Sexy Scrabble: part 2 [str8] [mf] [oral] [orgasm]

Chapter 3: EAT U

I hear Ethan take a sharp intake of breath and shiver. But before I can comment on it, I am shoved off his lap and I am laying on the soft white carpet of Ethan’s basement. I feel cool air against my wet pussy and I see my skirt has awkwardly risen up to reveal my soaking wet pussy. I move to cover my pussy when I hear a firm deep voice command “Don’t.”

My hands are paralyzed and I shift my head up to see Ethan standing over me. The look in his eyes is unreadable. His green eyes are swirling with emotions. There is clearly lust and desire in there, but there is something else too. Is it regret? Sadness? But before I can figure it out I feel Ethan’s soft lips on my pussy!

“Oh!” I gasp out in shock.

With a wicked grin, Ethan looks up from my waist and says “I’ve been wanting to that since I first noticed you were panty-less.”

My brain is shocked, so I go with the first thing that pops into my head, “well are you going to keep going? Cause if not I can just finish myself off.”

He lets out a soft chuckle that sends shivers up my spin and replies “As much as I would love to watch that, I think I need to tease you a little bit more” With a wink, he goes back to my pussy planting soft kisses up and down my thighs before placing the softest of feather like kisses on the hood of my pussy.

“Mmmm” I moan out in tense anticipation of touch.

“Yes” Ethan replies, “I still had an M tile in scrabble” And then I feel his rough wet tongue lick up my slit.

“Oooo” I can’t keep my moans in me anymore.

“No” Ethan whispers, “I didn’t have an O, but I did have a K”

He goes back to licking up and down my slit, pushing his tongue deeper and deeper with every stroke. “I also had a C, want to know what else starts with C” Ethan softly remarks. Suddenly, I feel his warm tongue on my clit. He starts to circle it, licking up and down, side to side.

I feel my hips start to involuntary buckle at this new found pleasure. Gently, Ethan places a hand atop my hips to hold me down and pauses from his tongue ministrations to say “I also had an E” And that tongue of his is inside me…swirling around and around. Slowly he’s melting me into a pile of goo with each lick, flick, and kiss. He pulls his tongue out of me, and starts licking a wet trail up my flat stomach as his hands slowly pull my blouse up.

When he gets to the edge of my bra, he stop and remarks, “What do you want?”

“Hmmm what” My brain is still foggy with pleasure. “What do you want?” He asks while his green eyes are sparkling, almost grinning at my primal desires for him.

“You…I want you right now!” I almost shout at him breathless.

“Hmm too bad I lost that letter U tile I had.” He says before pulling my blouse off and burying his lips across the cleavage of my swelling breasts. With a quick movement Ethan has managed to take my bra off like a magician. The cool air hardens my nipples, but before I can moan at that, Ethan’s mouth is on them….kissing, flicking and sucking each nipple. This causes me to moan more and more. I start to feel a burning desire at the core of my pussy; it’s calling out to me for release. It whispers that I’ll will feel like the most special girl on the planet.

Then I feel it! Ethan’s fingers are pressing into me now. Pumping in and out, so fast that I can’t hold on to anything anymore as my world starts spinning. I am panting now. The feeling is overwhelming as it bursts through me…moving down my legs, up my spine, sending tingles and waves of pleasure everywhere it touches.

As I am coming down from the clouds of pleasure, Ethan leans in close, brushes the mess of blonde hair from my face, and whispers, “I had a F tile too…Do you know what that could have spelled? FUCK ME” And he stands up suddenly, leaving me shocked and melted in pleasure on his basement floor.



  1. I think you did a great job with the details on your character and getting right to the point. I could definitely get into the girl’s side of the pleasure which happens to be my favorite part. Top sexy scrabble writer. Keep it up. :) As a side note, I think this should be a thing with scrabble. Spell out what you want to do to your partner.

  2. Thank you :) hahaha I didn’t know sexy scrabble was a genre :P but glad I am on top (I like being on top of things ;) ) ummmm I don’t know…I have another chapter written but it’s more character development than sexy….so I might scrap it and rewrite something

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