6 months later

This is a sequel to my last post here. I post a link to that one in the comments. I hope you enjoy.

I laid there, balls sore and throbbing, my cock still dripping from another ruined orgasm, my head in a daze of pleasure and pain. Night after night my beautiful kidnapper has done this to me. And night after night I am thankful she chose me as her slave. She has varied her routine hear and there but she has never failed to only allow me a ruined orgasm after much torture. I have not left this room since she took me and I have lived every single moment but I was feeling a little stir crazy. In that one moment in my dazed state I looked over to my mistress as she was exiting the room and asked “would it be possible to go for walk outside one day, I could use some fresh air and sunshine?” She turned and as I looked into her eyes I watched the look of satisfaction drain from her face and was replaced with a mixture of disappointment and anger. I expected, at that point, for her to turn around and punish me right then and there. Instead she turned back to the door walked out and slammed it shut behind her without so much as a single word.

That snapped me out of my daze and I felt so awful for upsetting my mistress. What was I thinking making requests. I am just her slave, I only get what she offers and nothing more. I should never ask for anything because what she gives is what she has determined I deserve. I didn’t sleep at all. The thoughts of how much I upset her swam through my mind and would not let me get the rest I was going to need for the next day.

When morning came mistress came down. She never came in the morning, I was her evening toy. She immediately put a gag in my mouth and secured it. She ripped off all my clothes and threw them aside.
“Put these in and meet me outside” she said to me as she put a bag in my hand and left. I opened that bag and found a hoodie, socks, boots, and a thin rope but no pants. I put everything on and brought the rope with me as I went up the stairs that lead to the basement and walked outside, seeing the sun for the first time in 6 months. She saw me and gave me another angry look. She walked over, snatched the rope from my hand, and tied it very tight to my balls. “When I say to put something on, you fucking put it on.” She said as she yanked hard. Now I love it when she slaps, punches, or even kicks my balls. I take pleasure in this. But squeezing or yanking my balls is just plain torture for me and she really knows this well. The pain I felt was shooting throughout my body as I nodded. She lead me by my new ball leash over to a wagon. As I got closer I saw the wagon had no wheels but instead was set up more like a sleigh that would have to be dragged. Inside was various camping gear and a cooler full of food and drinks. In front of the wagon was a yoke with hand restraints. She put the yoke over my shoulders and secured my hands in the restraints, she the ran a rope from the wagon to the yoke. Without a word she grabbed the leash and yanked my balls to get me moving. “You are a mule until I say otherwise” she said as we headed towards the woods in the back of her property.

It was fairly cool out since it was early fall. My legs were freezing without having any coverage and there were still a few mosquitoes and they were going right to my legs. Mistress kept me at a steady pace. If I ever started to slow down she reminded me to keep up with a few hard Yanks. The wagon was hard to pull without wheels and my shoulders were getting sore. After 2 hours we finally made it to a clearing. There was a stone circle for a campfire and several large flat stones were positioned near it that almost looked like a throne. My mistress untied me from the yoke’s restraints and untied my balls. The pain in my scrotum as the rope was removed was immense but was a welcome relief as the blood flowed back. I wanted to rub the ache out of them but a dared not touch myself without permission and I was not going to ask Mistress for anything at this point. She grabbed a cushion and a book from the wagon and placed the cushion on her stony throne. “You are now a laborer until I say otherwise. First gather wood for the fire and get it started. Then put up my hammock and the tent. Once that is set up I expect you to make me brunch then await further instructions.”

I quickly went to work. I gathered enough wood to keep a fire going for the whole day and got the fire started to keep Mistress warm as she read her book. Her hammock was simple, I just had to find two strong trees close enough together and it was done in 5 minutes. The tent was a little tricky at first but I managed to set it up. She had packed an inflatable mattress, one sleeping bag, and one pillow. I pumped up the mattress and laid out the sleeping bag with her pillow at the top. Then I looked in the cooler and found avocados eggs bacon and bread among other foods for dinner later. She had a camping stove and some pans so I quickly set it up and made her two pieces of avocado toast with a fried egg and bacon. And served it to her. I was hungry but didn’t ask for food. She put her book down and began to eat some of each slice. When she was full she stopped and gave me the scraps of what was left and said I could remove the gag to eat her leftovers and have some water. I was starving from all the work but I paced myself so I would not upset her. As I ate she walked over to the hammock. She got in and told me to put the gag back on and clean up from brunch and come over to her when I was done. Again I worked diligently to get the work done. And had everything cleaned and put away in 10 minutes. I walked over to her and she tossed the rope that was my leash to me and said “Put it on and do it right!”

I tied my balls tight and headed her the other end. She looked at my knot with stern look. “Tighter” I grabbed the ends and tightened them as hard as I could. “Tighter!” I tried another hard Yanks and let out a wince and a tear. Satisfaction came back to her eyes and she settled back down in her hammock. She gave the rope a yank to start herself swinging but I wasn’t ready for it and stumbled forward in pain. She looked at me sternly again but settled back. “I will forgive you this time because I meant to tell you that you are now a post until I say otherwise. Do not move again!” She yanked hard again but this time I was ready for it. I didn’t move but she was yanking so hard that I continued to whimper as she swayed back and forth. The force of the yanks were much heavier than I would imagine given her size. She swing back and forth basking in the sound of my whimpering. She had fallen asleep so I just stood there as a post because she didn’t say otherwise yet. I was just glad the yanking had stopped.
She woke up climbed out of the hammock and when she got out that’s when I saw it. She had a backpack next to her full of rocks. That was what made it seem like she was so heavy just to cause me more pain. She took my leash and tied it to my ankle so every other step would pull on my balls. “You are no longer a post you are my slave again. Build up a smaller fire next to the main fire, I want to make tea.”
I was confused. She got a kettle and filled it all the way to the top with water as I set up a very small fire. Why couldn’t we just use the camping stove or the big fire? What was the point of a little fire? I wanted so badly to ask why she was going to put the kettle on such a small fire and why she filled the kettle all the way. It was going to take forever to boil.
Once the fire was going she brought the kettle over. She untied my ankle and tied the leash to the kettle’s handle. “Go boil my water” she said as she dropped the kettle. I let out a huge wince from behind my gag as she laughed. “Go straddle the fire and boil my water slave!” she ordered and a waddled over the fire. I kept my legs spread so the flames would not scorch them. The fire was small enough that I could be safe from being burned, the warmth feely great on my bare legs and the kettle blocked enough heat to protect ne from injury. The heat and smoke rose up into my crotch. My cock, balls and inner thighs were safe but after enough time the buildup of heat started to hurt. The smoke was choking me a bit but it kept the mosquitoes off of me. Must have taken 30 minutes to boil the water and by that time my skin was covered it soot and hot from the fire. I waddled off the fire and the kettle swung and touched my ankle. Mistress saw this and immediately poured her bottle of water on my ankle to cool the burn. She untied my balls and grabbed another bottle to pour over my skin to cool it off. The sudden shock of the cold water sent shivers down my whole body as I felt the relief from being slowly roasted over the fire. The light was fading and I got up to make mistress her tea. She stopped me and took me by the hand and lead me to the tent. Before entering she grabbed some wet wipes and cleaned off all she soot and dirt then brought me in. She took off her boots and socks and instructed me to do the same. She let me watch as she stripped down and spoke to me. “My original intention was to bring you here for our regular playtime. I wanted to do this as a reward for being a good slave and never faulting. Then you ruined my surprise by asking to go outside. It wasn’t your request that upset me. It was all the time and effort I put into rewarding my slave going to waste. You see why you had to be punished.” She said her last statement as she walked towards me and removed my gag. “Yes mistress. I understand. I am very deeply sorry I ruined your plans. Thank you for my punishment.” I said as I vowed my head. She laid down in her sleeping bag. “You didn’t complain once during you punishment all day today so you will still get a reward. Your punishment isn’t over yet but the painful torture is done. I never meant for you to get burned so the long term punishment will begin later. For now come closer.” She becomes me to crawl into bed with her. I started from the bottom. “STOP” she said, “your reward begins with permission to rub my feet. They are sore from our hike. Don’t forget to like them all over slave!” I did as she said. Her feet are dainty and so soft. I loved how she moaned and I carried them and rubbed the ache out of them. She giggled as I liked her soles and her toes. She motioned her hand to come close again. I moved up “STOP” she put her hand up and rolled over. “Massage my weary thighs.” Her skin was silky and smooth. I could smell her perfume mixed with her sweat from the day and it was intoxicating, “Move up to my ass, massage that next it needs some attention.” This is the first time she has let my touch her perfect ass. It looked so firm and stuck out just the right amount. When I touched it, it was much softer than it looked but was wonderful to kneed in my hands. Mistress was enjoying receiving the massage just as much as I enjoyed giving it. She was moaning and wriggling in ways that was causing my cock to harden. I was still bottomless so there was no way to conceal it. She looked back and saw my face was close to her ass as I was rubbing it. She reached back, grabbed my head and buried my face in-between her cheeks. “Lick it, make it feel good!” My heart was pounding as I ferociously buried my tongue into her asshole. She was moaning louder and faster, her head bucking in pleasure. She pulled my face up and she turned back around under me. She grabbed my head and buried my face between her legs. I knew exactly what she wanted. I greedily lapped at her soaking wet pussy. She was bucking her hips into my mouth rubbing herself vigorously over my face. She let out a huge cry of pleasure and began to shutter as she held my head still. She pulled my head from between her legs and rolled over on her side. She patted next to her and I crawled in behind her. I was her big spoon while she recovered. After about 20 minutes of rest she rolled back and pushed me into my back.
“Your punishment continues again now!” She proclaimed as she drew my cock to her lips. She began to lick my cock from base to tip. It responded right away and she wasted no time putting the whole thing in her mouth. I was shocked to think that this was my punishment. She has been giving me nothing but ruined orgasms since she took me as her slave. She has torture the cum out of me over and over until I had gotten to the point that I enjoy the fact that I can have so much pleasure from cumming with full orgasm. What could she possibly be doing that would be a punishment. She took her time building me up but she wasn’t doing her usual buildup and break down that would take forever before finally ruining me. She was going extra slow and letting the pleasure rise. No pain to push me back down only to build up again. Just the agony of the slowest cock teasing I have ever imagined possible let alone experienced. It took forever but I was getting really close to the edge. She sped up her sucking and stroking but suddenly let go. I felt the tide of cum still rise slightly as if I was about to ruin another orgasm but she had stopped soon enough that it never pushed me over that edge. BLUE BALLS! SHE COMPLETELY DENIED ME AFTER THE EDGE! She had never done this before and had always edged me over and over until I was ruined. She saw in my eyes that I figured out what her long term punishment was. She reached over to her bag and pulled something out. She tossed it on my stomach and said “The only cum that will leak from your cock is precum until I decide you are a good enough slave to earn the privilege of being drained. Lay there until your cock is limp enough to put this on then come back outside to make us dinner.” She gathered her clothes and got dressed outside. I grabbed the item and saw that it was a chastity device. I have no idea how long I will be edged for. She was ruining me for 6 months straight and I hadn’t earned a full orgasm and now in set back to this. I hope in one year’s time we will be back in this forest to celebrate the end of my punishment.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/8osz4y/6_months_later