Baby Factory [MF] [Impreg] [forced impreg] [fantasy] [body modif]

“Give it to me!” I screamed, squirming underneath him. Unprotected, 32 years old, married for 5 years. Everything shook and was so hot, the final thrust, then just blur and warm sensation; a pleasure from within the brain, not the waist, filling my drifting consciousness.

Fate would have it that he was due to go on a business trip the week afterwards. The next morning I woke up in an empty bed, but feeling a sense of fullness, knowing the coming nine months and for years afterward i would never be alone.

Of course, i wanted to look myself in the mirror. I wanted to take pictures, capture my before and after and during. But fate and biology were about to send me on a very different course.

I woke up, and my body had already changed. My stomach already had a bump. *That’s not normal*. Not even Richard cums that much.
Of course I went to the doctor and they said congradulations, *you’re almost two months pregnant!* and I saw the child and everything. I just just taken a pregnancy test a week ago, I had seen my stomach, I felt like I was going insane.

Of course the next morning i woke up and it was even bigger, I looked to be entering the second trimester. Not only that, my breasts were bigger, my ass seemed fatter, hair more vibrant and longer. It only seemed to get worse as the hours ticked by.

And then, it was the day. My husband was gone – I didn’t bother to explain to him over text or call, he would either laugh or think time had fast forwarded somehow, he would have a breakdown on a plane. It was six days since that night. Even in my bewildered state as the doctors put me under, i was so excited. The doctor I had seen just 6 days ago was equally bewildered, they had no records, asked all sorts of annoying questions.

And there I was, waking up with baby sucking from my breast. And we drove home. I fed her, cared for her, I went out and bought all sorts of things for the baby. The whole thing was made even weirder in that I wanted another one – I became horny. Craving richards return, his seed. I felt no soreness or regret, and hell, we were financially well-off enough to handle a hundred children.

I ate like a pig that week, dranks tons of water. I was after all physically thinner, I could swear i ate icecream by the bucket. I kept watching porn – I had never wanted cum inside me so bad. The first one wasn’t even hard, I thought while holding her, why not a second?

Richard came home and was understandably freaked – but when he held her, he knew. He knew it was ours, it was real life. I begged him for more, more children. I thought he would decline; but instead, he immeadiately obliged.

There it was again, the next morning, my almost-two-months baby bump. I became constantly sweaty, thirsty, and hungry – my husband did everything he could, but work got in the way. I ate, I took cold showers incredibly often, the rapid process within me generating insane amount of heat. Hell, my entire lifestyle would need change. I must’ve eaten more than 5000 calories a day. It was insane, but every moment I spent loving the feeling of being pregnant, and looking forward to the next time I would take his seed.

My tits had become massive by the third baby – my body had become more filled out than anyone I had ever seen. They were massive and milky, the slightest squeeze bringing forth plenty of milk.

After having the third, my husband hired a nanny to help take care of the children. He expressed his worry, saying we couldn’t keep doing this forever. I disagreed, and soon, he was spurting into me again.

The fourth time I was pregnant, it was with more than one baby. Twins! I couldn’t believe it. The week came and passed, all to be impregnated again. And again. And again.

My body was changing at an alarming rate – it was self optimizing, changing itself into the ultimate mother. Every advantage stuck. Everytime i got pregnant, i was having twins. I was constantly horny, my tits were massive for my small frame, my thighs strong and hips wider, my skin stretchier. All to deal with constant, lovely pregnancy.

The house had to he renovated. I spent my time in the equivilent of a very comfy freezer room, where my temperature could be kept under control. There were three fridges, and we hired kitchen staff, and an on-site doctor. My life had never had so much excess.

12, 14, 16, 18, up the counter went with every week. My day became an ever-growing pleasure ball, until one day, richard said he had had enough, and I was forced to rape him for his seed to protect my children. What did he expect me to do? A parent does what they have to do for their children, future or otherwise.

This time it was triplets! I was still changing. 21 offspring and counting. I became bigger, not my tits or ass, but taller. My body was fit, but wider, on a taller frame. My whole body grew slowly into something even more powerful. My weight ticked up, but it wasn’t fat, it was my raw power growing. Every night i overpowered richard and forcably took his seed – my body now twice the size it once was.

I came in at 9 foot 6, each one of my breasts was larger than richards head, my thighs bigger around than his waist. Thanks to my expanded body, my womb had eight times the size it once was – i could handle having dozen children at once. Every barrier was broken – like when Richard locked me out of the bedroom, and i broke the door down, and raped him with splinters hanging out of my skin.

I had to tie Richard up for a while before he eventually submitted entirely. But maybe i needed to branch out a bit. After all, should my offspring be half-limited by just his DNA? I think not. No, I need to get out more. I need more seed. I need more men. I must keep growing, keep getting pregnant, keep producing. I have to do it, for my children.

39, 51, 63, 75, 87…


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