My Cumslut Panties (part 5) [Ff] [roleplay]

The days seemed to kinda blur together. I lost my job, school, but hell who could blame me? Mom sure didn’t. Besides, we both knew that i would be staying here a long time.

My sleep schedule shifted and i started to party all night, and by partying i mean fucking and drinking. Every night it was another gangbang, cocks familiar and cocks foreign, big and small, some who came fast and others who had problems cumming and jyst fucked all night long. Mom usually had more one-on-one fucks, but when she couldn’t get cock she would join my little gangbangs.

Of course my bed had become soiled by this point, being splashed with multiple loads everynight. It smelled of cum and made my slutty senses tingle, it made me horny even more often, crave it even harder.

I still hadn’t seen or heard Mrs. Fancy, the well-dressed buiness woman on *the list* as she referred to it. I wonder if she’s too scared to come back – or just hasn’t gotten around to it in the past week.

I need her. She needs to be in my life. I want to ruin her, make her like me, spread my sluttiness and dirty nature to her.

But how to seduce Mrs. Fancy? She is bisexual, i have an effect over her. I watched her house, which was one house to the left and just across the street from ours. She hardly ever left, she clearly either had no job or worked online, or was too rich to care. She definitely had a fancy house.

After a brief brainstorming session, i decided i would visit her, in a *relatively* clean outfit, by which i mean an outfit with the least amount of cum in it, which is still quite a lot but i figure i should wear it and try to look nice.

To be free of inhibition is my goal, and where inhibitions have told me that its not polite to wander over to a strangers house and seduce them, i don’t listen. Eventually, those inhibitions just fade away, like all others.

The approach to her house was, unbelievably, anxious. I’m not supposed to feel anxious, but i really want this to work. I will make it work.

When she opened the fancy, stained glass and wooden door, she looked at me in surprise, adorned a tight, white bath-robe and seemingly naked underneath.

“You? What is it?” She asked.

“Oh, i was just wondering how you were settling in.” I lied.

“Just fine, thanks. Is there anything else?”

“I’d like to come in and talk.”

There was a pause. She stared into my eyes, thinking about it. Her look and quietness nearly gave me chills.


I stepped inside. The house was spotless – clean as clean could be, the whole of it treated, cleaned, arranged perfectly. A set of wooden, glossy stairs led up to the upper level, with boxes yet unopened at the top of the staircase. The living room was filled out with her furniture and looked to be where she spent most of her time. I attempted to start walking, but Mrs. Fancy stopped me with her gaze.

“Why do you dress this way?” She asked.

“I choose to dress like this.” I said, smiling.

Another pause. Hell, this woman is seducing me, with all her intensity and suspense.

“I’d like to explain myself very quickly. I’m a bit of clean freak, and i have no say in your business, but as a guest in my home – i simply cannot allow you to take another step in that outfit.” She said.

“Okay.” I replied, starting to take off my leggings, but she stopped me.

“What are you doing? You… ugh. Listen, you wanna chat? You will do exactly as i say. Understand?” She said. She had a strange hint of a smile.

“Yes ma’am.” I said. *There’s that smile again.*

“I’m going to go fetch a bathrobe and a towel. You are going to change out of those things, placing them on the towel which will be laid out on the ground. You will then go upstairs and shower, and return in the bathrobe. We will chat after that over lunch.” She said. Okay, she clearly enjoys giving orders.

She did promptly return with the bathrobe and towel, laid it out flat on the ground, and promptly left for another room. I did as i was told, i suppose its the nice thing to do as an unannounced guest. The shower was warm and fancy, and cleansed me. Even though i hated being away from my dirty clothes, i still paid careful attention to cleaning myself properly. Her bathroom was spotless, i looked around but found nothing of interest, besides a magazine usually aimed at teens. When i was finished, i returned to the bottom of the stairwell. My clothes had been moved, presumbly without her ever touching them.

Mrs. Fancy was there to greet me, she seemed pleased to finially be able to shake my hand.

“I’m Emily Kurzt. And you are?”

“Its uhm… Amanda.” I said. God, i haven’t heard or said my name since, well since this whole thing started. Everyone just calls me slut. Maybe i should tell her that? Like a preferred name? Thats normal right? Well, i am supposed to be free of inhibition.

“Though i prefer to be called a slut.” I said, respectfully.

Emily sighed, those green eyes looking at me sharply. She paused once again.

“You truthfully prefer that name?” She asked

“Yes.” I said, as confidently as i could.

“Well, my parent taught me manners, like respecting names. So i will honor your request, Slut.” She said. Her face was neutral, but her voice changed too a lighter, kinder tone. As if she enjoyed calling me it.

Even years later and many degrading moments, i still love it when new people call me a slut.

She seemed to enjoy it too, but she was good at hiding it.

We sat down in her dining hall, a lunch prepared for us.

“So,” she began. “How long have you been living like that?”

“Its been a few months now. How long have you been living on the list?” I asked.

“Why do you live the way you do?” She asked, ignoring my question.

“Well, i live without inhibition. And this is the lifestyle that has resulted for me.”

“So its a willful choice?” She asked.

“One i very much enjoy, yes.” I said, smiling.

“You seem like you’re not even possible. To live on a fringe like that? Guys coming and going every night? What does your mother think of you?” She was… curious. In some form, i think she appreciated it, like someone appreciating art.

“She also lives it.” I said.

“She *what?*”‘

“She lives the lifestyle i live. We’re very open.” I said.

“So your mother also dressed in those, uhm, soiled clothes?” She asked.


“She invites guys over every night?”


“Who was living it first? Did your mother always do that?”

“No, i lived it first. After a time, she started living that way too.”

“You said uhm,” Oh boy, she’s *really* curious.

“You said you and your mother are very open. What does that mean?”

“We are both free of inhibitions, both in our own lives and in our… interactions.” I said, smiling.

“You’ve engaged in your activties, very openly, and your mother does the same?”

“I engage in my activties *with* my mother.”

There was a silence, her face was slightly red. She had stopped eating.

“That’s… the hottest thing, anyone has ever told me about. Well, of people i know personally anyways.”

“I had a gangbang with my mother.” I blurted out, one upping myself.

“Jesus christ.” She took a deep breath, and paused again. She had a smile.

“So you’re completely free of inhibtions then?”

“As much as a person can be.” I replied.

“Take off your bathrobe.” She commanded.

I stood, and did as i was told.

“Turn around, bend over, and spread your ass.”

“Yes ma’am.” I said, submitting.

“That’s yes Mommy too you.” She said, i could hear the pleasure of saying that in her voice.

“Yes Mommy.” I said.

“You’re a little bimbo slut huh?” She asked.

“Yes Mommy.” I replied, smiling. I heard her dismantle her robe.

“Crawl under the table, come over to Mommy baby girl.”

I did as i was told, feeling so small in process. This was like being degraded, to be treated this way. I liked it.

I planted my face where i thought it belonged, between her legs.

She cupped my face by my cheeks, making me look up at her. She took off my hoop earings, inspected my hair.

“Please use me, Mommy.”

That set her off. She bit her lip, grabbed my head and forced me into her pussy, sitting back and letting go. I went to work licking her, doing my best to make up for my lack of experiance.

Her thighs closed around my head, her legs crossing, locking me into place and shoving my face deeper into her cunt.

“I love obidient girls like you. Ohhh yes.” She said, stroking my hair. I would find myself often in this position later.

The rest of the day i was hers; she ordered me around, made me do chores in between going down on her several times. Made me try on clothes like small pink outfits.

This went on until it got dark. I had been her personal little slave, her footrest, her baby girl, her princess, her abused little fuck-toy.

We finished off in her bed, the light low by warm candles, the night dark. We scissored, she made me say all sorts of fucked up things about being her little girl. Finially we collapsed together, laying side by side, now just two individuals again instead of Mommy and daughter.

Her breathing settled.

“I shouldn’t have done this. Its not right… it’s not healthy for me to do this. I’m just enabling it.” She said.

I laid myself on top of her, our womanly flesh warming each other up. I gave her a kiss, which she lovingly returned.

“I had a lot of fun today. And i must say, you needed this. It was all built up inside you, its been over 9 hours of solid relief for you. You’re not doing anything wrong, and you needed an outlet. I’m happy, and i love to be your outlet Emily.” I said, giving her another kiss.

“Thank you.” She said, quietly.

We cuddled for a while. It was warm and tight and feminine, way cuddlier than i had ever been. Our womanly shapes seemed to mold together, even if most of me was fake, somehow it worked. I was hers, her little bimbo girl, but i was also her partner now. I could feel it, in her tight hug.

She fell asleep and i decided i would go home, unable to sleep in a bed as clean as hers. My skin crawled, craving a coat to bring it to normal.

I found my clothes, wrapped in a towel in the guest room upon a bed. Though, one thing was out of place. My cumslut panties, which had been placed at the bottom of the pile of clothes, were now laid on top.

I smiled, grinning at them, wide as can be. I wonder if she tried them on?


End of part 5. More? Comment or pm me with feedback :)




    Other than constantly having non-capitalized i letters your text was quite easy to understand but the commonly used you, her etc. made me re-read some sentences and look if the quotation marks were there. I don’t know if others have had similiar issues but otherwise it was pretty good. Keep going! ;)

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