St. Lucia [Str8][fmM][cuck]

My new wife and I are on St. Lucia for our honeymoon. New wife….still sounds odd. We had no reservations because we are going to “wing it”, and because it’s the low season for tourism on the cusp of hurricane season. We caught a cab from the airport to the far side of the island and checked out a couple of resorts. We settled on the cheaper one that fits our newlywed budget. It still had a small pool overlooking the Caribbean.

Our first night there we climbed onto the big bed under the mosquito net and I gave her everything I had for 5 minutes. I’m no Casanova, but it’s loud and it’s fast. We did it again in the morning, cause hey, it’s our honeymoon, right? For our first full day on the island, we headed out to the beach. We cruised down the beach to its secluded end and laid out our blanket.

It was early yet in the day but already humid and getting hot. We hadn’t been set up on the beach for 5 minutes before a local walks over to talk with us. He checks out our blanket and us and starts to chat us up in the most friendly way. He asks if we had tried any mango yet. His response to our confused look was to trot over to a tree only 20 feet away, climb up a few branches and drop down 10 or so mangos. He whipped out a knife and sliced up pieces for us right there. He offered each fruit first to my wife which seemed like the proper thing, I guess. It just seemed a little like when he was talking to “us”, he was really talking to “her”.

My wife is the perfect woman for me, but no swim suit model. I mean she looks great in a swim suit, but she has tiny boobs and is pretty skinny. She ran track in college and still has the outline of her abs show up when she flexes. She’s like 5’4”, and 110 lbs so I guess you would call her petite and not voluptuous. Fact is that she could probably kick my ass. Her muscles aren’t big, but she’s super strong from years of running and working out. She has on a great little two piece swim suit that really shows off her tight ass. It’s one of those sport bra type tops with no padding to pretend she has bigger boobs, so it shows her nipples a little, especially when she is excited or after a swim.

Well, her nipples were out now. Here’s this guy who is clearly checking her out, talking with his awesome accent, and feeding her mangos from a tree that he just climbed, cutting them up with his big knife, and…did I mention that he is ripped. I mean I could see most of the external muscles that an adult male could possibly have; 3 of the 4 quads, biceps, triceps, lats, and I kid you not, an 8 pack where a 6 pack could be. Not that he was big. He was probably like 5’11” and 165 or so. He’s got short dreads and he’s wearing some old looking board shorts with a red, green, and yellow design on them. He’s all grins and lean muscles. I don’t even think he’s flexing, but every one of his muscles is out there.

Any snorkeling, he asks? We were planning on it.

Where’s your stuff? We haven’t gotten any yet, we’re winging it after all.

Be right back…and off he goes at a trot back toward town and our resort.

We continue to eat mango and Steff (oh yeah, my wife’s name is Steffanie) wades in up to her waste to cool off. We’re back on the blanket figuring out what we want to do over the next few days when Bob returns at a trot, with snorkel gear. He tells us it’s $15 each to rent the gear from our hotel. I give him our $30 and he sits down to talk some more. Bob wants to know what our plan is for our time on his island. We tell him our “winging it” ideology and he approves of the approach.

Will we be climbing the Pitons? We sure as hell weren’t going to visit St. Lucia and not climb the two stone mountains that guard the bay just south of here. It was one of the main reasons we chose St. Lucia over other Caribbean islands.

Do we have a guide yet? No, do we need one? Bob assures us that we do.

I will be your guide. The climb takes 4-5 hours round trip and bob will be our guide for $100 dollars. That seems steep, but bob assures us that the guides that the hotel will set us up with will be twice that much. We agree to meet him back here tomorrow. We part ways for the day with a hand shake for each of us that lingers for just a bit on Steph’s hand before he trots off. She watches him go for a few seconds longer than I do. It doesn’t bother me really. I mean the guy is a pretty impressive looking person.

We try out the snorkel gear, but the sandy area has pretty poor visibility. Back at the hotel, I check out the price for a guide up the Gros Piton and the staff tells me that a guide is definitely recommended and would run $200 bucks. Sweet, Bob is giving us a deal after all. We dine in our hotel restaurant, 69 in our hotel bed and finish off with another sprint to orgasm for me. Early the next morning we get up and head for the beach. We’re out there just after sunrise so that we can climb the piton and beat the heat. We’re not out there long before Bob comes trotting up from the inland road.

Now, I could write a whole story about the climb up the Gros Piton, but you’re probably already wondering when this story gets good. Suffice to say that a guide as totally needed. The mountain is virtually straight up with criss-crossing trails that are slathered in mud and rocks, and then mud again. Bob is barefoot and shirtless, and Steph and I are wearing our water sandals, shorts, a t-shirt for me and bikini top for Steph. Three or so hours later we reach the top and the heat has caught up with us. We are one big sweaty muddy mess, but the view is spectacular. We take pics of the view and ourselves. Bob takes one of Steph and I, and I take one of Steph and Bob. He’s got his arm around her in the most casual way and their sweaty bodies are touching from hip to shoulder.

We head back the way we came and at the bottom, Bob guides us to a perfect little fresh water grotto just a hundred yards off the trail. Another guide and his clients are just leaving. When we get there, Bob talks to the other guide for a minute and we make small talk with the other couple. When they leave, Bob motions for us to put down our stuff and go in for a swim. I situate my pack on a rock and when I turn around, Steph is looking toward the water with a blank look on her face. I follow her gaze and there’s Bob walking into the water, naked. Every god damned muscle showing. When he gets waist deep, he dives in the rest of the way.

Steph is already stripped off her shorts, but she is still wearing her bikini tops and bottoms. We’re still muddy and sweaty and the water looks great. I sit down on the rock to take off my shirt and sandals, glasses, etc. and Steph heads for the water. Bob sees her headed in and shakes a finger at her. He starts heading for the shore and wades up out of the water right toward her. Like aqua man, he emerges from the water dripping and even though the water was cool or even cold, his cock is swinging and just as impressive as the rest of his muscles. Steph is stopped with her toes at the edge of the water a little bit transfixed. I had stopped changing too. It just seemed a little, well unusual.

Bob comes walking up to Steph with his large friendly grin.

Not like that, he says pointing at her. You have to go like this, and he indicates himself.

When he looks back up he catches Steph checking out his cock. His smile changed just a bit from friendly to sly. I’m not making any progress toward getting undressed as I watch things unfold from 50 ft away. Bob walks forward slowly and gently taps Steph behind each elbow, helping to raise her arms. When they are above her head, he reaches forward and lifts off her top in one smooth move while maintaining eye contact with her. He pauses a second to read her face. She is facing away from me and toward the water so I can’t see her face, but I guess he likes what he sees.

He begins to bend his knees and maintains eye contact for a while before letting his eyes travel down her torso. Calling Steph an “A” cup might be generous. She has two perfect little mounds of soft with 2 good sized nipples just below the middle. I’m guessing that they were pointing straight out right now. Bob continues to lower himself down and when his eyes are level with her waist, he slides a thumb into each side of her waist band and drops her swim suit bottoms to her ankles in one swift tug. I think time froze there for me for a bit as I had no idea what had just happened or what was going to happen next.

Bob dropped to onto his knees with them out wide so that his face was level with her most private parts. Steph just stood there looking down. I just sat there on my rock with my mouth hanging open. Bob reached up behind Steph and pulled her legs toward him. She gave no resistance as her pussy mound collided with Bob’s nose. We had just finished a 5 hour hike and Bob rested his face there for a moment breathing in her smell. As his hands moved up her legs to her ass, his tongue reached out under her slit and and began to rub her pussy lips open. His dick, which was previously hanging straight down, was starting to move out and up and growing larger.

I thought I should do something, but my cock was rising in my own shorts. I just sat there transfixed. Bob was massaging her ass with his hands and her pussy with his mouth. It looked like he was being gentle and that his face was making love to her vagina. I saw her breathing increase and only a minute after he had started, she began to tremble and her hands grabbed onto his shoulders for support. One hand remained on her ass while the other propped up her lower back as she swayed a bit. He continued to support her and coax out every last bit of her orgasm with his tongue. I hadn’t moved for the last 60 seconds.

When she had finished, he was fully hard and she appeared exhausted. From his kneeling position he moved her right leg apart from her left and reached up between her legs with both arms. As he stood up, her thighs were resting on his forearms. Her legs slid apart and her knees were on either side of him with her arms around his neck and shoulders and her head hanging in relaxation. Slowly he lowered her down on top of his large erect cock. It was not the largest cock I had ever seen what with internet porn and all, but it was at least twice the size of mine in every dimension. It was as large around as a can of coke, and a good 8 inches long. As her well licked pussy made contact with the tip of his cock, her head shot up and she leaned back to look at Bob. He nodded slowly to her. She looked back over her shoulder at me, 50 ft away with a question in her eyes.

Now, we had never done anything like this, but it seemed so awesome really, and right. So, I nodded to her that it was Ok with me, and shrugged at the same time indicating I had no idea how she was going to get that big man member inside her. I guess she understood, because she smiled and relaxed just a bit as she turned back to Bob. As their eyes met, he began to lower her down. I snapped out of my inaction and by the time I had stripped my shirt, shoes, and shorts, and walked quickly over to them, Bob had lowered her half way onto his shaft. Steph was hugging him around the shoulders and chest and he still had his arms under her legs.

Now, I was standing just feet away from them and behind Steph. My cock was raging hard. I wasn’t even touching it. I dropped to my knees right behind my wife’s ass so I could see bob’s huge cock going into her close up. Her little pussy looked stretched around his massive dong. Now that I was up close, I could see that it really was huge. Her face was resting on his shoulder.

Are you OK with this? She asked me.

Baby, you are beautiful, and I love you. I replied.

At that she slid just a bit further down his shaft and she started to tremble. Her toes flexed and pointed, her back tightened, her head rolled back and she leaned away from Bob with her arms around his neck as the spasms wracked her whole body. Her Pussy was barely even moving on his cock and he was only 2/3 of the way in, but I had never seen her like this. When the climax subsided, she leaned back into his body breathing hard. Bob stood there, not even moving and her juices were slowly dripping down his cock and onto his balls. She was a puddle in his arms. He turned and walked into the water carrying her. When there asses were under the water, he disengaged and floated her off him.

The cool water revived her and she kissed him full on the mouth. They kissed and I could see their tongues exploring each other’s mouths. With a giggle and a shove, Steph pushed away from him and swam toward the mossy rocks in the deep end of the grotto pool. Bob turned to look at me, shrugged and fell backward into the water before giving chase. I waded in after them.

On the far side of the pool was a mossy jungle cliff with drips of water falling down all over it. Although the water was deep enough to dive into, there was a shelf of rock just 2 feet under the surface that made a perfect bench. Here, the jungle grew out enough so that a person standing on the shore wouldn’t really be able to see through. By the time I got there, Bob was standing in front of Steph on the rock ledge and she squatted in front of him with her face right in front of his cock. She was running her hands all over his cock and balls clearly marveling at the sight. As she saw me swim up, she shot me a look that said “how could I not?”. I just smiled as she opened her mouth and tried to get him in there. She was really only able to get the head in and even that looks a bit awkward. So she shifted to licking him from top to bottom. Popping first one and then the other testicle into her mouth before tracking back to the tip with her tongue. Bob’s eyes were closed as he accepted her adoration. He really was impressive with is dark rigid body against the green dripping wall. Steph was working herself into a frenzy, but not really making much progress.

Bob took her by the wrists and stood her up facing the dripping wall. Then he slid in behind her. She grabbed a root sticking out of the rock for support as he slid his cock up and down her ass crack. By this time I had slid up onto the bench rock next to them facing the pool so I could see my wife’s face and body clearly. Although she knew I was there, her eyes were closed. Bob dropped to his knees and began to eat Steph out from behind. It was a whole face exploration. Steph kept a tidy hose down there with a nice clipped trim on her pussy mound, but the rest shaved clean. I mean, it was out honeymoon.

Bob’s nose was sliding around her ass while his mouth and tongue ravaged her sensitive lips. Whenever he needed a better angle on something, he would gently move her leg, or reposition himself for even greater contact and penetration with his tongue. Steph came for the third damn time in the last 15 minutes. I should have been taking notes, but instead I was lightly jerking off under the water and watching everything. I couldn’t touch myself any harder for fear of coming myself. I was so close. When her climax subsided, Bob stood and positioned himself again behind her.

Slowly at first he guided himself into her. She moaned. I had to stop touching myself all together. He paused about half way in and gently moved in and out just an inch or so in each direction. They got a good rhythm going and Bob started to say things like “yeah baby”, and “fucking tight”. Steph looked over at me, but her eyes were swimmy and far away. Bob slowed the rhythm and paused for a second before moving his way in deeper. Over the next 30 seconds, he pressed forward, making slow but steady progress as he buried his length inside her. Steph was alert now and pressing back into him. Tiny beads of sweat were popping up all over her skin. Then with a grunt, Bob sagged into her with his hips firmly up against her ass.

Slowly at first he moved back and forth but built momentum and motion. Steph looked like a woman possessed. Now nearly half of Bob was sliding in and out with each stroke. Bob was grabbing her hips and pulling her toward him to coordinate the motion. She was pressing back into him for all she was worth.

Stand up! She barked to me. I did as I was told. She let go of her handholds with one hand and gripped my rock hard little cock. Bob upped the fucking and was now pounding into Steph with each thrust forward. I barely lasted 20 seconds before I started shooting a huge load onto Stephs hand and into the water. I felt like I came forever. Right as I was finishing up, Bob began to convulse and let out a groan, almost a growl, and pressed his hips right up against Steph’s ass. With his cock deep up inside her, he let go with one spasm of cum after another. He stood there deep inside her for 30 seconds until the pulses completely subsided. Then he slid his still huge, but slightly softened dick out in one motion. His tip pointed out and down to the water and dripped with cum. I had never known myself to be attracted to another man, but damn if I didn’t have penis envy.

He surveyed us both, grinned a warm friendly grin, and fell back into the water. Slowly swimming away. Steph let go of the jungle and nearly fell as she wrapped her arms around my neck and shoulders. She was physically exhausted from the climbing and fucking.

I need you to get me back to our bed somehow so I can sleep. She said.

I will. I promised.

I love you. She said.

I love you too.



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