[voy mast and mild noncon groping] Shawna: Roma Revenge – Part IV – In The Air Tonight

“The bathroom’s just down the hall on the left,” Chris said, opening a linen closet and handing me a couple towels. “Take your time.”
Chris lived in a small house nestled between two apartment buildings. It was an older place, clearly built before the rest of the neighborhood, but clearly in good repair. “My uncle left me the place,” he’d explained, “but I’ve done a lot of work on the interior.”
That was an understatement. Gorgeous hardwood floors, LED lighting, and the door to the bathroom opened completely silently. And the shower.
The shower was glass-walled, with room for at least two people, and had three different heads with a faucet on each one. There was even a little bench-like shelf to sit on.
I pulled my shirt up and off with a bit of difficulty, then hung it over an empty towel rod to drip. My bra joined it, and I found myself wondering if water damage would ruin bras. Were they like running shoes?
Chris tapped on the door. I’d left it ajar, and it opened a crack. “Hey, Shawna, I brought you a robe,” he said.
“Thanks,” I said, opening the door and taking the bathrobe from his hands. It was white, and really soft. I was feeling it between my fingers and smiling, enjoying the way the fibers rubbed my skin, when I realized that Chris was staring at me.
“Oh shit, sorry!” he said, looking away. “I didn’t mean to…”
I blinked. What was he talking about? Then I remembered that I was a woman, with womanly parts.
“Fuck!” I said, pulling the robe to cover my breasts. I suppressed the urge to moan in pleasure at the way the little fuzzy hairs tickled my nipples. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to flash you. I wasn’t thinking.”
“No, it’s alright,” Chris replied. His face had turned a really deep shade of red. “Anyway, I’ll put some coffee on. Take your time, alright?”
He pulled the door closed before I could answer, and I heard footsteps retreating toward the kitchen. “Shit,” I muttered, “I’ll never get used to these things.”
I turned the water on and inhaled deeply, letting the steamy mist warm me from the inside. Then I peeled off my jeans and panties, wringing some water out and adding them to the dripping bar.
It occurred to me that I’d need to at least toss these things in a dryer before they’d be wearable, so I decided to ask Chris to do just that. I thought about putting that incredible robe on, covering my body with that soft tickling warmth, but decided that it was better not to with how wet my skin and hair were.
I wrapped a towel around myself, making sure this time to cover all my important parts, and stepped out into the hall. I could already smell the coffee brewing. Chris used good beans, and I let myself just enjoy the scent for a moment.
I heard a quiet groan while I was standing there, so I turned and went down the hall. The door to the master bedroom was open a couple inches, and I could see movement in there, so I crept up for a closer look.
Inside, sitting on a truly gorgeous King bed, was Shawn. His clothes, not as wet as mine but certainly needing to be laundered, were in a basket on the floor. Chris was completely naked.
Naked, and jacking off.
He had that huge cock in his hand, and was stroking it slowly. His eyes were closed, and his chest and arms glistened with sweat and rainwater. I watched, unable to pull my eyes away, as his hand moved up and down, again and again. He groaned, and I felt a tingle that started between my legs and rolled all the way up my spine.
I couldn’t believe it. First Tommy attacked me, and now this. Chris was jerking it while I was supposedly in the shower just down the hall! I wasn’t that sexy. I should know. But men kept totally losing control around me! It was like I was sweating out pheromones or something.
Chris groaned again, and again my pussy tingled into my spine. Except this time the tingling went on. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was touching myself.
My hand had slid under the towel and was nestled between my legs; my fingers were moving quickly up and down against my slit. My surprisingly wet slit.I gasped as a wave of pleasure rolled over me.
This is wrong, I thought, for so many reasons. I’m not some lovesick girl. I’m a straight man! In a lovesick girl’s body!
A body that had stopped listening to my objections. My other hand dropped the towel to the floor, cupping my breast and pinching my nipple. I bit my lip, trying not to moan, as my fingers moved down, then up, then down and finally slid inside me.
I kept my eyes on Chris, the entire time, telling myself I had to make sure he didn’t look in my direction. It was just an impulse, I reasoned, and as soon as it was relieved I could get cleaned up and forget about it.
I watched as Chris stroked faster, shivering at the sensation of my own fingers pumping in and out of my slick passage. It felt incredible. Every time he stroked down, I felt a jolt of pleasure as if he were pushing himself up inside me, but at the same time I felt a hole, an emptiness deep in the core of my body, and somehow I just knew that I was looking right at the thing that would fill that void.
He sped up again, and I realized that I was speeding up too. I’d been fingering myself to time with his strokes. I imagined that I was on top of him, that instead of pulling his fingers down around his dick he was holding my hips, lifting me and pulling me down, sliding that thick cock easily up into my tight body where it fit perfectly.
Chris was going faster and faster. He was at the edge, and I was too. I felt myself about to moan and slapped my hand over my mouth, muffling it to a quiet little sound that came out with each breath. I panted and pushed harder, faster, still matching Chris stroke for stroke, thrust for thrust.
Finally, with a little cry of pleasure, Chris leaned back and came. His cum shot up into the air, landing on his stomach and hips. The sight triggered something in my confused, lust-clouded mind, and I came moments later. It was intense, like the first time I’d thought about him while touching myself, but somehow even more so. My body shook and I held my breath, clenching my muscles so tight that I started to fade out from a lack of blood moving up my neck.
I floated back into my head by stages, wiping my fingers on my thigh and pulling my towel back on. I could see Chris laying on the bed, looking like he’d just run a marathon while he wiped blindly at himself with some tissues. It was a lot to wipe; he’d shot so much that I could smell the coppery scent of sex in the air.
Forgetting why I’d come out here in the first place, I retreated as quietly as I could back to the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

A quick shower later and I was feeling like myself again. Ironic, I thought, since I was presently someone else. I dried myself off and wrapped up in the bathrobe, taking a second to savor the feeling of it all over. It was just the right size, too.
I tied the robe shut and followed my nose to the kitchen, where the coffee was just finishing. Chris was waiting nearby, and while I did catch his eyes flicking down to my legs, his face betrayed none of the awkwardness that I was feeling at our little “shared experience.”
“Feel better?” he asked, pouring two cups and handing me one.
“Yeah,” I said, smiling. “Thanks.”
We sat in the living room, him on a recliner and me on the near end of a large sofa. Chris’s eyes flicked over my body again, but the robe was long enough to preserve what dignity I had left.
“So,” he said, “Do you want to talk about it?”
I winced. The whole incident with Tommy was pretty raw in my mind, and how could I even explain that? I was telling my friend that I’m a man in a woman’s body and he tried to fuck me? I shook my head. “It’s… it’s alright. I’ll just avoid him until I… sort out some things. I was looking for his help with that, but I’ll manage.”
Chris looked intrigued. “What kind of things?”
I considered my options. “Sort of a missing persons,” I said. “Or rather, someone I’m trying to track down.” Honestly, thinking about it, I didn’t really think Tommy would be that much help. I’d just felt like I was alone in this, and I really needed an ally.
Chris nodded, sipping his coffee. I did the same, letting the rich, bitter taste distract me from the lump of pain that I’d just noticed in my gut when I’d thought about Tommy.
“Well,” he said, “I know we’ve just met today, but if you like, I might be able to lend a hand.”
I raised a brow. “What are you, a detective?”
“Contractor, actually,” he explained. “But the business largely runs itself these days, and I have some contacts who are good with this sort of thing. Who are you trying to find?”
“I’m looking for an old Gypsy woman.” I giggled. “Oh wow, that sounds ridiculous when I say it out loud.”
Chris smiled, nodding. “Sure. Give me what you know, I’ll circle the wagons. On one condition.”
I set my coffee down on on the end table. “What condition?”
“That you let me take you out.”
I coughed, surprised, and Chris held up a hand.
“I know, I know,” he said. “You’ve just had a really rough experience, and you’re having a shitty day, and it’s super creepy of me to ask right now. But I was kicking myself for not asking you this morning, and I didn’t think I’d get a second chance. We can go somewhere public, and you can bring your friends.”
“I don’t have any…” I stopped to consider for a moment. Did I really have no friends? I’d been making friends all day. “Actually… there are a couple girls I might be able to convince if the venue is right.”
He smiled again, in a way that I’d come to realize was causing me to want to lean closer to him. I bit my cheek to bring my apparently swooning body under control. “Great,” he said. “I’ll ask a couple guys to come along. There’s a pub not far from the gym. I’ll buy you a drink and some chicken strips. It’ll be fun.”

I finished my coffee about the same time the dryer finished with my clothes. Chris wanted to walk me back to my car, but I insisted that I’d be fine. He let me go, provided that I borrow his umbrella.
I took my time, walking alone down the empty street considering my feelings. Apparently, I had a date. Sure, it wasn’t going anywhere, but still. Part of me was nervous and excited, and I realized I hadn’t felt that way in a long time. Maybe not since the first time I ever kissed a girl.


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3m3fzn/voy_mast_and_mild_noncon_groping_shawna_roma


  1. Thanks! I was worried since it’s less overtly sexual than my first story people might be frustrated, but I like how it’s moving along.

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