyone watching applauded as Dwayne bowed, then wheeled Abrielle out of the room. Just before they left our sight, she glanced in my direction and winked.
“You forgot to drink that,” Katlyn said, reminding me of the bottle I’d been holding the entire time. I took a drink, relishing the cool, sweet liquid, and realized I’d been sweating while I watched the show.
“That was impressive,” Katlyn said, breaking the silence. “Last time I saw Dwayne work, he was nowhere near that… thorough.”
Talon chuckled. “Youtube lessons,” he explained. “I hooked him up with a couple good channels.”
“Remind me to get some links off you,” Kat said. She reached down and cupped my chin, making me look up at her. “We’re going to another room now, pet,” she said. “Where we can be alone. I promised we’d deal with your stress, and I assume you’re not ready for an audience yet.”
“Yes, Miss,” I said, starting to rise to my feet.
Talon smiled at me. “It was nice meeting you, Fire,” he said. “We hope you come back soon. Maybe you and Mal can get to know each other a little better.”
I felt myself smiling at him. “Thanks, uh, Sir,” I said, glancing at Katlyn. She nodded, telling me I’d guessed right at the manners and making me feel proud of myself. “I think I’d like that. Maybe.”


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3phxp3/ff_bdsm_shawna_roma_revenge_part_vii_a_little


  1. **CONTINUED** Katlyn ushered me up some stairs into a hallway full of doors. None of them were labeled. Some were closed, with light coming from underneath; others stood slightly ajar, but not wide enough that I could see inside. Kat rubbed my back as we walked. Her hand, firm but gentle, kept me grounded. “So what did you think?” she asked. “It was quite something,” I said. “Definitely not what I expected.” “How so?” “Well I don’t know, I just expected… this kind of thing… to be more, you know… “ “Dark? Moody? Angry? Lots of leather-clad scary people beating on crying girls and wimpy boys?” I shrugged. “Something like that. But the vibe was different. I can’t quite put my finger on it.” “It’s trust,” she said, pushing one of the doors fully open. The room beyond was dark. “Trust and freedom. When Abrielle is trussed up like a ham and floating three feet off the ground, she places absolute trust in Dwayne, in his ability to bind her, control her, and keep her safe. It’s a great honor, and he treats it as such.” I turned to face Katlyn. “What if he betrays that trust?” I asked, feeling a sudden twist in my gut, a reminder of my guilt. She smiled, reaching for me and undoing the buttons of my blouse one by one as she spoke. “That won’t happen. If it did, every person in this building would defend her. They would black-ball him, and warn every new sub who came looking around to dodge him.” She reached into the room and flicked on a light. “Go inside, drop the blouse, and kneel facing the wall.” I stepped into the room. A soft glow from a ceiling fixture lit the deep red padded walls. It was mostly bare, with a sort of standing cupboard near the door. Directly across from me was a very low bench and a polished wood fixture shaped like a capital T. I let my shirt fall to the floor with a soft shifting sound, then walked over to the bench and knelt on it, gripping the fixture in front of me with both hands. Soft padding hugged my knees, and the cool, smooth wood gave me an instinctive sort of calm feeling. It was all too nice, too well-built, to feel dangerous or worrying. “Good,” Katlyn said. I jumped a little at the sudden sound of the door closing. She opened the cupboard, and a few moments later she was fastening a cold steel band around my right wrist. It was a handcuff, and the other half of it was at the end of a long chain. She slid that around my left wrist, then fastened the chain to the back of the post I was holding in some way that I couldn’t see. “That’s not too tight, is it?” I turned my wrists. “Nope,” I said. “Just a little unexpected, is all.” She leaned on the post in front of me. “You can stop this at any time. Safeword me, and I’ll have you free in under ten seconds.” She jingled a small keyring at me, then slipped it into her pocket. I shook my head. “It’s alright.” “Good. Do you trust me?” “Not the way that we saw down there, but… yes, I think so. “Yes…?” “Yes, Miss,” I said. I shivered, although whether it was from the things that were happening or from the air on my skin, I couldn’t say. She smiled. “Good. Face the wall.” She stepped around me and back to the cupboard. I heard what sounded like her picking up and setting down several objects. “You were a very naughty boy before you were changed,” she said, sounding suddenly more stern. “You did a lot of bad things. You may even have been a bad person. Am I right?” I swallowed around a lump in my throat. “Yes, Miss,” I replied. “Of course I am. You’ve done so many things, and others suffered for them. And it’s built this shell of badness around you. But I can see something inside, and I want to see it better. So I’m going to strip that shell away.” She stood behind me now, and I felt her unclasp my bra. “Do you understand?” “Yes, Miss,” I said, although I wasn’t sure I understood at all. I felt warm fingers trail up my spine, and then something else did the same. It felt like a hundred tendrils, cool and soft, and its tickle made me squirm. “What is that?” I asked. “Your punishment.” Katlyn trailed the object up, across my neck, and along my arm where I could see. A hundred hadn’t been far off, I thought; long, thin, black strands slid across my skin, attached to a little handle that Kat was holding. “It’s a flogger, and it will be how I make you clean again.” The flogger slipped down my raised arm to my back again, then disappeared from my senses. A moment later, it began gently slapping back and forth across my shoulder blades. Tap, tap, tap, It was a gentle, almost soothing sensation, of rubber kissing skin. I exhaled and relaxed. That was the moment the first real blow came. The slap filled my ears a moment before I felt the sting, a rush of fire into my head that made me gasp in shock. I flinched, pulling at the post I was bound to. Then the gentle tapping continued. “That was a taste,” Katlyn told me. “It will get much better than that. Are you alright?” I nodded. “Yes… Miss,” I said. “Good.” The flogger came down again, hard, leaving a stinging slash across my back. Before I could even react, it came in for a backhand, striking me again in an X shape. I clenched my jaw, tensing with the blows and relaxing again. The flogger’s tails slid across my back, replacing the stinging with a touch like water on a stone. “Now, Shawna,” Katlyn said, “you’re ready for absolution.” I opened my mouth to say something, to ask something, but the tails came down before I could. My voice turned into a cry as pain lanced up into me, and I jerked away on reflex from the blow. There was a pause, and then another strike landed lower on my back, and another. I clenched my fists, breathing slowly and deliberately, as Katlyn pressed against my back. She had taken off her top at some point; I could feel her skin on mine, cool where the heat of the lash still throbbed. “Are you still alright, pet?” she whispered in my ear. “Shall I go on?” I wasn’t sure why we were doing this. It certainly wasn’t giving me pleasure. But at the same time, there was an adrenalin rush building inside me, and I felt compelled to ride along with it. Besides, I didn’t want to look like a quitter. “I’m fine, Miss,” I said. “Don’t stop.” “Good girl.” I felt the warmth of a blush on my cheeks, but before I could enjoy it, the tails came down once again, washing me over with a wave of pain. It went on like that for some time: Gentle touches and long pauses, punctuated by sharp and sudden pain. At some point, Katlyn told me to scream for her, and I did, crying out aloud at each strike of her tool. I screamed like a girl, like a child, and tears burned my cheeks. After what felt like a long time, but probably wasn’t, the blows stopped. Katlyn stroked my back tenderly, once more touching cool skin to my burning flesh. “Alright,” she said. “Good. We’re good.” She reached over and unshackled first one wrist, then the other. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I just knelt there, panting. Katlyn sat on the bench next to me and pulled me close, hugging me. “Come on back, Shawna,” she said. “You’re done. All clean, all forgiven.” I sniffed, and I realized I was crying. Not from the pain, but from the memory. Who I’d been, what I’d been. My past, my future, all came crashing in around me. I realized, too, that I couldn’t stop crying. I buried my face in Katlyn’s breasts, shaking with each desperate sob and letting her hold me, trusting her not to let me fall. I lost track of time again, but Katlyn held me tirelessly until I calmed down. She cooed and shushed and stroked my hair, comforting me while I came back from a lost baby to the self I had been before. “I’m sorry,” I said, sniffing and shifting to sit next to her. “I don’t know what just happened.” “I do,” Katlyn said, smiling at me. “It happens a lot, but not usually that dramatically.” “Wow.” I shook my head. “That was intense.” Katlyn put a hand on my knee. “How do you feel?” I thought about it for a long moment. I felt… sore. Sore and well-used. But there was something else there, too. I thought about the memories I’d been grappling with, the weight of guilt I’d had on my shoulders. I thought about them, and realized I didn’t feel them anymore. I still remembered the things Shawn had done, and I still felt guilty… but it was more like remembering the feeling than feeling it. She was right. I’d atoned for my sins. I didn’t know if it would last, but for now, I’d atoned. “Well?” I smiled. “I feel great.” We finished our drinks and had more, then shared a cab ride home. The driver took his time, I think, but I didn’t mind, since most of the ride was spent making out with Katlyn while the fondled me like a high school boyfriend. We both got out at my place and she paid him and sent him on his way, saying she’d walk me to my door and then walk herself home. “So,” Kat said, leaning against me, “what are you going to tell Chris?” “About tonight? Fucking nothing. At least for now.” She smirked. “I mean about you. About your…” she put a hand between her legs and wiggled a finger, miming some sort of penis-tentacle. I choked on a laugh. “Stop it, that’s gross. I’m not going to tell him about that.” “Well you have to,” she said. “You have to tell him something, at least.” “Why?” “Think about it, Firecr-” I glared and she corrected herself. “…Shawna. You get your body back, become your ‘twin brother’, and what happens to you? To Shawna, the girl Chris knows?” I shrugged. “I guess she just… leaves.” Katlyn shook her head. “You have to tell him more than that, at least. You haven’t been a girl long, but trust me, he needs some sort of closure.” I was confused. “Why?” “Because,” Kat said, shoving me playfully, “he’s in love with you.” **END PART VII**

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