Lab Partners [public,mf]

Inspired by this request

“One-shot of fingering a girl in class and people almost noticing”

Mandy and Clyde were lab partners all of their Senior year. They were close growing up, but had drifted apart since middle school, their worlds taking them in seperate directions. Clyde was your typical jock, lettered in 3 different sports, but was no superstar in chemistry… Mandy was a bit more complex. She was a good choir girl, but also was know to have a bit of a wild streak given the right circumstance.

Clyde had not noticed how Mandy developed over the last 4 years. The Mandy he knew was all skin and bones. A wirey little thing with thick glasses and thin black hair. Mandy had blossomed over the summer like a lof of girls do around her age, going from a perky B cup to a full supple C cup. She also filled out around her waist, spending a summer working out with her best friend Bonnie, focusing most of her attention on her ass. Her thin black hair was now thick and wavy, framming some thin frammed sexy glasses. She was one of the hottest girls in school, but flew under the radar because she was not super popular.

The two awkwardly exchanged small talk on the first day of school, seeing that they would be spending the semester working together, they quickly remembered why they used to be so close. Over the first couple weeks the small talk faded to reminiscing, which turned into learning what each other had been up to, and eventually flirting. Clyde and Mandy were in serious “like” with each other, and their hormones were several seteps ahead of their cautious conversations.

Mandy was not known to be very daring when it came to boys. She had not had a serious boyfriend, and outside of a few make out sessions, no one had gotten further than second base with her. She had taken a liking to Clyde though, making it a point to start wearing lower cut tops, and buying several padded bras that put her ample breasts cups on full display. She was sending him as many signals as she could, running her hand gently up his toned arm, laughing at his jokes, and making sure she always was in position for Clyde to enjoy the view. She was smitten, and Clyde was under her spell.

This game of cat and mouse went on for a few more weeks. Mandy leaning over to help explain a chemical formula, her breasts resting on his arm or shoulder, her hand grazing Clydes leg, or his elbow repeated brushing against her chest. It was painfully obvious there was and attraction and more than a mutal interest.

Mandy finally broke the stand off one afternoon as the teacher was talking about chemical bonds and how molecules are attracted to each other, going over the various charges and electorn rings, all of it feeling oddly sexual to Mandy as she pictured Clyde as a charged force, ready to attach himself to her. She blushed as she wrote a quick note to Clyde.

“I have an empty spot in my electron ring…will you fill it?” She folds the note up and slides it over to him. Mandy knows there is less than a 50% chance Clyde is going to understand her note, choosing a backup plan to make sure he understood her. She excused herself to the girls bathroom, stepping into the stall she lifts her jean skirt up, sliding her white cotton thong off her soaking wet virgin slit. She feels how sensative her puffed out clit is, her sticky excitement beading off her lips as she cannot believe her behavior. She returns to class, her panties firmly balled up in her hand.

“What does this mean?” Clyde asks as shes sits down, enjoying the view of her jiggling chest. “You really are terrible at chem.” Mandy whispers as she reaches under the table, finding Clydes hand and slyly transfering her panties to his large strong grip. As soon as he feels the soft, wet fabric in his hand he gets the note, a little proud of himself for solving the riddle he looks at her. ” For real?” He whispers, not beliving the shy girl next to him just handed him her wet panties.

Mandy smiles, pushing her tits together with her forarms while reaching under the table to grab Clydes free hand, pulling it over to her lap, pushing the front of her skirt up, letting him explore her bare pussy, he smiles, feeling the heat pouring from her cunt as he runs the tip of his finger up and down the sides of her pussy, teasing her engorged clit as she figets in her hard wooden chair. “So about that open electron ring…” Mandy says under her breath, sounding almost desprate for Clydes firm touch. Clyde looks up to see the teacher still had her back to the class, half way through an equasion that would take the rest of the class. His classmates were all either taking notes feverishly, or sleeping, no one paying attention to the expiriment going on in the back corner of the room.

Clyde feels Mandy’s delicate hand slide over his, pushing his hand down, towards her tight opening. He was not going to torture her any longer, slowly dipping one, then two fingers in her wet, welcoming slit. She let out a small gasp as he pasted his first knuckle into her, feeling her tight pussy from the inside was amazing for both of them. Mandy closed her eyes as a focused look appeared on Clydes face, thinking of all the ways to pull pleasure out of Mandy, and watching around the room for anyone who may give them away. He settled into a soft rythum, sliding in and out of Mandy as she softly moaned, every once in a while drawing an odd look from a classmate.

It was getting towards the end of class and Clyde knew he had to finish her. He quickly amped up the pace of his fingers feeling her tighten around him as he plucked her internal strings like a guitar. She was getting louder and louder, Mandy had orgasms before, but they were always by herself, this was different, this was much more intense. Clyde looked at the clock, knowing he had a about a minute to finish, wanting her to cum right when the bell rang. His movements became more deliberate as her moans became louder, the occasional glace turned into to stares as Mandy gripped the edge of the table, sweat starting to drip between her perfect boobs, her nipples poking through her thick bra.

30 seconds…crunch time. Clyde sees the teacher put the chalk down, turning around to assign homework before the bell rings. Clyde feels her racing towards the finish line. Her pussy is so tight, his forearm burns from fighting back her walls from closing in. His cock is throbbing in his jeans, jealous of his fingers for piercing her warm, wet, snatch.

10 seconds. Its time to commit. He smiles as he hears the teacher end the lesson, people are busy packing their things, a couple glance back as Clyde draws the loudest noise yet, taking advantage of the stream of thick r/grool that dribbled out of Mandy’s slit and onto her tight asshole, pushing his pinky into her rosebud.

Class dismissed…She bears down on the desk, her orgasm sending waves through her body, each ring of the bell feels like it is channeling through her. She opens her eyes to see her friend Jamie standing infront of her, perfectly covering Mandy’s exposed privates from the teachers desk. Mandy slides back to reality, closing her legs and flipping her skirt down. Mandy looks at Clyde, then at Jamie, blushing hard as she realizes that she may have put on a bit more of a show than anticpated.

“See Clyde, chemistry can be useful” Mandy says, standing up, leaving a sizable wet spot behind. Clyde has a harder time walking out, making sure his books cover his raging hardon. “Um Clyde i think you are sitting next to me in our next class.” Jamie says, “Mandy can share…she owes me one. We can make it up to you after practice….”

The girls smile at Clyde and walk away giggling. Clyde stunned, horny and excited makes his way to his next class, taking a seat, waiting for his next lesson to begin.
