My first time writing an erotic story. I had some time at work. “Going to your Ex’s Party” [reluc]

Tina was feeling nervous. The party was in less than an hour and she still wasn’t sure she should be going. It had been a few years now since she’d seen a few of her old friends that would be there. Mick, her boyfriend of two years, was also coming and it would be the first time most of her old friends had met him. Sandy would be there and this made Tina most nervous. They hadn’t been together for so long, they’d seen each other a few times since and it was always polite but still awkward. Sandy had been seeing Sally for even longer than she had been seeing Mick but somehow there was still a tension between them. She glanced at Mick in the background of her mirror and laughed as he nearly fell over pulling on a sock. At least she looked good. She hadn’t dressed up in a while so she went all out. A little strapless black dress, heels, push up bra, red lipstick, heavy eyeliner and she’d curled her hair. She’d gained a little weight recently so she filled out the dress more than she had a few years ago. She’d lost a lot of weight after her break-up. She couldn’t help but feel she was dressing exactly as Sandy had liked her to. She remembered how easy Sandy had been able to manipulate her and wondered if he still had some sort of influence on her. She shrugged to herself, then went downstairs and necked a glass of wine to try and settle her nerves.

She and Mick arrived as the party was just starting to pick up, Sandy and Sally were hosting in their new flat. He had recently gotten a promotion at work and they had moved a big open plan flat with incredible views over the city. He answered the door when they rang. Blink and you’d miss it but before he burst into a smile and welcomed them inside, his eyes flickered up my entire body. He was visibly over friendly with his greeting to Mick, obviously keen for things not to be awkward and they joked about how they’d rather be playing a game that had just come out that day. He took our coats, I noticed Mick was quick to take mine off my shoulders, and directed us to the main room. When they entered the dimly lit busy room she caught a few eyes at first and waved but Sally marched over first to greet them. “Thanks for coming! It’s so nice to see you!” she beamed. Tina introduced her to Mick as they had never met. She looked elegant, dressed more conservatively than Tina but her incredible curly red hair was always the big thing with Sally. It contrasted starkly to Tina’s own dark straight hair that she’d curled to be wavy tonight. Sally pointed out the essentials and showed them the view. Christina eyed Sandy busily running around greeting, introducing and laughing with the other guests.

Her nerves settled a little once they found a space next to Rob and some of his flatmates. Rob, Sandy’s best friend, was easily the friend she kept best contact with since school and she got on well with his flatmates. They drank, chatted about work and soon she was enjoying the atmosphere of the well-attended party and the chilled out playlist Sandy had clearly created. She noticed the songs that he loved when they had dated in high school that he clearly still had affection for. She wondered if he and Sally listened to any of “their” songs.

Mick had gotten into a heated debate with Rob about some game so Tina took the chance to mingle with some of the other guests. She spoke with Scott and his new girlfriend, quickly reminding herself and them that the she was actually on her way to the bathroom as they went on about some reality tv show. She went with her clutch to freshen her make up.

Once she left the main room the sound of the party faded considerably and she started trying the doors in the hallway to find the bathroom. She found several closets before she opened the master bedroom. She was about to close the door when she saw light coming from an open door in the bedroom, an en-suite. “Perhaps that was the only restroom?” she thought to herself. She quickly stepped in, the room was a mess of clothes and books. Clearly Sally hadn’t been able to stop his mess habits either. To her relief the bathroom was empty and contained an ideal large mirror and sink. She took out her lipstick and reapplied it and sprayed some scent. She ruffled her hair a little and looked at herself.

She was looking good and feeling a lot better. Perhaps tonight would be the start of her old group of friends being closer again. She left the bathroom, and took a longer look round the room. She saw several pairs of ladies underwear; either drying or some were strewn across the floor. They were all plain black cotton briefs. Clearly Sally wasn’t a big fan of fancy underwear. She wondered if Sandy’s taste had changed or if this irked him at all. She looked at the pictures on the bookshelves of the happy couple smiling back at her. Then she spotted one of the high school Paris trip. She and Sandy had been very bad on that trip at the age of 15. She had actually been seeing a boy called Matt, but he never came on the trip. Sandy and Tina had broken up about 6 months prior to the trip but soon found they relished the danger of being in each other’s company, alone, and seeing how far the other would go with flirty little games. She hadn’t even realised she’d picked up the picture when the door opened, she hurriedly put it back. It was Sandy, he looked surprised but then smiled. Tina blushed and said “Hi!” too loudly and laughed nervously “I was just using the bathroom.”

“No worries at all, there’s actually a proper bathroom just down the hall but if there’s ever a big queue feel free to use this one. Thanks for coming by the way, having a good time?” Sandy asked politely, I saw his eyes flit over me and to the Paris picture clumsily placed on the shelf.

“Yeah it’s great to see everyone again.” she said, still a bit red.

“Sorry about the mess in here, I’ve always been that way. That was a good trip” said Sandy nodding to the Paris picture. She couldn’t believe he acknowledged it and blushed a little more.

“It was, it seems like ages ago and yet not.. haha. I’m off to find a drink then” she said awkwardly.

Sandy smiled and held the door for her. She breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn’t shake the feeling of excitement she felt being alone in a room with him for the first time in years. He hadn’t guarded his gaze as much as he had at the door. She smiled and headed back to the party. Some time passed and drinks flowed and the noise in the room grew. She met a few people from Sandy and Sally’s new life in the city and was convinced into a bit of drinking game with Mick and Rob. She got pretty tipsy from ‘Fuck the Dealer’ but Mick really looked past it. She laughed but she was a little embarrassed it was only 10 and he was speaking very loudly. She gazed round the room pretending to ignore his drunk laughing. Sandy and Sally were in deep discussion in the kitchen and Sally looked worried. She saw him pat her arm reassuringly and felt a little pang of jealousy she didn’t think she had in her when he hugged and kissed her on the head. She quickly turned away when Sandy turned to address the party at large. He turned the music down which caught many people’s attention

“Sorry everyone, just to let you know Sally has to bounce.”

“My sister has taken ill so I’m to go with my mum to the hospital and stay with her” added Sally.

She looked a little disappointed and there was a clamour to say goodbye and get more details but Tina decided to give them space so she could getaway quickly to her family. 5 minutes later and some more farewells, Sandy took her to the door and kissed her goodbye. Tina couldn’t help but feel a little flutter in her stomach at the thought of being at a party with Sandy without his girlfriend. It carried on as normal.

Later as she went to pour herself and Mick another glass of the punch made for the party (he was past it but insisted on another to keep up with Rob) she felt a hand tap her waist. She turned and Sandy stood close behind and to the side of her. “I think this is yours” he grabbed her free hand and placed her lipstick into her palm while holding her gaze. She must have left it in the ensuite. “ I love the colour” he said as he turned to walk away, he glanced back “And the dress”. She shivered, watching him drift back to the party. She carried on making the drinks, realising her hands were shaking she put down the cups for a second. Sandy was chatting with some friends from university, it felt like it hadn’t happened but her lipstick was still in her hand. She gave Mick his drink and went to apply more lipstick.

The night wound on without much more incidence, some people started to leave, others were getting ready to hit the town. The party was still spread across the main open plan room and a joint was being passed round. Tina stuck with the punch that had gotten her to a very pleasant level of drunkenness. Mick, who had rarely smoked in the past, took more draws from it than was advisable. He had sat slouched against the foot of the sofa silent for the last twenty minutes staring into nothingness. Sandy was still the life of the party as he made the circle laugh with anecdotes of the first time him and Rob got high together. Suddenly Mick keeled over to the side, and lay on the floor with his legs sprawled in front of him, eyes closed. Tina quickly rushed over to him “Mick, Mick…Mick wake up”. He mumbled something and a few people laughed. He was clearly out of it. “Rob give me a hand” said Sandy and gestured to Mick. “You guys can have the guest room” he said as Rob and Sandy got under his arms and heaved him onto his feet to a few more laughs. They carried him down the hall and flopped him onto the bed. Tina thanked them as they left. She removed his trousers, got a glass of water and sourced a basin. She sat with him a while but he was out cold. She made sure the basin was as close to his face as possible and wrapped the duvet round his large slumbering body. Returning to the party there was even fewer guests remaining.

Tina, 3 couples Sandy knew from work, 2 girls from his university days and Sandy sat and chatted and enjoyed the rest of the punch. Rob and his flatmates had left after the weed ran out to go to a club but Tina declined, as although she had dressed for it she thought she had better stay to look after Mick. Sandy had offered to make sure he was ok as he wasn’t heading out but she’d rather check on him herself she said. The playlist had ended and when the punch did there was some pleasantries before the remaining group decide to make a move, it was 2am. Tina was surprised as she had presumed more people would be staying but she was suddenly aware as Sandy took the guests to the door that she was the only person in the large modern room. It was still dim and some smoke hung in the air. Sandy walked back through smiled and headed over to the speakers. “Any preference?” he asked, she shrugged. He put on some soft acoustic music and then jumped into the couch opposite her. “I lied earlier, I do actually have a bit of weed left but I felt I shared enough. Want a joint?” he asked. Before she agreed, Sandy has already at work making a tidy looking joint. “Had a good night?” she asked as his fingers worked away. “Yeah it’s been good, it’s a shame Sally had to leave but it’s nice she went to support her mum.” Tina nodded in agreement. “Can we head out to the balcony for it? I could do with some fresh air as well and the view is worth the cold.” They got up and head to the large window and he lit it up and took a large draw and looked over the city. He passed it to Tina. She heard his phone vibrate and watched him as he slid it out his trouser pocket and leaned over the balcony. She could still see the screen, he didn’t even try to angle it as people always seemed to, it was from Sally.

How’d the party go? Sorry I had to go, we’re back home now. Sis is feeling ok and mum just a bit panicked. Will be back tomorrow afternoon to help tidy up! Sorry again xxxx

Don’t worry about it, glad to hear she’s ok. Party was very good, everyone’s away now. I’m away to bed, see you in the morning xxxxxx

Tina felt her stomach flutter again, she had just seen him lie to his girlfriend and she had no idea if he had intended her to see. She exhaled the drag she had forgotten she had even taken and felt a rush of warmth to her head. She passed it to Sandy. Her red lipstick had coated the bottom of it and she absentmindedly bit her lip as she watched his lips cover where hers had just been. That had always driven Sandy crazy, and he stared at her while the tip of the join glowed red. “I’m cold.” she pined and she crossed her arms, pushing her tits even higher, and rubbed her arms making them bounce. “Let’s go inside” said Sandy quickly flicking the half-finished joint into a plant pot. As she stepped inside she felt the back of her dress lift up and a remarkably warm hand touched her cold round ass.

She spinned round and hit him in the chest “What are you doing?” she said trying to sound annoyed but a giggle escaped her mouth.

“Sorry, I’m a bit drunk” he smiled.

He had seen her black lace underwear and her tight dress still hadn’t ridden down properly so as she walked back to the couch he could see the edge of her ass. Tina was pretty high but she was still sure she couldn’t let anything go further than that. Mick was just along the hall and they were both in great relationships. Sandy sat down right next to her. He didn’t waste anytime. He put his hand round her neck, leaned over and kissed her deeply. He tasted just like she remembered and their tongues wrapped like they were teenagers again. She pulled back “I can’t..” but she was cut off as Sandy grabbed her again and climbed on top of her on the sofa, his hands wandering over her midriff. She pushed him off, her lipstick smudged across her shocked face. He smiled. He sat back in the sofa.

“There isn’t much option Tina, either we do this and no one finds out or we don’t and I tell everyone it did.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“People know you sneaked into my room earlier, I can make it very clear that you’ve been trying all night to get with me. Or you actually can, and no one finds out… Get on your knees.”

He brushed her cheek. Tina didn’t know if he was joking. She had been the dominant one with Mick for two years this was now a complete shock to her system. She sat still, so Sandy grabbed her and helped her to the floor in front of him sat on the sofa. He undid his belt and trousers and his dick sprang loose. Her eyes grew wide, she didn’t have much time to remember how big his dick was before her mouth was wrapped around it. Her red lips contrasted starkly to his thick white cock, her eyes locked with his started to water as Sandy held her head down. She had given Mick head just once, she didn’t enjoy it but she felt helpless and fuck if that didn’t feel good. Sandy muttered praise to her as she started to take more initiative with the situation she had found herself in. She slid up and down the shaft, coming off to lick it and get it as sloppy as she could. Her red lips had almost come off completely on her ex boyfriend’s dick.

“You’re so much fucking bigger than him” she breathed after holding it as deep as she could for a few seconds.

Sandy grabbed her by the hair and slapped her with his wet dick “You’re never to suck him off again.” He commanded.

“I only have once, but never again” she said.

“Good. Stand up.” Sandy also stood and started to inspect her black dress. He lifted the skirt above her bubble ass and gave it a spank. She flinched.

“Take off the dress. Keep the heels”

She did as she was told and slid out the dress and stood on show for him and what seemed like the whole city in front of the huge windows.

“I want you to go to my room, were you snuck to earlier. Sort out your lipstick, you know I like your lips red and then pick out Sally’s ‘special’ underwear and put it on. It’s in the top drawer of the chest, you know when you see it. Then come back here.”

Tina smiled and clipped away in her black heels, her ass gently bouncing bound in her lace panties, the taste of cum in her mouth and her spit and drool glazed over her mouth and tits. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She had a feeling she had a long night ahead of her.

First she went to clean herself up, she reapplied all her make up for Sandy, caking on more than she ever had. She noticed Sally never wore make up, he was clearly craving a little slut. Her eyes heavy with black mascara, she applied a little blusher but the red of her lips made her skin look ivory white. She then went through to the bedroom and found Sally’s special underwear. She imagined she barely wore it. It was a black lingerie nightie that was had a little black bra that hooked at the front and had see-through lace that draped down to just below her ass but split in the front so her midriff was bare. The bra was so small it was uncomfortable, Sally had small tits, but it pushed Tina’s large tits so firmly together they were barely contained.

As she walked back into the room she bit her lip and asked “Who wears it better?”

“I think you know” he said and beckoned her over.

She started to walk slowly towards him, brushing her squeezed tits with her fingers. “ Who sucks you better? Me or that bitch?”

“We’re going find out tonight how many things you do better and if you don’t we’ll do them until you can.”

“Yes…sir” She was standing next to him now. Her chest rising and falling as she breathed heavier.

“Are you my little slut?”

“Of course. Tom means nothing to me.”

He unhooked her bra in one movement with his hand and her tits burst out, pert and round as ever. She feigned a shocked expression as Sandy grabbed one and brought it to his mouth. He then licked all the way up to just behind her ear, her favourite spot.

He whispered “You’re going to do everything for me tonight.”

Tina bit her lip.
