Erotic Chat Fiction?

I’ve been reading the stories over in /r/sextstories and I really enjoy the format, but there’s really just one writer posting there and I’ve pretty much made it through all the content. I know there are a couple of related subreddits but they’re for links that I’m not super into.

Does anybody know of other places I could find this type of content? A website or subreddit, or even an adult oriented app similar to Yarn or Hooked?



  1. I don’t know of any extra content for this style but I found it fun, so thanks for introducing me to it. Might try my hand at creating my own someday. It’s almost like captioning with a “reality show” twist.

  2. [Literotica]( is an amazing database for what I think you are looking for. I was having similar troubles finding gratifying smut stories on Reddit. This site is so much fun to explore I keep finding new sexy things. Start with [contest winners]( if you don’t know where to start.

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