The Intruder–feedback welcome–sorry for formatting…

It had been a very long time since Daniel had the house to himself. Sharon and the boys would be at her mother’s for the next 4 days, and he did his best to pretend he was forlorned about not being able to join them. He had told Sharon that he had some work to catch up on, with the hope that she would encourage him to stay behind. It didn’t work exactly as planned, but after a bit of negotiation, Daniel was off the hook. He did actually have some work to catch up on, but not the kind or volume of work that Sharon had assumed. Daniel was very frustrated. He and Sharon had been highschool sweethearts–married at 19, kids by 21, suburban white-collar job that will eventually lead to nowhere. This isn’t really what he had in mind when his adolescent fantasies took him to far away cities, rock-stardom, action and adventure. Alas, the life path paved by the dust of a thousand crushed dreams was no less difficult to traverse. The inanity of his office job kept him near the edge of psychosis, reminding him daily that he could easily be replaced by an inexpensive piece of software. He spent more time trying to remain relevant than performing actual, measurable work. He often told himself that he’d get out of there, find something better, maybe do something creative for a change. Though, each and every day he would follow the same routine. Up at 4:45 AM, prepare lunches for the kids, make breakfast for the family, ready himself for work, commute, slave and toil for 9 hours, then back home. Wash, rinse, repeat. He was coming up on his tenth anniversary in this position, fifteen with the company. It’s a good job. It pays the bills and allows Sharon her freedom to freelance, when she feels motivated. His role as provider was taken for granted, but he loved his kids more than anything. Sharon, on the other hand, had an iron grip on Daniel’s sack, the likes of which only Darth Vader could rival. He had already lost most of his close friends, and his coworkers never really piqued his interest, nor he theirs. No, he was a homebody by proxy. Daniel had turned to running to release his frustrations. He had maintained his physique, and was regularly running 5k races whenever he could. Sharon had an endless list of complaints and criticisms, seldom stopping to take a breath, let alone give Daniel some time to regroup. This trip was a godsend. There’s nothing he wanted more than a little peace and quiet. Well, that and to finally get the chance to pleasure himself. You see, in addition to her nagging, Sharon had become quite frigid since the youngest was born. The second son would be starting high school in the fall. Over a decade of neglect made these short sabbaticals shine like a beacon in the night. Daniel had planned for his right forearm to be sore by the end of the weekend, and he had been saving links to his favorite porn sites, just for this occasion. To do this, Daniel had to disguise the cache in other documents. He chose to use linear equations to mask the URLs he chose, knowing that Sharon would just skim through them and not put it together. Yes, she even checked his work. Daniel was a slave in his relationship. Sharon used sex as a weapon–a very sharp weapon–and Daniel was often emasculated and humiliated into submission every time he made a reference to it. He had learned not to ask for intimacy of any kind, lest he was prepared for a week-long fight, culminating in further humility and celibacy. He enjoyed sex with Sharon, and he was still attracted to her, but it wasn’t worth the effort. If Sharon were a willing participant, Daniel would turn her inside out with his flaming libido, but she insisted on keeping him at arm’s length, then insisting that he was the one who showed no affection. On the extremely rare occasion that something physical did happen between them, Sharon played the critical starfish, lying there motionless, criticizing his every stroke. This is psychological torture to a man. Daniel reminded himself that there was an optional out–when both kids have graduated from highschool, he would remove himself from the situation, and finish his life happy. In the meantime, he would use breaks like these to help keep himself from going insane, or simply picking up and leaving without notice. He wanted to do what was right for his boys, and even though she had tortured him, he didn’t want to hurt Sharon if he could help it.

Daniel knew that he had to make the most of his alone time, and he was a natural planner, so he put together a schedule mock-up for after the family has left. The first item on the schedule was to ensure that all of the doors and windows were locked and covered. He didn’t want anyone to be able to see inside. Next, he would put his car in the garage, a space typically reserved for Sharon, so that it would appear to the neighborhood that nobody was home. He didn’t want anyone stopping by to check on him, and if they did, he wasn’t about to answer the door. Daniel had all of his meals laid out for the next few days, with a single open space for dining out, although Sharon had given him a list of “approved” places he could pick from. He had taken out little bits of cash here and there, socking them away for these types of excursions, he had even hidden a small flask of scotch in his study. Sharon didn’t need to know EVERYTHING.
On the day that they left, Daniel and his family had their usual breakfast. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, juice. Nobody left the house hungry, at least not for food. Sharon and the boys seemingly dragged their feet getting ready to go, Daniel believed, but it would soon be freedom for him, to an extent. He stood and waved goodbye on the front porch as Sharon backed out of the garage into the street, with a slight clunk, her Lexus SUV fell into gear and sped forward. Daniel continued to smile and wave until she turned the corner at the end of the block, then he quickly went back inside, locking the door behind him. Engulfed in the solitude, he quickly stripped down to his underwear and threw himself on the couch. His jeans and t-shirt left in a ragged pile on the livingroom floor. He snatched the remote control from the coffee table next to the couch, and turned on the TV. He turned the volume up loud, something that Sharon would often criticize him for, and picked something intentionally sporty out of lazy spite. It felt good to be going against house rules, and he wanted to milk every minute from it that he could.
Sadly, Daniel fell asleep on the couch, waking up at dusk and throwing his schedule off entirely. He threw his pants and shirt back on, and tried to put the pieces of his plan back together. He had wasted precious hours, but he was determined to make it up somehow. He hurried outside and pulled his car into the garage, turned off the exterior lights, and locked up behind him. Back inside, he made his way to his den, where he kept his flask and list of websites. Out of habit, he closed the door to the den behind him, and gently locked it. He had perfected this practice as a way to get himself some privacy, as well as the feigned naivety whenever Sharon called him out on it. He moves some files around on a shelf, and pulls out his leather bound flask. Lifting it up as though proposing a toast to invisible guests, he tosses back a long pull from the container, smacking his lips together as a finale, letting out a satisfied “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” He sat down heavily in his office chair, and flipped open his laptop. Within a few minutes he was able to find a satisfactory page, and he began revving his own engine in preparation of a long overdue wank. As most men do, Daniel had a preference. As many men with preferences do, he fantasized about someone nearly the opposite of his wife. Daniel’s libido was healthy. Not too high, not too low–healthy. Sharon called him a sex maniac anytime he brought it up, but the truth is he would have settled for once a week, but even that was considered excessive by Sharon. Because of this torture, Daniel was now so repressed that he had to resort to porn. It was porn or nothing, and nothing was more depressing than nothing. As stated earlier, Daniel was still attracted to Sharon, but his porn preference was for more athletic women. Sharon had a nice figure, but it was just that, a figure….the women Daniel enjoyed watching had bodies. Daniel distinguished a figure as a general, overall type, while a body was all about the appeal. Being neither here nor there, Daniel began to peruse his preferred genre of adult videos, sipping from his flask occasionally.
It grew darker and later as Daniel allowed himself relief on many levels, though he had kept himself on the edge of orgasm for at least an hour when he heard a loud thud from the second floor of the house. Had he left a window open? Maybe the neighbor’s cat got in the house again. He wasn’t too worried, since it was upstairs, and nobody could have gone past his den without him hearing their footsteps. He walked up the stairs slowly, in just his underwear, ¾ hard, when he heard a rustling in his older son’s room. He peered through the mostly closed door to see a figure hunched over, apparently rifling through the nightstand.
Daniel quickly ducked behind the door, panicking about his next move. His intentions of making it appear as though nobody was home went off without a hitch, apparently. Should he hide and hope they just go away? Confront them? Should he call the cops? Just then, the bedroom door started to open, and Daniel plunged himself backwards into another doorway to avoid a confrontation. He ducked his head in and out of the jamb as he watched this intruder creep down the hallway toward the master bedroom. The figure was small-ish, smaller than Daniel. He toyed with the idea of trying to overpower them, imagining he’d hold them securely until the police came and took them away. Daniel wasn’t a fighter, in fact, the only real fights he’d ever had, he was badly pummelled, in front of his friends no less. He wasn’t really prepared, being in his underwear, but at least he had lost his erection at this point. As Daniel tried to put together a plan, he scanned the room behind him and noticed his oldest son’s parka hanging on the back of his desk chair. This could be a perfect tool to shield him if he decided to make a go at the intruder. His idea was to lunge, wrap the assailant in the parka and bring them to the floor, where he would hold them, heroically, until police arrived to cart them off to the big house. It worked out perfectly in his mind. He took the parka from the back of the chair and opened it in such a way that he could easily toss it around the burglar, and using his body weight, he would pin them to the floor. They would just have to deal with the fact that he was nearly nude.
Daniel heard the master bedroom door creak open, and he quickly ducked behind the door frame once again. This may be his only chance. As the figure passed the door in front of him, Daniel threw the door open, lunged forward with the parka and applied a bear-hug with all of his strength as he took the intruder to the floor. His weight caused the robber to cry out in pain, as they thrashed wildly in an attempt to escape his grasp. The struggle continued for a few more moments when suddenly, the intruder was on their feet and running for the stairs. Oud of instinct, Daniel hurled the parka across the hardwood hallway, where it entangled in the stranger’s moving legs, bringing them down hard to the floor. Their momentum caused them to slide over the top of the stairwell, and violently crash down the two linear flights of stairs, crashing head-first into the wall on the floor below. Daniel stared in wonderment of how, exactly, he was able to pull that off. He quickly crawled on his knees to the edge of the stairs, raising both fists in a victory cheer. Not sure what to do next, Daniel ran to the master bedroom and put on some clothes. He headed down the stairs to check on the motionless heap on the first floor landing. Out cold. This joker was dressed head to toe in black. Black boots, pants, jacket, and ski mask. Daniel used his lower back to lift and shove the figure up against the wall. Now seated, the robber’s unconscious cranium falls lazily to the side. Daniel gets up and moves toward the counter top to get his phone. He figures it’s better to call the police than to try to be a hero. Although, something inside him encouraged a little revenge. This creep broke into his house, and he was going to pay for it–somehow.
Daniel hatched a plan. He hoisted the intruder over his shoulder, taking note of their slight frame and stature, and took them into his den, where he placed them upright in his office chair. He searched for some necessary supplies so he could try to restrain this punk, but all he had was a box of CAT5 cables in his desk drawer. They would have to do. He bound the unconscious villain’s hands behind their back, and to the chair. Their ankles tied together and to one of the casters on the chair’s heavy base. He snagged another chair from the dining room and sat himself down directly in front of the robber. Realizing hey we’re still masked, Daniel leaned in and took a portion of the ski mask between his fingers, slowly peeling it up and over the face and head of his perp. As the ski mask falls to the floor, Daniel stares in disbelief at this unlikely hooligan. It’s a SHE! Her dark hair cascading messily to the side on her concussed scalp, revealing a tiny tattoo of a heart just behind her left ear. A trickle of blood divides her face unevenly, stopping at her lips. Daniel’s anger and bloodlust subsided and was replaced by a soft sympathy, as he studied her features. She was gorgeous. Athletic, attractive, and she smelled sweet, like bubblegum. He snaps out of his trance briefly to realize what is going on. He shakes her firmly by the shoulders in an attempt to wake her up, but she only flails wildly under his force. He retreats to the bathroom medicine cabinet to see if he has any smelling salts–he does not. He notices on the sink top a small spray bottle that Sharon would use when styling her hair. He picks it up and loosens the nozzle so as to allow a solid stream from the pump. He sits back down across from her in his chair. Remembering all of the times Sharon had found it necessary to use that spray bottle on him when she was annoyed, he looked forward to a changing of the guard.
Positioned directly across from the intruder, he lets loose a couple short sprays from the bottle, directly to her left cheek. The water drips onto her jacket and down her neck, but she does not react. He positions himself in a slightly prone position, closing one eye and using the other as a make-shift sight, and lets loose another couple sprays. One hits her left eye, and the other directly up her left nostril. She starts awake, coughing and shaking her head as the water drips down her chin onto her lap. “What the…..” She says, looking around the room. She realizes her hands are bound, and she struggles to try and free herself. She squeals in panic as she rocks violently in the chair, to no avail. She turns her head to center and makes deep eye contact with Daniel, now her captor. The look of fear on her face is measurable. She opens her mouth as though to try and speak, only no sounds come out. Daniel can see that she’s trying to come up with an explanation, but he’s already convinced she’s full of shit. “Save it.” He says, sitting upright in his chair. “How’s your head? You took a pretty hard tumble down the stairs.” She sits, still silent, staring at him. “Habla Engles?” he asks, as she continues to stare in disbelief. “Ok then…” He picks up the spray bottle and squirts her a couple more times in the face, as she spits and shakes her head to try and deflect it. “Ok, stop!” She yells, in her barely legal voice. “I’m sorry. You caught me, now what?” He can see tears begin to well up in her eyes, and he once again feels a twinge of sympathy for her. What horrible things have happened to her to lead her down this path? She’s just a wayward child who needs some guidance. “Are you gonna make me suck your dick, or something?” She asks defiantly, shaking the hair from her eyes. This thought hadn’t occurred to Daniel, and he wasn’t that kind of guy. “What? You’re a child! I have to be twice your age, at least.” He snorted. “I’m 19!” She asserted, as though this was enough to get her freed on her own recognisance. “I’m twice your age, and you’re still a child, legal age or not.” Daniel retorted firmly. She huffed and puffed like most 19 year olds are wont to do. “So, what are you gonna do, call the cops?” She asked mockingly, “I’m not afraid of the cops.” She was trying very hard to appear tough, but Daniel could see right through her. She was terrified, and he had the upper hand. It would be a lie to say that this didn’t give him a sense of power. “Good for you.” He says, turning and taking his cell phone from his desk. He begins to open the phone and pretends to dial, to see what her reaction may be. “Wait…” She says softly. “Please don’t call the cops. I don’t want to go to jail.” Her tone was that of pure manipulation, and Daniel could sense that she was just looking for her opportunity to escape. “Well,” he stated flatly, “You should have thought about that before you broke into my house.” He puts the phone up to his ear and turns to face her fully. “Yes, Hi…” He says into the phone, “Yes, I’d like to report a burglary. No, I’m not hurt. I’ve got her right here. Ok, I’ll be waiting.” He feigned hanging up the phone and set it back down on his desk, crossing his arms in front of him. He looked at his hostage as she pouted and steamed. “Man, I told you not to call the cops. My parents are going to kill me.” She spouts, looking down at the floor. “Are you sure you can’t just let me go? I promise I’ll never come back. And…and I’ll never rob anyone ever again. Please, mister?” Daniel could see the genuine fear in her eyes, but it was starting to give him more motivation. He felt a clever smile appear on his face as he sat, watching her squirm. He hadn’t really called the cops, he just wanted to scare her, and it was working. “19, huh?” He said matter of factly. “At this rate you’ll end up in prison anyway. Why should I care?” He wasn’t serious. Daniel really did care–it killed him inside to know that this young girl was going down this dangerous path. As a parent, it frightened him like nothing else to think of his kids doing these sort of things. “The cops will be here in less than 10 minutes. I suggest you start making some decisions about your life.” Daniel stood up and left the room quietly. He crossed the living room into the dining room, and sat down at the table. From the dining area, he could hear her in the den, sobbing. Daniel’s sense of sympathy kicked in, and he started to have a change of heart. He walked slowly back toward the den, and stood in the doorway looking at her. She looked up at him, and in an angry growl she said “FUCK YOU, MAN!!” She violently thrashed in her restraints, trying to free herself. “When I get out of this, I’m going to fuck you up, you asshole!” She shouted through frustrated tears. Something came over Daniel, and with one swipe, he shoved her over in the chair, onto her side. She slid a couple feet on the hard wood floor, coming to a stop half out the door into the hallway. Daniel stood over her, hands on his hips in a mock display of authority. “I’m in charge here, and what makes you think you’re getting out of this?” He stepped over her and made his way to the kitchen. He could hear her trying to free herself from the chair, and he called to her from the other room. “Save your strength, sweetie. You’re going to need it.” Again, all talk, but he wanted to get his point across. He made himself a sandwich, and casually brought it back into the den with him, stepping over her in the doorway. He sat down in his chair, and began to silently eat, watching her as she fumed at him from the floor. He could see her emotions changing rapidly, her gears were turning, and she was trying to hatch a plan.
Daniel finished his sandwich and righted her chair once more, pushing her back to its original position in front of him. He had been rehearsing a lecture in his head, one that would undoubtedly turn this kid around and get her on the right path. He cleared his throat in order to make his verbal presentation, when she burst out laughing. Daniel was confused. He hadn’t said anything funny, and he was trying to be serious here, what gives? She continued to laugh, and flashed a smile that Daniel hadn’t seen from her before. Her eyes lit up, and the genuine happiness on her face was a relief–maybe he was getting through to her. “You dirty old man!” She laughed, shaking her head from side to side. “Huh?” Daniel asked, confused. “I just noticed that your computer screen has a bunch of porno on it! You were beating it when I broke in!” She lets out a snicker, and this embarrasses Daniel. He turned his head toward the monitor, and sure enough, he had left his page of choice on full display. Yes, she was right, he was pleasuring himself, but she was the intruder in his home. His embarrassment turned quickly to anger, and he sprung forth from his chair, pointing a finger in her face. “Listen here, missy! What you’ve done here is a felony, and you can go to jail for a long time. Is that what you want?” Feeling triumphant, he sat back down in his chair, but she only burst out laughing harder. Now Daniel was furious. “You think this is funny?” He said in his best mock-angry tone. “How funny will it be when your parents come to get you from the station?” He felt superior, as though he was back in control. “You didn’t really call the cops.” She stated through her smile. “They’d be here by now if you had. I know what you want.” The look in her eyes told Daniel that she really did know he hadn’t called the cops. “Oh yeah?” He asks, “What is it that I want, then?” He thought he was being cute. “Untie me, and I’ll show you.” She said with a mischievous smile. Daniel knew better, there was no way she was being sincere, and she wasn’t getting away that easily.
Daniel contemplated his options for a moment, staring at her as she sat silently in the office chair. He could see the curve of her chest beneath her jacket, and he now noticed that the pants she was wearing were skin-tight. Her black boots had more of a heel than a normal robber would find useful, which started him wondering. He was intrigued by her approach, and by her fortitude. It takes guts to do what she did, and that was a turn-on to Daniel. “Ok,” He states, placing his hands on his lap. “How about I call your parents and have them come pick you up? That way there’s no cops, no jail, and maybe you can get the help you need to get on the right track.” Daniel was proud of his plan, he was being responsible, and was sure that any other parent would commend him for his approach.
“How about you just fuck me and let me go?” She retorted, staring deeply into his eyes. She seductively licked her lips as he stared back. “I can do anything those women on your screen can do, and then some.” She offered, nodding toward the monitor behind him. He’d never been talked to like this before, particularly not by Sharon, who would scoff at the idea of any kind of touch. He felt blood start to rush to his genitals, slowly engorging his cock as he sat across from her. He nervously crossed his legs to try and hide his erection, but she saw it anyway and let out a little giggle. He lost his temper and jumped out of his chair toward her, taking her face in his left hand, squeezing her cheeks. “Don’t you fucking laugh at me!” He demanded, staring straight into her face. He released his grip with a slight push, and stood back a couple steps–realizing his mostly hard cock was pushing his shorts out at an angle. She notices and leans forward quickly, trying to snatch up the head in her mouth. Daniel instinctively pulls away, shocked at her brazen attempt. “Come on, man, just have your way with me and let me go. I’m actually getting wet thinking about it…” She squirmed a bit in her chair, as Daniel sank back into his. His now completely hard cock about to burst through his briefs, a large spot of pre-cum soaking through the fabric of his shorts.
The guilt and anxiety that Daniel was feeling was thick. He wasn’t sure what felt worse, knowing he could have his way with this young woman, no strings attached, or knowing that this was his only opportunity to have anything remotely close to this in his lifetime. He had to make a decision, now is it best to regret something you have done, or something you haven’t? He decided on the latter, as he stood slowly from his chair, tugging his shorts and briefs down, exposing his erect penis. “I knew you’d come around.” She said with a smile. Her hands still bound behind her in the chair, she leaned forward and took the head of his cock in her mouth. Daniel could feel her swirling her tongue over and around the tip and shaft–a feeling he had never experienced with Sharon. He started to slowly thrust his length into her mouth, a little more, a little more, until he was steadily pushing his hips back and forth, while she greedily sucked for her freedom. She let out muffled moans as she turned her head slightly from side to side as he pumped her mouth. He reached back and took a handful of her hair, pulling her forcefully into his pelvis. Harder and harder he fucked her mouth, his seminal fluids mixing with her saliva, dripping down her chin in long strands, sticking to her jacket. He pulls out and holds her head back with her hair. Her mouth is agape, and her breathing is heavily labored. Her mouth and chin are a mess, and she sniffles as if to try and tidy herself. “That’s what I’m talking about…” She smiles, lurching forward in an attempt to take his cock back into her ready maw. He allows her to, and continues thrusting heartily as she reacts with a gagging sound as he drives it to the back of her throat. The power he felt was staggering. Never before had he been so aroused. After having edged himself for hours, he was experiencing a truly tantric experience with this would-be assailant.
He pulls out of her mouth and spins her around in the chair. He reaches down behind her back and begins to free her hands. She struggles to pull free as he does so, and he holds on tightly. He does not allow her to be free, but he does remove her from the chair. He ties her hands behind her back with the cable once again, and drags her down the hall to the living room. Her ankles are still bound, and he lets her fall over the arm of an overstuffed chair. Face down, her ass in the air, Daniel places his fingertips in either side of her waistband, and peels back her skin-tight pants. Under the stretchy fabric, he finds a stark contrast to the rest of her outfit–a bright pink, lacey thong hidden between her nubile ass cheeks. Another item he had always longed to see, Sharon would often lambast Daniel for the mere suggestion that they shop at Victoria’s Secret. He runs his fingertips under the band of her panties, all the way across her back and thighs. The sensation of the fabric between his fingers causes his cock to throb, releasing a glistening droplet of pre-cum that trails viscously to the floor. Her thong rolled in on itself as he pulled it back off of her supple glutes, exposing her hairless quim in a small mound between her ass cheeks. She arches her back and positions herself for him, giving him easy access to her pussy from behind. His cock was so hard now that it was borderline painful. The pressure within it, aching to get out in whatever way possible. With both hands, he parts her ass cheeks, and guides his steely rod to her dripping vulva. As the head breaks her plane or resistance, he recognizes immediately her tightness. He can’t help but compare the sensation to three or four times per year he’s given pity sex, but there really is no comparison. Joy overcomes him as he feels her grip on his shaft, as he sinks it all the way in. She pushes back against him with whatever leverage she can muster, taking in his girth.
He slowly and methodically pushes and pulls his length all the way in and out of her, feeling her natural lubricant soaking into his skin. He begins to pick up the pace, thrusting inward and outward, steadily increasing his speed and intensity. His bare thighs slapping sharply against the back of hers, her wetness amplifying the sound. He feels his orgasm start to rise from low in his testes, and he does what he knows best–he starts to repress the feeling. He holds it at bay successfully, continuing his regulated pounding of her over the arm of the chair. She lets out the occasional yelp of pleasure, and a giggle when he smacks her ass hard.
He pulls out and turns her onto her back in the chair, keeping her ass elevated in front of him. He holds her ankles together with one hand, above her head, driving his manhood into her dripping pussy. He pumps, and pumps, and pumps as she throws her head back in agonizing pleasure. She’s unable to speak through her whimpers and heavy breaths, but Daniel recognizes the sensation of her pulsing vaginal walls as an epic orgasm. Her grip on his shaft intensifies as he pumps away. She lets out a relieved sigh and visibly relaxes against the chair. Daniel, having felt triumphant at making this sweet young thing climax, was ready to get his as well. He doubled down on his thrusting, slapping sounds coming almost like a sparse round of applause, she bounced in the chair under his weighty motions.
In what comes over Daniel suddenly, he must obey his instincts, so he pulls out, turns her over onto her knees, and pushes the slick head of his diamond-hard cock directly into her asshole. She lets out a loud moan, recoiling at the initial pressure, but releases her breath and pushes herself back against his cock as he fucks her ass with intention. He can see himself moving in and out of her sphincter, and it’s the most erotic thing he’s seen in decades. He can no longer control himself, and he starts to feel the contractions of a powerful climax. Seemingly coming from the soles of his feet, all the way through the top of his head, and back out of his genitals, he lets loose with a load of spunk that overfills her ass, spilling down her thighs on the the chair below. “Oh my God…..” Daniel lets out, slowing his thrusts, eventually stopping entirely. He stays inside her ass and it feels incredible. He can feel her pulsing her sphincter, grabbing his shaft tightly. He slowly pulls out, half-hard, as a measurable amount of his fluids drip from her asshole to the floor. She sinks into the softness of the chair, with a glowing smile on her face. “Still wanna call the cops?” She asks, slyly. “Get the fuck out of here.” Daniel said, reaching back to untie her. He pulls the cables from her ankles and wrists, allowing her her first taste of freedom in hours. She stands there, rubbing her wrists, with her pants and panties down to her knees, allowing Daniel one last show before she slips off into the night.
Daniel initially felt some guilt for what he had done. He knew that it was wrong, and that he should have called the police, but when else would he have this opportunity? He went to sleep that night satisfied, for the first time in years. The rest of the weekend was relatively uneventful, save the neighbors coming to check on him, as he suspected they would. When Sharon and the boys returned from their trip, he played it off legit. “Did you miss us?” Sharon asked as she and the boys filed back into the house. “Of course I did, dear.” Daniel states plainly. “How was your trip?” He asked in return. “Oh, you know, we went to my mom’s….” Daniel knew what she meant. “Oh, I sent you a postcard, did you get it?” She asked. Daniel shook his head ‘no’. “It’s probably in the mailbox, why don’t you go and see?”
Daniel marched his way out to the mailbox, and opened it to find a surprise. Indeed, there was a postcard for him from the family–right underneath a pair of still sticky, wadded up, lacey, red thong panties. Daniel snatched them up and shoved them into his pocket, taking a look around to be sure nobody saw him. Feeling the coast was clear, he headed back inside. “Thanks for the postcard, honey!” He said to Sharon, giving her a gentle peck on the cheek. He took his smile, and his spoils of battle into his den, and silently locked the door.


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