[F4M] A special type of depravity

You (Eric: the male) – You’re a charming business executive who buys thousand-dollar suits. You’re a great salesman. You’re a great salesman because you know to persuade people and and you’re always one step ahead of their concerns. You’re popular among your coworkers. You attend office parties and work related non mandatory social events such as going to clients galas and charity events. Point in blank, you’ve got your shit together. Yet you have a whole different side of you when you’re not at work. You’re a sadist. You’re mainly an emotional sadist – you prey on a females self worth. You’re very skilled at getting what you what. I would like this character to be physically fit and under 35 years old. When it comes to race, I’d prefer this character to be either white, mixed or lightskin black, or any type of Hispanic origins. You do not have to be a male to play the role as a male, I just would expect you to have a good idea of how a males mind works and a creative imagination.

Me (Sarah: the female) – A free spirit. The type of person to go with the flow of where life takes her. This character has no real goals; mainly because everytime she has a goal, a new one comes along. This character jumps from goal to goal, without finishing a single one. She’s been enrollment at different colleges multiple times, yet she never finishes a semester. This is because she’s a social butterfly and meets many people. As a free spirit, she goes with the flow of life but at the cost of never having a stable sense of who she is, realistically. This causes her to seemingly change her personality to match her friends personalities, in order to feel more close and at home with them. As a social butterfly, she meets all sorts of different people, each person and each group having different personalities and different interests. As a result, the character develops many different personalities, many of which clash with each other. This character is searching for her place in the world, without really knowing who she is and what she truly wants in life. Will that place be with you?

Ideally this prompt with be a long one. Meaning that I would like it to continue for multiple days, or even weeks if you have the time and will power to put your fingers to the keys.

Here’s a summary of where the prompt should take the characters. I want Sarah to meet Eric by chance. They will both be attending one of Eric’s charity events. Sarah will be wearing a semi expensive dress that she brought and plans to return the next day. Sarah is a thief. An expert pick pocket. Sarah is only at this event to score some jewelry or whenever she can get her hands on. However Eric and Sarah meet at the charity event is completely up to you. The story should slowly progress to where Eric has complete control over Sarah physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially. He will possess her completely. He will use his persuasive abilities to strip Sarah of her morals and self worth. Sarah will be transformed into Eric’s version of the perfect female. He’ll use humiliation, blackmail, pain, and mind games to achieve this.

What I’ve written might not be as suggestive as the title of my post stats, but believe me it will get there if you decide to enter this prompt with me.

I also chose not to list my kinklist or hard limits. This is because I would like to try to be a little open minded with this prompt. Sarah needs the full torment of what your creative kind can come up with. Although there are a few hard limits that I absolutely must address.


I look forward to hearing from you!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/8uy6nc/f4m_a_special_type_of_depravity