The Exchange Student – Part 1 [Ff]

This is an older story that I ran across in my stories directory and couldn’t remember if it has been posted elsewhere, I don’t think it was.

Part 1.
We were all sitting at the dinner table. Mom, Dad, Hank and me, Donna. This is pretty normal, Dad insisted we all eat together, and this is a great idea. It does bring us together a bit more, I think. This is where we talk, we sort some issues occasionally, where Mom, or Dad, or Hank made announcements.

Dad would tell us of holiday plans, Mom would talk about family things, weddings, births, funerals, that sort of thing. Hank decided on which college, and what subjects, what he was interested in, and everything. All the major things were discussed and decided upon at the dinner table. So this was a big thing, for me anyway.

The first day of the last week of school, before summer break. Hank was excited about going to college, Mom, happy for him, but not that happy. Dad proud that his son was going to be independent, taking his first steps into the wider world. Me doing nothing, well, almost.

“Mom, Dad,” I said, “Mr Wakely came aound to class today.” Mr Wakely is principal of my school, Winterborne High School. “And he asked if there was anyone interested in providing accomodation for a Spanish exchange student.”

“Oh honey,” Mom started, “Sounds interesting, but we haven’t done anything like this before.”

“Yeah, squirt.” Hank said, “Where you going to put him?”

“Hank,” Dad said. “Ok Donna, what did Mr Wakely say?”

“Well Dad,” I started, “Apparently a lot of Spanish students come here every year. Some for a semester, and some for the year. And I thought, as we will be relieved of Honk’s company we might want to offer someone a place for a semester.”

“Oh Dodo, I haven’t left home and you are giving out my room already?”

“Not at all Hankie,” I replied sweetly, “I just need an excuse so Mom and Dad can fumigate it. Perhaps even delouse it.”

Dad looked at Mom, and there was a small look that passed between them,

“Well, Dumbo, I am not sure that the air freshener you gave me Saturday really was Pine, smelt more like used running sox. Where did you buy it you say? The magic shop?”

“I didn’t, Hedgehog, buy it I mean. Mom did, and I know it really threatened all the cockroaches under your bed, but your food supplies really do get out of hand.”

“Alright you two, that’s enough.” Dad said, with that twinkle that says he was actually enjoying the insults being passed, but Mom wouldn’t if we kept it up. Rules were simple, no raising of the voices, no swearing, keep it clever and nothing hurtfully personal. We had been playing this game since Hank hit adolescence. Overnight he seemed to smell very differently, and I complained about it. Ever since, the game was on, and both Mom and Dad were pretty clear about their expectations. We could be as clever as we like, but follow the rules.

Don’t get me wrong, Hank is the best brother, helps me whenever I ask, and as I am a little older now, he often asks about what he should say to a girl, what should he give her, if anything. I try to help but all I can do is tell him what I would like, but I don’t think I am ever happy about it. He should be old enough to work it out for himself by now. Seems to work for him, well, he hasn’t said it doesn’t. There have been a couple of girls who have asked me about him, and he was dating one of them for a while. He is well liked by the girls, and I haven’t heard anything bad about him, so they mostly think he is okay to be with. I always get tipped off when he gets a new one, but not by Hank. He is off to college now, so they might miss him. I don’t always like the girls he dates, but Mom has always warned me off saying much to them, after all, she says, I am not the one with the feelings here. Well, I am, most of the girls he dates are trolls or worse and my feelings don’t like it.

“So what else did Mr Wakely say, dear,” asked Mom.

“He has some information packs in the administration office, it’s only for seniors, so the students will be seniors,” I said.

“Sound interesting,” Mom said, “And what do you think will happen when Hank comes home for a week end or a break?”

“Well,” I thought quickly, “It would only be for a few days, so we could put him in the attic, or he can sleep in the car. The garage is dry.”

“You’re smaller so why not you sleep at the foot of the bed, and your guest can be in the bed?” Hank asked.

“Now, now,” Dad said, “Look, it doesn’t hurt to find out more information. OK honey, get a pack and we will have a think about it.”

This was really nice, not only did Mom and Dad listen, they were going to do it. When Dad says ‘we will think about it,’ he really means ‘we are going to justify doing it.’ Hank smiled, and winked, he knew it, and he let me know was quite happy for it to happen. I found out later that one of his classmates families did a semester long hosting a couple of years before and really enjoyed it. He would have liked to do one in his last year but didn’t ask, as we only have a three bedroomed house and he didn’t want to inconvenience anyone.

I got the pack, gave it to Mom and Dad they looked through it and let the school know we would host a student. All the proper checks and information was passed around, we got family approval over the summer break, and eventually, got the name of a student who would be coming here. It was a girl, she was the same age as me, and her English language skills were good, apparently.

Hank left for college a week early, Mom and I tossed his room, cleaned everything, remade the bed and took most of the really man cave and boy things out and put them into storage in the attic. In two days, Valeria, the Spanish student was arriving. We had a full bio of her, and she is something of an international traveller. She spent a half a year in London, and another half year in Paris, is conversant in four languages, studies arts and sciences, maths and music. If that was not depressing enough, her photograph, smaller than a passport photo, show what is likely to be an extremely beautiful girl. I am seriously outclassed here, so am asking myself why have I set myself up like this?

The day she arrived we went to the airport, met the people who were organizing this thing and waited for the plane to land. It came, and as it was a domestic flight, it didn’t take long for passengers to begin appearing. Then a large group of young people appeared, look around and made a beeline for the organizer’s sign. There she was, a little smaller than the Amazon I thought she may have been, but she was definitely beautiful. Her dirty blonde hair bounced, her perky breasts jiggled, all in unison. She walked smoothly, a graceful swan amid a horde of turkeys. She was the standout, the one in any group that all eyes swing to automatically, because she was just so dynamic in the group, all without trying to attract any attention to herself. She just took my breath away.

“She is definitely a heart breaker,” Mom said, quietly. “I’m glad Hank is not going to be here.”

“Get out the baseball bats dear, I think I am going to need them.” Dad commented.

After that, it was smiles and greetings and hugs and a little standing around, collecting luggage and driving home. Valeria was tired after her long flights and little sleep. Dad took her luggage to Hank’s room, I showed her the bathrooms, and a brief tour around the house, then outside. She was poised and charming, and I was jealous of her I think, straight away. We had a small dinner, and then I showed her Hank’s room and she gratefully collapsed in a heap. She even did that gracefully. I am so dead.

The next day she appeared in a seriously sexy outfit, one that showed everything, but revealed nothing. To be fair, on her body she would make any old rags look really good. Hour glass figure and perfectly proportioned but at less than 5 foot 6 inches tall there was one area she had to look up at me in.

For the first few weeks of school there seemed to settle a truce, a set of guarded tolerances that allowed us to work out the internal power structures with this new dynamic. Valeria was, in so many ways, a delight. A free spirited person, confident about who she was and what she can do. She charmed everyone, and I had a lot of conversations with boys and girls that I had never had before. All of them really wanted to get closer to Valeria, but she didn’t seem to be looking for a boyfriend, she treated everyone who got close with the same kind of respect and friendliness, and no-one was snubbed or made to feel unimportant to her. She certainly dated a few of the boys, but didn’t let any of them get to first base with her. I have no idea how she did it, but she took me along whenever she went out anywhere, double dating or no date.

At first I thought this was stranger in an strange land kind of thing, no idea where she was and what she was doing when she got there. She was happy all the time, always smiling, always laughing. She saw delight in ordinary things, joy in just being alive, it seemed. Then one day, we changed, and it started innocently enough. Mom and Dad were out, we had come home from the Mall, after doing our favorite thing, shopping.

We were getting along really well, and I mean really well. I actually learned she was somewhat intimidated by me, my relaxed and easy manner, the ease with which I could deal with so many people on so many different levels, my lack of pretence, my beauty. WHAT? The most glamorous person I have ever met intimidated by my beauty? She asked me why I had never dated? Boys never asked, I said. But she had asked around and the boys she spoke to were always asking. No, they weren’t, I told her, but apparently I had always told them that there was something else on that night, on that day. Well, I thought about it and yes, had to admit that had happened a few times but they stopped asking.

We talked, we learned about each other, we found, or I found, she was an attentive listener, and we had a lot more in common than I thought possible. She quizzed me about Hank, closely. His likes, dislikes, his manner, his girlfriends. There was a real level of interest there, for someone she has never met. I told her everything, even about when I caught him in the shower and once when he was fucking his then girlfriend. He had sprung off her and I saw his erection. About how angry I was with him for that, it was embarrassing for me. Honestly, I didn’t realize it still rankled me a bit, even though that was nearly six months ago. The worst part of that was that Mom told me to get over it, Hank was a normal boy and these things happened, so I should be a little more mature and accepting of it and apologize for interrupting them. I don’t know why I told Valeria that but she just nodded. Then she did something completely unexpected. She took my shoulders, leaned over and kissed me.

I felt her lips on mine, her tongue gently pushing its way between my lips. I felt a heat shoot through me. I felt my heartbeat soar, my blood pressure skyrocketed, my nipples hardened and I just knew my panties were soaked, all in a split second. I kissed her back.

Never, never had I even thought of such a thing. The kiss went on and on, just didn’t seem to want to end. I felt her hand on my breast, her thumb rolling over my nipple. I didn’t object. I didn’t break the kiss, I let her touch me. Then I realized, I was kissing a girl. Even though my body didn’t want to break the kiss, I pulled back, confused.

“Ahh,” Valeria said with that softly accented beautiful voice, “Now I think I know why you don’t wish to date boys.”

“Fuck!” I cried, “I’m a lesbian? You’re a lesbian?”

“No,” she said, gently, “None of the boys around you could ever measure up to your brother.”

“What? What?” I was thoroughly confused now.

“Simple really, when you talk about Hank you don’t realize how you talk about your love for him. Your body language, your tone, it all betrays how you feel about him.”

“Then why did you kiss me?”

“Because you are so beautiful and attractive and you wanted me to.”

“I wanted you to kiss me?”

“Yes and I know your panties are really moist right now – I can smell it, just so sexy.”

“What are you talking about?” Valeria pulled me to her and kissed me again. This time, I didn’t hold back, my body talked for me. My head was whispering “No, No!” but my body was saying “Go!Go!Go!” When we broke she said, “No I am not a lesbian, but I am bi-sexual, and I think you are too.” It came clear then, I liked boys, and I got really turned on with the memory of Hank’s cock, I still masturbate to the vision of it. Yet when Valeria kissed me, I felt a switch connect bits of my body that I had never felt with anyone else except Hank. Don’t get me wrong, Hank never touched me, but if he did, I think he would have made those same connections. Euww… my own brother?

“But there is something else, too.” Valeria said, “Would you mind if when Hank comes home, I fuck him?”

“WHAT???” I screeched? “Fuck Hank? You don’t even know him!”

“Yes, I do,” Valeria said. “You have told so much about me that I feel I know him! Er.. him, me.. whatever!”

“Yes, I do mind.” I said, now getting angry

“Ahh, now we come to it. Your anger, it gives you away.”

“Gives me away?” I said, and if I didn’t have her arms around me I would have gotten away from her.

“Yes, you are jealous that I can fuck your brother and you cannot!”

“Me jealous?” I laughed scornfully, “That’s a laugh! I am not interested in him at all!”

“So you tell yourself, but your body language says something different!” Valeria hugged me again, when a part of me felt like stepping back and slugging her. I didn’t, I hugged her back. I felt her breasts pressing into mine, soft and inviting. I kissed her, I mean, I really kissed her. Maybe she was right. Maybe I was jealous of any girl having sex with Hank. I really hadn’t thought about it, but as Valeria has said it, something inside me started to jibber at the idea. Maybe I really did want sex with Hank, or maybe Valeria was just winding me up.

I felt the buttons on my shirt opening, then it seemed to just fall away from my shoulders. My bra soon disappeared as a pair of lips suckled my breasts. Damn, this was actually happening. I had never done anything like this, not even with a boy and here was this really beautiful woman sucking on my nipples, opening my shorts, undressing me, kissing me. I felt myself floating backwards, naked, my legs spread like a V and I jumped at the first touch of soft lips and tongue that pleasured me. I felt my labia lips pushed and prodded, my clit lapped, a tongue pushing into my vagina. I felt a sexual ecstacy far beyond anything I had ever felt masturbating. I was heaving, I was shaking, I was jumping at new touches. I shuddered as pleasure seeped into the rest of my body, I felt it growing in intensity. I felt it barging its way around my nerves, contracting muscles, heightening my sensitivity. Every moment became bliss, every touch brought me closer and closer, every time a tongue pressed my clit, or entered my vagina I gasped with a new feeling of tenderness, of harshness, of understanding what it was really like to have love made to me. All these feeling gathered in intensity, smashed together, separated, heightened my nerves then all came together in a massive surge of release I had never felt before.

I had cum, like I had never cum when I played with my clit. I surged through some sort of barrier, the intensity of that feeling shocked my system, washed me right out. I think I fainted.

I roused to the soft sounds of a voice calling me. I felt soft lips kissing me and fingers on my naked skin. I tingled all over and where the sounds and pressures were, my body just zinged or rang like a bell, inside my head. I had never felt such a feeling of completedness, at least I felt for the first time there was something in me that made me feel more than I had been. I just cannot describe it, but for the first time in my life, I knew, but what I knew I had no idea, but I knew I knew it now and I didn’t before. Fuck it- I am not making any sense here.

“Mmmm, wha- ‘appen-,” I drawled.

I opened my eyes and saw that Valeria was naked too. Her breasts standing proud with darkened aureoles and prominent nipples. Her svelte figure firm with the trace of abs showing what might be viewed as an undernourishment, but I know is a more vigorous exercise regime. (She has even got me into running and walking early mornings. Come winter it is going to be a bit more of a chore, but the basement is large and I had already talked to Dad about a bit of gym equipment in one corner.) Her almost flawless skin, smooth and soft with a triangular thatch of fair hair on her pubis.

I was holding her, her lips near mine, so I kissed her, tasting the juice that covered her mouth and jaw, my juice. “That was-” I faltered.

“Yes, the first time someone else made you cum, I think.”

“Uh-huh.” I was still trembling, “I don’t know-”

“It’s Ok, my darling girl,” she said, “It takes time, but if you like, want to try to masturbate me?”

I rolled onto my side and pushed her gently. I touched her breasts, feeling the softness of those magnificant cones of womanhood. I kissed her nipples, trying to emulate what she had done earlier. Clumsily I moved from one to the other, tweaking one with my lips and the other with my fingers. Valeria certainly gave the impression she liked me doing that, with a few moans and gasps of pleasure. I ran my hands over her body and found my fingers gently rubbing her mound. I moved in to rest my head on her shoulder, and suckle a nipple while I rubbed her.

My fingers flowed over her mons, looking for the things I had felt on my own cunny. I found the soft layers of skin of the labia, felt her moisture seeping over my fingers, she gasped when I touched her clit. Using two fingers, I drew a circular pattern around it and made sure that she felt what I was doing. I slid my fingers down along the slit and onto that well of fluids, covering my fingers some more and back onto the clit.

“Ooohh,” Valeria moaned, “Do that again.” So I did, only this time, she grabbed my hand and pushed my fingers into herself. “Pump your fingers in and out,” she ordered. So I did. Two fingers inside her, emulating what a real prick would be doing. With my thumb I stimulated her clit.

“Yes! Just like that,” she cried and for the next few minutes I kept this action going. Eventually Valeria started pumping her hips onto my hand, and my fingers were going deeper and deeper, right up to the webbing between the second and third fingers. On an out stroke, I quickly added my third finger to the other two and slid it into her. Valeria jumped at the increased thickness of three fingers and squealed as she pushed against them, more and more. I could see her stomach muscles tensing, then start palpitating as she grunted and moaned and squealed all at the same time. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she cried “I’m cumming – YES! YES! OH! OH!” Then she broke into a string of Spanish which sounded like ‘yayboy’ or some such and ‘follow me’. She shook and shimmied under my fingers and gasped and groaned her orgasm.

As she subsided I lifted my head and kissed her. “Wow!” I said gently, “That was amazing. Never done anything like this before.”

“Ahhh, yes, you are a virgin, I saw.” Valeria said.

“Uh-huh,” I murmured, “Never found a boy interesting enough. Not many girls either.”

“I think the only one interesting enough you think you can’t fuck.” Valeria whispered.

I was coming back to myself now and actually heard what she said, “What do you mean, the one I think I cannot fuck?”

“You can have sex with anyone you like, anyone!” she replied, “And that includes your brother. The only question would be how you could do it without him losing it.”

“Oh, what makes you think I want to have sex with him?”

“Oh you do. I told you, your body betrays your innermost desires. I have no brother, so never had one to fuck. But my first girlfriend did have a brother, so he was a good substitute.”

“Your first girlfriend?”

“Yes, Sandira,” Valeria said, “She was gorgeous, like you. But a lesbian. You, you are bi.”

“You said that before,” I stated, “But I haven’t had any- well you are the first person who has ever touched me like this.”

Fuck, I am a blushing virgin. How did I get into this state. I am going to be 18 soon …ish. Most of my classmates have had sex but not me, why have I held myself out of it? There was no particular religious, ethical or moral reason. OK the guys are morons, well some are interesting but they are so damned immature, irresponsible, not a patch on… mmm. Maybe Hank has spoiled me already. That bit inside me that was jibbering before, was actually going apeshit over the idea. Fuck! I had the hots for my own brother!

“Only because I am a threat to your relationship with your brother.”

“A threat? In what way,” I demanded.

“As soon as I suggested that I could have sex with him, you jumped. Your jealousy would let you do only do one thing. Hit me, or love me. I am so glad you chose the latter.”

I thought back and realized I had tried to put girls off Hank if they asked me about him. Hank did complain a couple of times about how I would interfere between him and a girlfriend. I do remember how when someone was taking a photo once and I tried to put myself between Hank and his then girlfriend. Went back over all the times, when it was Hank and me, there was never a problem, but whenever there was a girl around,… jesus, how fucking obvious could I be? It was embarrassing, now that I can see it. How can I fix this? Well, I can’t, just get over it.

All this revelation took a few seconds, and being naked, on a bed, with a naked girl, just having cum, making her cum – well, it certainly puts life into a different perspective. Valeria said something, and I didn’t quite catch it.

“Sorry, I wasn’t listening,” I said, “Thinking of how I really was being with Hank and his girlfriends.”

“It’s okay,” she replied, “Did he have a lot of girlfriends?”

“Not really, I think I was such a bitch to them that Hank rarely brought them home. So likely he didn’t have that many.”

“Or you didn’t know about them.”

“Oh I knew. Everytime he had a new one, someone would tell me, now I understand why. God, I have been such a fool!”

“Or would they think you are just being protective, a mother hen type?”

“Possibly, but more likely they would do it to see me rip into the girls, when I got the opportunity. Thinking about it, one poor girl, Jane Asherwood, jesus, I am really going to have to apologise to her. She went with Hank to the prom last year, and I have been seriously bitchy to her ever since I caught them having sex.” I remembered that it was embarrassment and jealousy that drove my anger. The jealousy denied but now identified as jealously driven by my own desire, ok, my lust, for my brother.

“So, what can we do to get you in bed with him?”

“Are you being serious here?”

“Of course, besides, I want to watch you loose your virginity, and do all sorts of other nasty things.”

“Like?” I asked, a little mortified, perhaps more scared, that she would be thinking this, let alone considering more.

“Well, after he takes you for the first time, that has to be something shared, but it never is,” she started, “Then later, he takes you again and I just might eat his cum out of you, for his pleasure.”

“E-e-e-w-w-w-w!” Somewhat shocked.

“Not at all. We suck his dick, we eat his cum anyway, we eat you, so why not eat his cum while eating you?” Well, OK, I can see the logic, but I can’t even lick her pussy, so the idea of eating his cum is… well… not a nice thought. “Sucking dick is fun, because you know that you have him in complete control, but him watching girl sucking his cum from girl he just fucked, he will be yours for life.”

“The question is how do I get him to fuck me?”

“Maybe the question should be how do we get him to fuck us?”

“Mmm ok,” I said, and while I kind of flared at the “us” bit, I am not sure I could deny her too much at all. “Not sure we need worry about it too much. The problem will be how to let him get us into bed without making it too easy for him.”

Valeria laughed, “Yes, now you are understanding it! Now, kiss me, I want to cum again!”

I kissed her, and at her urging, I began masturbating her again. This time, she told me to bury two of my fingers deep inside her. I did, using them as a piston, again, using my thumb as a tickler for her clit. I kept this steady rhythm going and Valeria responded to my touch. I kissed her lips, suckled her nipples and just kept it going. After what seemed a while, she began bucking, moaning and grunting s ashe came. Valeria pushed my fingers into her again, where I felt the spasms of her contacting muscles, grabbing my fingers, trying to pull them in further.

As her spasms subsided, her hand kept mine where it was, my fingers inside her. She kissed me, pulling me close to her with her other hand. I felt her also pulling on my hand, extracting my fingers from her, and bringing my wrist up, bending at the elbow. She brought my fingers close to our faces, “Smell me, that is what I smell like when I cum.” I could smell this odour of sex, see a sheen of moisture covering my fingers. She pulled my hand closer and licked part of it, then pushed my hand towards my mouth. “Go on, lick it. I taste nice actually.” I wasn’t sure, but tentatively poked my tongue out, and wiped it over the glistening digits.

The taste was hard to describe, slighty tangy, slightly bland, just like nothing I tasted before, but it was not dissimilar to how she tastes when I kiss her, when her tongue is in my mouth. The flavor of her skin is similar, and I really didn’t mind it. I took my fingers into my mouth, and sucked the accumulated juices off them.

“So, what do I taste like?”

“Nice, really.” I felt her hand on my mons and a finger insert itself into me. I was already excited enough for it to slide in without any resistance, until it got to my maidenhead. That was a bit of a surprise, but Valeria stopped and seemed to rotate her finger around inside me, not fast, but sowly, trying to get some of my juice onto her finger. I felt it leaving me and a moment later, her finger was on my lips, “Here, try you.” Before I had a chance to say anything, it was inside my mouth, and being wiped over my tongue. I couldn’t help myself, I began to suck on it.

I took as much moisture off her finger as I could and savored the taste of me. “When you masturbate, you should lick your fingers clean,” Valeria said. “It is not unpleasant, and add to the enjoyment of your experience.”

“So you are asking me to build up the confidence of licking your pussy?”

“That is the outcome, but not just my pussy, your brother’s dick too.”

Less than a half an hour ago, the thought of sucking and licking genitals was, I must admit, somewhat repulsive. Now, though, I am thinking seriously of both. I felt Valeria move and she began to move down my body, a bit at a time, kissing me here, stroking there, turning me on even further. I felt her lips touching my labia, her tongue piercing me again. Then she moved again, and I felt her body shifting, I opened my eyes to see her leg passing over my face, and then her cunt coming into view.

She wriggled a bit and settled herself over my face, I reached up and touched her swollen clit, marveling at the diversity of color and tone and shape that formed her sex. Tentatively, I lifted my head and sought her clit with my tongue, and missed. I looked again and saw that her labia lips were pushed apart, swollen and sparkling in the glow of the light in the room. It looked like a triangualr shaped, wrinkled flower, all pink and ringed with a darker skin tone. Above that, I could see the clit protruding from the top of her vagina, and I tried again. This time, I touched it, wiped my tongue over it. I lifted my tongue and wiped it over the expanded labia lips, getting the full taste of a woman in sexual heat.

This was nice, actually, and I realized that oral sex was about giving sexual pleasure, not taking it. There is nothing selfish at all in sucking or licking someone else. At that moment, I really wanted to give pleasure to Valeria, my lover. I used my tongue to lick at everything, to stab at everything. I knew somewhere there, I would find the opening of the vaginal canal, so I used my tongue to find it. Finding it, I pushed my tongue into it as far as I could get it, then pulled out, mimicing the motion of fingers, or a dick. I did that for a while, lapping the juices that flowed freely from that tasty hole. Then returned to nibble on Valeria’s clit, then return to her love tunnel. I practiced transitioning smoothly between the two most sensitive parts of her love nest, while only paying scant attention to my own growing excitement.

What was happening to me was such a great feeling, the sensuality of being loved and giving love to someone. Obviously I had never experienced this before, and it was mind bogglingly wonderful. I felt the rush of contraction and surging hormones that signified I was about to cum, and I did! I took a deep breath and held it as the surge of my orgasm swept over me. I groaned and moaned and gasped my pleasure as Valeria’s tongue and lips made love to my labia and clit. I gyrated and spasmed, I surged and convulsed to the ministrations of her mouth.

All through this, I was determined not to lose contact with the same parts of Valeria that my mouth was pleasuring as she was with me. I held on, squeezing her volutpuous ass cheeks, making sure my nose was shoved into the bottom of her ass crack, and my tongue inside her love canal. God she was sweet! Her taste was just out of this world for me, but I didn’t have anything to compare her with. I suspect that that will not last, I can think of at least two other girls at school who may not be into guys and one of them is a rather gorgeous cheerleader type.

I had kept up as best I could my tongue movement in and out of her, and I was losing the last spasms of my orgasm, I felt Valeria’s body tremble, then jump in contraction. Again, I grabbed the bucking body as tight as I could, still punging my tongue in and out of her. Her thighs squeezed my head, her mouth losing contact with my snatch as she threw her head back. Her cries of pleasure were muffled by her thighs but still loud enough for me to hear.

After that, we were washed out, so slept a little. There was a mild panic when Mom and Dad got home, and we were still in bed, naked, but we covered it up well. After that it was all about how we could get Hank into bed when he came home at Thanksgiving. We had a couple of months, but then the we saw problems gathering. Timing was crucial, Thanksgiving was the same time as I would be most likely to fall pregnant. Valeria didn’t trust “mechanical” or “latex” contraception on its own, so took me to a family planning clinic where I was given a hormonal implant. Apparently this lasts about a year or so, and is easily replaced, with minimum discomfort. As well, it is going to be fully effective when Hank is home, so all good. Valeria has one as well, and with guys she knows and trusts, she doesn’t always use a condom.

One day we went to a sex shop and bought a vibrator. For me, this was to practice for sucking dick, she told me, but I also learned how to use it on Valeria. Believe me, a vibrator inside a woman and a tongue on her clit is really good for her. I know because I did the licking and Valeria always orgasmed really hard when I did it. She held me back, I wanted her to use it properly on me, but she always reminded me of the main prize, letting Hank take my hymen. We tried all sorts of scenarios, but there were two things in the way, a bed. I didn’t want to be fucking Hank in our parent’s bed, and the living room floor didn’t seem intimate enough, either. We only ever had single beds in our rooms, which were difficult for a twosome, let alone a threesome, so we discussed a motel on the other side of the city.

Dad, inadvertently, solved out problem for us. After I badgered him about a mini-gym, he indicated that if the basement was sufficiently tidied, say by Turkey Day, Santa may be bringing some early presents. The basement is quite large, and has a couple of supporting walls and pillars for the house. Being an older place, the original owners didn’t spend too much time in the basement, but Mom and Dad considered using the basement for something like a home cinema. Didn’t happen, but they did fix the stairs, made sure it was properly insulated and completely waterproof. This was helpful to us as kids, we had somewhere to get out of Mom’s hair during winter if we needed to and couldn’t go outside.

Even in Spain they know about snow, and Valeria’s time in London gave her an appreciation for how difficult it can be to walk, let alone run, in snow. We started cleaning out the basement and ran across an old king sized mattress. Then we found a simple frame, in pieces, but we saw all the pieces were there. So taking the plastic wrap off the mattress, we realized it was actually in good condition, only needing an airing. Ever practical Valeria had the frame together in no time and we spent a bit of time there, ourselves. We bought a couple of cheap sheets from the five and dime, and two weeks before Thanksgiving, we had our intended orgy room organized.
